Roomies with Brother's Best Friend

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Roomies with Brother's Best Friend Page 18

by Sofia T Summers

  “Would you like me to do anything for you?” Parker asked. “I can draw you a hot bath, make you some tea? I’ll pick up Ally later so you can have a nap.”

  I sat up completely, staring at him. “You… you’d do all that?”

  “Of course. If that’s what you need. We can order takeout for dinner, so you don’t have to cook—I know, I know.” Parker held up his hands, smiling. “You like to have home cooked meals for Ally, I get it. But you shouldn’t have to do any more work today. You should feel relaxed.”

  I didn’t even know what to say. What—was this what it was like? To have a partner instead of being a single mom? Sure, back in Rehoboth, I’d had a lot of help from Van and Lucas. But they weren’t co-parents. They were ‘Auntie and Uncle’ and they’d always respected that boundary. Having help from them was always appreciated and I hadn’t ever felt truly alone.

  But it wasn’t the same as having a partner. Someone who was a co-parent. Lucas had never said anything like this to me, and well, why would he? I was his sister, this was his niece. “I can watch Ally for a bit while you nap” was entirely different from “here, let me draw you a bath.”

  “Oh my God.” Parker quickly reached up and wiped at my face, and I realized I was tearing up. “Don’t cry, baby.”

  He was always calling me that—at first just during sex, and of course, that was just something that slipped out during sex, you called people things. You called your sexual partner baby or stud or whatever.

  But to say it outside of sex like that, to say it so deliberately… It made my heart skip a beat.

  Parker gave me a small smile as I stopped my crying and drew myself up. “Sorry.”

  “No, don’t apologize. I just—I want to see you happy.” Parker shrugged. “What can I do to help with that?”

  “Kiss me.”

  The words were flying out of my mouth before I could stop them or even really examine them. But the moment I said them, I knew that they were true. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to lose myself in him and forget about this awful day and just the world in general. After Nolan’s behavior, I wanted to be with a man that I actually wanted to be with, a man who was respectful towards me and cared about me for my own sake, not just because I was a random hot new person that he wanted to bang.

  Parker looked at me for a moment with widened eyes, like a deer in the headlights. Then he got a slow smile on his face, a surprisingly shy one, and nodded.

  He leaned in slowly, carefully, like I was something precious, and turned his face at the last moment, his fingers coming to press up underneath my chin, tilting my head up. He kissed the right-hand corner of my mouth, soft as a dream—and then turned and kissed the other corner, like some kind of benediction.

  And then—then he kissed me properly, right in the middle. Still soft. Still caring. It made my heart swell. This was nothing like how we had come together before. I would never say that our previous times together were… anonymous or harsh. They weren’t one night stands with strangers, as much as I liked to pretend they were similar, and so there was none of that casualness that came with it.

  But our previous times… they were intense. Up against a wall, stumbling into bed, in the office of a nightclub. It was like stretching a rubber band until it snapped. We just… careened into each other. This was so much more deliberate. This was soft and slow. And I didn’t know what to do with it.

  I didn’t want to pull away. If I did I would have to explain myself, examine how I was feeling, and that was the last thing I wanted to do. It was easier just to push forward into the kiss, to make it more intense, than to break it and face the questions I didn’t want to answer.

  Parker made a slightly startled noise against my mouth, but continued the kiss, deepening it. His tongue swiped over my bottom lip and I shivered, looping my arms around his neck. It didn’t become frantic, like our other times. It was like there was something fragile between us, this piece of fine-spun glass, that neither of us wanted to break. I opened my mouth and Parker’s tongue slid in, curling around mine, tangling them up together. His hands slid down my body, grabbing my ass and hauling me up into his lap and I moaned, the kiss getting even deeper as I straddled him.

  I could feel him getting hard underneath me, pressing up against me, between my legs. I was still wearing my underwear and skirt from work and Parker was wearing jeans but that didn’t seem to stop his cock, pressing up hard and reminding me of just how thick he was, just how good he felt inside of me.

