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The Complete Fenris Series

Page 16

by Samantha MacLeod

  “I-I don’t mind,” I stammered.

  Fenris’s frown evaporated, and his eyes danced. “Would you like to kiss him too? Týr is a very good kisser.”

  I met Týr’s eyes in the flicker of firelight. His soft lips curved into a smile, and I was suddenly very aware of his naked chest.

  “I’d like that,” I said.

  Týr crawled toward me, stopping only when he was sitting directly in front of me. He took my cheek in his warm palm and smiled, waiting for me. I closed my eyes and fell toward him, surrendering to the urgent demands of my own body.

  He was a very good kisser. Týr’s beard was soft enough not to scratch, and the brush of his rough hair against my cheek made me shiver with arousal. His lips and tongue danced across mine carefully and unhurriedly. Týr’s kisses moved through me like the mead, slow and golden, awakening every part of my body. Fenris’s kisses were always hungry, always wanting more, like he was a wolf, ready to devour me. But Týr kissed me like he wanted nothing else in all the Nine Realms, as though all he’d ever wanted to do was move his lips and tongue against mine until the end of time.

  Týr’s hand moved as we embraced, traveling down my cheek and neck, pressing the fabric of his shirt against my arm, cupping my breast. When his thumb grazed across my nipple, desire sizzled through my body, slicking the space between my legs. I groaned into his mouth. More. I needed more.

  Týr pulled away, grinning. “Oh. You’re lovely.”.

  I moaned. He’d taken his hand from my breast, and the sudden absence of touch and pressure seemed unbearable.

  “She tastes amazing,” Fenris said, sounding proud.

  Before my brain could process that comment, Fenris was next to me. My hungry lips sought him out, kissing him frantically. Another hand pressed against my breast, squeezing my nipple, and I gasped as a long, hot shiver of arousal raced through me. I sank my hands into Fenris’s hair and leaned against him, kissing him desperately.

  Firm, warm hands pushed my legs open and brushed fingers across the inside of my thighs.

  “Yes,” I said, aching to be touched.

  Something warm and wet pressed between my thighs, and I opened my eyes in shock. Týr lay face down on the ground before me, the muscles in his back flexing slowly in the firelight, his head buried between my legs. Fenris sat next to me, his arm supporting my shoulders, his lips nibbling my ear and neck.

  I closed my eyes again, allowing myself to be taken.

  Týr’s lips and tongue moved across the swollen heat of my sex, kissing it as slowly and carefully as he’d kissed my mouth. My body rocked with pleasure; heat built in waves as Týr devoured me while Fenris kissed my neck, trailed his teeth down my skin, and closed his fingers around my nipple. I tried to speak, to tell them yes, more, but my words came out as a strangled, gasping moan.

  They made love to me slowly, despite my whimpered protests. Again and again Týr brought me to the crest only to back off, leaving me panting and mewling. He kissed me until time lost its meaning, until everything lost all meaning. I was nothing but sensations—just the feel of Týr’s lips against my sex and my fingers in his hair, the scrape of Fenris’s teeth against my neck and the slow trickle of my sweat rolling onto Fenris’s chest, the gasp and hiss of my breath as each new jolt of pleasure shook me to my core, the forest and the firelight vanishing as my vision blurred.

  When my climax finally came, it obliterated me. My legs stiffened, trapping Týr between my thighs as I screamed to the treetops, over and over, every thought destroyed, every part of my body flooded with ecstasy, until I collapsed back against Fenris’s chest.

  I LAY IN THE SOFT GRASS for what felt like a long time, my chest rising and falling as I regained my breath, my entire body suddenly so sensitive that even the rasp of Týr’s shirt against my nipples was almost too much to bear. The men moved closer to the fire, and then closer to each other. Tyr shed his leather breeches and I watched as their bodies pressed together in a deep embrace, their lips touching, softly at first and then with increasing urgency, until I could scarcely tell where Fenris ended and Týr began. The firelight flickered and danced around them, illuminating muscular backs and dark hair. Low in my belly, the slow burn of arousal began again.

