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Selena's Men

Page 12

by Elle Boon

  Malcolm opened his mouth to ask Max a question, when he was slammed in the back. He grunted and ducked the next blow. “Fuck me,” he roared when he saw over half a dozen men circling them.

  “I told you I don’t swing that way.”

  Shit, they must be in trouble, Max never joked.

  He and Max stepped into the middle of the men, if you could call the ugly sons of bitches surrounding them men. Opening a link to Max he said, “I don’t think these guys are normal.”

  “What made you think that? Could it be the unnaturally long claws, or the half beast look they got going on?”

  Yep…they might be in a bit of trouble. Well shit, he was no pussy. With that, he lashed out with a butterfly kick and knocked the biggest of the six flat on his back. He reached down and snapped his neck with a hard twist. Someone jumped on his back and sank their fangs into his shoulder.

  “Dude, your breath is rank,” Malcolm said, flipping the creature over his shoulder, before his arm was grabbed and twisted behind his back. He slammed the back of his head into the attacker’s face, hearing a satisfying crunch, and something wet flowing down his back. The thing released his arm. Malcolm jumped to the side, sucking in his breath as the other guy slashed at his gut.

  He heard fist connecting flesh and could smell the acrid scent of blood. Not the copper scent of humans, but a stench that smelled like sulfur and rotten flesh. A thick, hairy forearm wrapped around his throat from behind, cutting off his ability to swallow. He planted his feet firmly on the concrete ground to prevent the thing from toppling him backward.

  Reaching his arms behind his back, he gripped the big beast’s head and jabbed his thumbs into its eyes. He heard an eerie yowl as the thing released him. He turned and punched the fucker in the throat, and with a quick twist, jerked its head off, before he tossed it toward the one he could see in his peripheral vision.

  “Motherfucking bastards,” Max yelled.

  Malcolm didn’t take his eyes off the mountain of a beast in front of him. It was wielding a knife with serrated edges on both sides. From the way he twisted and turned the piece of steel, Malcolm had no doubt the thing knew how to use it.

  The throbbing of the music from inside the club, along with the sound of flesh being struck by fists, could be heard. The door to the bar opened, making the music blare louder. The door shut with a bang, muffling the noises from the alley. He didn’t need to take his eyes off the knife to know Rafe had just entered the fray.

  “What’s doin’, boys?” Rafe shook his head. “Damn, I guess I’m gonna have to kick some ugly motherfuckers’ asses now.”

  Malcolm smiled at the excitement in the other man’s voice. Rafe sighed loudly and cracked his knuckles before he stepped out of Malcolm’s view.

  Malcolm curved his hand and motioned to the man-beast. “Come on, pussy. What’re you waiting for, an invitation?”

  The thing roared and lunged forward. Malcolm grabbed his wrist and snapped it backward. Hearing a satisfying scream, he continued squeezing until the knife dropped. He twisted the arm up and around the guy’s back and palmed the back of its head as he slammed it into the brick wall. The big beast went slack in his hold, but Malcolm held him up and continued slamming until the wall was no longer separated by the head.

  Looking down, he saw bits of brick had broken off and the ugly thing no longer had any shape to its head.

  “You can’t protect her forever,” the smallest of the creatures snarled.

  “Protect who?” Malcolm advanced on the thing that was close to his own size, and looked more like a man than an animal.

  The thing flashed his fangs and gave them a parody of a smile. “Fools who follow gods that don’t even care if you live or die are stupid,” he spat.

  Malcolm cleared the space separating them, grabbing the knife the other one dropped as he flew at the cretin. The thing disappeared before Malcolm reached him. He jerked to a stop and looked around in a battle stance, prepared for an attack. He backed up to the wall and saw Max had killed two of the beings, and Rafe had his arm wrapped around the neck of the last one.

  Max had his hand on the chest of one of the beasts, and within moments it disappeared in a cloud of dust. He squatted next to the other, and did the same thing while Rafe snapped the neck of the flailing one in his arms. He didn’t drop it like Malcolm would have. Instead he inhaled, and there was a flash and a bang as the thing exploded.