  The urge to do something for him overtook me—to make him feel good, in every way possible, just like he’d been trying to do for me. He’d been comforting me and supporting me just now and I wanted to thank him for it.

  Planting my hands on his chest, I gently pushed him back against the couch and then slid off his lap, getting to my knees.

  All of the breath left Parker in one big whoosh, and I watched his eyes go wide and his mouth drop open. “Em…”

  “Shh.” I didn’t want to hear his protests about how I didn’t have to do this. I wanted to. I wanted him to fuck me, too, so I wasn’t going to be taking him all the way, I wouldn’t blow him to orgasm, but I wanted to at least give him a bit of the feeling of being taken care of and supported that he had given me.

  Parker’s fingers dug into the cushions of the couch as he obligingly lifted his hips so I could undo his jeans and drag them down. Fuck, his thighs were so muscular and wide. I wanted to ride them for days.

  But first things first.

  His cock jutted out, already half hard, and I smiled to myself. I was going to get him fully hard and aching for me, no, leaking for me, slick and wanting nothing more than to bury himself inside of me.

  I braced my hands on his knees and leaned in, nuzzling his cock. God he was big. I loved it. I wrapped my hand around the base of him so that I could hold his cock steady as I licked up the underside of the shaft, reveling in the way that Parker shuddered all over in response. I squeezed the base of his cock and I felt him strangling his moan in his throat.

  Mmm. There was nothing more fun than getting to see Parker fall to pieces. But this wasn’t about teasing him, at least not today. I licked him all over, getting his cock nice and slick, but I didn’t take as much time as I would normally. Parker had been the one to teach me how to give a blowjob, back in the day, so I wasn’t sure if my skills were good all around, but when it came to how to get Parker, specifically, to orgasm?

  Oh, I was the best.

  I wondered if Parker remembered doing that, his voice low and rough, his hand in my hair, as he’d told me what to do, exactly how to lick and suck him. I could remember it all as if it was yesterday and I was using that now as I took him into my mouth, sliding him as far back as I could.

  Parker choked above me and I had to work hard not to grin too hard and have him slide out of my mouth. Instead I pulled almost all the way out until just the head of his cock was in my mouth and I could suck on it, swirling my tongue around the head before dragging it against the slit. Parker’s hips jerked, and I had to move my free hand up to plant it on his thigh, pressing down.

  “You have to stay still,” I laughed, my voice already a bit throaty.

  Parker chuckled and reached down, his hand running through my hair. There was a lighthearted, playful, soft air that seemed to be permeating the space, and I wanted to indulge in it. It was probably going to come back and bite me in the ass later, but at the moment, I didn’t care. It was feeling too good, I was feeling too good, to care.

  I sank back down onto his cock again, setting up a rhythm that was nice and slow but deep. Parker’s hand stayed in my hair, not tugging, just steady and reassuring, his thumb brushing back and forth against my skin. Do you feel cared for? I wanted to ask, but to ask that would be to admit that this time was going differently. And to admit that this time was going differently would be to then talk about why, and I wasn’t ready for that.

  Parker’s breathing became heavier, choppier, as he rocked
up into my mouth. It wasn’t harsh, although he had definitely fucked my mouth before when we were together and I wasn’t opposed to it. But that wasn’t the tone of what was going on, right now.

  I stroked the base of him where I couldn’t quite get my mouth down—it had been far too long for me, I couldn’t deepthroat him—and fondled his balls, rolling them in my hand, making Parker’s breath catch. I felt powerful like this, but also lucky. Lucky that I got to do this with someone who could have anyone, anyone that he wanted. Parker was rich, sexy, and charming. He could’ve been with absolutely any girl in the world.

  But he chose to be with me, instead. He chose to sleep with me.

  That had to mean something, didn’t it?

  I ignored those thoughts and focused back in on the good part, on getting Parker all riled up. On making him feel good. I sank down again and again, hollowing out my cheeks and sucking, until Parker’s hand tightened in my hair and I could feel his cock jumping against my tongue.