  Once wasn’t enough for me anymore. Sometimes, I wasn’t even satisfied with twice, or three times. I ran my hand along Týr’s white shirt, pressing at my nipples as I watched the two men kiss. I dropped my hand even lower and dipped between my thighs to explore the soft folds of my sex. I was still wet from Týr’s attention, and deliciously sensitive. My hips rocked forward as I pressed my fingers to the nub at the head of my entrance, just as I used to do at night, in my family’s cabin, when I closed my eyes and pictured my lover’s touch.

  “Fenris,” I moaned, half to myself.

  He turned. The fire cast wild shadows over his face and dancing eyes. His smile widened; Fenris shifted away from Týr and crawled toward me. I shivered; he looked so much like a wolf in that wild, dancing light.

  Fenris reached my legs and dropped his head to kiss my ankles. I gasped, trembling, as his soft lips worked their way up my calves. Týr moved to kneel behind Fenris and ran his hands across Fenris’s back and thighs. I let my legs fall further apart, making room for both of them.

  Fenris kissed my thighs, then pulled my hand away from my sex and sank his head between my legs. He sighed as though he’d just arrived home. But he only teased me with his tongue for a moment before raising his head to my stomach, my nipples, my neck, pushing Tyr’s shirt up into my armpits.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Fenris whispered as his lips and teeth closed around my ear. He sat back on his haunches, lifting my torso up and pulling the shirt over my head before tossing it behind me.

  “I—I—” I panted, my hips rocking against his.

  I could feel the heat of his manhood between my thighs as my hips tilted toward him. I locked my ankles around his hips, pulling him closer.

  “More,” I cried. “Please, Fenris!”

  He laughed gently. His cock slid between my legs, trailing along the aching, wet opening of my sex. The head pressed my nub, and my body tightened with a shock of pleasure. Fenris withdrew slightly, leaving me panting with need.

  “Fenris, you’re torturing that poor girl,” Týr teased from behind Fenris.

  Fenris grinned wickedly. His cock returned, pressing against my entrance and then withdrawing, sliding through my wetness to throb against my nub just long enough to make me cry out. Only when Fenris’s body arched against mine and he groaned in pleasure did I realize Týr was pressed against his backside, doing something to him.

  “Give her what she needs,” Týr rasped. “Come on. Give it to her, and I’ll give it to you.”

  Fenris lowered my shoulders back to the ground. He hovered above me, groaned, and entered me slowly. I closed my eyes, lost in pure, animal bliss as he joined with me, stretching me, filling me. His thighs moved against mine, slick with sweat and sex, and my pelvis rocked against his, my mind blank, my entire being riveted on the pleasure he delivered.

  He fucked me slowly, carefully, as if we’d been going at it all day. Then he stopped, gasped, and held perfectly still. Above us, Týr’s breath caught in his throat. Týr’s legs twitched against my ankles.

  “Slowly,” Týr moaned. “Slowly now.”

  Fenris groaned and arched his back. I blinked, my pleasure-clouded brain trying to make sense of the situation. Sweat beaded across Fenris’s forehead, and his eyes rolled back as his body shivered inside mine. Above and behind him, Týr’s naked chest shone in the firelight, pressed so close to Fenris that they must be—

  Realization filled me. They were joined. Týr and I were making love to Fenris at the same time, Týr filling him as he filled me.

  “Slowly,” Týr hissed, running his hand up Fenris’s back to knot in his hair.

  He did move slowly, his body rippling between us as I cried out and Týr gasped. Fenris’s breath was jagged as he started to move i
nside me, his hands gripping my hips and guiding my movements, the hard press of his groin against my sex filling my body with growing waves of pleasure. Gently, our three bodies flowed together, intertwining to create a rhythm all our own.

  We fit together so well, it seemed like we could make love until sunrise painted the sky above us. But my own pleasure burned hotter and hotter, despite my efforts to contain it, and I hooked my ankles around Týr’s thighs, pulling him forward. Fenris’s eyes fluttered closed as he filled me, over and over, moving faster. I arched my back, wishing I could take them both into me.

  My climax came as inexorably as the dawn, filling me with a deep, red heat, flooding my body and drowning my mind until I could not have said where I was, or who I was. My body sang with ecstasy for what seemed a very long time, my muscles tensing and then melting, my cries of pleasure mingling with Fenris’s bellow as his manhood pulsed deep inside me. Týr screamed last, driving into Fenris and pushing our bodies back against the ground, joining us even more closely. As the waves of my orgasm slowly receded, my body became excruciatingly aware of the tickle of grass under my back and the gentle rasp of Fenris’s chest hair against my breasts.

