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Murder in the Mix Boxed Set 8

Page 18

by Addison Moore

  “I think you’re right.” She holds up the enormous white satin dress. It’s sleeveless, A-lined with a paisley embossing that gives it a formal appeal. And best of all, Keelie will fit into this just fine. “I wonder what Grandma Nell was doing with this thing, anyway?” she asks as she lays the dress over her belly and poses with it as she looks in the mirror.

  Nell gives a soft laugh as she comes over and touches a hand to Keelie’s arm.

  “I was saving it for someday. It was a gown I bought to wear to my fiftieth wedding anniversary. My beloved and I never made it. He went home too soon. But you wear it, Keelie. Wear it in good health. Consider it a gift from me to you.”

  Nell dissipates, and it’s just Keelie and me in the room.

  “You know, Lottie?” She looks my way. “I think I remember Grandma Nell buying this. In fact, I was with her and my mom. In a sweet way, Grandma Nell was with me while shopping for my wedding dress. And you know what else? I would have sworn on my life she was just here in this room with us.” A laugh trembles from her. “Wouldn’t that be something if I started seeing ghosts?”

  “That would be something, all right.” Something else we’d have in common.

  Keelie reaches over and offers me a sideways hug as best as she can.

  “I love you, Keelie Nell Turner,” I whisper.

  “I love you, too, Lottie Lemon. And nothing and no one will ever come between us. Now hurry up and have babies so our kids can grow up together.”

  A dull laugh pumps from me. “Maybe I’ll do just that.”

  There is something surreal about a wedding in general. Something otherworldly that seems to be happening behind the scenes. Keelie and Bear have opted to get married at the Evergreen Manor, at the gazebo that overlooks all of Honey Hollow. It seems everyone in town has gathered in the serene garden setting. Every last white ladder-back chair is filled with a coiffed and polished body. All of Keelie’s friends and her family are here, even Nell in all of her sparkling celestial glory.

  Keelie stuns in the white satin dress that Nell blessed her with. And Bear looks extra spiffy in a light gray suit and a seafoam green tie that brings out the devil-may-care in his eyes.

  Both Naomi and I are standing up for Keelie in lilac dresses that flow like a dream. Bear’s cousins are standing up for him. And as Keelie and Bear promise to have and to hold, to cherish in sickness and in health from this day on, I can’t help but glance out to the crowd to the exact place where Noah and Everett sit side by side and tear up. Okay, so I was technically already weeping because there is nothing more beautiful than witnessing your best friend marrying the love of her life. But these new tears were for all of the beauty that I share with Noah and Everett. Despite all of our foibles, our unusual circumstances there have been a lot of love, a lot of memories made, and the hope of a shiny future. In that respect, my heart is both happy and sad.

  Nell steps my way. “Your heart is full, Lottie. Consider it a blessing. Not many people are privileged enough to have that with even one person.”

  I nod and try to stifle my emotions, but it’s proving impossible. She’s right. I am so very blessed.

  Keelie and Bear are pronounced man and wife, and Keelie pauses to hug both Naomi and me before running down the aisle.

  And just like that, Keelie and Bear are married.

  Soon enough, we’re all ushered into the oversized ballroom where romantic mood music plays through the speakers, and the entire place is covered with floral arrangements in colors of peach and chartreuse. There is a giant buffet set out, catered from the Honey Pot Diner, of course. Keelie didn’t want anything stuffy like a sit-down dinner, and there are six different dessert stations that I worked tirelessly to provide. I needed everything to be just perfect, and I can truly say it is. There is every brownie, cookie, and cupcake known to man, and the pièce de résistance? Buckets and buckets filled with bouquets of pastel cake pops. Each tiny round cake is dipped in sumptuous white chocolate in a rainbow of pink, blue, mint green, white, and lavender. And each of the tiny treats is dusted with gold flakes. But the secret ingredient? There was love in the mix. Lots and lots of love.

  Carlotta strides up with a peach lace gown that looks as if it will be exquisitely difficult to take off, so there’s no threat of a hot flash strip tease today—or at least I hope not.

  “I can’t believe it,” I say, shaking my head.

  Carlotta shakes her head right back. “I can’t believe she wore white either.”

