Selena's Men

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Selena's Men Page 13

by Elle Boon

  “Fuck you.”

  “Shit…Did I miss the cat fight?” Malcolm asked, passing the other woman as she stomped down the hall.

  Selena covered her face with both hands and trembled.

  Malcolm wrapped his arms around her shoulders and cuddled her close. “How come you’re crying?” he asked in a soothing voice.

  Selena looked up, and Max saw tears of mirth light her eyes. “Whew! That was fun.”

  Malcolm looked at her like she might attack him at any moment, and Max couldn’t control his chuckle.

  “Come here, woman.” Max tugged her out of his brother’s arms.

  “Uh, Max?” Malcolm asked.

  “Our girl has claws.” He hugged her back to his front. “I promise you; I didn’t enjoy her touch. You are all I can think about.” He plucked her nipples until they stood erect.

  The music in the club quieted and they heard the DJ announce last call. Selena wiggled out of his embrace and pointed a finger at him, and then Malcolm.

  “You two are trouble.” She spun on her toes and stomped back toward the bar.

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” Malcolm quipped.

  She didn’t pause in her angry stride, but with her hand raised high, she twisted her wrist and flipped him the bird.

  “Oh yeah, baby, I definitely swing that way!” Malcolm said

  Max slapped him on the back of his head and prepared to block a blow. His brother laughed, and they both turned to watch, until her twitching little behind disappeared behind a wall of bodies.

  “Did you and Rafe see anything out of the ordinary, or find any clues as to who the Cronites were looking for?” Max asked.

  He looked through his brother’s mind and followed the path he and Rafe had taken and cursed when he saw they couldn’t find anything.

  “That’s it, no trail? Hell man, there had to have been hundreds, if not thousands, of females wandering around through all the clubs down here,” Malcolm said.

  “I need to call the Ravens here. If I’m right, and those things were created by Cronus, we’re going to need all our men to defeat them.”

  Cronus sat on his bloodred throne while one of his slaves sucked his cock and another his balls. He gazed across the stone floor littered with bodies, writhing in ecstasy and pain, and closed his eyes.

  “Harder. Suck me harder.” He growled, and both women hollowed out their cheeks. The one with his dick took him to the back of her throat, and they both hummed in pleasure, sending a pleasurable shock down his shaft.

  He scooted closer to the edge of his seat, spreading his legs wider, and grabbed the hand of the woman tonguing his balls and pressed it to his ass. She knew what he wanted. With a finger slick from her saliva, she worked two fingers into his ass and played his prostate like a pro.

  “Yeah, that’s it. I’m going to come,” he warned them as he shot his load down a greedy throat, feeling it tighten around him until the one with her fingers up his ass pushed her head off and finished sucking him through his orgasm. They both licked him clean and rested their heads on his thighs, looking up at him with love in their eyes.

  He rubbed the heads of both women and heard a bellow from below. “Go to my chamber and wait for me. I’ll be there shortly, but don’t touch yourself or each other.”

  Watching the naked forms of his two newest lovers, he sighed. His latest creations were getting better every day at pleasing him. His female creations were perfect. His males, not so much. Hearing a commotion outside the great hall, he slung his right leg over the arm of his throne and waited for his guards to open the door.

  Cronus looked down in disgust at the lack of attention his other creations paid to a possible threat. He flashed them out of his sight before he killed them. Tapping his long, black claw on the arm, his patience worn thin, he jerked the doors open with a thought and in stumbled dumb, dumber, and something even worse. He sighed in exasperation, wondering what the hell was wrong with them.

  Balky, his smallest but most cunning soldier, recovered first. He quickly fell on both knees, bowing low with his arms stretched out and his forehead resting on the stone.

  Cronus waited until dumb and dumber followed his actions. Finally, bless the goddesses, the dumb shits got down on one knee and then two.

  “Enough,” he roared. With a thought, he had both idiots in a position that was sure to make them resemble a pretzel, instead of roadkill, and motioned Balky to him.

