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Wicked Favor

Page 12

by Sawyer Bennett

  She stands up and turns to look at me. "Going home to get some sleep. Otherwise, I'm going to feel like shit tomorrow."

  I'm pretty convinced I might be possessed by some type of malevolent spirit because before I know it, my hand is patting the mattress and I tell her, "Get back in bed. Stay the night here."

  Trista has come to know enough about me, particularly with my ground rules, that this is not something I normally do. She merely cocks an eyebrow at me in skepticism.

  I pat the mattress again and tell her with complete nonchalance, "I feel compelled to walk you to your car since it's so late and the security is not the greatest at this time in the parking garage. I'm too lazy and sated to do that. So do me a favor and come sleep in my bed. You can leave when the sun comes up."

  Or stay for hours until you you're ready to wake up. I'm cool with that too.

  Trista rolls her eyes at me either because she knows I'm full of shit or she's not the type to be flattered by chivalry, but regardless, she crawls back into the bed. I pull the covers over us.

  The malevolent and completely bat-shit crazy spirit that must be residing inside of me then pulls Trista into my arms. Within moments, I fall asleep.



  I knock on Jerico's office door, wondering what he could possibly want. He'd sent me a text and asked me to just swing by for a few minutes before I started my shift.

  That means he doesn't want sex because there's no way you can have sex with Jerico Jameson in just a few minutes.

  He calls for me to enter and I do, shutting the door softly behind me.

  "What's up?" I ask casually.

  As usual, he looks elegant, gorgeous, and domineering, three traits I find to be very appealing. He's wearing a charcoal-gray dress suit with a white shirt and a lavender tie. Again, his clothes are clearly custom made to fit every angle, hill, and valley of his body. And he has a lot of those I can attest to as last night, over the four different times we had sex, I was able to explore pretty much every inch. The same could be said for Jerico and my body.

  Jerico sweeps a hand toward one of the guest chairs opposite where he sits behind his desk. "Take a seat."

  I do as he asks, but I can't help but quip, "I feel like I'm in trouble and been sent to the principal's office."

  Jerico gives me a wicked grin. "If you were in trouble, you'd already be bent over my desk and getting a nice paddling."

  I press my legs together tightly to try to alleviate the ache that has suddenly sprung up there.

  Glancing at my watch, and then up to Jerico, I prod him. "I've only got about five minutes before my shift starts so what do you need?"

  He laughs at me. "I think you can afford to be a few minutes late."

  "I thought you said you didn't give preferential treatment to your employees, especially the ones you were fucking," I remind him.

  "Trista," he says in almost a patronizing tone. "I don't know if you realize this or not, but I really don't need you working for me. You're actually an extra employee I don't need, but by giving you the job here, I've enabled you to pay back the money I gave you."

  I just blink at him.

  He gives me a wry smile. "Although I do have to admit, I enjoy watching you prance around in your little black thong. I equally enjoy having you close by so I can fuck you when I want to."

  My eyebrows shoot up. "So this whole repayment thing is really about sex and not because you need somebody to work at the club?"

  The smile slides from Jerico's face as he gets a hard glint in his eye. "It's not just about sex. You can tell me 'no' whenever you want to. The question is, do you want to say 'no' to me? Do you want to call an end to our sexual relationship right now?"

  My immediate and initial gut reaction is to hastily reassure him that I do not want to end the sexual relationship because I've not learned all I want to learn. I clearly have not had enough of Jerico.

  But for some reason, I'm having a hard time admitting that to him because not only did we have sex four times last night, but we also had conversation. Granted, it wasn't heavy conversation and most of it was casual and impersonal. But I got a slight peek at what lies underneath the starched suits of the intimidating businessman who owns a sex club, and what I saw I can say I honestly liked.

  Sadly, I'm letting some of my womanly insecurities surface. Jerico's ground rules seemed acceptable to me at first, but I can't help some slight feeling of jealousy at him being with someone else. I don't know he's been with anyone else since he started sleeping with me, but how would I? Most nights I work, I don't see him. I'm stuck in one room. For all I know, he could be in one of the other rooms fucking out his heart's desire.