  Rafe and Max turned toward him and quirked their brows. “What? I killed two,” he said, pointing at the bodies.

  “Did you find out anything before you bashed their heads?” Max asked.

  “Dude, should I have taken them out for a drink and asked what the fuck they wanted?” He stood up and looked at the blood covering his body and grimaced.

  Selena would not want to see brain matter on him and blood that made him gag. He coughed and with a thought, wiped all traces of the blood and gore from his body, and then replaced his clothes with clean ones.

  “Did you see that pussy? He looked like he was gonna hurl,” Rafe said.

  “Up yours, dickhead.” Malcolm smirked.

  Max stepped up to the two on the ground and shook his head when he looked at the faceless man. Malcolm met his gaze and lifted his shoulder. He wasn’t going to apologize for smashing the thing’s face in. He probed its mind, but all he saw was a red haze inside with the command to get the girl. The other one didn’t even have that much thought going on.

  “I couldn’t get a single thought out of any of the ones I fought. How about you? Did you get anything from your guy?” Max asked Rafe.

  Rafe shook his head and Malcolm watched as his body blurred, and then he stood looking immaculate in his black cargo pants with chains, a black muscle top, and a black leather jacket covering his broad shoulders. The dude looked scary as fuck, but somehow he pulled more pussy than his fair share.

  Malcolm raised his hand and got their attentions with the wicked-looking knife fisted.

  “Did you guys see the one who disappeared?” When both men looked at him like he’d gone nuts he continued, “He kinda stood off to the side watching us. He said something about not being able to protect her all the time, flashed some fangs, and poof.”

  “Damn…they’ve never been able to poof before,” Rafe said.

  “Shit,” Max yelled and paced. “This can’t be good. Nope. Not good at all. First we find our Fated and now these, what the fuck are they called?” Looking around, Max rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I’d say a cross between a grizzly bear and a man who really needs a shower. Those things stank,” Malcolm said.

  “They call themselves Cronites. When I met up with them in Texas, they sneered that we were called Ravens but were nothing but dogs. How the fuck do they know anything about us?”

  “Cronus,” Max and Malcolm answered in unison.

  Chapter Eleven

  Max stopped pacing and looked at his two top enforcers. He tried to swallow around the burning in his throat. He refused to admit the first being might have damaged him.

  “What are we going to do?” he rumbled.

  “Hey, I’m the one who got a hickey from one of them. Why do you sound so messed up?” Malcolm said.

  Max’s nostrils flared and he spun around in a loose-limbed stance, prepared to attack, but nobody was there. “I’m jumping at shadows. I need to go check on Selena. Can you two make sure there’s no evidence left for anyone to find?”

  “Sure, but I’m keeping this.” Malcolm indicated the knife.

  “Look at the designs on that, Max.” Rafe pointed to the blade.

  Max gazed at the patterns and tried to figure out what the symbols meant. He had a niggling in the back of his mind what they stood for, but an overwhelming urge to rush inside and check on Selena coursed through him. He had learned over his long existence to listen to that inner voice.

  “Malcolm, flash that blade into the safe at my house. Until we know what those symbols mean, I don’t want it o
ut in the open.”

  He didn’t wait to see if they agreed before he jerked the door open and scanned the interior for Selena. He let out a breath when he found her strolling through the crowds. She seemed totally oblivious to the appreciative glances she received from the men, and the jealous stares of some of the women.

  “You’re making the other women jealous with your beauty,” he whispered in her ear.

  She jumped and spun in his arms. She looked up at him, and he felt his heart melt under her gaze. She smelled like strawberries and honey. His mouth watered, wanting a taste of her essence. He could smell her excitement and watched her nose flare like she could scent him too.

  “Where is your brother?” she asked and looked around his body.

  “You smell like heaven. Will you dance with me?” Max asked, steering them to the dance floor without answering her question.

  She smiled when he backed her further across the floor into a secluded section where the lights didn’t reach. He made a mental note to talk with security about the lack of lighting. Even though he could see perfectly they couldn’t, making it a hazard.