  Realizing the fool still had his head down, Cronus jerked him to his feet, and enjoyed the way the man—if you could call him that—walked like a puppet with strings attached. At the image, strings appeared on the other man’s hands and feet, and for amusement, he had Balky dancing like a fool.

  He loved the power he had over his minions. They followed without question, unlike his son and the other morons on Mount Olympus. He had plans for the traitors and couldn’t wait to put the final piece of his surprise, into action.

  Stealing his granddaughter had been easy. Zeus and his arrogance made it like taking candy from a baby, or maybe more like taking a baby from a baby would be more appropriate.

  He rubbed his hands together and looked up to see Balky suspended from strings, his eyes bulging out of his face. Fear was etched on every feature. He should be scared. He could see the events leading Balky back to his compound, and the failure of securing the woman he’d been sent to retrieve.

  It should’ve been easy. Cronus had given Balky the vicinity, even had it narrowed down to a small location, and sent some of his best soldiers to take with him.

  “Where is my granddaughter?” He asked in a deceptively calm voice.

  “We…we were ambushed, My Lord,” Balky stammered.

  There was no need to ask by whom. He saw the twin Ravens fighting the soldiers through Balky’s eyes, looking on in distaste as the one with long hair tore the head off of one man, and then pounded the head in of another. They were so barbaric in their fighting. Cronus enjoyed spilling blood and dismembering those who opposed him. He loved exerting his powers, but he was a much more hands-off kind of ruler. He would’ve and could’ve eliminated them with a thought. A niggling notion that he couldn’t actually do so with the creations of Zeus, tried to push forward, but he squashed it just as quickly.

  “I gave you my fiercest warriors. You outnumbered their two by many,” he growled.

  “Yes, Sire, but they…”

  Cronus silenced him with a wave of his hand. “I don’t want excuses. Did you find out anything useful? Did you locate the goddess?” he asked the questions without waiting for the answers, knowing them already.

  Cronus had a few allies on Mount Olympus, and it had been easy to get one of them to open a door for him, to enter the baby’s room and steal her right out from under her parents’ noses. They’d been so arrogant in their assumptions that he couldn’t harm them anymore. Stupid fools couldn’t even keep track of their offspring, and they thought to banish him to this hellish place. He smiled, a sardonic twist on his lips.

  He’d showed them though, hadn’t he? Now, if he could just locate the damn girl before her twenty-fifth birthday, he could reclaim his throne on Mount Olympus. He thought back to that night. How he’d escaped with their precious child and grimaced at having to leave her in a dumpster.

  Not a fitting place for a goddess, but he’d had to improvise. The damn elite twelve had been called, and they didn’t quit until they won their battle. Zeus had created them, and empowered them, with all the strengths of the gods, but with humanity thrown in, giving them a soft underbelly that Cronus had no problem using to his advantage.

  Flicking his wrist, he released Balky and pinned him with a glare. “You will find my granddaughter and bring her to me or let them kill you. Because if you come back without her, I will take care of you myself. Believe me when I say what happened to the others, will look like a love story compared to what I will do with you.” Another flick of his wrist and he sat alone in his great hall.

  He looked
around at the bloodred walls, coated with things better left unsaid, then pictured his throne room on Olympus and cursed. The walls shook; debris fell, coating the filthy floor littered with a mix of food, blood, and other bodily fluids. Grimacing, he sighed, and with only a thought the room shone like a ruby, instead of blood, and glowed with a myriad of colors reflecting back at him. Nodding, he flashed himself to his bed chambers and the pleasures awaiting him there.

  Chapter Twelve

  Selena followed Malcolm as he led the way out of the club. It took longer to close the bar since it was the first night, but she couldn’t help but smile at the amount of people who’d shown up. Tamara usually stayed and helped, but before the last patron had left, she said she didn’t feel well and left. A frown pulled at her brow. Tamara never left early.

  Malcolm turned with a grin tugging at his lips. She gave an answering smile as she looked into his too handsome face. Thoughts of Tamara vanished with the knowledge of all the naughty things the two brothers had promised her and done to her. A flush she was glad the darkness hid had to be covering her body.

