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Mated To A Vampire Princess: An African American Paranormal Romance

Page 17

by LeeSha McCoy

  She studies me in silence, which makes me uncomfortable as fuck. I’ve met her a few times, but we haven’t really spoken. Aura’s the biggest gun of the three, and to be honest, I’m surprised she’s even here.

  “I have decided.”


  “I can take you to her.”


  “Yes. Are you ready?”

  I turn off the stove before going over to her. She’s practically half the size of me. She’s tiny. “Yeah, I am now. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. How are you getting along with the Princess?”

  I know she already knows, but I humour her. “Good. I wish things were a little easier, but it is what it is.”

  “And how do you feel for her emotionally?”

  “Are you asking if I love her?”


  I nod. “I do.”

  “Good. And do you feel as if she loves you, too?”

  That I’m not sure about. “I feel like she cares about me, but she’s not a ware so—”

  “Forget that she is not a ware for a moment, Amarey. You have been gifted with not only visions of her in your future, but the ability of empathy. Do not question what you know to be true, not only in your heart, but in your mind.”

  I think about what she’s said. Does she love me? “Yeah, she does.”

  “Very good. Now we can go. The tingle is normal.”

  “Tingle?” I shiver just as we arrive in a golden corridor with a red carpet. The scent alone tells me we’re in the kratius, because it doesn’t smell like anything I’ve smelt before.

  Aura turns around. “There she is.”

  I turn, too, but after blinking to make sure I’m seeing what I think I am, the ground at my feet feels like it’s falling away from under me.

  Some slimy muthafucka has his hands all over my mate.

  What. The. Fuck?


  She turns her head and smiles, but I don’t miss her inhale. Was it a breath of relief or nervousness from me finding her like this?


  I turn my attention to the man beside her, who has taken his hands off her now. It’s too late, though. I’ve already shifted, and I’m running straight at him.

  A group of vampires down the hall begin hissing and so does the piece of shit I’m heading for, but just before I can grab him, my body tingles again and I’m in the woods behind my house.


  “Ariella!” I don’t even recognise the howl that comes out of me. It’s loud as fuck, and undoubtedly loaded with my pain.

  She doesn’t answer.

  I call for Von, too, and Aura.

  But no one comes, so I take my anger out on the trees surrounding me, all while replaying the sight of that man’s hands on Karrisee.

  How could she?



  A few minutes earlier...

  I dismiss the household staff before quickly making my way out of the grand hall. It’s nice to be back in charge of my castle, and the staff seem to be happy to have me here again, too. At first, I used to feel bad, ordering people around, but these people live to serve not only me, but all the people of this kingdom.

  However, I also understand that they need to be taken care of, too, so I’ve increased the number of blood donors to be employed, along with arranging for my aunt to come and sow more fruit trees within the grounds.

  I’ve felt so good these past few days, even my parents have said it shows. I feel more content within myself, and I’m excited about my future. I’m listening to Malika more every day, too, and I’m more confident in not only myself, but the decisions I’m making.

  I honestly think this is the happiest I’ve ever been.

  ‘Ahem,’ Malika coughs, stirring from her slumber. ‘Aren’t you forgetting to give a certain someone some recognition for their part in our joy?’

  I internally roll my eyes. ‘I could never forget about Amarey.’ The smile that steals my lips verges on extreme, but it always is when I think about that man.

  Every day that I spend over in the world is better than the last, and each moment spent with Amarey is nothing short of life changing. He’s everything I was hoping to find in a man, and I can’t deny the fact that I’ve fallen in love with him anymore.

  Initially, yes, it was his beautiful face and gorgeous body that drew me in, but more than anything now, it’s his calming aura and acceptance of the real me that I truly love about him.

  I want to tell him how I feel so badly, but I need to speak to Ariella first, because I can’t say that I don’t have some major concerns. Mostly about Amarey’s werewolf mate, because I need to know where I stand in his future before I invest anymore of my heart into his.


  I close my eyes and grimace when I hear Heiro’s voice. I saw him in the meeting with the others but kept my attention firmly elsewhere. I had no idea he was still hanging around here, and let’s just say that Malika was far from impressed to find out he was, too.


  I turn and watch him approach me, my heart racing the entire time but not in a good way. I can definitely feel the difference between good and bad internal flutters now, and there’s no doubt these ones are bad.

  Bad. Bad. Bad.

  Heiro kneels briefly before showing me the smile that used to woo me, but the only thing it makes me feel now, is dirty. “I was calling after you for ages.”


  He frowns, clearly confused. “I wanted to say how beautiful you look. Different, but beautiful.”

  “I know. What do you want?”

  “To talk to you.”

  I grind my teeth. “Can you spit it out then? I have somewhere to be.” I wanna go visit Amarey. He has a football match tomorrow, and I want to wish him luck.

  ‘You might as well banish this fool now, while you have the chance. If we wish for Amarey to visit us, we can’t have our trash still hanging around like a bad smell.’

  ‘That’s a good point.’

  ‘This is a chance for you to stick up for yourself, too. Don’t let this fucker think he can worm his way back into our good books. We aren’t that girl anymore, and he doesn’t deserve our kindness.’