  With the single thought of tasting Selena, he placed her hands on his shoulders, forgetting about everything except his woman. Trailing his hands down her sides, he wrapped his arms around her ass and lifted her up.

  His mouth descended and captured hers into a melding of lips and teeth and tongue. He heard a groan and wasn’t sure if it was his or hers, or both of them. He thought he might die if he didn’t feel her wet heat surrounding his dick.

  “Wrap your legs around me, baby,” he said in a guttural voice he didn’t recognize.

  Selena inched her legs up and locked her ankles behind his back. She might be only five feet and a stone, but her legs were long and muscular and they gripped his hips. He thrust his pelvis forward, letting her feel his hardness at the apex between her thighs.

  Her hands crept up his back and held his head as her tongue peeked out and licked his lips. He met her tongue with his own, and nearly dropped her when she sucked his into her mouth like she had his dick earlier.

  “I need to be inside you, Selena. Will you let me?” he asked, rocking his erection against her dripping panties.

  Her legs squeezed spasmodically each time he pressed forward and up, hitting her clit each time. She gasped and reached between their bodies and fumbled with his belt.

  With one step, Max had her back against the wall and released one butt cheek to help her open his fly, freeing his erection before tugging her panties aside to test her readiness.

  “Oh yes. Yes. Touch me Max,” Selena wailed.

  He slipped one finger inside her. At the feel of her inner walls gripping him, he added a second digit, pumping in and out of her wetness. He placed his thumb over her hard little nub, and pressed down as he pushed in a third finger. She clamped down and tossed her head back, hitting the wall with a thunk. He continued fucking her with his fingers and rubbing her clit until he felt her vaginal walls flutter.

  As she rode out her orgasm, he covered her mouth and swallowed her cries. Feeling the tension leave her, he pulled his fingers out and she whimpered. He didn’t give her a chance to object before he shoved his dick in, sheathing himself in her tight heat.

  “Damn. You feel so fucking good,” Max said.

  “So do you,” she panted.

  She opened glazed, passion-filled eyes, amazing him with the silver lights glinting from within. He cradled her head in his palm to protect it from the hard wall behind her. Bracing his feet on the floor, he bent and shoved up and out, and then up again. He continued in a slow, easy rhythm until her body started moving with his.

  She squeezed her inner muscles, and he could swear she cut off the blood supply to the head of his dick. He couldn’t help but think it wouldn’t be a bad way to go, fucking his Fated as she squeezed the life out of him with her pussy wrapped around him like the tightest, sweetest vise.

  He pulled back out, swiveling his hips as he pushed back inside and bumped her clit with his pelvis. Her eyes flew wide, and her mouth opened in a silent scream. He leaned back, changing the point of friction to her and where their bodies connected.

  His strokes became frantic and shallow, his groans low and guttural. His hands gripped her ass cheeks, moving her up and down as he continued to fuck her. He thrust his hips hard, holding himself deep inside her.

  “Don’t move, baby, just hold still for a minute.” He rested his head on her shoulder.

  She grinned, grinding her hips in a circular motion, clenching and releasing her inner muscles around his throbbing flesh. Gods, he loved Kegel muscles. There was nothing sexier than a woman who liked to fuck. She worked hard to make him come, but he wanted to feel her come all over his cock before he let go. Her pussy relentlessly tugged at him. She raised herself up and slammed back down, squeezing and relaxing, trying to milk him.

  Max closed his eyes and tried to count backward, but kept losing count. Finally, he gave up and reached between their bodies to stroke her clit. He stilled her movements with a tighter grip and ground his pelvis into hers, trapping his hand on her quivering flesh.

  “Are you trying to make me come?”

  “Don’t you want to?” she pouted.

  “I think we should come together.”

  “Yeah,” she nodded. “We definitely should.”

  He rubbed his chest against the rock hard pebbles of her nipples, cursing the clothes separating them. He pounded into her as she worked his body like no one else. She fell into another orgasm and surprised him with the force of her contractions as his seed erupted, filling her with his essence. He pumped into her, continuing to fill her, and felt her body respond with another mini-orgasm.