  Although she had only just met Malcolm and Max face-to-face, she already knew they held a part of her soul. Her mind turned to mush, and her bones like jelly, just from the searing looks they gave her. She could feel her heart pounding in anticipation of the night to come, and an answering throb at the heart of her. It was maddening to want them so much when it had taken Tim two years to get into her pants.

  She tried to bring up a mental picture of her ex, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t see him. It had to be unnatural to want two men so desperately. Especially ones she hardly knew. Hands sliding up her sides, caressing her breasts, brought her back to the present.

  “What put that look on your face?” Malcolm asked, tapping her nose and running his finger between her brows.

  “Nothing,” she lied.

  “What did we say about lying to us?”

  “Don’t threaten me, Mal.” She pushed him away, blinking her eyes to dispel the threat of tears. She dipped her chin to hide her emotions.

  “Oh, baby, please don’t cry. I’m sorry. You know I would never hurt you, and neither would Max. We’ve been searching for the one who would complete us for years.” He lifted her face up to his with a finger under the chin. “You complete us, Selena. There is nothing we wouldn’t do to ensure your happiness and wellbeing.”

  “How can you say that? You just met me.” She swiped angrily at the tears leaking from her eyes.

  “Because every time I thought of you or heard your voice, I got hard and my heart would thud. I swear I have never had that reaction before.”

  She sniffed and wrapped her hands around her bare arms. Malcolm’s eyes seemed to glow in the lights from the street, and she shivered seeing the truth in those blue depths.

  “I’m scared, Malcolm. I’m not sure how this will work.” She gestured between the two of them, waving a hand toward the building where Max was still holed up with Rafe. “A relationship with one person is hard enough, but the three of us? Won’t there be jealousy or anger if I spend time with one of you and not the other?”

  “Did I look pissed when I met you and Max outside the ladies’ room?” She looked at him with a puzzled look and he continued. “I knew you and he had recently fucked. You both smelled like sex, and before you ask”—he placed his hand over her mouth— “I didn’t see you two, nor did Max tell me. We would never kiss and tell. Sweetheart, there are going to be times when you’re with one of us alone, and I can guarantee you we won’t be angry. Jealous maybe, because we weren’t there…but never angry.”

  She closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. The steady beat calming her own racing one.

  “Take me home, Malcolm.”

  He grunted and leaned down, capturing her lips in a fierce kiss, pressing his cock into her lower stomach, awakening a hunger in her only they could satisfy. He pulled back with a lick to her lips, their breathing labored as they struggled to take in a breath. She relished the effect she had on him.

  “Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand. “Do you know how to ride?” He gestured toward his Ducati sitting next to the curb.

  She stared, wide-eyed as she looked at the sleek machine that shouted his name. “I think I can handle it.” She raised her chin and took a step toward his bike.

  He gave her a small pink helmet, and she smiled at the girlie thing and then frowned.

  “I bought this just for you, Lena. I have never taken another woman riding with me.” He laughed. “You’re so transparent I could see you were about to refuse to put it on. I love that you feel possessive of me and Max. Hell, if I’m being honest, it makes me hard when you get all pissy.”

  “Did you just say I’m being pissy?” She pinned him with a glare and the dumbass laughed even harder. Didn’t he know that she could do some serious damage to his family jewels? She eyed his growing package and smirked.

  “Don’t look at junior like that, or he’s likely to jump out and bite you,” Malcolm said, snapping his teeth together.

  “Let’s go, big boy. I’m tired of standing here all night, and if you keep it up I might bite you.”

  She placed the helmet on her head and watched as he snapped his into place.

  He swung his left leg over the bike and patted the seat behind him. Strolling forward, she grabbed his arm and straddled the seat as he sat looking over his shoulder. Selena leaned forward and wrapped both arms around his waist. The muscles of his stomach jumped at her caress. She rubbed up, and then down all the way to his thighs, lightly trailing her fingers over the erection straining to get out.

