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Nadia's Salvation

Page 9

by K. A Knight

  She tastes like wet dreams and bad thoughts, like the feeling after a hunt...I want more. I need it. Gripping her hair, I yank her head back and she gasps again, her tongue tangling with mine as I decimate her mouth. I forge her in the flames until she’s mine, her taste branded on my tongue, mine on hers.

  Her hand slips into my slacks and we both grunt as her fingers wrap around my cock, squeezing hard. She slams back into the sink with the force of my body as I devour her, my hands greedy as I grasp her breast through her shirt before sneaking down to her skirt and shoving it up, cupping her wet pussy through the thin lace. She moves against me, rocking into my hand as I thrust into hers, our tongues still duelling for dominance.

  She rips her mouth away, bruised from my kisses, her hair mussed from my hands, and her eyes on fire with need. “Keanu.”

  That’s what brings me back, and I tear myself away from her and open the door, answering only when I can’t see her anymore. “It’s safer.”

  Then I flee before she realises just how thoroughly she has me spooked, how much power she has over me…

  A spider trapped in his own web.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’m left wet, needy, and shocked as hell as I watch him flee through the door. My hand drifts up of its own accord, pressing to my lips, his kiss still lingering there. I can still feel his hand on my pussy, his tongue wrapped around mine.

  I can feel him everywhere, his touch like no other.

  I crave it, I want it...he wanted it. So why did he run?

  Swallowing, I turn to the mirror, blowing out a wobbly breath, and fix my clothes and hair, all the while thinking of him. Wishing he had stayed, wishing I had been brave enough to make him...safer...what did that mean?

  The more I dig, the less I realise I know about Keanu. He’s a mystery wrapped in a thousand layers and secrets and darkness so thick, I don’t think I will ever get through...but for a moment, just a moment, I thought I saw him, the man behind the mask...behind the computer.

  Not the killer.

  Not the hunter or the spider.

  Not the cold, unfeeling bastard.

  Keanu, the man who kissed me like he would die if he didn’t. Whose passion filled me to the brim and left me dripping for more. Then it was gone as soon as it came, and I’m left wondering if it was my own imagination.

  There is one thing I know for sure, this game we are playing. The fly and the spider, the predator and the’s going somewhere, and sooner or later it’s going to explode...he’s going to catch me or I’ll catch him, and I really don’t know what will happen then.

  Either we will kill each other or fuck each other’s brains out. I can never tell with him, I know what I’m leaning towards though, because that punishment...his cock today, God. I need more, like an addict without a fix.

  Maybe Scarlett’s right. Maybe I’m seeking damnation or destruction, but when it comes in such a beautiful package as Keanu Grey, who can blame a girl?

  Licking my lips, I stand up straighter and leave the bathroom. Not wanting Scarlett to think there is anything wrong. Today has been amazing, a reprieve, like an oasis in a desert, but I know later I’ll fall back to reality.

  We have women to save...Alena, I can’t forget her. I made a promise to her and myself, one I intend to keep, and for that I need the devil’s help, not that he’s wanting to give it. I have no doubt he’s going to try and put me off working with him, but he doesn’t know me yet. He will.

  When I set my mind to something, I never back down, I never give up…

  I will save Alena, I will stop these men, and I will have Keanu even if it means my death. Even if it’s the last thing I do, I would die with a smile on my face and his hands on my body.

  “How about a Christmas movie?” Scarlett chirps happily when I come back into the room. I spot Keanu on the floor, away from us, just another way to cut us off.

  “Sure, afterwards we’ll have to go though. I have work to do,” I tell her, and I feel Keanu’s head swing my way as I climb over him and onto the sofa and settle in.

  Once the movie is over, I get to my feet with a grin on my face while Keanu glares. I might have messed with him during the bending over in his face, stroking his leg with my foot, and other things which made him angrier and angrier as the movie wore on. He looks so pissed, I was half expecting him to grab me and throw me over the table in front of Scarlett and Max. He gives them a curt nod and flees through the door as I laugh and hug Scarlett and Max goodbye, but just as I’m leaving, Max calls after me.

