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Mated To A Vampire Princess: An African American Paranormal Romance

Page 9

by LeeSha McCoy

  Thank you.




  “I have to go, love.”

  Amour stirs but fully wakes when she opens her eyes and sees me sitting beside her. “All right.”

  I stroke her cheek, already longing to return to her. And no, we haven’t been intimate with one another yet, but I still crave to be in her presence, and she does mine. “I won't be long this time.”

  She nods in knowing. “It is time for the big event to begin?”

  “Yes, it is.” I have spent every moment I could with her over the past month, which has been many, but still, I cannot get enough of her calming aura and curious mind. To have someone wish to know you like she wishes to know me is quite simply addictive.

  She sits up to hold my hand. “Then, go be amazing.”

  I smile as I lean forward to kiss her. Love is something I’ve always deemed special, but it is even more so when you experience it for yourself.

  “I agree,” she says as she pulls away from me. “Now, go. They're waiting.” She can sense when I am needed.

  “I am aware.” I place a glass of my blood on the dresser beside her. “In case I am longer than I hope to be.”

  She takes a quick glance towards it and smiles. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, now sleep.”

  “I will.”

  I port to the new world where Vallessa and Ariella are waiting. There is nothing at all within this world but wilderness. Developing it will be the responsibility of Karrisee and Amarey, if they so choose to reside here.

  “So?” Vallessa says, hiding a smirk. “Did you see?”

  I groan internally. I missed one moment in time two weeks ago and now they question my sight of everything. “Yes, I did, thank you.” Ariella's smiling, too, but not only because of Vallessa’s teasing, but because she's been more than eager to get her brother mated. “It seems giving Karrisee a test worked perfectly.”

  “Yep. I'm so proud of her. She didn't try to make the moment into a relationship either. I mean, she did change her appearance, yes, but I understand her reasons for that.”

  “Yes, as do I. So, I suppose the next step is to clarify exactly what our roles are going forward.”

  “Yes,” Vallessa agrees. “Now my baby girl is learning to love and put herself first, she is ready.”

  “So is my brother. He's going to ask me any day now. I've been keeping a close eye on his thoughts. DJ being loved up with Tiny, and Andreas subconsciously knowing his mate, also has him thinking more about his.”

  “I have seen.” Ariella being an elder has delayed him seeking his mate’s identity, but as I've come to learn in all my years, when a male ware wishes to find his true love, nothing can stop him. I look back at Vallessa. “She must not be gifted her advanced noir magic yet, Vallessa. I am sure you agree.”

  She nods. “I do.” But then she sighs. “I can't say I'm not a little anxious about certain things I've seen. Ariella, are your sure your cousin will get there in time?”

  “I promise. Remember what Aura said last time? ‘It’s only through our experiences of one's character and actions that we can truly see them for who they are, and love them for it.’”

  Pride blossoms inside me. Ariella truly is more than I could've hoped for.

  She smiles brightly. ‘Because of you.’

  I refrain from looking to the heavens. “Vallessa, Ariella is right. You know that there are certain moments in time that must happen, and Amarey has been prepared for those moments. You need not worry.”

  “Alright.” Her thoughts drift. She's still concerned about her daughter hurting Amarey’s feelings.

  “Remember the lessons Scarva and Warth had to learn. Yes, they may seem harsh looking back, but all those moments made him into the man he is now. An incredible king and husband who loves you and his family fiercely.”

  “That's true…” She remembers all the times she had to teach Scarva a lesson, and the hurt he caused her. “I trust the process, believe me.”

  “Good. And the rift between you and Abriya… You still intend to do as you planned?”

  Her mood lifts. “Definitely. Not only will it heal our pasts, but it's the only way to make sure she doesn't reject Karrisee. And, as her mother, there are no limits to what I’m prepared to do to make that happen.”

