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Selena's Men

Page 1

by Elle Boon

  Selena’s Men

  Ravens of War, Book 1

  Elle Boon


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Thank You

  Two For Tamara

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  About Elle Boon

  Connect with Elle Boon. She loves to hear from you

  Selena’s Men

  Ravens Of War, Book 1

  Copyright © 2019 Elle Boon

  First E-book Publication: 2014

  Second E-book Publication: 2019

  Cover design by Valerie Tibbs

  All cover art and logo copyright © Valerie Tibbs of Tibbs Design

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  PUBLISHER: Elle Boon

  First and foremost, I’d like to thank my husband and my children. Without their love and support I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish my goals of becoming a published author and continuing this amazing journey. Love y’all so hard.

  To Debbie Ramos, I’d like to say thank you for her endless hours of reading all my versions of this story and the other thirty some books I’ve written since. You’ve helped me more than I can say. To Valerie Tibbs for these amazing new covers…ahhhhmayzing!

  And many thanks to all my new ladies who have come on board and read this story as part of my new team. You Bombshells rock and have helped me believe in myself again. I can’t wait to see how these Ravens fly. Thank you for your love and support, Maureen, Mary, Christina and Stacy.

  * * *



  Chapter One

  Max King stared at the ethereal creature before him. In all his years never had he seen a more alluring vision. He’d never had such an overwhelming urge to drop to his knees and beg. Until now.

  The tiny female wore a gown so sheer her luscious body was visible through the fabric. When the wind blew her long, silvery-blonde hair, a peek of her pert, rounded ass was visible. He wanted to see if the perfect round globes would fit in the palms of his hands, wanted to see if the front was as gorgeous as the back. His hands literally tingled with the urge to touch.

  A soul-deep pull, unlike anything Max had ever known, drew him to the woman like an invisible thread, and his feet were moving him closer to her.

  So completely enthralled by what he was sure was his Fated, Max didn’t realize he wasn’t alone with her until he heard a masculine groan to his right. He didn’t want to take his eyes off of the mystery woman out of fear she’d disappear, but years of training won out. His twin Malcolm had a look of awe as he too moved toward the vision.

  The feeling of being incomplete was always with Max, except when he and Malcolm shared a woman. In the moment of the dual joining, Max felt his soul reaching out to Malcolm’s and the woman they shared, as if searching for the connection that would make them whole, only it was fleeting at best.

  That same part of his being seemed to be stretching out to the woman on the hill.

  She turned, giving him his first glimpse of her body, except her face was shadowed, hidden by her long hair. His breath stilled in his chest. The gown was as transparent in the front as the back. He didn’t know where to look first.

  Somehow he found himself standing before her on a hill that overlooked what appeared to be Mount Olympus. He hadn’t seen his home in thousands of years, and at any other time he would have rejoiced to be there again. But the woman in front of him held him spellbound.

  He shook his head, wondered if he was somehow being tricked, if this was how he was being led to his death. If that was the case, Max thought he’d happily die.

  His brother didn’t have the same misgivings as him, obviously, as he took one of the hands she had lifted toward them. Max decided if he was to die, he’d at least know what it felt like to touch the skin that looked like silk. Electrical currents shot into his hand where they touched, flowing up his arm like a wave of energy at first contact.

  A feeling unlike any he’d ever known, a sense of oneness radiated where they were all three connected, palm to palm. She was their center. Their Fated. They’d found her.

  Her breasts were perfectly formed for his hands, not too big, not too small. Her nipples were hard little points begging to be sucked, touched. Gods he wanted to do everything with this woman. To this woman.

  With his left hand still engulfing her much smaller one, he lifted his right hand to brush the back against her breast. The soft inhale delighted him. His twin mimicked his action.

  He didn’t think her nipple could get any harder, but as he rubbed his knuckles back and forth the little point became stiffer.

  Max tried to focus on her face, wanted to memorize everything about the woman whom he planned to spend eternity with.

  Mist swirled up, separating her from him and Malcolm. He didn’t want to lose the connection. Her hand was the greatest anchor in his world, a world he was sure he didn’t belong in.

  “Don’t go.” The anguished words came from deep within his soul as her fingers slipped from his. No matter how hard he squeezed he couldn’t hold onto her.

  The beautiful hills and valleys of Olympus were swallowed up by an oppressing darkness. Malcolm echoed his cry as they both dropped to their knees.

  Max rolled out of bed, his latest dream even more real than the last one, leaving him hard and aching for a woman he’d never met. Hell, he wasn’t even sure she existed. It had been thousands of years since Zeus had sent them to Earth to find their Fated and most of his fellow Ravens had given up or assumed there was no such thing.

  A quick shower had him feeling marginally better. He rubbed a spot on his chest where the loss of the woman was still like a living pain. He needed to adopt more of his twin’s philosophy and start loving and leaving, but that just wasn’t his way.