  “Give him hell, he needs it.”

  I wink at him and leave them to their day as I stroll after Keanu. I find him leaning against his car waiting for me, his eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared, and his arms crossed over his chest. I can actually see his jaw clenching, his teeth grinding as he watches me stroll towards him.

  “Do. Not. Push. Me,” he warns, but I don’t stop until I’m pressed against his chest. I tilt my head back and smirk up at him.

  “Why not? It’s so much fun to see you crack. I wonder...will you explode like you did the other night?” I purr, as I stroke across his chest, feeling his heart racing, and my smirk grows bigger.

  He grabs my wandering hand and grips it firmly, making me gasp slightly at the pain, but it only makes me more determined and my pussy flutter in need. I love it when he’s rough, even when he’s mean. I’m just as fucked up as he is.

  I twist my hand purposely so it hurts more and he throws me away with a grunt. I stumble back as he rushes around the car and gets in. With a laugh, I climb in after him, and the door is barely closed before he’s speeding away, tires squealing.

  His hands grip the wheel so firmly they are white, and his body is strung tight in his seat, almost backed into the door to avoid me as he goes at least twenty over the speed limit, even around the corners.

  I turn in my seat to face him, my legs opening, and he glances at me, his eyes dropping to the short skirt riding up my thighs, and he grunts again and turns back to the road, swerving around a car.

  “Something wrong, Nunu?”

  Why I’m pushing him, I don’t know, I don’t need to. I need him to work with me, not be angry and explode again, but I seem to really like the destruction I find in his hands.

  “Shut up,” he snaps, and I laugh again, reaching over and stroking his arm.

  “I think someone doesn’t know how to deal with being pushed, with someone fighting to get under that icy facade. You don’t know how to handle me,” I purr, leaning over and licking the shell of his ear.

  He swerves, nearly making us crash, and I giggle as I’m thrown back into my seat. “I think you’re scared of anyone getting too close, getting underneath that web of yours and finding the real you.”

  “Last warning,” he states coolly, almost deadly. I can hear the threat and it makes me shiver in need, my pussy clenching on air.

  “Or what...Nunu?” I taunt, and he stops breathing for a moment before I’m thrown back with the force of him accelerating.

  I have to hold on as he drives and then suddenly, he turns left and spins the car before cutting off the engine. I peer through the dark windscreen and windows, only making out trees behind the arc of his headlights. I turn back to him to see him sitting motionless in his seat, gripping the wheel. I can see the struggle in his eyes, he’s trying to stop himself, to logic his way out of this, and retreat back into that cold to ice me out.

  “What? Need silence so you can pretend I’m not under your skin?” I laugh and slump back in the chair, throwing a leg over the console and poking him with my toe, having taken my shoes off when I got inside. He turns his head slowly and glances down at my toe then back up at me. I freeze then, at the darkness and death swirling in those eyes.

  Fuck, I pushed him too far.

  Before I can open my mouth to take it back, he’s moving, fear and lust whirling within me. Logically, I know he won’t ever hurt me…too bad, but he’
s deadly, dangerous. It flows through him and I notice the very real threat in his gaze as he grabs me and yanks me over the console. I gasp in pain when my hip hits the divider and then I’m airborne.

  I smack into the leather in the back seat with a grunt, and then he’s on me, like the spider he very much calls himself.

  Fast. Deadly. Lethal.

  Fuck, why am I panting? Why do my legs fall open? My pussy grows wetter the longer he stares down at me, his body blocking out all the light until I can barely even see his face as he hovers over me.

  “I warned you,” he growls, his voice that calm, collected version that sends another shiver through me and goosebumps racing across my skin. That fight or flight kicking in. I know I’m in the same space as a hunter, a killer. My body is very aware of that. All my alarms are screaming at me, my body aching to run, to escape his clutches, but I started this. I wanted this, and I have never been one to back down or fight it is.

  “You did, yet nothing is happening. All talk,” I taunt, relaxing back in the seat and staring up at him.