  Before I can roll my eyes, both Lainey and Meg are upon us.

  “You both look fabulous,” I say, pulling my sisters in. “Lainey.” Tears come to my eyes again as I take her in with her glossy waves, her porcelain skin, the pale pink dress that looks as if it’s spun from a cloud. There is an overall ethereal effect from it all, and I want to freeze-frame this version of my sister to remember for all of time. “You are simply glowing.” I look to Meg with her freshly dyed hair the color of a moonless midnight, her navy strapless gown, and her hot pink lips. “And you look as if you just stepped off a runway.”

  Carlotta grunts, “So Lainey is all knocked up and flashing the wedding bling, and Keelie is, too.” She looks from Meg to me. “Which one of you floozies is next?”

  Meg blinks. “Last I heard Lottie was all knotted up in matrimony herself.”

  Nell pops up in a fit of lavender glitter. I don’t think I’ll ever look at that color again without thinking of Nell.

  “She’s got you there, Lottie.” Nell presses a gentle kiss to my cheek, and a wave of warmth and love rides through me.

  I open my mouth to say something—I mean, technically Meg is right—and some might argue that Carlotta is right about the floozy stuff, too, but I don’t have to say a word because my mother runs over waving as if she were running from a madman—also most likely correct in many respects.

  “Wiley Fox just gave me the most amazing news!” she bleats with an explosive grin.

  Knew it.

  Carlotta slaps her on the back so hard you’d think she was trying to dislodge a chicken bone caught in her throat.

  “Go on.” Carlotta jostles her. “Spit it out. With this kind of excitement, it could only be one of two things. You’re either knocked up or taking a ride on the Getting Hitched Express. I think we all know which one we can rule out.”

  Mom makes a face at her. “It’s better than that—sort of.” A greedy grin expands on her face as she looks our way. “Wiley Rose Publishing is hosting a multi-romance author book signing as a part of my launch party. It’s taking place on the Fourth of July at Honey Lake. Of course, the authors will be having a pre-signing mixer at the B&B. There’s already significant buzz and excitement. Wiley estimates there will be between two and three hundred readers who will be coming through for the signing. And every last one of them will have a chance to buy my book.” Her shoulders do their signature shimmying maneuver.

  Meg moans, “It sounds as if those other authors are already well-established. Are you sure you want to be overshadowed like that during your debut?”

  Mom is quick to wave her off. “Trust me, once they take one look at my cover and title, Reckless Fear, they won’t be able to resist themselves. Besides, everyone knows romance is addictive. It sets off all sorts of feel-good vibes in the brain. There won’t be enough books or authors there to satisfy them all. You’re all invited, of course.” She turns my way. “Evie has already volunteered to be my table helper.” She gives a little wink. “Along with autographed copies, I’ll be selling T-shirts and coffee mugs with my new tagline. Mirandy Lemonade, stories sizzling with sin.” A dark chuckle flutters through her before she takes up Lainey’s hand. “And don’t you think I’ve forgotten about you. Becca and I are still trying to nail down a venue for that dual baby shower we’re throwing in a few weeks.” She navigates Lainey deep into the crowd, prattling on about dirty diaper games and nipple pads. I don’t know what that last point was about, and I’m too terrified to ask.

Meg spots her longtime boyfriend, Hook Redwood, and practically jumps on his back as they head off to the dance floor.

  Carlotta elbows me in the rib. “Here comes Pop Tart Junior.”

  I look ahead just as Evie strides up. Behind her stands her best friend, Dash, who just so happens to be an adorable teenage version of Keelie if ever there was one with her blonde curls and clear blue eyes. And next to her are those two walls of muscle and testosterone, Evie’s self-professed boyfriends, Kyle and Conner.

  Evie looks like a dream in her long emerald gown. It boasts of a sweetheart neckline and a modest slit up her right leg. But most importantly, it was both Evie and Daddy approved. Of course, I approved as well.

  “Evie, you are too beautiful for words.” I pull her in for a hearty hug.

  “Thanks, Mom.” She hitches a long dark lock behind her ear.

  “Hey? Where’s your dad?” I crane my neck past her. I haven’t seen either of my handsome beaus since we were outside for the ceremony.