  Both men collapsed onto the ground, Fenris pulling my back against his chest and Týr falling onto his side, facing me, his eyes sparkling. I tried to think of something to say, some way to describe how satisfied and loved I felt, but sleep claimed me before I could find the words.


  I awoke, shivering, to the sound of birds filling the Ironwood with their hopeful morning songs. The night had grown cold, and I pressed my back against Fenris’s warm embrace as I watched the sky above us. The gloom beneath the Ironwood was still pale and gray in the morning light, but the sky was a delicate cloud-streaked cerulean. Fenris shifted, pulling me closer to his chest.

  “Sol,” he murmured against my neck.

  I smiled as I glanced around the clearing for Týr. He wasn’t lying in front of me, although I remembered falling asleep next to him, with our fingers interlaced.

  “He’ll be gone,” Fenris murmured. “He never stays.”

  I sat up. It seemed wrong, somehow, that Týr had left in the night without so much as a goodbye. Yet a slow glance around the murky clearing confirmed it was true. Fenris and I were alone. For the first time since I’d come to live in the Ironwood with my lover, I felt the cold pang of loneliness.


  Fenris shrugged and sat up, wrapping his arms around my chest. “He’s always like that. Don’t worry. He’ll be back on the next full moon.”

  He bent to kiss my neck, but I pulled away. Another dark thought had followed on the heels of my loneliness. I’d acted like a whore last night, like the very whore King Nøkkyn had bought. I had not in any way acted like a wife.

  “What’s wrong?” Fenris asked.

  I shook my head, bothered that he’d again managed to read me so well. “It’s nothing.”

  His forehead wrinkled with a heavy frown. “Did you not enjoy yourself last night? Do you not like Týr?”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s—you said I was your—” My throat tightened, I could not force myself to say the words.

  Fenris’s frown lifted somewhat. “Wife?”

  “But I—I shared myself. With Týr.” My cheeks burned, and I looked away.

  Fenris laughed. “Oh, Sol! By the Realms! Did you enjoy yourself?”

  Shame burned hot in the pit of my stomach as I nodded wordlessly.

  “Do you think I didn’t enjoy myself as well?” Fenris urged. “Did I seem to be suffering?”

  I couldn't fight the smile that twisted my lips. “No. Not suffering, exactly.”

  Fenris traced his fingers across my cheek, forcing me to meet his eyes. “Then what remains to bother my wife?”

  My sullen mood vanished before his smile like the darkness pooled beneath the trees of the Ironwood flees before the rising sun. “I didn’t know you thought of me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  I glanced down at my hands folded in my lap. Fenris bent to kiss my cheek.

  “Like my wife?” he whispered.

  My throat tightened as his lips moved down my neck. “But we—There was no ceremony.”

  Fenris laughed softly. His breath felt warm against my cool skin.

  “I didn’t swear fealty to you,” I said.

  His hand moved up my side to cup my breast, and I struggled to keep my thoughts from becoming hopelessly jumbled.

  “I had no—no dowry,” I gasped.

  Fenris sighed and shifted against me, pulling away. My body felt cold without his warmth.

  “Sol,” he said, his eyes dark under his furrowed brow. “Do I have your heart?”

  I frowned. “Of course.”

  “That’s what matters!” Fenris cried, pulling me to his chest. “What in the Nine Realms do I care about ceremonies? I don’t want your fealty, Sol. I want your heart.”

  His hands traced my chest, circling the swell of my left breast, just below where my heart was beginning to beat faster with arousal. I wrapped my arms around him, sinking my hands into his hair.

  “You have it,” I said.

  He kissed me, pressing me to his chest until we both broke away, panting for breath.

  “A dowry,” Fenris said, his eyes sparkling. “You really think I would be interested in a dowry?”

  I giggled at the way he dismissed something that had worried Ma and Da for years, perhaps even since the day of my birth.

  “Well, it is tradition,” I said.

  Fenris’s eyes widened. “Oh. Oh, I do know something!”