  His hand snaps out and I flinch, but he all he does is strip off the tie he’s wearing, the slide of the silk through his fingers leaving me dry-mouthed as I dart out my tongue to wet my lips. He watches me coldly as he wraps it around his scarred knuckles. Fuck, why is that so hot?

  “I warned you, Brat,” he reminds me as if instructing me. “Again and again, yet what do you do? Keep pushing.” He shakes his head and unwinds the tie as I watch his deft fingers with each movement, rubbing my thighs together while imagining those talented digits somewhere else.

  He moves quickly again, and I try to move back, but he has me trapped before I can even fight him. Swiftly, the tie is wrapped around my mouth, between my teeth like a gag, and knotted at the back of my head. I reach up to pull it away and he slams both hands down on either side of me with a warning glare. I yell at him through the silk, my words muffled as my nostrils flare in anger, my eyes narrowing on him as he smirks down at me.

  “That’s better,” he whispers, stroking across the tie on my cheek. I jerk my head to the side, knocking his hand away, and he laughs, the sound sending chills through me even as I arch towards him.

  So. Messed. Up.

  “Move your hands and see what happens to them, Brat. I dare you,” he gibes, gripping my hair and tilting my head back, his eyes dark in the shadows as he stares down at me, showing me how much he means this. I nod, stilling my fight then, he’s serious. Deadly so, and even though I want to struggle, to see what he’ll do with my hands, I know it’s about timing. I’m curious about what he’s going to do next more than I want or need to fight.

  “You wanted to push me? See what’s underneath?” he whispers, the car silent apart from his talking and my breathing, the dark closing in on us, cocooning us. No one will know, no one will ever see what he does to me here.

  Is he going to kill me or fuck me?

  I know which I would prefer, and it’s clear he’s walking that line right now. I try to speak again, but it’s muffled, so I blow out a breath and lean back, letting my legs fall open wider.

  His eyes trail down my body, ending at my almost exposed panties, and then he rolls his eyes back to mine. His hand shoots up and wraps around my throat, a threat…a promise.

  “Oh no you don’t, you aren’t in charge, Nadia. You’re tied up on my back seat in the middle of nowhere, you should be terrified. Lesser men have cried, begged, even pissed themselves,” he murmurs seductively, his hand tightening ever so slightly. “They see the monster, the death and destruction I can easily cause, yet you taunt me. Push me. Do you want to die? Or are you really that stupid?”

  I narrow my eyes and he grins. “No, not stupid. Certainly brave, little Nadia, trapped alone with the spider,” he whispers, his hand tightening again until my breathing cuts off. I don’t struggle or fight, I stay relaxed, even as my lungs scream for air. He won’t kill me. I know it.

  I trust him, I show him that.

  He releases the pressure a bit and I suck in short breaths through the silk tie, my neck sore as he strokes it delicately before tracing his fingers down the front of my shirt, over the skirt, and ending on my thigh. His free hand wraps around my other leg and he jerks them farther apart, making me gasp and wince in pain slightly, but my pussy doesn’t care. Fuck, I’m so wet I’m surprised it’s not drenching his seat. My nipples are rock-hard and begging for his attention, rough or not.

  I wanted all of that power aimed at me, and I got my wish...but can I survive it?

  His hands stroke up my thighs, trailing fire in their wake before he stops, his fingers so close to my pussy that I’m panting again, shuffling to try and get him to touch where I need him.

  “Is that what you want, Nadia?” he whispers, and the way he says my name makes me moan, like a a prayer. “To feel me? To see me snap and unleash it all on you…even if you can’t endure it?”

  I’m unable to answer verbally, so I lift my hips, pressing my pussy to his hands, and he shakes his head. “Such a brat.” He cups me through my panties, the hard pressure of his hand making me rock my hips and rub myself against him. Needing that friction, needing him to stop talking as he watches his hand on me, I turn my head to the side and slide my face and the tie on my shoulder, managing to pull it from my mouth. Locking my lips and swallowing, I turn back to face him.

  “Going to keep talking, or should I just go to sleep? You seem to enjoy the sound of your own voice,” I taunt.

