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Charmed by a Roughneck 2

Page 9

by J Peach

  The fucked up thing that I realized, though, was it wasn’t just sex that I wanted her to promise not to give away…

  I called Janessa’s phone for the hundredth fuckin’ time within twenty minutes. I was getting pissed the fuck off because she kept avoiding me. I was trying hard to control my anger, but I was failing to remain in check.

  Truth was, I missed my girl and the kids like crazy. Never had I ever thought I would lose Janessa, especially not like that. I knew I was wrong for flipping out on her the way I had, but I was sorry, and it was pissing me off that she wasn’t trying to hear nor accept that.

  “Bitch, answer the fuckin’ phone! I wanna see the fuckin’ kids, you dumb bitch! Ahhh!” I screamed in anger before pressing the number three, deleting the voicemail, and then ending the call.

  “This some fuckin’ bullshit.” Carrie released my dick and stood up with a groan before stomping out of the room, pissed. She had been sucking my shit for damn near ten or fifteen minutes, trying to get me hard, but I couldn’t get aroused for the simple fact that I was distracted. Nessa was the only thing on my mind, not busting a damn nut.

  “Baby, I don’t know why you’re still sweating that bitch. Let her go, Trell,” Carrie insisted with an attitude as she walked into the living room. She came over and sat on the table in front of me. “You don’t need that bitch, not when you have me. We can be official now. It’s been three years since we’ve been together. I’m tired of being on the side. I can be your main girl, and we can start a family. You don’t need her or those fuckin’ kids.” Carrie got on her knees in front of me. Taking hold of my face, she leaned in and kissed me.

  My phone started ringing, and I pushed her back. Holding the device up, I hoped like hell it was Janessa. It wasn’t. My anger once again began to surface. Why the fuck wasn’t she answering the gotdamn phone?

  “What the hell, Montrell? You’re gonna knock me the fuck down over a phone call? It’s apparent that fat bitch is done with you! She used yo’ ass until she got on her feet, and now that she has, the bitch left you. She never loved you,” she yelled while standing up. “I can’t believe you just knocked me down. Trell, you need to get yo’ shit together and move on from that hoe—”

  “Shut the fuck up, Carrie! I don’t feel like hearing that shit. Nessa ain’t like that, and she damn sho’ wasn’t using me. I fucked up with her. She’s just trying to teach me a lesson,” I mumbled while turning my attention back to my phone and texting Janessa.

  Wifey: Baby, please call me. I need to see you. I want to see the kids, and I need to apologize to Kae. He has to know I didn’t mean to hit him. I’m sorry for how I acted that day and in front of the kids. Please call me, baby. I love you. Please call me.

  I hit send then blacked out the screen. My hand rubbed over my head. I wasn’t doing right at all since Janessa left me. I needed to get her back. My head was all fucked up.

  “Trell, did you hear what I said?” Carrie straddled my lap, but I honestly wasn’t paying her any attention. Janessa and the kids were the only ones on my mind. “Baby, fuck her. You got me.” She pulled my head back and kissed me. “We can be together out in the open and start a family like you’ve always wanted.”

  What she said dawned on me, and I glared at her. “What the fuck is you talking about? If I wanted yo’ ass to be my old lady, we would’ve been together. I don’t wanna be with yo’ ass, man. I just like fuckin’ you, that’s it. And yo’ ass better stop disrespecting my fuckin’ girl. She ain’t gonna be too many more bitches. Watch yo’ fuckin’ mouth before you get busted in that mothafucka,” I snapped at her before calling Janessa once again.

  Carrie snatched the phone out of my hand and threw it against the wall. “Fuck that phone and that fat bitch. She used you, Montrell, but yo’ dumb ass too stupid to realize that shit. She just needed you to take care of her and those kids. Fuck her, Trell, and those bastard ass kids. They’re not yours—”

  My hand went back, and I slapped the fuck out of her. That was the first time I’ve ever hit her since we’ve been messing around. Grabbing her by the throat, I slammed her against the wall then slapped her ass again.

  “I don’t give a fuck if they’re mine or not. Don’t ever fuckin’ disrespect them like that. They ain’t no fuckin’ bastards, bitch. Keep playing with me, and I’mma fuck yo’ ass up, Carrie. Watch what the fuck you say about my kids. They didn’t come from my fuckin’ sack, but they mine, so watch yo’ gotdamn mouth. I don’t wanna start a fuckin’ family with you, I don’t wanna be with yo ass long term, Janessa is who the fuck I’mma be with. That’s my damn fiancée, you ain’t shit but another fuck. Know yo’ damn place, and don’t ever get confused about where you stand with me.” My hand tightened around her neck once more before I let her go.

