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Sun Scream

Page 16

by Barbara Silkstone

  He lowered his head pressing his hands to his temples. “And for the third time I showed my cowardice. Instead of rushing to her side, I slipped along the balcony. While everyone ran toward the sound of Raelyn’s final scream, I jogged down the beach throwing my beer bottle into the sea.”

  Dave stretched out to touch my hand. I stared at his fingers. He had to know he was hiding again by taking the empty beer bottle with him. It would have his fingerprints on it and tie him to the balcony.

  “There was no way I could have faced Lizzy after that. I’m sure you know I broke off with her using a text message. What kind of man does that?”

  “Please tell Kal all this. He’ll understand,” I said. “You’ve been carrying a heavy burden.”

  “I’m not sticking around Starfish Cove.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “There must be someplace in this world where I can redeem myself.”

  “Right now Raelyn’s death remains unsolved. You may not be found guilty of anything. I don’t know. But you have to face what has occurred. You owe it to Lizzy.”

  He leapt from the sofa, panic in his eyes. “I’m leaving town. You tell Lizzy everything once I’ve made my getaway. No calling Kal.” He yanked my arm. “Get up. I’ll make sure you don’t contact anyone until I’m long gone.”

  I tried to shove him off but it was like pushing against a wall. If I fought too hard he might turn violent.

  “Show me a room that locks from the outside!” he snarled.

  “Nonna’s office.” I cooperated as he propelled me into the alcove. It was the room where she had kept her secret recipes. The key dangled by a ribbon from the doorknob.

  Puff stood between us sticking her nose in the door, not sure what to make of his raised voice and the tussling. Dave bent down, picked her by the scruff of her neck, and pressed her against his chest. “I’m taking your cat hostage. She’ll be okay as long as you don’t try to break out for the next half hour. I’ll leave her somewhere safe.”

  “No!” I screamed. He wasn’t going to take my baby out into the night.

  He pushed me in, shut the office door and locked it. I heard the front door slam.

  “Puff! Puff are you there?” Silence. He had taken my kitty.

  Chapter 48

  I stood in the locked office for all of a minute, clutching the sheaf of invoices, trying not to tremble. He could drop my kitty anywhere along the roads. Calm down and think, Olive.

  The paperclips! Another helpful hint garnered from television. I took one clip and pulled out the end to make a hook. I straightened the other clip so it had no bends. I stuck the one with the hook into the bottom of the lock wiping the back of my other hand against my tears. What came next? Calm down.

  I couldn’t afford to panic. I turned the clip with the hook to the left and then inserted the long straight clip to the back until I could feel the tumblers. They moved as I pulled on the hook. The pressure gave way and the keyhole turned. It actually worked!

  I dashed out the front door, down the stairs, and into the parking lot. Please let me find him, I prayed. The moonlight illuminated Dave’s pickup truck. I ran toward it.

  With the door open, Dave sat behind the wheel, yelping. Puff perched on his head clawing at his eyes with her long nails and growling like a little cougar.

  He smacked at his head trying to grab her but she kept evading him, hanging to his hair and climbing back up again. For every defensive move he made, she was twice as feline quick.

  I stepped on the running board of his truck and launched myself against Dave pounding him with my fists. I scooped Puff into my arms just as Kal screeched to a halt next to us.

  With my kitty in my hands I stepped away from the truck. “My sweet Puff!” I kissed her head. I could feel her little tiger heart racing. “How did you know not to let them trim your claws?”

  Kal ran from his car to my side and embraced me. “Are you okay?” he asked. Considering the circumstances I accepted his hug.

  I must have looked crazed. Too upset to be cautious with my accusations, I said, “Kal, take Dave into custody for murder and attempted cat-knapping!”

  Dave dropped his head on the steering wheel and sobbed silently.

  I hugged Puff as if I’d never let her go. “I can’t talk now,” I choked back tears. “Dave is responsible for Raelyn’s death.”