  On the flip side, I could be doing the same thing. He gave me free license to do what I want inside this club. And I've had some offers, a few of which were appealing. Ultimately though, I declined, not because I owe Jerico any loyalty but because I just can't have casual, anonymous sex in a sex club in front of other people. Yes, Jerico was a stranger to me, but I reasoned that we had at least a connection. He's friends with my brother Jayce, although I get the impression they have drifted apart. I also know they served in the military together, so in my mind that made Jerico more trustworthy.

  "Trista," Jerico says to get my attention. "Do you want to say 'no' to me?"

  I don't know if I hate myself or not, but I shake my head. "At this point, I wouldn't say 'no'. I could feel differently tomorrow, though."

  I felt the need to add that last little bit on so he knows I'm playing by the rules of casual sex.

  Jerico gives me a curt nod and while I don't think he looks overly happy at what I just said, he brushes past it by changing the subject.

  "I want to ask you about something you and I talked about last night," Jerico says.

  I tilt my head in curiosity. We talked about a lot of stuff, most of it inane, some of it funny, and of course, a lot of it was sexual. That usually led us into the next round of sex.

  "What in particular?" I ask.

  "We talked about fantasies last night," he reminds me.

  I nod because those talks had me blushing, as well as wet between the legs. One of the things I had found out was that Jerico has indulged in most of his fantasies. It was with no small amount of shame that I admitted to him I didn't have many fantasies, but he'd already fulfilled one of them that first night in The Orgy Room.

  "You told me that one of your fantasies was to be with multiple men at the same time," Jerico reminds me.

  I flush hot all over, but I nod at him.

  "Do you want me to make it happen?" he asks me.

  My body tightens up with tension even as my pulse races with genuine curiosity. "Would you be involved? I mean... would you be one of the men?"

  "Of course. And I would only choose men I trusted."

  I start to nibble on one of my fingernails, considering this. I'm wildly intrigued, woefully unprepared, and totally scared. "I honestly don't know if I can handle it."

  "What do you mean?" He looks genuinely befuddled.

  "I mean..." My voice lowers to a whisper because this embarrasses me, "I don't know if I can take a man in every single one of my openings."

  Jerico's eyes sparkle with amusement as he understands my fear, but he spares me genuine laughter. "Trista, a multiple can be anything you want to be. It's your fantasy."


  Jerico nods at me with a reassuring smile. "If you want this, I suggest we start you very slow and with only one other man in addition to me. You will have all the control and tell us what you want from us."

  Okay, this has some real potential. I think I might orgasm just thinking about the prospect. And why shouldn't I take advantage of this opportunity? Let's face it... this isn't going to happen to me again.

  But I still have some reservations. "Who would you choose?"

  "Kynan would be my first choice. But I have a few others I would trust."

  I nod in understandi
ng and ask, "And when would we do this?"

  "Whenever you wanted. Kynan's on a break from work."

  I take a deep breath and make the only decision I can because I bet I'll regret it if I don't. "Okay. I'd like to try that. Set it up whenever it's convenient for both of you."

  Jerico gives me his patented wicked smile, and my nipples tighten in response. I start to stand up from the chair, but he gives me pause when he says, "I've got one stipulation."

  I swallow hard. "What's that?"

  "We do it in The Silo in one of the glass rooms so people can watch," he says with a silky voice that holds a sinister tone underneath.

  I take a quavering breath and decide to go all in. "I'll probably die from embarrassment but after I finish my service here with you, I'll at least take comfort in the fact I'll never see any of these people again."

  Something flashes on Jerico's face that I might peg as annoyance, but then my attention is taken by my cell phone ringing in my purse. I immediately recognize my mom's ring tone and given the circumstances of Corinne's medical condition, I can never ignore it. Even when I'm on duty, I have one of the bartenders watch my phone in case she has to call with an emergency.

