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Her Boss's One-Night Baby (HQR Presents)

Page 8

by Jennie Lucas

  And most of all, the pure ecstasy of being inside her, rammed into her hot tight sheath. No—he couldn’t—he scrambled to hold himself back. I feel nothing, I feel nothing—

  Then he heard her scream his name as she exploded a second time, felt the rake of her fingernails against his back as she tightened around the full length of his shaft. Against his will, his body rushed forward like a careening train, leaving him helpless against the pleasure as with a shocked cry, he exploded, pouring himself inside her.

  One thrust. That was all his famous stamina had been good for with Hana. One.

  Still panting for breath, overwhelmed and stunned, he collapsed beside her on the bed, pulling her into his arms.

  As reason slowly returned, he tried to understand what had just happened. He’d never had sex without a condom before. He’d never known how intense it would be. That had to be why he’d exploded like some teenaged virgin. Wasn’t it?

  Antonio looked down at Hana, nestled naked and warm against his chest. Her eyes were closed, her lovely face rosy, her expression hallowed by joy. She sighed with happiness, pressing against him. Kissing her sweaty temple tenderly, he wrapped his arms around her.

  He knew he’d satisfied her. But he’d wanted to do so much more. He’d wanted to impress her, to dazzle her, to bring her to fulfillment not just twice, but three or four times.

  Instead, he’d been the one who’d been dazzled and overwhelmed, by a girl barely more than a virgin. He took a deep breath. He didn’t understand what had happened.

  But he could never let it happen again.

  Antonio had to remain in control. Always. Not just of others. Of himself most of all.

  Strength came from not caring about other people. If you felt nothing, you could withstand injury. If you were impervious to pain, if you didn’t give a damn about anyone, you could make it through anything. No one could hurt you.

  He looked down at her, cuddled against his shoulder, naked and soft and warm.

  One thrust.

  She’d made him explode with one thrust.

  The changing neon lights from the city below left patterns across her soft skin. He cupped a hand over her naked breast, and was awed when he felt himself start to stir again, when it had been only minutes since he’d had her.

  Eyes still closed, she gave a soft, satisfied sigh, cuddling against him. He wondered if he’d ever get enough of her—if he’d ever be truly satisfied, or he’d always feel like a starving man when she was near.

  How could he already want her again?

  An incredulous smile lifted to his lips. Losing control over his body had been—interesting, at least. How had she made sex so thrilling and new? In the past, it had felt like satisfying an appetite, nothing more. But Hana made his body react in ways he’d never experienced. Even now, when he should have been completely satiated, lying naked beside her, he was once again hard as a rock.

  Why? How? Because he’d wanted her for so long? The delayed gratification of finally possessing her after months of repressed desire—and the years before that?

  He didn’t know the reason, but she made everything feel new.

  And he was going to marry her. No other man would be able to touch her—ever. She was his alone.

  She would agree to marry him. Soon. Tomorrow, if he could convince her. And he would. When had he ever had trouble sweeping a woman off her feet?

  When had he ever had to try?

  Now. And he would. He would seduce her with everything he had.

  Antonio started to turn away, to reach for his phone, intending to make plans—

  Hana’s eyes fluttered open as she yawned. “Don’t go,” she whispered, reaching for him. “Stay with me all night.”

  No man alive could have resisted her sweetly pleading voice, her softly enticing body, her breasts and hips half-covered by a cotton sheet. He pulled her back against his chest.

  “I’m never leaving you again,” he said huskily, and he meant every word.


  HANA WOKE WITH a start to discover the gentle pink light of morning suffusing the hotel suite’s bedroom. A smile was on her lips, then she remembered with a gasp everything that had happened last night, and looked next to her on the bed.

  It was empty.

  Antonio was gone.

  A crushing disappointment filled her, even as she told herself it was exactly what she’d known would happen. Just as soon as he’d gotten what he wanted, he’d left.

  If anything, she should be surprised he’d stayed so long. He’d made love to her three times last night. Her cheeks burned, remembering. Four times, if you counted the interlude in the shower. Her whole body ached with the sweet exhaustion of pleasure. She’d never imagined anyone could make her feel that good, over and over and over. No wonder all those women went so crazy over him. And no wonder he would not commit to any of them for long. He was probably already on the other side of Tokyo, focusing back on the negotiations for the codeshare with Iyokan Airways. His company was his only true love, his family and religion, and now that he’d possessed Hana so thoroughly, Antonio had moved on with—

  “Buenos días, querida.”

  Her lips parted in a gasp as she saw him entering the bedroom with a tray. He was wearing only a white terry cloth robe, which set off his tanned skin and gorgeous body to perfection. As he came closer to the bed, she saw he’d showered and freshly shaved.

  “G-good morning,” she stammered, unsure how to react. Even though he’d promised her he’d stay the entire night, she’d never imagined he’d actually do it. He never stayed the night with any of his mistresses. He either came home, or kicked them out, with the excuse of an early morning meeting that was, to be fair, always true.

  “I thought you’d be hungry.” Antonio set down the silver tray beside her on the bed. She saw a full breakfast of eggs and fruit and toast and other delicious things, beside a pretty red rose in a bud vase. Then she took a deep breath, and frowned.