  I pulled off, panting a little, my mouth sore but in that good, satisfying way, my jaw only aching a little. I grinned up at him, feeling triumphant.

  Parker shook his head at me, a smile dancing at the corners of his mouth. “You were always a vixen underneath that bookish exterior.”

  I gave him my most innocent smile and fluttered my eyelashes at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Liar.” Parker laughed, but softly, and then pulled me up onto his lap. “C’mere you.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” I settled back on his lap and ground my hips against his cock. He was so hard and thick, and I couldn’t wait to have him inside of me.

  “You want me to fuck you, hmm?” As if he didn’t already know the answer. Why else would I have pulled away and be in his lap now?

  I nodded, grinding against him some more, wiggling my hips. “Please.”

  “You? Saying please unprovoked? What a strange world we live in. I never would’ve thought I’d see the day.”

  “Mmm, well, if you’re going to be all smug about it…”

  Parker laughed and flipped us, putting me on my back on the couch. I had never before considered just how big this couch was until now, sprawled out on it, as Parker knelt over me and undid my clothes.

  “Have I ever mentioned that I love how you wear skirts all the time?” he asked, his hands sliding up my legs.

  “Oh, that wouldn’t have something to do with how easy it is for you to fuck me in them, would it?” I asked.

  It was like the barbs we’d been trading had softened into banter, and I liked it. I liked teasing Parker and going back and forth with him, now that it wasn’t rooted in anger.

  Parker adopted an innocent expression, looking off into the distance like he was contemplating. “Oh, that might have something to do with it, maybe.”

  I laughed and spread my legs for him, his fingers skimming between my folds, stroking me. I moaned in tandem with him as he realized how wet I was. “All this from blowing me?” he asked, sounding thrilled and awed.

  “Yes,” I whispered, feeling like I was confessing something more than that.

  Parker groaned and kissed along my neck, soft butterfly kisses that had me biting back whimpers. He was touching me so thoroughly, so gently, like he wanted to build me up slowly instead of driving us recklessly right over the brink. All I could do was relax into it, like sinking into a hot bath, and my eyelids fluttered closed as I indulged in his warm, feather-light touch.

  I could feel his pleased smile against my neck as he worked my underwear off and dragged the pads of his fingers through my wet folds. Having his cock in my mouth had only made me want to feel that weight and stretch inside of me, and for him to tease me like this was pleasure and torture all at once.

  “Patience,” he teased, drawing me into a slow, deep kiss. “I want to actually take my time with you for once.”

  I wove my fingers through his hair, tugging slightly. “Please, Parker.”

  “Well… since you’re asking so nicely…” He kissed me again and sank a finger into me. It went in easy as anything and I clenched around him, wanting more. I was ready for more, I wanted to feel him inside of me completely.

  Despite my pleading, Parker kept up his slow pace with his one finger, his other hand undoing my clothes. I had to help him as things would get snagged with just his one hand, laughing a little at his mumbled curses. He was trying to be sweet and was being clumsy instead and it was adorable.

  Parker, adorable. I never would’ve thought I’d see the day. But I liked this softer side of him just as much as I liked the smoking hot in control part of him. The alpha male who protected me in the club and who knew what he wanted was hot, but so was this relaxed, playful part—like he was a wolf behaving like a puppy.

  Once our clothes were finally out of the way, he dove back in, finally sliding a second finger into me. I arched up, gasping as he curled them, stroking against my inner walls. My whole body was tingling.

  “Yeah,” he cooed. “Just like that.” He kissed all over my face and my neck. “You’re going to look so fucking pretty when you come, Em.”

  God, yes. But I didn’t want him to make me come just like this. “Parker, fuck me, please.”

  “Mmm.” Parker seemed to consider this, like he might actually not fuck me. As if I couldn’t feel his hard cock pressing up against my hip. “I suppose… if that’s really how you want to relax.”

  I laughed. Sure, it wasn’t a nice warm bath or a massage, but this was what I wanted. I wanted him to fuck me, and get my head out of this entire awful day. I wanted to be unable to think about anything other than the pleasure rocketing through my body, I wanted my mind out of today and up in the stratosphere. I wanted my world to be narrowed down just to Parker and me and how we were making each other feel.