  “Max, you up?”

  “Hey, Mal. What are you doing up so early?” Max ran his hand through his hair.

  It was easier to mind-speak with his twin rather than picking up a phone and calling.

  “I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to say it. I’ve been having dreams.”

  Malcolm’s words were not what Max expected to hear. Sure, when they were younger, Malcolm would share images with Max. But never a dream.

  “Malcolm, I swear to all that’s holy I will fucking kill you if you have been pulling me into one of your messed-up shit of dreams.”

  “Are you saying you’ve been dreaming about you and me and a woman, Max?”

  With as much detail as he could remember, Max described the dream from last night as best as he could, and then he described his other dreams where the mystery woman was always there.

  “Mal, I have dreamt about a dream girl with silver hair for weeks now. Only, until last night I hadn’t been able to touch her.”

  “Shit!” Max heard the confusion in his brother’s one-word exclamation. He honestly had no idea what the dreams meant or who the woman was.

  A disturbing notion that she was someone from Malcolm
’s past, maybe an old lover, made Max want to punch his twin.

  “Dude, you need to stop gritting your teeth.” Malcolm was openly laughing at him. Max realized he was broadcasting his every thought without a filter, something they’d all learned to do early in life. “I’ve bedded a lot of women, but I swear I don’t recognize her,” Malcolm reassured him.

  “If you dream of her again let me know and I’ll do the same. This can’t be a coincidence.”

  Max wasn’t sure if he wanted to dream of her again or not. Since the first time he’d dreamt of his silver angel he’d been unable to think of any other woman, let alone date one. His dick was only able to get hard when he was dreaming or thinking of his dream girl. Zeus, or Fates, had to be punishing him.

  Malcolm stared at the ceiling fan spinning above him. After he stopped communicating with Max he knew sleep wasn’t something he’d be getting back to.

  The sound of the waves hitting the rocks outside drew him to the patio. He pictured the woman from his, and obviously Max’s, dreams, standing there in nothing but her skin. He never brought women to his home. It made them get ideas of happily ever after. Malcolm didn’t do happily ever after. Being as long-lived as he and the other Ravens were, they outlived most of the population. But he could see her in his home.

  “I’m getting maudlin.” Malcolm gripped the door frame and shook his head. He had a flight plan for later in the afternoon but saw no reason not to move it up.

  With a nod of his head he turned back inside to make some calls. Maybe if he left the country he’d stop having dreams of a petite woman and sharing her with his brother Max.

  Just thinking about never seeing his angel again felt like he’d been stabbed in the heart, even if it was only when he slept. Yeah, time to get the hell out of Dodge.

  Selena Ramos was officially freaked the eff out. Her first intuition was to call up her best friend Tamara and tell her about the dreams she’d been having. If anyone would know what was going on it would be Tam. And if Tamara didn’t know then her mama would.

  When she’d had the first dream of her mystery men, she imagined it was because of the books she read. What woman wouldn’t love to be the sole focus of two gorgeous, uber-rich men who only wanted to please their woman? But that was only make-believe, and Selena didn’t believe in fairy tales.

  The unmistakable sound of Buckcherry’s “Crazy Bitch” blared from her phone on the nightstand. Tamara’s personal ringtone always brought a smile to Selena’s face.

  “Hola, chica. What’s bothering you?” Tamara asked in her slight accent.

  “Why do you think something is bothering me?” Evasion is a good tactic when you deal with a Seer. Not.

  “Oh, baby girl, are you now gonna try and lie to Mama T? Don’t make me come over there and kick your little white ass.”

  “Bring it on. I’ll beat you with one hand tied behind my back.” Selena rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get some coffee. By her best guess, Tamara would be walking in the front door within the next five minutes.

  “So, you into the BDSM thing now, are you? I didn’t have you pegged for that kind of kink,” Tamara drawled.

  Selena trudged down the stairs on silent feet, making her way to the kitchen without turning any lights on, only the barest light from outside illuminating the way. Another quirk she didn’t share with many people was the fact she could see almost perfectly, even in the dark.

  She came to an abrupt halt at the sight that met her eyes. “Dammit, Tamara. Why’d you call if you were already here?” Selena groused.

  Seated on top of the island was none other than her best friend Tamara, dressed in her favorite comfy outfit that consisted of fleece pajama bottoms with sugar skulls, and a black tank top that would look silly on most, but on the other woman looked sexy as would a paper bag. A pair of fuzzy slippers lay on the floor where she’d obviously kicked them off before she hopped up and made herself at home, waiting for Selena to come down.

  Tamara held a mug of Selena’s favorite coffee out to her. As ploys went, it worked. Anyone who knew Selena knew that she was a bear before her first cup or two of coffee.