  A growl came from him, followed by his hands grabbing hers, placing her tingling palms on his flat belly. She loved the sexy sounds he emitted. With a turn of a key, and a twist of his hand, he fired the bike and smoothly flowed onto the road.

  Releasing a breath, she rested against him and let her body go lax. Knowing Malcolm would never allow anything to happen to her, she let her mind drift.

  By the time they reached Max’s estate, she was a quivering mass of need. Having her chest pressed up against Malcolm as he expertly drove them through town to the winding roads leading up to his brother’s home felt so good. With the machine throbbing between her legs and her skirt pushed up to her waist, she wouldn’t be surprised to see a damp spot on the leather seat. Good lord she was becoming a right hussy. She unhooked her helmet, handing it to Malcolm, who hung it on the handlebars.

  She let her hand wander down Malcolm’s front, happy to see she wasn’t the only one affected by their drive. She wondered if he got a hard-on every time he rode or if it was from being close to her. She hoped it was the latter.

  The silence finally broke into her erotic musings and she got her first view of their location. She heard Malcolm chuckle and jolted at the sensuality the noise held. With a start, she realized her hand cupped his dick through his jeans. It seemed to twitch in her hand.

  He twisted in the seat, making her grip loosen and maneuvered her around his body so she sat facing him. With her legs draped over his thighs, that rigid pole between his legs now throbbed against her core, soaking her already wet panties. At the rate she was going, she would need to carry a backpack full of fresh undies or walk around with damp ones all day.

  Malcolm tugged her tighter against him. “I always get excited when I feel the purr of an engine under me, whether it’s a motorcycle or a car, but having you ride bitch almost made me come in my pants.”

  His words stunned her, leaving her speechless, not that he gave her a chance to answer before he swooped down. His face was the only thing she could see. In a clash of lips and teeth, he claimed her mouth in a kiss so erotic she melted into him.

  Wrapping her legs around his hips, she rocked forward, hitting her clit on his shaft with the press of their bodies. She trembled as a mini-climax took her completely unaware.

  He jerked his mouth away, his fac
e like granite. He stood with her wrapped around him like a monkey and maneuvered them off the bike, amazing her with his strength.

  She didn’t take the time to inspect her surroundings as he walked them into his brother’s home and up the stairs. She barely noticed the calm, neutral colors as he nearly jogged them down a long hallway and into a room. A huge, king-sized bed with a canopy sat in the middle of the space. She inhaled the fragrant breeze that blew through the open curtains, floating like ghosts in the wind.

  Gasping, she opened her eyes as he threw her on top of the big bed. He stood with his legs braced apart and his chest heaving like he’d run a marathon.

  “By the goddesses, I have dreamed of seeing you like this.”

  She looked down at her skirt that had ridden up past her hips. The panties he’d given her were completely exposed to his gaze. She shimmied and tried to push the fabric down to cover her exposed flesh. He placed a big hand on her thigh and trailed it up the inside of her leg, stopping at the juncture in the middle.

  He rubbed his thumb back and forth over her mound, and she saw his eyes glow an eerie blue. She was sure the strange effect had to be a trick of the moon or light filtering through the curtains. He shut his lids and pulled his hand back, bringing it to his nose, and inhaled her scent.

  “Malcolm,” she whispered. His actions stunned her and turned her on.

  “You smell so goddamn good.” He shucked his clothes with no care to the fabric as he tore his shirt off. The rest didn’t fare much better.

  She sat up, prepared to take her top off when his big body pounced on top of her, pinning her to the bed. With a shake of his head, he held her hands above their bodies and his tongue licked over her lips. He nipped his way down her jaw, stopping at the bit of flesh on her shoulder that drove her crazy.

  Sitting up, he pulled her tank top off and unhooked her bra, leaving her bare on top as he gazed down at her breasts. Her nipples stood up in tight little points as he raked his gaze down and scooted backward, unsnapping her skirt. He maneuvered her out of the denim and her panties in mere seconds.


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