  The pleasure was intense, the spasms that rocked his body incredible as he twitched, embedded deep inside her. He groaned and held her down, his muscles contracting as he floated in a place between agony and heaven.

  Taking a deep breath, he collapsed, pinning her body between his and the wall. “Oh damn, I think you killed me,” he gasped.

  “Max, I can’t breathe,” Selena pushed at his shoulders.

  “Oh, baby, I’m sorry,” he muttered as he lifted his weight off her body but kept his dick buried inside her. They stayed that way as they tried to find their bearings.

  “Let me down. I need to go to the ladies room.”

  “Don’t want to,” he whined. Freaking whining like a baby.

  She shook in his arms and he raised his head from her shoulder.

  “Did you just cry like a little boy?”

  “If I did, does that mean I get to stay right here?” he asked, pumping his hips, and his newly awakened cock, inside her.

  “Ha ha…Let me down, big guy. I have an hour before the club closes.”

  He wanted to convince her to stay right where she was, but one look at her face told him she wouldn’t agree. He didn’t want to piss her off. With a huff of a breath, he gave a sigh of disappointment.

  “Can you stand?”

  “I think so.”

  He held her hips, started to pull out until he saw her wince. He groaned, taking it slower, and rested his hands on her sides. She stroked his cheek, offering him comfort.

  “Are you okay?” Max asked.

  “Shut up!”

  Stunned at her outburst, he dropped her legs. She wobbled and he reached out to steady her. “Did you tell me to shut up?”

  Laughing, she pulled her skirt down and grimaced. “It worked, didn’t it?”

  He must’ve looked like a goof. She beamed at him and he felt his lips twitch. “Yeah, it did.”

  When she started to walk past him, Max stopped her with a light touch on her arm. Her eyes jerked up to his, and he bent down, rubbed her nose with his, and kissed the side of her mouth. “Next time I get my dick in you, I won’t be alone. And we won’t be leaving your body until all three of us are so exhausted we can’t move, let alone walk.” He patted her ass.

  She stood with
her mouth open while he tucked himself back into his pants, fixed his shirt, and fastened his belt. “Let’s go. I’ll walk with you.”

  She opened her mouth, but he pressed his fingers to her lips. She bit the tip and he groaned. “Don’t start, Lena, unless you want me to carry you back to that corner. Speaking of corner, you need to have your security add some lighting back here.”

  “I’m kinda glad there wasn’t any. I could barely make out your face, so I knew nobody could see us. Maybe I’ll add a table back here with a circular booth.”

  “Wrong kind of club.” Max tapped her nose and led her back onto the dance floor.

  They skirted the crowd and she headed toward the closest restroom. He waited with one foot on the wall across from the door, unable to avoid the women who stopped to talk to him. A redhead in a too tight, strapless top that barely restrained bowling ball sized tits approached him. She trailed a bloodred nail down his chest, making circles around the last visible button on his shirt. He grabbed her finger and held it in one big fist.

  “Sorry, but I’m taken.”

  “Mmm…” She licked her lips. “We can have a party. Your girl will never have to know.”

  Selena stepped out into the hall, banging the door so hard it hit the wall with a resounding crash. Max still had a hold of the viper’s hand, amazed when she didn’t seem to notice the sound the door made.

  He had a sardonic smile on his face as he shook his head. “My girl knows.”

  Selena grabbed the taller woman by the back of her hair, yanking her away from Max’s body.

  “Get the hell away from him, you fucking whore. He said he was taken,” Selena yelled. She dodged the fist the other woman aimed at her head as she twisted in her hold.

  Max crossed his arms and watched in amusement, as a hunk of hair came out of the mass of red locks Selena still held in her fist. She threw the screaming woman down the hall and tossed the hair extensions into her face.

  “You’re a crazy bitch,” the other woman spat.

  “Yep, and I got the shirt that says it, too. Now go to the bar and I’ll buy you a drink, but make no mistake, little girl, I catch you touching what’s mine again, and I’ll do more than yank your fake hair out.”


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