  She took a sip of the nirvana. Blissful cream and sugar laced coffee met her taste buds. Exactly how she liked her morning drink. Her eyes closed as she savored her first taste.

  Being the smart woman that she was, Tamara waited until the cup was empty before she began what Selena called the Spanish inquisition, Tamara Mejia-style.

  “Alright spill, or so help me I’m calling my mama. You do not want me to get her up this early.” Tamara flashed her pearly white teeth, her grin letting Selena know she wasn’t joking.

  Selena thought Tamara was one of the most beautiful women in the world. With her mixed Spanish and Cajun ancestry she stood at close to five foot nine without shoes, with black as night hair and chocolate brown eyes. If Selena swung that way she’d totally have a girl crush on her.

  But no, she seemed to have a thing for two hot men in her dreams.

  “I’ve been dreaming about…men.”

  Tamara held her coffee cup between her two hands, looking at Selena like she was crazy. God, did she want her to spell it out? “Me and two men. Like—as in together. The three of us,” Selena stuttered like a fool, holding up three fingers.

  She spun around and popped another cup into the Keurig coffeemaker.

  “I don’t see the problem here. I mean it’s a little out there for you. But it’s not, like, totally uncommon.” Tamara held her mug out for a refill.

  Selena stared at her best friend, sure that her mouth was hanging open at Tamara’s words. “Have you ever done that?”

  Tamara cocked her head to the side. “Not me personally, but I’m not against it.”

  “Okay…” Selena had no idea what to say to that. She thought she knew everything about Tamara. They’d been best friends for over ten years.

  “I see the wheels spinning in that dirty little mind.” Tamara laughed. “Tell me about your dreams and stop trying to evade my questions.”

  Selena explained as best she could. It was like she could recall how large they were. How they smelled. Even how their skin felt in the palms of her hands, but when she tried to bring up what they looked like she was kicked out of her own dreams.

  “So when you are with them in this dream world, does it look familiar?”

  Selena thought for a moment and realized she had not truly focused on her surroundings so much as the men. “I was on a hill but nothing looked familiar. Fuck…” Selena screamed. As she tried to focus on remembering other parts of the dreams a sharp, stabbing pain brought her to her knees.

  “What the hell, Lena?” Tamara kneeled beside her.

  “I don’t know. It’s like someone took an icepick to my brain.” Selena rubbed her temple.

  “This is not good, baby girl. Not good at all. I think we need to call my mama.”

  “No! Absolutely not. She’ll call my parents, or make me come and stay with her, or worse, send one of your brothers here. No way. We are opening our last club if we can find the right place. And I think I’ve found the perfect spot.”

  The pain began to subside to a dull throb. Selena took a deep breath, focused on the ache, and sent a healing light to the area that still seemed red. A wash of relief flooded her senses.

  “Promise if you need me you will call me no matter the time, Lena.”

  “I pinky promise.” Selena held her right hand in a fist with pinky extended toward Tamara. They locked pinky fingers, kissed their fists, and sealed the deal. They’d been doing the same thing since they were teens, even though Tamara was three years older than Selena.

  They discussed the new location of the club Selena wanted to open. Their clubs were a mix of honky-tonk and hip hop. She hired big bad-ass bouncers, but her bartenders and waitresses were all primarily gorgeous women.

  “Kansas City, huh?” Tamara hitched herself back up onto the counter.

  “Yep. They’ve revitalized th
eir downtown district. I think Redneck Paradise would be a huge hit in the Midwest. It’s also a big sports area with the local NFL and MLB, not to mention close to several colleges.”

  “Well you’ve obviously done your research. Have you found any property for sale yet?”

  “Actually, I was given the name of a guy who brokers for the property developer there.” Selena clapped her hands. Just thinking of the new club gave her goose bumps. “I’m going to give him a call as soon as it’s a decent hour.” Selena looked pointedly at the clock.

  Tamara uncrossed her legs and jumped down from her perch. “You had me worried. I may not be able to see into your dreams, but I felt your fears.” She wagged a finger at Selena. “Next time you pick up that phone and you call me. Don’t make me have to go all commando and break in again.”

  Selena rolled her eyes. “You have a key.”

  “Whatever. You know what I mean.” Tamara put her mug in the sink. “I’m heading back home to see if I can get a couple more hours of sleep. Some of us need more than a few to look gorgeous.”

  “Oh puh-lease.” Selena followed Tamara to the front of the house. Her best friend opened the front door, only to stop.

  “I know you can take care of yourself physically, Lena. But you need to guard your heart.” Tamara looked over her shoulder.

  “That’s not a problem, Tam. Now go home and get some sleep. I’m going to drink some more coffee and then give Malcolm King a call.”

  Chapter Two

  The buzzing of his phone in his pocket stopped Malcolm in his tracks. He puzzled at the unknown number.


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