  He looks up at me then, his hand pressing harder against my pussy, and when he spots the tie hanging uselessly around my neck, he finally moves, finally breaks. I’m flipped, my face pressing into the expensive leather seats, my ass yanked back into the air as I sprawl across the back seat of his sports car.

  “You constantly don’t follow orders,” he snaps, pushing up my skirt, exposing my ass to the cool air of the car as I turn my head and push my cheek into the leather.

  “I don’t like orders.” I grin. “Still talking.”

  His hand comes down on my ass, hard, harder than ever before, and I gasp. Fuck. He isn’t playing today. I thought he was rough the other day...Jesus. Why do I push back, begging for more?

  The next second, I feel something cold pressed to my cheek, and then a snap as my panties disappear. I shiver as chilly air hits my wet pussy. “So fucking wet, aren’t you, Brat? It’s dripping down your thighs for me,” he observes silkily, his hand caressing my wetness, tempting me to bite down on my lower lip to stop myself from teasing him when I’m finally getting what I want.

  “But bad girls don’t get rewards,” he whispers, his actions betraying his words as I feel his tongue lap at my thighs.

  “Keanu,” I whimper, the plea slipping free. Fuck, I need to come so badly. I need him inside me, filling me, fucking me hard and fast, I need to work out this anger, this...need with him.

  His hand lands on my ass again. “Stop fucking talking for once before I make you.”

  I snort at that and his hand comes down twice in quick succession, making me moan and push back.

  “So fucking wet. Look at your pink pussy, begging for me,” he rasps, and then his hand disappears. I focus on my breathing until I hear the click of a camera, and then I try to sit up, but his hand presses me back down.

  “What the fuck?” I yell.

  “It seems only fair, since your background is me,” he taunts.

  “You’re not setting your background to a picture of my pussy!” I protest, as I rub my tits against the leather, even that sick fucking action of his turning me on.

  His hand comes down on my ass again, making me whine. “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want, and you know you’ll love it anyway, even while you fight me on it.”

  “Are you going to fucking do something, or do I need to take care of myself?” I snap, done with this game even though I started it.

  I scream as he sinks two fingers inside me, stretching me to the edge of pain with the l
ack of warning. Yet I still push back, rocking against his fingers as he pulls them out and slams them back in, fucking me with them.

  “Yes,” I moan, gripping the leather as I rock back in time with the thrusts, my eyes closing in bliss as I feel an orgasm reaching for me already. Then suddenly, they’re gone, leaving me wet, pissed off, and beyond needy.

  I push up and turn to face him to see his pants undone and his cock out, hard and long. I can’t help but stare, cocks aren’t pretty, but fucking hell. It’s so thick, so fucking long, that I actually have to clamp my thighs together from the thought of it inside me.

  “I told you I would make you stop talking. On your knees,” he orders, and I scoff.

  “Fuck you,” I retort.

  “No, you don’t get to, not yet, I’m going to make you beg first. And you will.” He smirks, his eyes ice cold as he circles his own length and strokes it as he watches me. “On. Your. Knees. Don’t make me tell you again.”

  “Or what?” I challenge, still feeling brave.

  “Or I’ll fuck you with my gun, I’ll make you like it even though it hurts, and then I will drop you back off at home and never touch you again.”

  I swallow, debating his words...would he?

  Not willing to risk it, I get on my knees, having to squeeze into the spot between the front and the back seats. He moves closer, his legs spread on either side of me as he continues to stroke his cock, then he lets go as I watch and grips my hair, wrapping it around his hand and pulling until I gasp in pain.

  “Suck me,” he commands.

  I fight back for a second, ignoring his tugging hand, but then a dirty thought comes into my mind. He might think he’s in control, he might crave it, and I know he’s doing this to prove it to me, but he’s forgotten one thing...I always win.

  So I lean my head down and lap at the tip of his cock, tasting his precum as I wrap my other hand around the base and squeeze. I flick my eyes up to his then. “Game on,” I whisper, before I swallow him down, hollowing my cheeks and sucking.


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