  “Very well.” I know I cannot talk her out of what she plans to do, but fortunately, I agree with her. She may have only met Abriya for a short amount of time, but she used the time wisely and learned all the crucial things she needed to know about her.

  Like how important it is for her to know her children are mated.

  “Mom is gonna lose it, and so will Dad,” Ariella gushes. “Hell, I’m losing it already.”

  That makes me smile. “Yes, your mother is going to be most shocked. It is a moment I do not wish to miss for the world. We will all be present for it.”

  “Damn right we will be,” Ariella agrees. “I've been waiting impatiently ever since I first saw it.”

  As have I. I was not certain Vallessa would have use of her noir magic in the world, but I am pleased she does. It also means Karrisee will have no trouble using hers there when she is permitted to.

  “I wanted to ask,” Vallessa begins tentatively, “has she asked you yet?”

  I shake my head. “No, she has not, but I have not given it any thought around her.” Vallessa no longer has access to her sister’s thoughts, as Amour asked me to help her block them from all others. She did not wish to inadvertently spill any of my secrets. “But I do not believe it will be long, as you have most likely fathomed.”

  “Alright, well, I’ll begin to plan for it, nevertheless. Scarva and I need to prepare Nioma first anyway, and then I suppose it’s up to Amarey and Karrisee to decide what happens after that.”

  “Yes, Nioma should be warned, but remember, no matter her feelings on the matter, Jessara and Xanth must return.”

  “I know, and so does Scarva.”

  “Good. In the meantime, I will continue to help Amour strengthen her noir magic. Mahrosa is coming along with his beautifully, therefore, it is only Karrisee that will need help with hers when the time comes.” Not that she will need much. By the time she is ready, Amarey will have supported her in being the absolute best version of herself, which will include boosting her inner confidence to an unwavering standard. “All agreed?”

  They nod.

  “Ariella, Karrisee is not to know that Amarey is your brother as yet. Her actions may alter if she becomes aware of who he is to you too soon.”

  “I thought as much. That’s fine. I’ll make sure Mah knows not to mention it either.”

  “Very well, and how are you feeling about your parents’ reaction?”

  She shrugs. “Fine. Mom might feel a way now, but she knows how important it is for us to be mated. She already knows something’s up because of her visions anyway. Nice touch there.”

  I thought long and hard about whether to release them yet, but ultimately decided to. “She must begin to come to terms with it, too, even if it is unknowingly. It is not only us that have our parts to play.”

  “Exactly.” Ariella suddenly shrieks, causing Vallessa to startle. “I’m sorry, but I’m so excited. It’s kinda like a fairytale.”

  Vallessa smiles warmly. “I suppose in a way, it is…”

  I think of all the subtle and drastic changes that have happened to the future during my lifetime, and how different things are now to how I thought they would be. “It most definitely is exciting, but it will not be without its challenges.”

  “We’re ready,” they say in unison.

  “Good. Then let us prepare for their first meeting. Ariella…”



  I tackle the shit out of Rome, then I shoot.

  And score.

  “Ahhhh…” I keep running while celebrating my third goal and the one that wins the match, refusing to stop even when my
teammates try to grab onto me.

  Rome’s team doesn’t seem impressed at all, but I'm on fire today.

  “What's wrong with all of you? You ain't even trying!”

  They groan, but I laugh.

  “I'll give you all a chance on the next one.”

  “My sis must really be putting in that work with you,” Rome says when I slow to accept his offer of a dap. “I swear your reaction times are hella quicker than they used to be.”

  “I've noticed, too. She's relentless though, bruv. Gets me up at crazy times of night to whoop my ass. She attacked me at three in the morning the other night. My place was trashed before Ells came and cleaned the place up.”

  Dre sniggers and slaps my back on the way past. “Unlucky.”

  “Wait till she starts on your asses,” DJ shouts from across the pitch. “You won't be geekin’ about shit then.”

  He's had a taste now, too, so he knows. “For real.”

