Selena's Men

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Selena's Men Page 14

by Elle Boon

  His cock looked so hard and painful. She sat up and reached for him, wanting to taste his unique flavor on her tongue again. She swiped her tongue over her suddenly dry lips and leaned forward, engulfing the plum-shaped head in her mouth.

  She hummed at the exquisite taste that leaked from the tip, dipping her tongue into the slit at the top for another sample.

  He stood on his knees, rubbing her ass as she sucked him with one goal in mind, and that was to taste him as he came down her throat. He pulled her off him, and brought her face up to his, devouring her mouth. His eyes smoldered darkly as his hand tugged her hair. The little bite of pain sent more of her juices down, coating her thighs.

  She rubbed her legs together to alleviate the ache centered at the heart of her. He seemed so attuned to her needs. With a growl, he reached down and plunged two fingers into her core, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her.

  She shivered as he let her ride out her climax. Her head fell to the side, and his mouth moved over her cheek and nipped her lobe. She felt every movement of his lips, from the soft brushes to the slow glide of his tongue and the sexy nips of his teeth.

  “That was number two.”

  She looked up and opened her mouth to ask what he meant, only to snap it shut when he pressed on a spot inside her that had her moaning, and her eyes rolled back in her head. She’d never had multiple orgasms before, but as Malcolm worked her body, she felt herself climbing toward another one. His head hovered above her nipple and his hot breath feathered over the taut peaks. He engulfed as much of her breast into his mouth and lashed the tip with his tongue. He pulled back with a hard suck and bit the tender flesh. She felt the shock all the way to her toes and fell into a hard, fast climax, squeezing the fingers he held inside her vagina.

  “Mmm. That’s three,” he murmured.

  She wanted to ask why he was counting, but he didn’t give her a chance to speak. She squeaked and moaned as he laid her down, biting at her tender breasts, and soothed the little hurt with his tongue and a sweet kiss.

  She ran her hands through his hair, marveling at the silky texture that brushed across her flesh as he moved down her body on a leisurely journey. She gasped a little puff of air as his tongue dipped into her belly button, before he continued lower. His hair added an extra stimulant that brushed over the areas he caressed with his lips and tongue.

  She drew in a sharp breath as he parted her folds with his fingers. He gently opened her to his gaze and his tongue brushed against her engorged bit of flesh. He repeated the motion again and again, leading her internal beat one lash at a time until she exploded on a silent cry. Gripping his hair in both hands, she held him to her until the flick of his tongue became too painful to bear on her oversensitive flesh.

  Her whole body shook in shameless pleasure as he crawled up her, kissing the tops of her breasts and claiming her mouth in a sweet, gentle kiss, and entered her in one smooth lunge. It was so tender tears formed in the corners of her eyes, leaving a wet trail on her cheeks.

  His head snapped up, and she mourned the loss as he pushed himself up with his hands. The only part of their bodies that touched was where they were still joined.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked.

  She swallowed a lump in her throat and tried to reassure him as more tears fell. She swiped at them and smiled at the confusion in his voice.

  “They’re happy tears, Mal. I just felt a little overwhelmed for a minute. I’ve never felt so cherished.”

  He beamed, and with a wicked smile pulled out and pressed forward with a swivel of his hips, hitting her clit on each downward stroke. She gripped his shoulders and scored his back with her nails, digging her heels into his buttocks to hold him tight as he moved faster. She felt every ridge of his cock as he stroked in and out, her inner muscles urging him on.

  Her skin rose in goose bumps of sheer delight and he took her on a journey of passion and pleasure with no limits.

  “Faster. Harder,” she urged him.

  “I need to slow down or this will be over way too soon,” he growled.

  “I have great faith in your ability to recover quickly.” She gave him a sultry look from beneath her lashes.

  He brought his mouth down on hers hard, pounding into her furiously, grinding his pelvis on her exposed clit. She lifted her hips, meeting his downward strokes, her pleasure climbing higher, spiraling out of control, until finally she broke apart in spasm after spasm.

