Page 34
Dalmeny, Harry, 269
D’Amato, Alfonse, xx
Davie family, 53, 54–5
Davies, Nick: background, 171; on RM and food, 135; on RM and Lady Ghislaine, 148; and Andrea Martin, 171, 172, 175, 179–83; difficult relationship with RM because of Martin, 219; arms-dealing allegations and indiscretions lead to loss of Mirror post, 219–23; believes RM may have faked own death, 255; later life and death, 283
Davis, William, 200
De La Rue, 195–6
Dennis, Lance-Corporal, 12
Desert Island Discs (radio show), 5, 138–41
Diana, Princess of Wales, 136, 149, 283
Dinkins, David, xvi, xxvi, 213
Djurovic, Vesna, 257, 258–9
Dönitz, Admiral Karl, 21
Dove, Anne, 38–9
Du Cann, Edward, 56
dye, 28, 34
Edinburgh, Prince Philip, Duke of, 149
Edwards, Bob: and RM’s takeover of Mirror Group, 103, 104, 109–10, 111, 112; offers to introduce RM to Snowdon, 113
Eibisch, Dr, 19
elections, general: (1959), 55; (1964), 53–4, 55–6; (1966), 57–8; (1970), 83–5
Elizabeth II, Queen, 108, 122, 149
Elizabeth, Queen Mother, 149
Elsevier publishers, 206
encyclopedias, 63–4, 75–7, 195
Ephron, Nora, 128
Epstein, Jeffrey, 285
espionage, 22–3, 27, 31, 41, 220–21
Ethiopian famine (1984/5), 121–2
European, The, 225, 267
European Economic Community, 175–6
Evans, Harold, 61, 78, 144
‘Fanny the Fixer’ see Heuvel, Count Vanden
fax machines, 211
Featley, John, 231
Feirstein, Bruce, 274
Fielding, Janet, 171, 219–20, 222
films, 274
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, vii, 50, 156
football, 103
France: RM’s war service in, 9–10; RM marries in, 13–15
Franckenstein, Sir George, 29
Frost, David, 157, 200
George, Eddie, 236
Germany: RM’s war service in, 15–17; RM is posted to in aftermath of war, 17, 19–26; RM plans to trade with, 28; RM travels to, 170–73
Giselle (filmed production of ballet), 36–7
Goldman Sachs, 195, 218, 227, 232, 236, 273
Goodman, Geoffrey, 22
Goodman, Lord, 247, 253
Gorbachev, Mikhail: phones RM to wish him happy birthday, 158; attempts to set up institute with RM, 192–3, 197–8; RM acts as link between him and Thatcher, and him and Israel, 196–7; resigns, 217; tribute to RM, 252
Gorbachev–Maxwell Institute for Technological Change, 192–3, 197–8
Gorky, Maxim, 85–6
Greenslade, Roy, 95, 171, 193–4, 222
Greg (Betty’s friend), 95–6
Gridiron Dinner, 202–4
Grigg, Simon: background, 128–9; duties as RM’s valet, 129–30; on Trump, xxvii; phones Jay on RM’s behalf, 131; on RM’s weight, 136; Berlin trip with RM, 170, 172; on Andrea Martin, 177, 183; resigns, 185
Gruneich, Kevin, 165–6
Guest, Beverley, 225, 283
Guest, Lawrence ‘Lawrie’: background, 206–7; agrees to change financial year end for MGN pension funds, 206–7; RM tries to distance from MGN accounts, 214–15; digs into MGN accounts, 217–18, 224–5; RM reassures him about funds, 231; admits concerns to Stott, 265; phone discovered to have been bugged, 265–6; receives only mild criticism in DTI report, 273; later life and death, 283
Gulf War tickertape parade, 213
H. R. Owen car dealers, 147
Haines, Irene, 159
Haines, Joe: anecdotes related to him in course of writing RM’s biography, xxiii, 5–6, 33, 46; background, character and appearance, 116–17; attitude to RM taking over Mirror, 105; work for Mirror under RM’s ownership, 116–17, 121, 122–3; RM buys toy for his puppy, 122–3; attends lavish RM party, 159; watches Davies denounce RM, 179; interviews Davies about indiscretions and arms-dealing allegations, 222–3; last meeting with RM, 230; tribute to RM, 253
Hall, Julie, 161
Hambro, Sir Charles, 30–31, 38, 41, 68–9
Hambros Bank, 30–31, 68
Hamilton, John, 240
Harris, Sandra, 82–3
Hasty Heart, The (film), 287
Hattersley, Roy, 119