  “It really…” I kissed him. “Really…” I kissed him again. “…really is.”

  Parker groaned and dove into me, kissing me deeply, passionately, and I kissed him back just as deep, just as hard, giving him everything. Dangerous or not, there was nothing in this world that I wanted more than him, right at this moment.



  I was shocked that Emma was letting me be this way with her. My heart had been in my throat when I’d asked her if she wanted me to give her a bath or pick up Ally. I hadn’t thought she’d actually let me, actually say yes to any of that. We hadn’t really had the chance to talk about our relationship after the nightclub, even though I’d wanted to. I’d suspected that Emma was avoiding the subject, diving right back into work and finding a way to never really be alone with me, but I’d hoped to be patient and talk with her about it this afternoon.

  And, well.

  But instead of rebuffing me, she had—she’d fucking blown me. She’d taken my dick like she was starving for it and looked up at me from under her lashes the whole time like a saucy minx, knowing exactly what she was doing.

  If she’d come at me hot n’ heavy, I would’ve rebuffed her. I wasn’t interested in another crazy fucking. I wanted a proper relationship with her. I wanted to cuddle her and help her out when she was having a bad day, I wanted to protect her if that was what she needed (and fuck, if she gave me the chance, I’d beat that shithead into a pulp), or just give her a relaxing day.

  But I wasn’t going to keep giving in when she just wanted sex and nothing more. I wanted to be more than just the guy that she got a dicking down from, damn it. And if she’d just climbed all over me, I would’ve made us talk about it. But instead she was… well. It was a blowjob, yeah, but it was the sweetest goddamn blowjob I’d ever gotten. It was thorough, like her only goal was to give me a good time.

  That was more like the Emma I’d known before, the Emma that I’d cared about. That I did still care about, to be honest.

  And now—now I was getting to touch and kiss her as tenderly and softly as I wanted to. I got to take my time, kiss her deep and slow, work her up to it the way
that I wanted. There was no manager about to bust in on us, no kid or brother potentially coming back at any second. It was just the two of us, taking as much time as we needed.

  Emma kissed me back with enthusiasm, not fighting the slower pace that I was leading in spite of a few quips, her hands sliding through my hair as if she was really fond of me. In these moments… I was hopeful that she was, in fact, fond of me. Maybe it was just because I had two fingers inside her and she wanted me to fuck her, but she could’ve been more insistent if that was just all that she wanted. Instead we were… almost being tender. Like we were straddling the line between ‘fucking’ and ‘making love’.

  I couldn’t stop kissing her. God. She was so fucking addicting. Especially right now, meeting me movement for movement. I knew she wanted me to fuck her, and Jesus fucking Christ did I plan to, but it was hard to pull my fingers out of her when I was having such fun teasing her, touching her like this, just watching her every expression and hearing her every noise as I fingered her.

  Besides, there was so much of her body to explore that I hadn’t gotten to before. I lavished her breasts with attention, especially, kissing and nipping at them. She shivered and mewled as I did so and it all went straight to my cock. Fucking hell.

  “Please,” she whispered, her voice breathy, like she couldn’t even find enough of it to properly beg me with, and I shuddered all over, heat curling in the pit of my stomach. I was so fucking hard I could probably pound nails with my dick if she’d asked me to.

  Luckily the only thing she wanted me to pound was her.

  “Okay,” I gave in, chuckling. Emma gave me a smile in response that had my heart thumping right in my ears. Shit. Years later and that smile could still undo me. It felt like—if she’d asked me to cross the ocean or scale a mountain right then, I’d do it. I’d do whatever the hell she asked me to if it would make her smile at me like that again.

  I kissed her, sliding my fingers out of her and slicking up my cock. It jerked in my palm, eager, and I had to take several deep breaths as I pushed her thighs open. God, she was so hot. It was always a struggle not to come like a goddamn bottle rocket every time I slid into her.


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