  “Unfair advantage,” I hear a girl mutter behind me, and I growl lowly when I turn.

  All eyes suddenly divert.

  “If you want me off the team, just say so. It’s no fur off my ware.”

  Most players refuse that suggestion, and then their eyes fall on the culprit, so I make my way over to her. She immediately apologises, and kneels, but I grab her arm to pull her back to her feet.

  “Firstly, if you say something, stand the fuck by it, and secondly, you should be using this shit as motivation for yourself. I wasn’t always this good, was I?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Exactly. I regularly got my ass beat but still put in the work to get here. If you want me to run some sessions at the holds, say so. A closed mouth don’t get fed, does it?”

  She swallows. “No.”

  “Well then.” I look around at everyone else. “Look, you don’t just have to make appointments with my parents when you’ve got a problem with something. You can talk to any one of us James’. I thought you knew that?”

  There are mutterings of ‘we do’, but they don’t sound convinced.

  “Aight, I’mma run another session this week. Wednesday. Tell the others. If anyone needs to talk, tell them to come along. I’ll run a self-defence class, too.”

  They seem good with that, so I dismiss them. Shit really needs to change at those holds.

  “Come,” Dre says, “let's dip to mine. The meat should be about ready now. Man is starving.”

  “Same.” I can smell a herd of deer not too far from here, and if I don't eat soon...


  “So, how're things with Tiny going, Dee?” I ask through a mouthful of brisket. I hate to admit it, but my brother throws down better than me in the kitchen these days. Fuck knows where he’s getting all these new recipes from, but I need to snatch some for myself.

  “Good. Hell, shit, real talk? She's changed my life already. I mean, it’s a little stressful ‘cause I ain’t changed yet, but still, I wouldn’t take back meeting her.”

  “Bet,” Dre murmurs.

  “It’s not just the attraction either,” DJ continues. “It’s more who she is. She straight up stimulates my mind in ways I ain’t ever felt, and you know my feelings on intellectual women. That shit is sexy.”

  “For real,” Dre agrees. “Hearing about you two makes me wanna ask Ella who my mate is. You reckon she'd tell me?”

  I shrug. “Only she knows, bruv. And she can only say no. You’re close to your change, too, so it’s a good time to.”

  “Yeah…” He carries on eating, but I know he’s thinking about it. I’ve still got an inkling he thinks that girl he talks to online might be the one. Ells didn’t deny it when I made those comments on my birthday either.

  “What about you?” DJ asks, fixing his attention my way. “You not trying to find your mate yet?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it,” I answer honestly. “The whole ware sex without feelings is getting boring, I ain't gonna lie.” The meaningless conversations before and after are tiring, too. I'm grateful for Ells hooking me up, don’t get me wrong, but I can't lie and say I ain't craving something deeper. Maybe it will help me find my purpose, too, ‘cause if she knows what she’s doing in life, shit might click into place for me. Mates usually share interests. Not always, but most of the time.

  “Yo, Mah’s craving that mate loving.”

  I glare at Rome. “Just cause you're a selfish muthafucka with no feelings.”

  “What can I say, I was born lacking.”

  “Shut up, man,” I mutter. “Anyways, I ain't decided yet, but like I said, I'm thinking about it.”

  I need to speak to her about these crazy ass dreams I've been having anyway. I know she knows I'm having them. What I'm more curious about though, is why she ain't said nothing to me about them.

  Unless she's waiting for me to bring them up.

  What my rents told me has been playing on my mind, too. They said mum can’t see my mate’s face, and in my dreams, she’s blurred out, too. I can hear her voice and I think the way she smells, but that’s about it.

  It’s enough, though. Whatever accent she’s carrying is fucking hot, and the way she touches me when I’m in ware form is too damned much.

  Terrifying, even.

  That's really what's putting me off. I know meeting your mate is supposed to be intense, but terrifying? No one said anything about that shit. ‘Cause I swear, man be waking up hard as fuck but also worried after dreaming about that girl.