  He leapt to his feet and took a step backward. His body was suddenly suffused with golden light. A heartbeat later, the monster wolf of the Ironwood forest stood before me, the stretch of his dark back nearly blotting out the tops of the trees.

  “Wait for me,” he growled. “I’ll bring you a dowry.”

  He was gone before I could think of any possible way to respond to that.

  “IT’LL BE THE DEER HIDE,” I told myself as I collected the bag of bread Týr had left in the clearing and washed out the drinking horn in the stream. Perhaps Fenris had managed to scrape and tan the hide without my noticing.

  I hung the bread from the ceiling of our cave, refilling the woven bags we’d slowly depleted.

  “Maybe he’ll bring gold,” I whispered, although the idea struck me as beyond ridiculous as soon as it slipped past my lips.

  With a sigh, I squeezed out of the cave and watched the birch leaves tremble in the breeze. There were more golden leaves than green, now. As I watched, they fluttered slowly to the ground, coming to rest on the grass like sparkling yellow flowers.

  Flowers. Of course! It was ridiculous, but if Fenris was finding me a dowry, then why not? I left the meadow and traced the laughing little streambed to where I’d last seen a stand of tall, late-blooming coneflowers.

  Something white caught my eye when I walked past the ashes from last night’s fire. It was Týr’s shirt, the one he’d given me to cover myself. I picked it up and pressed it to my face. It still carried a hint of Týr’s sharp, masculine scent; my cheeks flushed as I remembered the way Týr’s lips had felt against mine.

  I slipped the shirt over my head, smoothing out the wrinkles with my palms. It was awfully short, shapeless, and probably hopelessly unflattering. Not much for a bridal dress. I pulled at the fabric, bunching it around my waist. If I managed to make a belt of some kind, it would look slightly more like a dress. A dress that rode almost to the top of my thighs. But Fenris seemed to enjoy the sight of my thighs.

  I grinned as I hugged Týr’s shirt to my chest.

  The coneflowers waved as I approached, their bright yellows and reds echoing the leaves above us. I smiled at them.

  “Ma wanted strawflower,” I whispered to the friendly blooms. “But I think you’ll make the perfect bridal wreath.”

  The flowers nodded in agreement.
r />   FENRIS WAS NOT WAITING for me in the birch grove. Instead, a thin, gray tendril of smoke drifted from the mouth of the cave and crept past the shadows of late morning before spiraling upward.

  “Fenris?” I asked.

  Something like a cough came from the cave entrance. “In here, my lady.”

  Putting one hand on my bridal wreath and another hand to protect my loosely woven coneflower belt, I slipped sideways and squeezed into our cave. Then I blinked. The cave’s floor appeared to be covered with snow. No—Maybe not snow. But something massive and bright white.

  “Sol.” Fenris’s voice sounded choked. “You made a bridal wreath.”

  My hands flew to my head as if they were surprised to discover the woven circle of coneflowers atop my hair. I turned to see Fenris’s eyes shimmering in the firelight.

  “I like it,” he whispered.

  He touched the coneflowers so delicately it seemed he was afraid they would disintegrate in his fingers. I smiled at the tenderness of his touch.

  “I’m glad,” I said.

  Fenris took a deep breath, rocked forward on his toes, then dropped to his knees in front of me. He took my hands in his. His fingers trembled against my palms.

  “I pledge my fealty to you, Sol of the Ironwood.” His voice was thick and deep.

  “Fenris, men don’t pledge—”

  “Through all Nine Realms,” Fenris continued, “and for all time, you are my wife.”

  He came to his feet slowly. My skin hummed in the places where our bodies touched.

  “I pledge my fealty to you, Fenris Lokisen,” I began. “Through all Nine Realms, and for all time, you are my husband.”

  Fenris pulled me to his chest. He brushed his lips against mine like the whisper of a butterfly’s wing. My entire body trembled in his arms; he could set me afire with the lightest caress. We pulled apart, and our breath rushed to fill the spaces between us.

  Fenris stepped back until his shoulders pressed against the cave wall. He tilted his head to the side as he watched me with gleaming, predatory eyes. My cheeks grew hot under his gaze, and the coil of arousal in my belly spiraled tighter.


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