  Dave stepped from his truck. He nodded and presented his wrists. Kal produced a set of handcuffs and fastened them on him.

  “Please tell Lizzy I love her,” Dave called to me as Kal put him in the back of the police car.

  Holding Puff close, I gazed up at the full moon. We had Raelyn’s killer.

  Kal leaned out the car window. “I’ll be back to check on you as soon as we process Dave.”

  I returned to my condo and called Lizzy.

  Puff purred, snuggling in my arms.


  I stood on my balcony staring out at the Gulf. Had it only been a month since Dave confessed and then snatched Puff? I understood he was driven by panic but still…

  Dave was charged with manslaughter—not murder since he had no malice aforethought—he hadn’t planned on killing Raelyn. Had he not tossed the beer bottle bearing his fingerprints into the sea, he might be a free man, but he destroyed evidence and that earned him a stay in prison.

  Vann is facing a long stretch for attempted murder. His multiple tries to kill Jaimie would count against him when he was sentenced.

  As majority stockholders Chip and Jaimie quickly dissolved Toast and Tassel.

  The court accepted Muffy’s claim she knew nothing of Vann’s evil schemes. The judge agreed with Kal’s conclusion that Vann had forced his wife to accompany him in his botched boat escape.

  Muffy stopped in Nonna’s Cold Cream recently. She appeared happy to be out from under Vann’s controlling thumb. She bought two jars of miracle cream and a ball of ruby red lip gloss.

  Just to put my mind at ease, I did some off-the-radar snooping. The Marquis Hotel had a guest mistakenly registered under the name of Chuck Roast on the night Chip was in Atlanta. According to the manager it was one of those crazy nights when everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

  Fined for signage violations the Jivy Ivy closed as quickly as it opened. Ivy LaVine’s free samples caused an unprecedented breakout of acne and her shop flopped.

  Sophia overcame the loss of Raelyn. With her endorsement in place Lizzy and I were able to obtain financing and begin the expansion of our shop.

  Fabio accompanied Sophia on a trip to Italy. Deeply affected by Raelyn’s death, he confessed his feelings to me alone.

  Grams is currently in search of another bodyguard job. Interested parties can reach her via Nonna’s Cold Cream shop in Starfish Cove.

  Egg Facial

  Olive and Lizzy’s Egg Facial. It leaves your skin feeling smooth and hydrated.

  1 egg beaten

  1 tablespoon of warmed honey

  1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil

  1. Whisk egg, honey, and olive oil until mixture is emulsified.

  Huh? Emulsified = emulsion = two or more liquids that are normally unmixable

  2. Apply mask to face with a facial brush or hands.

  3. Let mask sit for twenty minutes then rinse off.

  Egg whites have a temporary tightening effect.

  Honey has antibacterial properties.

  Olive oil is a natural moisturizer.


  Cold Cream Murders Series





  Puff and WonderDog love reviews! Please consider posting a review for Sun Scream and any of the other books in the Cold Cream Murders series on Amazon.

  Cold Cream Murders

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  WonderDog will send you a virtual thank you slurp.

  About the Author

  “Barbara Silkstone is beyond clever. She's an engaging writer who, with great skill, manages to make her skewed world ring true. The best thing about her characters is that they are not caricatures; they are real with all their dimensions intact. The best thing about Silkstone is that she manages to exhibit equal measures of talent and imagination.”

  Barbara Silkstone is the author of the COLD CREAM MURDERS cozies, also the Florence Nightingale Comedy Mystery Series, light-hearted Victorian murder mysteries.

  Silkstone is also the author of the best selling Mister Darcy series of comedic mysteries ~ 9 Books~ plus an additional 10 Regency novels and novellas, all with a light, humorous touch.

  Please check out her Wendy Darlin Comedy Mysteries – 5 Cozy Capers.

  Amazon Author page

  or visit her at the

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