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Mated To A Vampire Princess: An African American Paranormal Romance

Page 5

by LeeSha McCoy

  I just have certain parts to play…

  The sheets cover me, and then Davonyé runs his hand over my tattoo for him on my thigh. “Don't think about that shit, bae. You know the process.”

  “I know.” Everything has to happen the way it will…

  “Exactly. So, anymore news from the other side?”

  “Yeah. Aura told Amour who she really is today.”

  His eyes widen briefly before he smiles. He knows how much of a big deal that is. “And...?”

  “She took it in her stride, just as I knew she would.”

  “Shit, well, tell Aura I'm happy for her. Hell, if anyone deserves love, it's that woman.”

  Now I smile. “She really does.” Davonyé loves Aura, but she cares for him just the same. They get on so well.

  ‘Give him my thanks,’ Aura says, before disappearing from my thoughts as quickly as she entered them.

  “She said thanks. And something else happened over there today…”

  That piques his interest. “Yeah…?”

  “Vallessa changed the season in Angara.”

  His hand stills on my hip before tightening briefly, then he starts remembering all the times we’ve spent there. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. Wanna go?”

  He pushes me onto my back so he can climb between my thighs. “Not now. Now, I just wanna love my wife, in our bed, while she's not racing through dimensions and helping to save the masses.”

  I laugh, but I soon hush when he bites my shoulder.

  ‘How long do you have?’ he asks while removing the silk from my body.


  ‘Thank fuck, ‘cause I’m hungry as hell…’


  The sixth largest of the seven kingdoms in the kratius.

  The land of peace.

  Home to young vampires with no abilities, and once known as the continent of Europe, all inhabitants live in serenity in these lands.



  In Caro…

  I attend to all the matters I need to before seeking out Vallessa in Caro. She's just finished dinner with Navira and is approaching her youngest sister's bedroom. “Vallessa,” I say as I silence us.

  She quickly turns. “Aura.”

  “You have given your sister the rest of her noir magic?”

  She nods. “I've not had much time to help her grasp it yet. I was on my way to her now. I can hear her nightmares.”

  “As can I…” And I cannot say that it does not disturb me. “She is frightened that she will not be able to control it.”

  “I figured as much.”

  I look towards her room. “I will go to her.”

  Vallessa tries to appear as if she isn't intrigued by that, but I see the glimmer in her eyes. She cannot see any intimate parts of mine or Amour's future, but I would be foolish to believe she has not thought of it. “Very well.” She steps closer to rest a brief hand on my shoulder. “I know you have not experienced intimacy before, so I'm going to give you a word of advice. Just… feel.”

  I bite my tongue. “Thank you.”

  She turns as she smiles. “Remember the silence. It's easy to forget that part when you're in the moment.”


  “Just saying.” She raises a hand before disappearing into her bedroom, but I know she hears my groan of annoyance before she does.

  Heaven knows what her and Ariella are going to be like going forward…

  Discarding my uncertain thoughts, I enter Amour’s bedroom, but they’re swiftly replaced by fresh ones. Amour’s lying face down in bed, dreaming of creating havoc with her new abilities in the kratius. It’s her worst fear, unintentionally hurting others, but if only she knew she had nothing to fear...

  She needs to grasp her gift of sight, and quickly.

  I struggle internally with what to do as I watch her. For so long, I’ve stood back and observed her as she found her own way, stood right here and watched her sleep as she suffered, unable to help her, but I remind myself that she knows who I am now, and I can be here for her as I’ve longed to.

  An unsettled moan that she releases disturbs me deeply but cements my decision, so after I silence us both, I sit beside her to rest a hand on her back. “Amour.”

  She startles before she turns, her fears still lingering. “Careful—”

  I grasp her hand as she raises it so I can halt the magic that tries to escape. This is another moment in time that I have prepared for. Her magic may be from a different source than mine, but I can still defend myself against it, and control it. As soon as I saw her in my future, I worked to learn noir magic for this reason.

  It is why I have been able to help Vallessa as much as I have.

  “Why do you worry so, Amour?”

  She blinks as I release her hand, and then she sits up. “Vallessa, she increased my magic. I'm worried I won't be able to control it.”

  It is true that she is much more powerful than she was, so I can understand her concerns. However, she is more than capable of harnessing its strength. She only needs to believe she can. I take her hand in mine again. “Do you trust me?”

  Her frown is instant. “Of course.”

  As much as I expected that answer, it still eases my concerns. “As do I, you.” I port us, and her bed, to the beach of Mauricas in Mirada. Now she has her advanced magic, the attributes of each kingdom will no longer affect her, but until she manages to control it, they will, so this place will be calming for her until such a time.

  She breathes a sigh of relief as her magic settles. “Thank you.”

  I study her as she watches the ocean, and how the moonlight reflects in her beautiful eyes. I long to gift her more abilities with my own magic, but alas, I, too, must be patient. I will help her as much as possible until that time comes, however.

  “You have nothing to fear, Amour. Only you control your magic, it never controls you.”

  She turns her head. “How can you be so sure of that? Doesn't the future ever change?”