  “Five,” he said against her neck.

  He expertly rolled them until she lay on top of him, trying to catch her breath as he stroked her back in a soothing motion.

  She raised her head, pushed herself into a sitting position, and rocked her hips from side to side. He twitched inside her. His face looked so hard, but he still didn’t let go.

  “Why haven’t you come? Don’t you want to?” she asked.

  “I want to see how many times I can make you come before I do.”

  “Do you have a personal best you’re trying to beat?” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh god, don’t answer that.”

  He grabbed her hand and brought her fingers to his mouth, kissing her palm and licking up to the tip of one finger, before sucking it into his mouth. He released it with a chuckle.

  She wanted to smack the man in the face, barely suppressing the overwhelming need to do just that very thing.

  “I don’t remember any woman before you, Lena. They were all just practice so I could get it right with you,” he promised.

  She jumped when a naked chest cuddled up to her back and hands reached around, tweaking her breasts and pulling on her nipples, making them stand at attention. She swiveled her head and met the amused look on Max’s face.

  “Is Malcolm upsetting you, baby?” his deep voice rumbled.

  She rested her head on his shoulder, marveling at the utter perfection of the two men. Selena licked her lips and saw a glow light the blue depths of Max’s eyes. Her pussy clenched on the cock buried deep inside her. She heard a groan and tore her gaze away from Max to see Malcolm with a pained expression.

  “Ignore him and come here,” Malcolm grunted.

  She was shocked she hadn’t heard Max enter the room. He knelt on the bed between Malcolm’s legs, completely naked, rubbing her back with his front like they did this every day. Maybe they did. She suddenly felt shy and confused. What did she truly know about either of them? Thoughts swirled in her head of two women surrounded by children.

  “Are you guys married? Do you have kids? Shit, I don’t know anything about you guys, and here I am fucking you both. You must think I’m…” She swallowed and took a breath. “You must think I’m a whore.”

  She yelped in pain as Max swatted her ass. It wasn’t a love tap. He rubbed the slight pain, holding the heat inside.

  “I never want to hear you talk about yourself that way. Neither of us is married. Neither of us has kids. We definitely don’t think you’re anything but an amazingly sexy woman. Our woman!” Max stroked her overheated skin with each word, awakening sensation with his rough fingers.

  “Sweetheart, look at me,” Malcolm said, forcing her to look down at him with a bite of steel in his voice.

  She shivered and stared down into his amazing blue depths, losing herself in the sensation of being sandwiched between two men. She drew in a sharp breath and reached behind her to wrap her arm around Max’s neck. She broke eye contact with Malcolm and kissed Max, wanting to be connected with both men.

  Max stroked his tongue over Selena’s lips, coaxing them to open. He brushed his hands down her sides, palming the perfect globes of her breasts, lifting them and squeezing her cherry red nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Goddess, she was nothing short of perfection.

  She made the most amazing sounds that had his balls drawing up, begging for release. Not yet. He wouldn’t allow himself to come until they reached at least ten orgasms for her, for their one. He’d watched the strain in Malcolm’s eyes as he counted out the numb
er five and couldn’t help but smile.

  His brother had a competitive streak a mile wide. Malcolm had been so focused on giving Selena pleasure, he hadn’t noticed she had the shields down that blocked them from her thoughts. Max marveled at the complexity of her brain.

  He felt her shudder against him. He released her breast and tugged her head to the side. “I’m going to take your ass, Lena.” He made it a statement.

  “I’ve never, I mean…” she croaked, undulating her hips, causing Malcolm to groan.

  “Do you trust us?” Max asked.

  Max had watched her bite her lower lip, holding his breath until she answered. When she gave a small nod of her head, he exhaled, relaxing his muscles that had tensed up waiting for her to answer.