  After fishing my phone out of my purse, I connect the call and say, "Hey, Mom. Is everything okay?"

  My mom's voice is brittle and shaky. "It's Corinne. She was having some chest pain and trouble breathing. I called an ambulance. We're on our way to the hospital now."

  An immediate and monstrous wave of fear crashes over me but as soon as its tide recedes, I kick into this weird mode where I become utterly calm and collected. It is something I was forced to learn how to do when Corinne became sick and it was obvious I was the only competent one who had a strong enough backbone to handle it. While I love my mother beyond reason, she has never been a strong woman. It's why Danielle and Jayce have always walked all over her, and it's why Danielle has taken off and abandoned Corinne to my mom's care, which means my care, too.

  "Are they taking her to Mercy?" I ask. Her heart surgeon practiced there.

  "Yes," she says, and I can hear tears in her voice. "At first, they didn't want to because it was further away, but I insisted."

  "That's wonderful, Mom," I praise her as I know that will go a long way toward calming her down somewhat. "Hang tough. I'm on my way there now and should see you very soon."

  "Okay," she whispers, and then lets out a tiny sob that breaks my heart. "But hurry please."

  "I'll bust all the speed barriers," I assure her lightly, and getting a laugh from her, which was my goal. "I love you, Mom. Tell Corinne I love her and I'll be there soon."

  I push out of my chair as I disconnect the call and give an apologetic look to Jerico, all conversation about having a threesome with him and Kynan completely obliterated from my mind. "I'm really sorry. But I can't work tonight. If you want to tack it onto the end, that would be fine."

  I turn away and walk quickly toward his office door. As my hand reaches out for the knob, I'm completely stunned to see Jerico's hand there first. I didn't even realize he had followed me there.

  "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice laced with concern.

  While I find that very sweet, and a new side to Jerico, I don't have time to get into it. "My niece is at the hospital, and I have to go."

  "Is everything okay?" he prods me.

  I push his hand away from the knob and grab it myself to open the door. There's frustration in my voice at being delayed and I don't have time for politeness. "I don't know, Jerico. I hope so. But I won't know until I get there."

  He gets the hint, stepping back from his door so I can walk through.

  "If you need off more than one day, it's not a problem," Jerico says as I step into the hallway.

  I don't even look back at him, but I do call, "Thank you," over my shoulder.

  Then he's forgotten and all I can think about is Corinne.



  I stare at my phone and it's like watching water boil waiting for a response from Trista. I sent a text to her about an hour after she'd hurried out of my office to go to the hospital, asking if everything was okay with her niece. That was two hours ago, meaning I've been wondering what the fuck is going on for three hours.

  Of course, I didn't know she had a niece because our time together has been spent mostly fucking, and the talks we've had never got personal enough to talk about family. It makes me realize I don't know much about Trista at all, and normally, this would not bother me because all I need to know from a woman is whether she came.

  But there's something about Trista that's gotten under my skin a bit. Yeah, the sex is downright amazing, and it's because she's innocent yet adventurous and I'm enjoying showing her things. The thought of what Kynan and I could do to her in The Silo while people watch is enough to give me a hard-on even though I'm more worried about Trista right now than anything.

  This I don't understand, because as I said, I don't know much about the woman.

  But here is what I do know.

  Trista is the sister of the man I hate most in the world, and she's collecting on a favor I unequivocally owe him.

  She's gorgeous and sexy and funny and smart, and since I first put my mouth between her legs, I haven't looked at another woman.

  She also has family she cares about... a niece who is in the hospital, and by what I could glean from listening to Trista's end of the conversation, it wasn't the first time. I know it was her mom who called her because she kept saying it, but I don't know whose kid it is. It must be another sibling of Trista's... a sister or brother who has a child. It's not Jayce because that fucker hated kids, and I doubt that's changed over the years.

  I'm not sure why Trista having a sick niece bugs me so much, other than it's making her more of a real human and that's creating some guilt issues for the way in which I'm using her.