Headington Hill Hall: history, 42, 154; Maxwells move into, 42–3; parties at, 154–61, 209–10; décor, 160; contents sold, 268–70; current function, 275–6
Heath, Edward, 57
helicopters, 126
Hersh, Seymour, 219, 220–21
Herzog, Chaim, 199–200, 261
Heuvel, Count Vanden (‘Fanny the Fixer’), 31
Hill, Dave, 119
Hinsey, Caroline (‘Tiny’), 213, 227–8, 231–2
Hitler, Adolf, 19, 20–21
Hoch, Brana, 18, 21, 47
Hoch, Chanca: RM born to, 1; way of life and family, 2–3; relationship with RM, 3, 50; sends RM to school, 4; death, 13, 18
Hoch, Mehel, 1, 2–3, 18
Hoch, Shenya, 18
Hoch, Sylvia, 4, 18, 21, 47, 287–8
Hodson, Nigel, 235
Hoge, Jim, xv–xxi, xxiv–xxv, xxvii– xxviii, 202, 204, 213–14
Holocaust and Genocide Studies (journal), 150
Hoppit (chauffeur), 84
houses, prefabricated, 29
Howell, Grover, xxiii Hull, Brian, 240
Hult, Madeleine, 255
Hungary, 5–6
hunting, 152–3
Husák, Gustáv, 152, 153
‘I’m Backing Britain’ campaign, 59–60
IBM, 76
ILSC see International Learning Systems Corporation
India, 63, 76
Intelligence Corps, 20–21
International Learning Systems Corporation (ILSC), 75, 76–8
IPC, 64, 101–2
Iserlohn, 20
Israel: RM visits and forms links with, 148–50; RM helps restore links with Russia, 197; RM visits Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, 215–16; Davies’s links with Mossad, 219, 220–21; and RM’s death, 276; sends guard of honour to accompany RM’s body on last part of flight, 257; RM’s second autopsy takes place in, 257–60; RM buried in, 246, 261–3
Israel Day Parade, 213
Jackson, Sir Charles, 65
Jackson, Professor Derek, 64–6, 74
Jackson, John, 242–4, 245, 247, 248, 251
James, Clive, 136
Jaruzelski, General Wojciech, 167–8
Jay, Margaret, 127–8
Jay, Peter: background, 127–8; hired by RM, 128; RM’s treatment of, 130–32; on RM’s relationship with Murdoch, 142; on RM’s parties, 159; tries to help Andrea Martin, 178; discusses Reagan with Molloy, 287; RM fires, 184
Jews and Judaism: RM’s attitude to, 10, 56, 148–50, 215–16, 281–2; life in Czechoslovakia, 2; fate of Czech Jews in Second World War, 17–18; Betty’s Holocaust work, 150, 281; RM watches newsreel of Jews arriving at Auschwitz, 218
Johannmeir, Major Willi, 20–21
joke books, 273
Jordan, David, 224
Kamienski, Tadeusz, 80
Kaufman, Ben, 220, 221, 222
Keating, Robert, 239
Kerley, Peter, 36
KGB, 128
Khashoggi, Adnan, 147
Kinnock, Glenys, 160–61
Kinnock, Neil, 156–7, 160–61, 229, 231, 252
Kipling, Rudyard, 221
Kissinger, Henry, 226
Klein, Edward, 284
Kohl, Helmut, 252
Kordalski, Liza, 238, 239–40
Korean War (1950–53), 28
Kosygin, Alexei, 54
Kroll, Jules, 226
Labour Party Conference (1991), 229–31
Lady Ghislaine (yacht): RM buys, 147–8; named for his favourite daughter, xix, 147–8; chartered out, 1
75; RM sails to New York on, xiii, xix; party on board, xxvi–xxviii; RM’s last cruise on, 233–40, 277–8; Betty arrives to take over, 244–7; Betty orders crew to shred everything, 251; renamed Lady Mona K and bought, unwittingly, by Anna Murdoch, 288
Langdon, Julia, 151–3, 160
Lange, Maxwell & Springer, 31
Le Ribault, Professor Loïc, 264
Leaders of the World series, 179–80, 216
Leasco, 76–81, 86–92
Lehman Brothers, 227, 232
Leigh, Wendy, 94–5, 266
Lemela, Dr Carlos, 250
Lennox, Ken: covers collapse of Soviet Union, 217; flies out to Canaries with Betty in wake of RM’s death, 242, 244, 245; formally identifies RM’s body, 242; coaches Ghislaine in speech to be given to press, 248; accompanies RM’s body to Israel, 250, 251, 256–7
Leonard, Graham, 238–9
Liechtenstein, 168, 169
Lindsay, John, xxvi Liverpool, 8
Lobl, Arnos, 30
Lonrho, 142, 144
Loss, Joe, 155
Low-Bell & Maxwell, 30
Lucas, Sir Colin, 281–2