  “Um...thank you?”

  “You’re welcome.” He gave her a sensual smile. “Coffee?”

  Her stomach, which had been strangely finicky for the last few weeks for a cause she now knew was morning sickness, immediately rebelled, and she shook her head. “Actually,” she said, careful not to sniff again, “Could you take that coffee into the other room? It...”

  He looked at her. “The smell makes you sick?” He immediately grabbed the carafe and left the suite. He returned empty-handed a moment later. “Orange juice?”

  “Thank you.”

  He poured it, then handed her the glass. Now that the coffee smell was gone, she took a deep breath, inhaling his delectable scent of clean male and woodland spice and something indefinably him. Now that smelled good to her. Too good, even.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking down at her tenderly. “How did you sleep?”

  “Not long enough,” she said, blushing a little.

  Antonio gave her a wicked grin. “Perhaps we’ll need to take a nap later, eh?”

  Based on the way he was looking at her, she doubted it would involve much actual sleep.

  How could she already want him again? How was it possible? Was she really such a wanton?

  Yes, she realized, looking up with a shiver into his dark Spanish eyes. She was utterly a wanton where Antonio Delacruz was concerned.

  Oh, this wasn’t good at all. She’d believed with all her heart that one more night would make him lose interest, and stop him from trying to tempt her with dreams that couldn’t possibly come true—dreams of marrying him, of raising their child together. She couldn’t let herself hope, when after two years of watching him, she knew it was a hopeless fantasy. Men like Antonio never changed!

  But as she felt his hot gaze on her, she felt the answering tremble of desire across her body. She quickly set down her orange
juice. “Aren’t you heading back into the office this morning? To finish the Iyokan deal?”

  He shook his head. “I thought I might show you around Tokyo.”

  Wide-eyed, Hana looked at him, then her lips lifted at the edges. “I’ve been here a few times. I speak Japanese fairly well. And you’re going to show me around?”

  He looked disgruntled. He was accustomed to being the one with all the answers, the one in control.

  But after last night... Hana thought of the first time they’d made love, when he’d exploded almost the very moment he’d pushed inside her, when she was still lost in the swirl of her own pleasure. He was a famous lover. That couldn’t have been his plan.

  Something had made him lose control.

  Though perhaps this was a normal changeup in his repertoire. How would she know? She’d been screaming his name—she blushed at the memory—so he’d known there was no reason to wait. The etiquette of sex was still a mystery to her. But he’d certainly made it last longer the next three times. Lots longer. They’d been in bed the first time. After that, it had been against the wall. In the shower. Against the windows overlooking the neon lights. Her eyes became unfocused as a flash of heat went through her, lost in the memories.

  “We can’t stay here,” Antonio said huskily. She blinked, her cheeks warming as she paused chewing her toast. Was she that transparent? Could he see that she’d been picturing just that?

  “Of course not,” she said hurriedly. “You think I want to stay in bed all day?”

  He looked at her knowingly, and her blush deepened.

  Then, shaking his head, he scowled. “The waiter wouldn’t let me pay for room service. Apparently your dear friend Tanaka,” his voice held an edge, “gave his staff orders that this penthouse suite is not to be charged for anything.”

  She couldn’t imagine a proud man like Antonio allowing another man to pay his way. Particularly not someone he saw as a rival. Biting her lip, she said awkwardly, “Ren is a dear friend...”

  “We will move to my hotel room tonight,” he cut her off.

  “It’s not up to you.” She lifted her chin. “I can sleep where I please.”

  Antonio gave her an easy smile. “Of course.” He moved closer to the bed in his white terry cloth robe, and she had a flash of tanned, powerful legs and his hard-muscled chest. “Do you want more breakfast?”

  Looking down at the tray, Hana realized she’d somehow gobbled it all down. “No...”

  His sensual lips curved. “Perhaps I’m being hasty to want to tour the sights of Tokyo. We could stay in, and order more...”

  Pushing the tray aside, she jumped out of bed, snatching up her silk robe, which had been left in a puddle on the floor last night when they’d...but she wasn’t going to think about that. She wrapped the robe around herself and tied it firmly. “How did the negotiations end yesterday?”

  “A total disaster,” he said cheerfully.

  “Don’t you want to try to save the deal? We’ve been working on it for months!”

  Antonio shook his head.

  “You’re just letting it go?” she asked in astonishment.

  He looked down at her, as they stood together next to the enormous bed with its tangled sheets warmed by golden light. He murmured, “I have a different priority today.”

  She didn’t have to ask what it was. He’d made his determination plain. But it seemed incredible to her that Antonio Delacruz was putting his desire to marry her as a greater priority than the business deal that would give him routes into Asia. She snorted. “Are you trying to impress me by giving up the deal just to spend time with me?”

  “Would that work?”

  “No,” she lied, “and I think it’s ridiculous when you know how important this deal is to CrossWorld Airways. Do you want to expand into Asia or not?”

  Antonio came so close to her, their bodies almost touched. He looked down at her, his darkly handsome face serious. “I want to marry you.”