  The thought of just going to Mercy hospital crosses my mind briefly. I can be impetuous at times, but I doubt Trista could find fault with me seeking her out because I'm say... worried about my employee, right?

  But I quickly quash that because of two very important things. First and foremost, I doubt this niece is Jayce's, but there is a chance he could be at the hospital. I don't want to be anywhere near that bastard ever again because I might kill him. More importantly, however, I cannot give credence to any thought that Trista is anything but a good lay I'm going to continue fucking until her time here is up. If I reach out with an ounce of interest in her personally, it could dissuade me from my plans for revenge against Jayce, and I'm not willing to give that up no matter how intriguing the woman is.

  There's a short knock on my door, and then Kynan walks in. He looks mellow and relaxed, and if I had to guess, he just got laid nicely. He flops down in one of the guest chairs, stretching his legs out in front of him and settles his clasped hands over his belly.

  "What's up?" he asks.

  "Not much," I tell him as I glance down at my phone again. I know a text didn't come in because I would have heard it, but just in case. "What are you up to?"

  "Just got an amazing blow job from some tourist chick visiting from Nebraska or somewhere like that," he says with a wide and very pleased grin. "She's here for a bachelorette party. In fact, there's a group of about twenty of them if you want to get in on that action."

  "Not tonight," I say brusquely as I pull some papers out of my lateral file drawer so it looks like I'm busy. "Got too much to do."

  "Bullshit," Kynan says, and his sparkling eyes say it all. Still, he makes sure to rub my face in it. "You've only got one girl on your mind. I noticed she's not here tonight."

  Kynan sounds way too confident to make that assertion, so I ask, "What makes you think that?"

  "Lydia at the hostess stand heard it from Carma who heard it from Jose that he saw her coming out of your apartment this morning looking thoroughly fucked and satisfied. And this is big news, of course, because everyone knows you never take women in
to your apartment and you don't do repeats."

  "Jesus," I mutter as I rake my fingers through my hair in agitation. "Don't the people around here have anything better to do than gossip?"

  "Not when you're like the most wanted man around here," Kynan says with a chuckle, "as well as being the most elusive."

  "So I like to fuck her," I say with a shrug. "What's the big deal if I was super horny last night and wanted to go several rounds?"

  "Because you've been super horny before and gone several rounds with a variety of women all in a single night in your club," he says, further rubbing my nose into the fact I've really stepped outside my boundaries.

  The "whooping" sound of an incoming text takes my attention and I grab my phone, relieved to see a text from Trista. All is fine. Headed home from hospital and will be in to work tomorrow at regular time.

  I want to text her back and tell her to come here instead of going home, but that's selfish. She should be with her niece or getting rest at least. I merely respond, See you tomorrow.

  "What's up?" Kynan asks as he nods toward my phone. "You look agitated and relieved at the same time."

  "Trista's niece was in the hospital and she had to leave," I say as nonchalantly as I can. "She was just telling me she'd be in to work tomorrow."

  But the fucker was right. I was agitated I wouldn't see her, but relieved nothing serious was going on. The knowing look in Kynan's eyes says he is amused by my reactions. He was a human intelligence officer with the Royal Marines, and he knows how to read body language and facial expressions. He could have an entire conversation with me without me opening my mouth to stay a word.

  So to knock him off his high horse a bit, I tell him, "I want you to do a three-way with me and Trista."

  I take immense satisfaction when his jaw drops open. "A three-way? With you and Trista?"

  Trying not to sound too smug, I tell him, "Just because I've fucked her exclusively for a few days doesn't mean we're exclusive."

  "And she's on board with this?" he asks skeptically.

  Not about to tell him it's her fantasy. I'm doing this because I want to indulge her in something she'd probably never have the guts to do. While I've shared plenty of women with Kynan before, I can't say as I'm overly happy about it, but if I had to choose one man, it would be him. I go vague when I say, "I mentioned it to her last night and she's interested. Are you?"


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