  She’s right.

  He blinks. “Why are you being so—”

  “Pack your shit. I want you out of my castle by nightfall.”

  He recoils. “What?”

  “You aren’t deaf, so don’t act like you are.”

  “Look, Reese, I’m sorry, all right? I made a mistake.”

  “I agree, you did make a mistake, and your apology isn’t accepted.” I barge past him, noticing the stares of a few members of staff hovering by the entrance to the kitchen. “Make sure he’s out by nightfall.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”


  “Fuck of—”

  Heiro spins me around by my arm, shocking the hell out of me and pissing the hell out of Malika. “Please, just listen.” He slips his arms around my waist, as if this man has ownership of me.

  I’ve never felt such fury in my life.

  ‘Sword?’ Malika suggests.

  ‘Right now.’

  I tune him out as I bring my sword to my hand, but just as I’m about to wield it, I hear Amarey say my name.

  Turning my head, I see him beside Aura, and I can’t deny that the sight of him doesn’t bring relief. “Amarey.”

  But he doesn’t smile back. Instead, his gaze lands on Heiro’s hand on my waist, and his eyes turn dark and feral.

  Oh no…

  He suddenly shifts and comes at us, but before I can so much as utter a single word, he disappears with Aura, as if he were never even here.

  My heart suddenly aches unbearably when I think of the look in his eyes and the pain I heard in his growl. My noir magic sensed it, too. I hurt his feelings, and that’s hurting me.

  But the pain turns to su
dden rage.

  “What the fuck was—” Heiro begins, but he doesn’t get a chance to finish. I crush his heart inside his chest and slice my sword through his neck before watching unmoved as he falls to the ground.

  I wish I could say his death has made me feel better, but the ache in my chest is so crushing, I find it hard to breathe. I can’t stop thinking about Amarey’s face or that growl either.

  ‘He looked really upset,’ Malika says ominously. ‘Heartbroken even.’

  She’s not wrong, but I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

  ‘He didn’t know that, though, did he?’

  Tears pool in my eyes, so I quickly tell the group watching to deal with Heiro before I port to my room to escape. ‘No… He didn’t…’ And I can admit that it must not have appeared good…

  ‘Definitely not.’

  My thoughts run at a million miles a minute. I know he cares about me, maybe even as much as I do him. His actions certainly lean towards a man in love, but the fact remains, I’m not his mate.

  Or am I?

  But I’m not a werewolf…

  This pain I feel in my chest, though…

  This is physical pain.

  ‘You don't think...?’

  ‘What?’ Malika asks.

  ‘You don’t think we’re feeling his pain, do you?’

  ‘I can’t tell you that, but if you are, it can only mean one thing. That we are his—’

  ‘Mate. But I’m a vampire. It's not possible, is it?’

  Mom suddenly appears in my room. “It's possible, and you are.”

  I stare back at her. Stunned. “What? Why didn't you tell me?”

  “Why do you think?”

  ‘She couldn't,’ Malika says.

  I gasp, because so many things suddenly fall into place, mostly the fact that he’s literally perfect for us. “Oh no…”

  ‘No wonder he acted like that.’

  “I have to go to him. Please send me—”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “He needs time to calm down.”

  “But I can explain, I can make him understand…” I bite my lip as the tears break their dams. “It wasn't what it looked like.”

  She comes to wrap her arms around me, and I sob harshly into her chest. “I know, sweetheart.”

  “I don't like feeling like this, Mom. I physically hurt. My heart…” I can feel it breaking. “All this time... Did he know who I was?”

  She nods against my head. “A werewolf always knows who his mate is, whether he’s told or not.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. “Oh, God…” Amarey…

  “I'm sorry we didn't tell you, but it's for the greater good, I promise you.”

  “It doesn't feel like it. I feel like I'm dying.”

  “You must trust that everything is just how it should be. Now, more than ever. You may not understand in this moment in time, but you soon will. I promise.”

  “I hope so…”

  What have I done…?



  My heart aches as I secretly watch my brother tearing the woods apart before me. I can feel his pain, his anguish, his confusion every time he replays what happened in his mind. His torment is tangible, but as much as I long to rid him of it, I can’t.

  And I hate it.

  I’ve seen this moment for years, but still, I wasn’t fully ready for it. No matter how much I know it’s essential to his and Karrisee’s journey, he’s still my brother, and to see him like this kills me.

  I’m thankful Aura decided to take this one, and that she took him there before Hiero tried to kiss her. If he’s like this with only seeing another man’s hands on his mate, I hate to think what he’d be like if he’d seen her kissing someone else.

  ‘Karrisee can now feel Amarey’s emotions,’ Aura tells me and Vallessa. ‘Once she returns to the world, she will have the capability to trigger his second hidden ability, if Amarey does as we believe he will to trigger hers.’

  ‘There’s no doubt about it. As angry as he is now, I’m certain tomorrow will go down exactly as expected.’

  ‘I hope so,’ Vallessa says, then I hear her confirm to her daughter who Amarey is to her.