  But the most disturbing part of what I’m feeling about the whole situation, is the fact something tells me the girl I’m seeing ain't human.

  Or a ware.

  I wanna say the dreams are more like visions, but I ain't telling my parents that shit. They'll all be trying to summon Aura to ask her, or putting pressure on Ells to, and I ain't trying to give my parents, mum especially, a heart attack by telling her I’m having my own visions.

  She’d worry herself crazy.


  I look up from my plate to Rome. “Yeah?”

  “You good, yeah? You were miles away.”

  I nod. “I'm good.”

  “Just ask her. Like you said, she can only say no, right?”




  “So, what is the protocol when you hear of someone pestering the humans?”

  Mom looks up from the map of the Aurellia-Caro border. “We defang them.”

  “Oh.” Shit. I knew to harm a dothbird earned your fangs a clipping, but to have them completely removed? I’m sure it takes ten years for them to fully grow back when they’re pulled, too, which means they’ll have to drink blood from a glass for at least five.

  She straightens. “That’s right. Everyone knows the humans are to be left in peace, so there are no excuses whatsoever. I don't allow Amour to deal with anyone misbehaving, for obvious reasons, so usually myself, your father, Navira, or Lixza deals with it. One of us handling it sends a clear message to the kratius, too.” Her eyes narrow. “If you feel uneasy about it, I can get—”

  “No. I'll handle it.”

  “It's to be done by hand.”

  I shrug. “Fine by me.” The growing human population is important to her, so therefore, it's important to me. Besides, I hate when people don't listen to what they're told, especially when they're hurting other people. I'll go do it now.”

  She shows me the location on the map. “His name is Jopha. His house has the largest passionfruit tree outside it.” She helps me to feel the location through my noir magic, then her expression changes to the one that tells me she's talking to dad.

  Probably about sex.

  “Bring some back. Please.”

  “Okayyyy.” Definitely about sex. He's probably gonna eat them off her.

  That thought should probably gross me out, especially because they're my parents, but mom's always open with me about sex. When I turned eighteen, she went through everything with me. Tricks and all sorts.
  And let’s just say from putting those tricks into action, she knows her shit.

  She smirks. “Destroy the fangs after. It adds to the affect, and make sure you make an entrance. Not only will it show them we don’t play about the law, it will draw a crowd. Crowds are good when you’re making an example of someone, believe me.”

  “I will.” This is the first time she’s trusting me to do something like this, so I’m trying to make her proud.

  She rounds the table to hold me at arm’s length. “You always do. Now go, and don’t forget those fruits.”

  “I won’t.”

  She rounds the table. “I’ve called for your guards. Take them with you.”

  “I will.”

  Once my twenty guards enter the grand hall, I close my eyes and chant the spell to port us all to the border. We’re right on the outskirts with the village, which is visible up ahead.

  “We’re here to carry out a defangment at Queen Aurellia-Caro’s request,” I tell them, making my sword appear in my hand. I love this sword. A solid gold handle with a reinforced steel blade. It’s sharp as hell, too. “I don’t expect there to be any resistance, but just in case there is.”

  “Understood, Your Highness,” Ethren, my head guard replies, clutching his own sword at his side. “Men, on guard.”

  They give him a nod, and after loosely surrounding me, we begin the short walk to the village. I don’t really need guards because mom sees all, but still, I suppose she thinks this will add to the ‘show’ too.

  I’m sensed coming by the inhabitants, and heard by my sword dragging on the rocky ground beneath me, then as we begin to pass the stone residences, I see curtains twitch and curious eyes peering out from behind them. Mom was right, we quickly draw a crowd, which follow behind us to get a look at the impending action.

  A few children wave from their windows, too, and I hear their excited questioning of their parents as to my identity, so I give a few nods and waves back, replicating what my parents do. I don't come across too friendly to any adult, though, because of the reason I'm here.


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