Lukanov, Andrei, 179–80
McDonald, George, xvi–xvii
Macdonald Futura, 206
Mackenzie, Miss (security guard), xxii–xxiii, xxv
Macmillan publishers, xviii, 145–6, 169, 267
Madeira, 235
Mafia, xviii
Major, John, 208, 252
Maloney, Mike, 115, 137, 170, 172, 215
Mandela, Nelson and Winnie, 199–200
Mandelson, Peter, 131, 160–61
Margaret, Princess, 108, 113, 149
Markham, Sir Frank, 55
Marseilles, 7
Marsh, Richard, 58
Martin, Andrea, 170–83, 185–7, 223, 255, 283
Maxwell, Anne (RM’s daughter), 44, 157, 284
Maxwell, Christine (RM’s daughter): contracts infantile cholera, 37; and Karine’s death, 38; and Michael’s serious car accident and death, 45; other children’s attitude to, 48; Ian joins in California, 99; at lavish RM party, 157; compiles Birthday Book for Betty’s seventieth birthday, 199; role at Pergamon, 205; on Pergamon sale, 206; tries, unsuccessfully, to see RM, 212; on his deterioration, 212–13; later life, 284
Maxwell, Deborah (no relation), 177, 212
Maxwell, Elisabeth (Betty; née Meynard; RM’s wife): RM meets and marries, 13–15; RM writes to from the front, 16; RM spends leave with, 16–17; RM writes to from Berlin, 19–20; Michael’s birth, 22; and RM’s lung cancer diagnosis, 35, 36; Karine’s death, 3–7, 38; fights against RM’s possible affair with Anne Dove, 38–9; married life, 40–41; trip to Auschwitz, 41–2; moves to Headington Hill Hall, 42–3; Ghislaine’s birth, 44; Michael’s serious car accident and death, 44–52; RM drifts apart from, 46–7, 50; helps RM with his MP work, 57; attitude to RM’s attempt to buy News of the World, 66, 74; on Steinberg, 78; on RM’s loss of control of Pergamon, 81; supports RM in 1970 General Election, 83, 84; on downturn in their fortunes, 86–7; takes children camping, 90; difficult married life, 93–8; studies for degree, 95; relationship with Greg, 95–6; typical Christmas, 97–8; photo on Christmas card, 100; and RM’s eating, 134, 135, 136; chooses RM’s Desert Island Discs, 141; attitude to Rothschild’s, 146; studies the Holocaust and her and RM’s family trees, 150, 281; visits RM’s home town, 150–51; parties thrown by, 154–61; wonders about RM’s feelings for Andrea Martin, 173, 174; stands in for RM at engagements, 174; RM threatens with legal separation, 188–91; seventieth birthday dinner, 199–202; meets RM for first time in two months, 214; RM visits in France, 216; and RM’s death, 241, 242–7, 249–50; last meal on Lady Ghislaine, 251; receives tributes to RM, 252, 253; continuing unease over cause of his death, 254; accompanies RM’s body to Israel, 256–7; and RM’s funeral, 260, 261–2; receives half of proceeds of sale of RM’s estate, 268–9; clears Headington Hill Hall, 269, 275; tries to buy back RM’s MC, 270; tries to raise money for Ian, 271; on cause of RM’s death, 277; later life and death, 281–2; writes book about her marriage, 281–2
Maxwell, Ghislaine (RM’s daughter): birth, 44; childhood neglect because of Michael’s serious car accident and death, 45, 47; becomes spoiled, 47; helps promote Who Dares Wins game, 116; yacht named after, xix, 147–8; at lavish RM party, 157; role at Pergamon, 206; appointed RM’s Emissary, xxv; deteriorating relationship with RM, 213; and RM’s death, 245, 251; gives speech to press about his death, 248; on cause of his death, 277; later life, 284–5; arrest, 285