  Karrisee took her first life, too, and my pride kicks in. She’s right on track. I know it looks like everything is going to shit now, but believe me, it’s far from.

  ‘Regardless of her knowing I'm her mate or not, how could she let someone touch her like that? How?’

  I reveal myself to my brother. “It's not what it seems.”

  He suddenly turns and stalks towards me. “Not what it seems?” he growls.

  “You really need to get this temper in check, Mah.”

  “Are you for fucking real? How the fuck would you feel if you saw another woman with their hands on Von, huh? You don't fucking know, because he’s a ware, and it would never fucking happen!”

  “Have you forgotten what me and Davonyé went through when we first met? I had to see him and Carisse together! So don't you dare tell me I don't understand this.”

  He huffs as he turns away from me, then he continues to pull a number of trees from their roots.

  I sigh. As much as I hate to see him like this, again, it is for his own good. His temper must be tamed, by him alone. This is the ultimate pain for any ware, yes, but forgiveness and control are things he must learn before he’s ready to lead as he's destined to.

  He must be level-headed.

  It’s the same for Karrisee. She had to learn that her actions have consequences, too. She was too lenient, way too forgiving, but she won't be from now on.

  ‘You want me to talk to him?’ Davonyé asks.

  ‘Yeah, maybe you should.’

  He appears beside me, prompting my brother to immediately turn.

  “I ain't in the mood for no pep talk right now, bruv.”

  “Tough shit,” Davonyé replies. ‘Leave us, bae.’

  I disappear, but I remain where I am. I don't see my brother trying to fight him, but just in case he tries to. Davonyé may have magic, but my brother fights at the same level as Harmony now, and he's fast.

  Dare I say, as fast as my parents, and that’s blur fast.

  He's incredible already, and although I've seen him and Karrisee many times in the future, I can't wait to see just how amazing they’re going to be once all is said and done.


  “Fuck off.”

  “Listen, you can listen willingly to what I’m gonna say, or I can silence you and make you listen, but either way, you are gonna hear what the fuck I’ve gotta say.”

  My brother glares at him in silence, and I smile. Him and Davonyé have always been close. They also respect each other as alphas. “Talk.”

  Davonyé sighs. “I saw what happened. I’m sorry.”

  “Is that it?”

  “Mah, do you even know what happened? Did you give her a chance to explain before you thought the worst of what you saw?”

  “Explain why she was letting another man touch her like that? Are you dumb, bruv?”

  “You’re missing the point. You’re jumping to conclusions, just like you did when she took so long to visit you again. That shit wasn’t even about you.”

  The penny drops, and there’s an eerie silence.

  “Look, I’ve been where she is. I know what it’s like to fall in love with someone out of nowhere and not understand what the fuck is going on. All I’m sayin’ is let her explain, alright? Then be mad, but don’t be jumping to conclusions and thinking the worst. That kinda behaviour won’t get you anywhere in life, and you’ll only end up hurting yourself.”

  Amarey sits down on a fallen tree and sullenly looks at the ground. “Leave me alone.”

  “Aight, but if you need me, I’m here.”

  I port to the house before Davonyé gets back, then I give him a look when he appears.

  He shakes his head. “I can’t blame him, though. If I’d seen that, I’d st
raight have eaten that muthafucka.”

  “He would’ve if Aura hadn’t have ported his ass out of there.”

  “They need to just fuck already, then they won’t have these problems.”

  I laugh, and he gives me a look.

  “What? It’s true.”

  “Maybe. Either way, after tomorrow, they’ll be less of these kinds of issues and more movement forward.”

  “Is Harmony ready?”

  “Yeah. I numbed her to the scent this morning, so everything’s set.”

  “Good.” He gives me the look that tells me his line of thought has changed, before his thoughts tell me they have. “You got anywhere to go?”

  I slowly smile. “Actually, no. I’m free for a little while.”

  He moves to the couch. “Then come bend that ass over.”



  I sleep most of the day and only drag myself out of bed two hours before I've gotta be at hold three. It's an hour’s drive away, too, so I'm pushing it.

  At this point, though, I don't even give a fuck.

  My mood is vile, and although I'm secretly hoping someone kicks off today so I can beat their ass, I'm also up in my feelings about what Von and my sister said last night.

  Von said I need to stop jumping to conclusions, so I’m trying to think of a reason why I might have found her in that position, but I can’t find any that’s justifiable.

  And Ells, she said I need to tame my temper, but as far as I'm concerned, it would be fine if people stopped pissing me off.

  I close my eyes as I step under the water. I don't mean that shit.


  I thought dad had done a good job with his whole self-control game he taught me growing up, but I’m quickly realising that putting talk into action when feelings are involved ain’t easy at all.

  I try again to understand. Karrisee doesn’t know she’s my mate, so it's not as if she knew how sensitive that shit might be for me to see…

  But to have another man touch her like that…

  I thought she liked me. Hell, I thought she loved me, but now, I can't stop thinking about whether she's been truthful with me about sleeping with anyone else, or what she might’ve been up to behind my back over in that world of hers.


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