  Thank you gods above, she said yes. He couldn’t have walked away from her any more than his brother could, but they would’ve had to adapt if she wouldn’t allow them complete access to her body. He needed to fill her at the same time as his brother, to complete the connection that had been missing his whole life.

  Max didn’t know how the act of the three of them, being connected intimately, would seal the bond he already felt tying them together forever worked. He learned early not to question the fates and their gifts. She was a gift from the gods meant only for him and his brother.

  “I’ll go as slow as you want. Just don’t tell me to stop.” He pressed her forward to rest on Malcolm’s chest, desperation lacing his voice.

  Malcolm ran his hands down the lovely line of her back. Her flesh glowed as she hummed in obvious pleasure at the sweet caress.

  Max knelt between their legs and squeezed the firm mounds of her ass, running his thumbs down the crack, across her little puckered hole and then down to where she was joined with his brother. He gathered some of her moisture, trailed his fingers back up, and rubbed in small circles.

  He slipped the tip of one finger inside her ass until she moved, trying to take more of him into her. Malcolm’s legs went rigid as she slid forward and back on his cock, making Max wish he could be in both places at once. With a thought, he entered his brother’s mind and was shocked at the thoughts tumbling around in his little brother’s head. He threw his head back and laughed. Selena tensed, and he rubbed her back in a soothing motion. Speaking directly to Malcolm, he told him to quit counting backward from a thousand. The laugh that threatened to escape was hard to suppress when Malcolm gave him the image of his middle finger, raised high in their mind link.

  “Are you two talking?” Selena asked, and both brothers stilled.

  “What do you mean?” Max asked.

  “Duh, you both got all quiet and focused on each other. I felt a little left out.”

  “Um, Selena.” Malcolm cleared his throat. “Can you communicate with people without words?”

  She squirmed and Max spoke directly into her mind. “Can you hear me, Lena?”

  She shocked him, and by the look on Malcolm’s face, he obviously heard as she opened up a path connecting the three of them.

  “If you two don’t quit talking and start doing, I’m going to have to take care of myself.”

  Max was amazed at the beauty of hearing her in his head. Although he’s always been able to talk to his brother and the other Ravens, having his Fated mind-speak was a miracle, one he never thought to have.

  He wanted to take time to prepare her before entering her like a rutting bull, but her words were like a red flag being waved in that bull’s face. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed a bottle of lube out of the drawer before spreading a generous amount down the crack of her ass, and then coated two fingers.

  Snapping the cap, he laid it next to him and concentrated on opening her up for his cock. He entered one finger in and out several times and then two, repeating the process, adding the motion of moving them together and apart. She purred. A low humming sound he wanted to hear again and again, every day for the rest of his life.

  With only a thought, he poured more of the gel onto his hand and pushed a third finger into her incredibly tight hole. She tried to take over the pace he set by thrusting backward, but he swatted her left butt cheek in warning.

  Malcolm pulled her down for a deep searing kiss, preventing her string of curses. With all their minds open he wasn’t just experiencing what he felt, but what his brother was feeling along with Selena.

  He could feel how incredible her inner muscles felt as they squeezed Malcolm. He could feel the fullness she felt with Malcolm’s cock in her pussy and his fingers in her ass. She transmitted her need to be filled by both of them without words. To a man who compartmentalized his life it was almost too much, but for once in his long life he decided to accept it.

  “Selena, I need you to push out when I press forward and try to relax. I don’t want to hurt you baby,” Max said.

  She jerked her head away from Malcolm long enough to look over her shoulder and pinned him with liquid silver eyes that looked eerily familiar. He stared at her face, but she dropped her head with a moan and flexed her inner muscles.

  He coated his cock with more lube and removed his fingers before placing the head of his dick to her opening. Malcolm wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place as Max worked the first inch of his erection inside her.

  Her inner walls contracting around him was both pleasure and pain. It felt as if an eternity had passed before she finally relaxed enough for him to press another inch inside. He pulled back out only to push back in, burying another couple inches inside her incredibly tight sheath. He was ready to explode with only half his dick inside her ass, but refused to lose control. The urge to shove the rest of his cock all the way inside Selena was pushed aside until he knew she was ready.