  “Often, and several times a day, but I have seen every possible outcome of yours, and not once have you ever lost control of it.”

  “Every possible outcome?”

  I nod. “Here, you will find calm in the times you feel overwhelmed. You do not need spells, only think of where you want to go, and you shall arrive there.”

  “All right.”

  “And when you need me, for whatever reason, it is the same. Think of me, and I will come.”

  That intrigues her. “You know everything that everyone is thinking at all times?”

  I nod. “Always.”

  “So, that means…” ‘She knows I wish to kiss her?’

  I almost hide my blush from habit, but I quickly decide not to, taking the chance to open up to her instead.

  “You heard that, didn't you?”

  “I did.”

  “Will I always be at a disadvantage?”

  “Not always, no.” I smile. “Would you like to hear my thoughts?”

  Her eyes widen. “Can I? With my magic?”

  “No, but I can allow you to.” Not even Ariella can hear my most intimate thoughts, and I block most of hers unless it is something I need to know.

  “Will I be the first?

  “Yes, you will.”

  Her nerves rise again.

  “Do not be afraid, not of me. Forget what you’ve heard of me, for those stories have been from no one who has known me as you will.”

  “I'm not afraid…” She swallows and attempts to push her concerns away with it. “I'm just…”

  ‘Scared,’ I see in my mind, but before she can say the word, I press my lips to hers. I never saw our first kiss this way, but when I see the way it changes our immediate futures, I'm glad I did.

  More than glad.

  We both still at first, both unsure as to what to do next, but as if our next move were written in the stars above us, we both reach for one another, and our magic pulls us togethe

  The soft moan that falls from her lips onto mine excites me wildly, and my heart blossoms in a way it never has. She tastes as pure as the orchards she tends, smells as sweet as the rosillia she grows, and my world becomes a million times lighter from having her in my arms.

  She is love in its purest form.

  Leora suddenly merges with her, too, the first time they have, and not only does it give her the confidence to weave her fingers into my hair and deepen our kiss, I sense her need to feed.

  Feeding between vampires is not only a deeply intimate practice, but it is also spiritual. Connections, emotions, and feelings are deepened through feeding, and I’m excited to experience all of hers.

  She’s never fed from anyone physically before, she’s only drank her sister’s or her brother’s blood from a bottle or a cup from birth, but I’m fully aware that she prefers her sister’s over all others. But not for much longer. Now she is truly mine, I don’t wish for her to drink any that isn’t mine.

  My pulse hastens when she begins to trail my jaw with soft but urgent kisses, instinctively heading lower without thinking. She only stills when she reaches the skin on my neck that quickens with both desire and anticipation.

  “Can I…?” She realises that she can hear my thoughts, and after a sharp inhale, releases her fangs to sink them into my skin, and then the squeal that she releases ricochets through the silence of the beach as she sucks and almost chokes.

  My own gasp is uncontrollable, and for the first time since I was a young girl, my magic unsettles and I still the entire kratius until I regain my equilibrium. I may not be a vampire, but her feeding on me has the exact same result as if I were one. My body quakes in unfamiliar places, my breasts tingle in waves, and there is a throbbing not only deep within my lower belly, but between my thighs which longs to be eased.


  Her hand on my arm tightens as she lifts her head. “I’m sorry. Are we hurting you? Was that too much too soon?”

  I shake my head and guide her back to where she was, closing my eyes when I feel how silken her hair feels beneath my fingers. I never want her to stop, so I replenish my blood. “You can’t drain me, so drink until you’re done.”

  I hope she never is.



  My arm is shaken. “Baby…?”

  I see Clarence staring down at me when I open my eyes and push away the remnants of my latest dream. “No faces, Clarence. Why can’t I see their faces?” The man in these new visions is my son, no doubt. I'd know those beautiful braids anywhere, especially now they’re laced with blonde, so why can I not see his face now?

  Clarence sighs, equally confused. “I don't know…”

  I've always been allowed to see him in my future, which was a relief after not being able to see Ariella for such a long time, but now I’m seeing a woman, too, I can only see their backs. What am I missing? “Maybe I need to ask Ariella.”

  “But she already knows you'll be worrying about this.”

  “Exactly. So why hasn't she said anything?”

  He gives me a look. “Unless she can't…”

  “You're right, I can't,” she says, appearing at the foot of our bed. “I know it's difficult, Mom, Dad, but try to take comfort in the fact he's alive and well when you see him, and that he's with his mate.”

  “So, the woman with him is his mate?”

  “Yep, and that's all I'm saying. I have to go now. See you tomorrow.” She disappears as quickly as she came, leaving both me and her father more confused than ever.

  “She's right,” Clarence says. “You need to not worry about this. We both do.”

  “But something’s clearly off. Don't you see that?”

  “Of course I do, but we aren't getting any answers, not even with having an elder for a daughter, so I'm not going to waste time dwelling on it.” He gets up to run the shower, and I listen to his thoughts. ‘To be honest, I'm just grateful he's alive, and that he's mated…’

  I know he’s right, but I can't shake this feeling that something’s off, and I'm always right about my ‘feelings’.