  “He’s talking to Uncle Noah out by the fountain. It looked pretty serious.”

  “That’s it.” Carlotta slaps her hands together as she looks my way. “They’re both gonna dump ya, kid.”

  Evie glances to the ceiling. “You and every other woman in Honey Hollow wishes.” She blinks a smile at me. “Did you hear you-know-who is about to tear apart the publishing scene?”

  “Tear apart sounds about right.” Honestly, I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  Evie nods. “I’m her official assistant now, and I’ve already arranged for about five hundred of my faithful followers to show up for her party on the Fourth. Don’t tell her. It’s sort of a surprise.”

  Carlotta gasps. “How’d you do that? Did you tell them your mama bakes the best cookies in the West?”

  “We’re in the East.” Evie shakes her head as if it were no big deal to fix Carlotta’s geographical blunder.

  Get used to it, kid, I want to say. She’ll be doing it a lot.

  Evie leans in. “I just forwarded them the e-book Glam Glam sent me.”

  “Oh no.” I close my eyes a moment.

  “Yeah, I do know.” Evie sighs. “Just when I was getting used to calling her Grandma Lemon, she springs a name change on me, but I’m used to it now.”

  “No, not that. Although as much as I’d like to say it surprised me, I can’t. Evie, you gave five hundred copies of her book to your followers? They probably won’t buy her book.”

  Evie grimaces. “Why would they buy her book? They’re influencers. They get everything for free. And in exchange, they do stuff for her.”

  “Like what?” I’m almost afraid to ask.

  “Like talk about it on their vlogs and stuff.” She shrugs. “Don’t worry. Everyone loves it so far. Most of them are my age, and it’s their first foray into the naughty section of the bookstore.”

  “What? Oh no, Evie. That book wasn’t meant for them. Heck, I don’t think it was meant for you.”

  “Too late. Besides, it’s right up there with the stuff you bought me.” She fans herself for a moment before looking at Kyle and Conner. “Speaking of which, I think it’s time to hit the dance floor.”

  She takes off, and I’m left with a flurry of words trying to sputter out of my mouth.

  “I’m a terrible mom. And now my terribleness has spilled out into the masses. Word is going to get out that my mother is peddling soft porn to teenagers, and her career will be ruined before it ever takes off. This is all my fault.”

  “How is this your fault?” Carlotta asks. “The kid’s got hormones, Lot. Two hundred years ago she would already have three kids underfoot. You can’t go suppressing someone’s feelings. Look what good it did me?”

  Nell materializes and tips her chin up a notch at her youngest daughter.

  “I heard that, Carlotta. Know this. I did my best. Your father, your biological mother, we all did our best.” She looks to me. “And you, Lottie, you just do your best as well. I happen to know, it will all work out in the end. Like it has for them.” She opens her right arm as if she were about to embrace someone and Keelie steps right in.

  Keelie and Bear beam with ear-to-ear grins, each of them holding a cake pop in their hands. Carlotta and I waste no time in pulling them both into another heartfelt embrace.

  “Congratulations, again,” I say. “You look like a couple of happy bookends.”

  Keelie grunts as she takes a bite out of her cake pop. “I look like I swallowed a whole set of encyclopedias.”

  Bear lands a sweet kiss to her cheek. “You have the best book yet inside of you, Keelie. And I can’t wait to read that story together for the rest of our lives.”

  Both Carlotta and I coo in unison.

  “Lottie Lemon”—Bear toasts me with his cake pop—“you outdid yourself. Keelie and I are competing to see who can eat the most of these suckers. I’m on sixteen.”

  Keelie makes a face. “And I’m on twenty-two.”

  Carlotta ticks her head. “Sounds like you’re both fueling up for the after-party. Where’s the honeymoon, kids?”

  They look to one another and take a breath.

  “We still don’t know.” Keelie looks as if she could kill or maim.

  “Can I make a suggestion?” I ask and the two of them nod, leaning my way as if I might just spill the very answer they’ve been looking for. “You can stay up at the Maple Meadows Lodge for as long as you like—for free. It’s on me.” The Maple Meadows Lodge is the place Noah, Everett, and I own together, and it was newly refurbished just this last March for my birthday as a gift from Noah and Everett.