  Her mouth went dry, and with an effort, she turned away. “This isn’t a game!”

  “You’re the only one who seems to think it is.”

  “I’m not going to marry you, Antonio. Never ever!”

  For a moment, his dark eyes looked vulnerable. Then a veil came down over his gaze. “We’ll see.”

  She must have imagined that look in his eyes, she decided. Antonio Delacruz had no feelings. He was heartless. He prided himself on it.

  But he was starting to get to her. Could Antonio really care about this baby? Could he actually commit to raising a child? Hana shivered. Could he commit to her?

  She was still stunned by what he’d told her of his childhood. He’d always been notoriously closed-lipped about his past. What people knew about him was mostly the business legend, how he’d taken one small leased airplane in the south of Spain and turned it into an empire through hard work and grit. He’d taken big chances, and somehow made those risks pay off.

  But no one knew the story of the newborn baby left on the church steps. The young boy who’d been taken home by two different families, then heartlessly rejected. The teenager who’d offered his heart to his first lover, only to be spurned.

  No wonder he’d never wanted children. No wonder his company was his only family and money his way of keeping score. Who could blame him for having no heart after that?

  “Why is marriage suddenly so important to you?” she asked. “You’ve never wanted it before.”

  “I told you. My child must always know they were wanted. He—or she—will have a name. A home.”

  A home. Emotion hit her. How could she refuse? Hana took a deep breath.

  “Fine,” she said quietly. “You can be in our baby’s life. You’re the father. The baby can have your name.”

  Antonio’s shoulders seemed to relax slightly. He looked at her. “And you will marry me.”

  But on that precipice, she shivered with fear. Allowing him to help raise their baby was one thing. But to willingly promise to spend the rest of her life with a playboy who’d never love her? Her heart wasn’t as cold as his.

  But he was offering her everything she’d once dreamed about. A real home for their baby. Marriage. A settled family. Stability. Security.

  “Where would we live?” she heard herself ask in a small voice.

  “Madrid,” he said huskily. “In the house you already love.”

  Madrid. She looked away, her heart in her throat. She thought of the palacio, all the people she’d come to care about, the company’s world headquarters, the warm Spanish sun and palm trees rustling softly in the wind. Madrid. “I... I don’t know.”

  Silence fell.

  “Get dressed,” he said suddenly.

  Surprised, she looked at him. “For what?”

  Antonio gave her a crooked smile. “Didn’t you offer to show me the sights of Tokyo?”

  “Yes, but...what about the Iyokan deal?”

  “It can wait.” He went back to the foyer, returning with an expensive designer overnight bag. He flashed her a grin. “Garcia delivered this an hour ago when I called for room service.”

  She watched as he opened the bag. “What are you doing?”

  Glancing through the window at the bright sun and blue sky, he pulled out a black jacket, white button-down shirt and black trousers. “You’re going to show me what you love about this city.” His lips curved as he looked up at her, then glanced suggestively at the bed. “Unless you’d rather linger...”

  “No,” she said quickly. Any more time in bed would surely end with his engagement ring on her finger. She had to resist. Had to. Until he came to his senses and realized marriage was the last thing he wanted. In the meantime she couldn’t let her heart talk her into surrendering her body, her soul and her life!

  Safer to be out on the streets, where she wouldn’t be tempted into
wicked pleasures that might lure her into becoming his bride.

  Or so Hana thought.

  But for the next few hours, as she took Antonio to see the most famous tourist sights of Tokyo, even convincing him to leave his driver and bodyguard behind so they could experience the sidewalks and the notoriously crowded subways, she wasn’t so sure.

  Because she’d never seen Antonio like this, so attentive, so good-natured, so darkly charming as he told her amusing stories about how he’d broken into the aviation business, long before they’d met, and the foibles of wealthy acquaintances, stories she’d never heard as his secretary. She was dazzled by his graveled, sexy voice, with its slight Spanish accent, and the burn of his dark eyes every time he looked at her. She kept thinking that any moment, he’d remember the critical importance of the business deal, and announce his departure. But he didn’t.

  They visited shrines, parks, museums, peered at buildings constructed for the Olympics, then the noodle museum and lunch. He was always beside her, his hand protectively at the ready. Later, as they took a boat meandering down a waterway that had once been a moat around Edo Castle, she started to shiver in her pale pink sundress and sandals, and he’d pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. But she wasn’t shivering from the cold.

  Looking up at him as their small boat went slowly down Chidorigafuchi Moat beneath the blooming cherry trees, Hana’s heart was filled with yearning. How she wished this could be real—that he could be her husband, and she could be his wife, that they could be partners, forever and ever. But she knew the risks. What if he changed his mind? Or worse—what if she gave him her heart and he rejected it?

  “What are you thinking?” Antonio said softly. Another thing he’d never said to her before, and that she doubted he’d ever said to any woman.

  “Nothing,” she said, looking away. She heard his phone ring from his jacket pocket. Again. It had been ringing incessantly since they’d left the restaurant. “Oh.” Reaching into his jacket still hanging over her shoulders, she handed him the phone, careful not to look at it so she didn’t seem like she was invading his privacy. “Here.”


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