  “Shower!” he shouts from the foot of the bed, making me jump. “For the third time.” ‘Now her ass is gonna be all wrapped up in this shit…’

  “I won’t,” I say defensively as I get up.

  ‘This woman still forgets that I know her better than she knows herself…’ He gives me a look as he rounds the bed to check our phones, and then he reads a text from mine on my way to the bathroom. “Your dad's almost here.”

  Excitement but also more uncertainty ripples through me. He said he had something to tell me on the phone last night before his connecting flight, but when I questioned him over it, he wouldn't say another word.

  ‘Years without worrying, and now she’s worrying about every damned thing...’

  I sigh as I step into the shower. He's right. Again. I barely worry about anything anymore, and this last week has made me realise how much I don't miss those days.

  “Exactly, so stop.” He appears behind me in the shower, hot breath against my neck, dick hard as hell against my lower back, and after he reaches around me to twist both my nipples in tandem, he turns and quickly lifts me onto him. “I guess you just need more dick to keep your mind right.”

  I agree.

  ‘Or maybe another baby…’



  I run outside to meet my dad when he arrives. I couldn't sense Junia, which I thought was odd, and I can't say I'm not surprised when she isn't here. I can’t even smell her scent on him…

  “Sweetheart,” he says, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Dad.” I close my eyes and inhale his scent. It's been almost six months since I saw him. “Where's Junia?”

  “We'll talk.”

  “Okay…” I release him so Clarence can shake his hand.

  “Victorio, good to see you. How’ve you been?”

  “Good.” Dad's gaze flickers to me. “Let's go inside.”

  The unsettled feeling returns, but I push it away. He never goes anywhere without Junia…

  ‘I know,’ Clarence agrees. ‘You don't think…?’

  ‘I don't know. We've always known it was a possibility, but...’

  The men take a seat at the table while I make us all a drink to distract my thoughts. Clarence asks dad how the packs in Africa are doing, but I barely listen. I’m neck deep in my fears.

  What if she has? I don't want my dad to be alone...

  Once I join them at the table, it falls eerily silent between the three of us until dad rests his hands down on his lap and looks at me.

  “Right, well, let's get the elephant in the room dealt with. Junia found her mate last month, so I released her from her obligations.”

  My shoulders slump. She has. “Oh...”


  I’m torn with how to feel, because this is both good and bad. Good, because finding your mate is one of the most important parts of being one of us, but I also feel awful for my dad because he's lost another love of his life.

  “I'm sorry, Dad.”

  “Yeah,” Clarence agrees. “That must’ve been tough.”

  Dad sighs. “It was, but in all honesty, she deserved to. Deep down, I sensed things were going to change after we moved to Cape Town at the beginning of the year. I began having strange dreams, and I felt her energetically pulling away.”


  He nods. “She was never mine, or I hers, so a part of me always stayed prepared to let her go.”

  “I can understand that…” Still shit, though… “How was it?” I dare to ask.

  “Not as hard as I thought it would be. After losing your mother—and you, frankly, it was easy.” He suddenly looks miles away, and I know he's thinking of mum.

  I reach for his hand. “I'm still sorry. Do you think…?”

  “I don't know. I've been alone most of my life, so I don't fear to be, and I have
you now, and my grandchildren. You are all more than enough to keep me happy.”

  “Is he a ware?” Clarence asks him.

  “No. She found him working while we were picking up groceries. As soon as we pulled up outside, I noticed her scent him, then I watched as she sought him out. It reminded me of when I met your mother. I saw she was scared when she realised I knew what was happening, but I reassured her I understood and let her go right there and then.”

  “Damn,” Clarence mutters.

  Dad chuckles. “My thoughts exactly, but after everything Junia has been through, all the sacrifices, all the good she's done for our family, she deserved to find her mate.”

  “Yeah…” That's true. I know dad felt bad for the way he treated her, too... “I hope she stays in touch.” I'll miss her if she doesn't. As one of my seven, she'll always have a very special place in my heart.

  “She will. I told her to reach out when they're settled, and I believe she will.”

  “Good. How are the others?”

  He seems relieved to be off the subject of Junia when I ask that. “Excited about seeing you tomorrow. I told them I might come back to England for a while—”

  “Yes! Please. We'd love to have you closer, wouldn't we, Clarence?”

  “Definitely. It means you'll be close for Andreas’ change, too, and you know you mean the world to him.”

  “As does he to me. How is Amarey?”

  “He's good. Wait till you see him changed, Dad. He's stunning.”

  “As big as Ariella?”

  I smile wildly. I can’t help it. “He's as big as us.”

  His eyes widen at that. “Does that mean something?”

  My smile slips. “I'm not sure. I’m still seeing him in the future, but for some reason, his face is hidden. And so is his mate's.”

  “Huh? Why?”

  “We don't know…”

  “I've told her to stop worrying, and so has Ariella. He's in our future, and alive, so we need to focus on that.”

  Dad agrees with Clarence. “Still, I'd be curious as to why you can't see their faces, too, and I suppose if not even Ariella has said why, there must be a reason.”


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