  Keelie screams so loud half the wedding guests stop in their tracks and look over with concern.

  Bear leans in. “We’ll take it.”

  Keelie wraps her arms around me tightly. “I’m so very thankful for all you’ve done and are still doing for us, Lottie. But most of all, I’m so thankful I have you in my life. You’re the best best friend a girl can have—outside of her husband.” She gives Bear a little wink as he whisks her off to the dance floor.

  “And so it begins.” Carlotta lands an arm around my shoulders. “The second weaning.”

  “I don’t think that’s quite the right expression.” I sag for a moment. “But I will admit, it feels right indeed.” My phone bleats and I quickly fish it out of my pocket. Keelie didn’t ask for much as far as bridesmaid dresses went. All she asked was that it fall under a lilac hue and that it have pockets so we didn’t have to lug a purse around all night. And as soon as I take a peek at the screen, everything in me lights up with excitement. “It’s a text from Bizzy Baker! She says all is well in Cider Cove and that they’ll be coming out for sure in July. She wants to know if the Fourth of July weekend is good.”

  Carlotta whoops and hollers as if she won the lottery.

  “Yes!” She shoves a fist in the air. “I can’t wait to get my hands on Georgie Conner and give her a squeeze. I’m going to take her all over Vermont and show her a real good time. We’re going to wear matching kaftans and pig out in your bakery just the way we did in that café of theirs—after hours, of course.”

  I quickly text Bizzy back and let her know we’re already looking forward to it.

  “It sounds as if Bizzy, Jasper, Georgie, and Macy will all be coming.”

  Carlotta glances down at my phone. “You better tell her that Fish and Sherlock Bones are welcome, too.”

  “You bet,” I say as I do just that. Fish is Bizzy’s sweet tabby, and Sherlock Bones is her fiancé, Jasper’s, mixed adorable pooch.

  “I can’t believe they’ll be here in just one short week. I’ve got to find Harry and tell him the news. Come to think of it, I’ve got to find Harry and tell him to keep away from Georgie. That woman is mine.” Carlotta takes off in a flurry of excitement, and I’m more than excited, too. As much as I’m dreading anything to do with the Wiley Rose Publishing con job, Bizzy’s visit has invigorated me for the short-term future.

  The scent of
a warm, familiar cologne permeates me like a cloud.

  “What’s a beautiful girl like you doing standing all by herself?”

  I spin to find Noah looking dapper in his dark suit. His emerald tie ignites the same hue in his eyes.

  “Waiting for a handsome man like you to ask me to dance.”

  Noah’s dimples press in deep as he picks up my hand and kisses the back of it.

  “Let’s not waste a moment, Lot.” Noah lands us in the middle of the dance floor as he wraps an arm around me and we begin to sway to the rhythm of the melancholy beat.

  “What were you and Everett discussing outside?” I come shy of winking at my favorite detective.

  “You. Me. Him.” He says that last part with a lot less enthusiasm. His dimples go off again this time as he offers a somewhat somber expression. “I meant what I said, Lot. I’m not going anywhere. I love you and I want to be fair.” His chest expands with his next breath. “I don’t think you need me to say any more about that. Everything we do together comes naturally. You’re an amazing woman, and I still think the luckiest day of my life was that afternoon you came into my office looking for a loan.”

  A tiny laugh bubbles from me. “That was sort of a disaster of an afternoon. But you gave me so much more than a loan. You gave me something permanent.”

  He nods. “I gave you my heart.”

  Noah and I reminisce about the past, about the present, and dream of the future. And we laugh—a lot.

  Everett pops up and gives Noah’s shoulder a quick tap, and soon I’m in the arms of an entirely different dance partner.

  Everett looks dangerous in his dark inky suit, his equally dark hair slicked back, and his lids hooded low. About ten different women have already said, oh my God, as they openly gawked his way. But I can’t blame them. Both Everett and Noah are sort of deities in their own right.

  “Lemon”—his brows pinch in the middle, and it’s a vexingly sexy look on him—come to think of it, there’s not a move this man makes that doesn’t look alarmingly sexy—“don’t overthink things. Just know I’m here. I’m always here for you.” A crooked smile flickers over his lips. “You know where to find me.”


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