Maxwell, Ian (RM’s son): on RM’s war service, 16; and Michael’s serious car accident and death, 45, 51; relationship with RM, 48–9, 49–50, 96; on downturn in family fortunes, 90; on family Christmases, 97, 98; fired by RM, then eventually rehired, 98–9; takes Sasakawa to Buckingham Palace garden party, 105–6, 107–8; chooses RM’s Desert Island Discs, 141; at lavish RM party, 157; appears in advert for MCC, 166–7; stands in for RM at engagements, 174, 188–9; made joint MD of MCC, 175; on sale of Pergamon, 205–6; on RM and fax machines, 211; on RM’s deterioration, 211–12; marries Laura, 214; on RM’s gambling, 215; party for those unable to attend wedding, 215; sees RM watching newsreel of Jews arriving at Auschwitz, 218; phones RM on yacht, 236, 238; and RM’s death, 241–2; appoints administrators, 265; tried for conspiracy to defraud, 271–2; later life, 284
Maxwell, Isabel (RM’s daughter): contracts infantile cholera, 37; and RM’s lung cancer diagnosis, 36; and Karine’s death, 38; and Michael’s serious car accident and death, 45–6, 47; other children’s attitude to, 48; relationship with RM, 49; on Steinberg, 78; and RM’s eating habits, 135; at lavish RM party, 157; compiles Birthday Book for Betty’s seventieth birthday, 199; career, 205; RM compliments for first and last time, 216; later life, 284
Maxwell, Karine (RM’s daughter), 37–8
Maxwell, Kevin (RM’s son): and anecdote about RM’s war service, 16; relationship with RM, 96, 122; at lavish RM party, 157; appears in advert for MCC, 166–7; made joint MD for MCC, 175; Betty consults about potential separation from RM, 189–90; handles Pergamon sale, 206; becomes MCC’s CEO, 206; and Mirror flotation, 210; morning meetings with RM, 211; discusses business problems with RM, 214; Swiss Bank visits to announce calling in MCC loan, 234–5; asks RM to return to London, 236; phones RM on yacht, 239; and RM’s death, 241; rumoured to have helped RM fake death, 255; insists companies’ finances are sound, 263; appoints administrators, 265; tried for conspiracy to defraud, 270–72; biggest bankrupt in history, 271; criticized in DTI report into MGN, 272–3; later life, 284
Maxwell, Laura (née Plumb; RM’s daughter-in-law), 214, 216
Maxwell, Michael (RM’s son), 22, 35, 44–52, 157
Maxwell, Pandora (RM’s daughter-in-law), 270
Maxwell, Philip (RM’s son): first words, 43; and Michael’s serious car accident and death, 44, 51; relationship with RM, 50; goes to live in Argentina, 99; at lavish RM party, 157; RM confides in, 282; and RM’s death, 242, 245, 248–9, 251; speaks at RM’s funeral, 261–2; later life, 284
Maxwell, Robert (RM)
GENERAL: appearance, 14, 23, 110, 147, 176–7; awards, honours and medals, 11–13, 155, 157, 270; biographies, memoirs and fictional re-creations, xxiii, xxviii, 273–4, 281–3; character, xviii, xix, xxv, 4, 10, 13, 26, 37–8, 46–7, 61, 91, 96–7, 123–4, 130, 148, 282–3; charities supported, 149; and the Establishment, 34; food likes and dislikes, 133–7; fortune, xiii; and gambling, 215; handwriting, 4; identity formation, 286–8; and Judaism, 10, 56, 148–50, 215–16, 281–2; management style, 118; names, 1, 7, 9–11, 288; nickname, xv; political influence, xiii–xiv, 104, 196, 197; relationship with parents, 3, 50; voice and accent, 8
LIFE: background, xiii; childhood, 1–4; joins Hungarian underground, 5–6; joins French army, 7–8; joins British army, 8–17; wins MC, 11–13; death of mother and many of family in Auschwitz, 13, 18; meets and marries Betty, 13–15; dubious treatment of German civilians, 15–16; posted to Germany in immediate aftermath of war, 17
