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Andrew and the Quest of Orion's Belt (Rise of the Fallen)

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by Ivory Autumn

Andrew And the Quest of Orion’s Belt

  Book One

  Rise of the Fallen

  Ivory Autumn


  2011 Copyright by Ivory Autumn. All rights reserved.

  Illustrations by Ivory Autumn Copyright 2011

  Text and front cover image Ivory Autumn 2011

  Second edited EDITION 2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, without written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. The places and characters in it are the product of the author’s imagination.

  Visit the author online

  Table of Contents


  The Dark Ages

  Twisker Proverb

  Chapter One -Lime Juice Springs

  Chapter Two-Terms of Peace

  Chapter Three-Nookpot

  Chapter Four-Cave In

  Chapter Five-Treason

  Chapter Six-Ivory

  Chapter Seven-Earthrot?

  Chapter Eight-Lizicks

  Chapter Nine-Orion

  Chapter Ten-Rhapsody

  Chapter Eleven -Lizick Trees

  Chapter Twelve-The Living Paintbrush

  Chapter Thirteen-Chewthumps

  Chapter Fourteen-Trust

  Chapter Fifteen-Illusions

  Chapter Sixteen-The Foglocker

  Chapter Seventeen-Iron Key

  Chapter Eighteen-Gone

  Chapter Nineteen -The Dandelion Den

  Chapter Twenty-Ambush

  Chapter Twenty-One-Rash Decisions

  Chapter Twenty-Two-Where Dragon Fireflies Live

  Chapter Twenty-Three-Fighting the Truth

  Chapter Twenty-Four-Barnacles

  Chapter Twenty-Five-Lightning

  Chapter Twenty-Six-Drogen

  More Books in the Series

  About the Author


  The Dark Ages

  The wind is howling. The world is darkening. Most of the kingdoms of earth are conquered. Hope is a thing of the past. I don’t know where, when, or if this story will ever see the light of day.

  I am cold…too cold. The pencil trembles in my hand. I don’t know what else to do but record the things that I have seen, and are now happening in this darkening time. So, (melancholy sigh) here I am, writing in my little nook, knowing that my small words could never do this story justice. No words could. Nor would I expect them to. All I expect is for someone, someday, to find them, if there is someone left after all this has happened, and perhaps, read, and remember what has happened. Then I will not feel like my writing, and the heroes that gave their lives for the cause was in vain. So, I will proceed then, with great care, to write the true story of the earliest and darkest of ages, as it really happened, bringing to light the true reason for the darkest of all ages in history. I only hope that some day those who read my writings may find them of some use. That such a dark time in history may never repeat itself again---that is, if there is a future.

  Yours Sincerely,


  P.S. Me, I, The Great, and fantastic Gogindy must add a note, that I am also helping Ivory with this task---even though she doesn’t know it. She thinks I exaggerate. She tries to hide what she is doing so I don’t take her project over. But I am not one to be fooled. I have slipped in a few drawings, and proverbs without her knowing. Ha, ha. Without them, this book would be very scary, and nobody would like it. Every book needs pictures, and wise words, or it would be just like any other boring textbook that people thumb through and forget. Twisker’s don’t like textbooks and we also don’t like to be forgotten. I might not get out of this alive. So, though I don’t approve of Ivory’s writing, I do approve of being remembered. Thus, I too, am apart of this work, even though it doesn’t seem like it.

  Just know, that if you find anything interesting, or amusing in this book, it’s probably something I added. As for Ivory’s part in this book, I must warn you once again, to read HER words with GREAT CAUTION! She is nice most of the time. But the other half of the time, she is heartless, and her writing may sting you. Or worse. Perhaps your eyes will fall right out of your head and fall into a crack. Or maybe you will get a paper cut that will cause your fingers to all fall off, one by one. Hey! I’m just warning you. I don’t want to be blamed for anything that could happen to you while reading this book. Twiskers are always being blamed for such things. Now that I have dumped all the responsibility on you, read at your own risk. The story written on these pages may give you nightmares. Or hiccups. Or sneezes and a sniffily runny nose, or a rash in which you may break out with little green dots all over your face. Take note, that my very artsy drawings, sophisticated poems, and wise proverbs will be the only thing that you will find of any interest here.

  If you do choose to go against my advice and read this story, I advise you to hold on to something solid, preferably the hand of someone strong and brave, just so the storygrabbers don’t catch you and lock you away in this book. That would be most unpleasant. I know. I was trapped inside a storybook once. But it ended happy, so I came out all right in the end. As for this book, I can promise no such ending.

  Twisker Proverb

  Written In The Second Reckoning Of The Dandelion Den

  Stars are the lampposts to heaven, and a map for the lost on earth. They were the first guardians. Givers of light. They kept no light for themselves. For that which is kept to oneself is soon gone. All gave, except for one Star. The Fallen. It is him you must beware of. The Hoarder of light. For he is never satisfied.


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