  He mentally sent a stream of more slick liquid inside her back passage without breaking stride, easing his way so he could bury his full length inside in one final stroke. He blocked the feelings of his brother and Selena, knowing he’d lose all semblance of control if he felt their emotions too.

  “Oh Max, it’s too much…Don’t move,” Selena gasped out.

  “It’s all right, baby,” he stroked her back. “You have it all. I’m not moving until you’re ready.”

  He waited and swore he might die if she didn’t get ready soon. He squeezed the muscles at the base of his cock in a tight fist, fighting his release, and considered counting backward from a thousand like Malcolm. Just when he thought he was going to pass out, she moved her hips from side to side.

  He groaned and spoke directly into their combined minds. “Are you ready Lena?”

  “Yes…Oh…I feel so full,” she whispered aloud.

  “You’re doing great babe,” Malcolm reassured her.

  Max couldn’t have said a word to save his soul. He felt her heart beating against his chest and the echo of Malcolm’s matched. He focused his mind, and all three hearts began beating the same rhythm.

  He moved out and Mal moved in. They set up a slow pace, keeping Selena trapped between them. Her hums became moans, telling them to hurry or slow down. But they would not let her dictate how they made love to her.

  She felt so hot and tight, squeezing his cock in a viselike grip. The same emotions crossed Malcolm’s face.

  “You’re an incredibly amazing woman, Selena. Gods but you feel so fucking good.” Max growled. “Yes, baby, squeeze my cock. Look at Malcolm’s face, Selena.” He punctuated each word with a firm stroke, before he pulled back only to slam back inside.

  His balls were on fire, as sparks of lightning streaked down his spine. Max moaned when he felt another orgasm claim Selena and counted out six through their mind link. In complete accord, Max and Malcolm held themselves deep in her body and waited for her to come down before they started moving again.

  Malcolm wrapped his arms around her back and she arched like a cat. “Our kitten has claws,” he bit out between clenched teeth.

  Selena snapped her head up, almost whacking Max in the face, and removed her nails from Malcolm’s shoulders. Max could se
e the moon-shaped indents and wanted a matching set on his own arms or back. Hell, he’d love to have them permanently tattooed on his ass.

  The little minx laughed, letting him know she was firmly in his thoughts.

  Max flashed his brother a look, and within seconds Selena flew into another orgasm as Malcolm manipulated her clit.

  “Seven,” Malcolm gasped out.

  “You’re going to kill me,” Selena whispered.

  Her body continued to twitch. Max looked down and saw a soft glow encompassing his brother and Selena. He sat back on his heels and gripped her hips. He pushed her up his brother’s chest, almost bumping Malcolm’s nose with her head, and then pulled her back, slamming her back onto his cock.

  “You two just lie there. I’ll do all the work. I always do anyways.” He laughed, until Malcolm and Selena both slapped him upside the head with an invisible hand.

  “Shit! I was just kidding, you two.”

  His muscles strained as he moved her faster on both their cocks. She screamed their names as she crested another peak that almost had Max coming with her.

  Malcolm counted again and she fell forward, breathing hard. Max could feel her inner muscles tighten and relax, and wanted to join her in a mind-blowing orgasm.

  Max jumped when she growled an animalistic sound and bit down on Malcolm’s chest. He felt the pain like it was his own body that was stinging from the slight hurt. Malcolm retaliated with mental nips to her breasts. She released him with a yelp and squeeze of her pussy that had Max’s eyes rolling back in his head.

  His cock swelled even further and he pulled Selena up and turned her head toward his, kissing her with all the pent-up emotions he’d yet to express. He captured her tongue between his lips and sucked on her like a favorite treat.

  She jolted in his arms. He looked down to see Malcolm rubbing at her little bundle of nerves with a wicked smile.


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