, 19–26; becomes British citizen, 21; Michael born, 22; espionage work, 22–3; helps set up Der Telegraaf, his introduction to the world of newspapers, 24; acquires worldwide distribution rights to Springer-Verlag’s publications, 24–7; demobbed, 26; ongoing British Intelligence connection, 27, 31; ‘creative’ trade deals, 28–30; moves forward in publishing industry, 31–4; Pergamon established, 31; his impact on scientific publishing, 32–3; first instance of asset-stripping, 33–4; lung cancer, 35–6; Karine’s death leads to emotional reserve, 37–8; possible affair with Anne Dove, 38–9; gains key contracts for Pergamon, 39–40; work ethic at this time, 40–41; continuing Intelligence work, 41; trip to Auschwitz, 41–2; moves to Headington Hill Hall, 42–3; Michael’s serious car accident and death leads to profound change in attitude to his family, 44–52; drifts apart from Betty, 46–7, 50; becomes MP, 53–62; dangerous-driving conviction, 55–6; ‘reforms’ House of Commons catering, 58–9, 60–62; fails to secure partnership deal with Murdoch, 63–4; loses battle against Murdoch for ownership of News of the World, 66–74; loses control of Pergamon despite some creative accounting, 75–81; loses parliamentary seat, 82–3; DTI report into sale of Pergamon leads to downturn in fortunes, 86–7; regains control of Pergamon, 86–92; marriage problems and affairs, 93–8; typical Christmas, 97–8; fires then rehires Ian, 98–9; loses battle against Murdoch for ownership of Sun and Times, 102–3; wins back respect of City by transforming fortunes of MCC, 103; takes over MGN, 103–12; rivalry with Murdoch, 104, 110–11, 113, 116, 142–6; management of Mirror, 113–23, 125–7; Pitt-Atkins predicts dramatic fall, 123–4; treatment of employees at this time, 127–32; increasing weight problem, 133–7; appears on Desert Island Discs, 5, 138–41; loses battle against Murdoch for ownership of Today, 142–4; buys Macmillan and Official Aviation Guide, 145–6; buys Lady Ghislaine, 147–8; invests in Israel, 148–50; revisits home town, 150–51; ‘state’ visit to Czechoslovakia, 151–3; parties thrown by, 154–61; becomes increasingly suspicious of everyone and arranges for phones to be bugged, 162–4; starts to borrow from Mirror pension fund to prop up MCC, 167–9; becomes besotted with Andrea Martin, 170–83; increasingly disorganized, 173–4; trip to Bulgaria, 179–81; desperate to separate Davies and Martin, 185–7; threatens Betty with legal separation, 188–91; while serious money problems loom continues to try to play role in international relations, 192–8; buys New York Daily News, xiii–xxviii, 201; throws dinner for Betty’s seventieth birthday though still not reconciled with her, 199–202; attends Gridiron Dinner and has lunch with Bush Snr, 202–4; sells Pergamon, 205–6; props up MCC share price, 207–8; floats Mirror on Stock Exchange, 208–10; increasingly irrational behaviour and health deterioration, 210–13; sixty-eighth birthday party, 213; problems at New York Daily News, 213–14; attends Ian’s wedding, 214; uses Mirror funds to pay debts, 215; visits Betty in France, 216; deteriorating health, 216; Guest tries to track down Mirror funds, 217–18; difficult relationship with Davies because of Martin, 219; arms-dealing allegations, 219–23; business affairs spiral out of control and health worsens, 223–32; total debts, 227, 232; Hinsey tells him about yachting accident, 227–8; unexpectedly joins Lady Ghislaine for a sail amid deepening financial problems, 233–9; vanishes from yacht, 239–40; body found, 241; general unease over cause of death, 242–51, 253–4; first autopsy, 249–50; body flown to Israel, 250–51, 265–7; tributes, 252–3; rumour that faked own death, 254–5; second autopsy, 257–60; funeral, 261–3; photos of body published in Paris Match, 263–4; empire collapses, 263–7; estate sold, 268–70; public contempt grows, 272, 273; continued speculation about cause of death, 276–80; reasons for distancing from Betty, 281–2; author’s speculation about last hours in water, 288