  I went across the room and grabbed my phone off the floor. As soon as I leaned down to pick it up, the ashtray came crashing into the wall above my head.

  “I don’t give a fuck what mood yo’ ass in, don’t you ever put yo’ gotdamn hands on me, Montrell. I’m not that bitch! You’re not going to be hitting me. I will kill yo’ ass. Don’t ever put your fuckin’ hands on me!” she screamed before throwing the glass cup at the wall beside me.

  “If that would’ve hit me, I would’ve beat the shit out of you. Carrie, now ain’t the time to be fuckin’ playing with me. I’m not in the mood, real shit, so I advise yo’ stupid ass to go in the room and take yo’ ass a nap. I’m trying to figure out how to get my family back. I don’t give a fuck about yo’ gotdamn feelings, man.” I turned away from her as I wiped off my screen and saw that it was cracked. “Yo’ dumb ass done cracked my damn screen. Stupid ass bitch, man.” Unlocking the phone, I pulled up Janessa’s number and called her ass again.

  Carrie suddenly started laughing from behind me, but I didn’t pay her ass no attention.

  “Nessa, I’m getting tired of blowing yo’ damn phone down. Hit me back, baby, damn. At least let me come see the kids. I got them some stuff I wanna give them. And I need to apologize to Kaeden. Baby, please don’t do this to me. I’m sorry for what I did. Like, what else you want from me? You won’t even let me show yo’ ass how fuckin’ sorry I am. Janessa, hit me back. I love you, baby, and I’m sorry. I’m so fuckin’ sorry—”

  “While you at it, apologize for cheating,” Carrie started yelling in the background, and I hurriedly ended the call, “for the past three years.”

  I turned on her so fast that she jumped back and moved to the other side of the room. Before I went for her, I paused, realizing that I had ended the call without deleting the message. “What the fuck…” I didn’t know if what Carrie said was recorded or not. Realizing she had really fucked up, I glared at her. “Why the fuck would you do that stupid shit, Carrie? Now if that shit was recorded and she hears that bullshit, I’mma kill yo’ dumb ass. Bitch, what the fuck is wrong with you? Fuck!” I called Janessa again, hoping like hell she wouldn’t listen to that message. “Fuck, Carrie, you stupid bitch! If you make me lose my fuckin’ family, I’m killing yo’ ass. Fuck!” I kicked the table, knocking the shit off it.

  “Yo’ ass might as well get ready to lose that bitch and those bastard ass kids because I’m done being on the sideline. I’m pregnant, Montrell, and I’m not getting an abortion this time, just to spare your relationship with that bitch.” She went into the side table and pulled out a piece of paper then threw it in my face. “I’m fourteen weeks…”

  I read those words on the paper. Balling the paper up, I dropped it with my head shaking. She couldn’t have that damn baby. Janessa would never forgive me.

  “I don’t have time for this bullshit now. Fuck, Carrie! You can’t have that fuckin’ baby. Yo’ ass got to get rid of that mothafucka.” Reaching in my pocket, I started pulling off bills. She couldn’t have that damn baby.

  “Fuck you, Montrell!” she screamed, pushing me hard in the chest. “Did you not just hear what I said? I’m not killing my damn baby. Plus, it’s too late for an abortion, I’m to
o far along. So yo’ ass need to tell that bitch you’ve been cheating and let those bastard ass kids know they’re about to have a fuckin’ sibling,” she spat out as she snatched the paper off the floor. “You can show her this if you want to. Or I can, it’s your choice, but I’m done hiding in the shadows, Trell. And don’t think for a second that you’re going to neglect our baby either. I be damn—”

  I backhanded the shit out of her, making her fall onto the couch. “Shut the fuck up, bitch! I can’t think with all yo’ gotdamn talking. It can’t be too late… yo’ ass can’t have that damn baby…” Janessa would never forgive me for that shit. “Fuck…”

  “I can, and I am. Be mad and hit me all you want, that’s not going to change shit. It’s nothing you can do at this point, but accept that I’m finally having our baby,” she said with heavy tears streaming down her face as she rubbed my arm. “I thought you would’ve been happy because I was giving you your first child. I guess I was wrong—eep!” she squeaked out as my hands went around her neck.

  “Yo ass can’t have that baby, Carrie—”

  “Aah!” She let out a pained cry as my fist punched hard into her stomach. “Trell, stop! What the fuck is wrong with you?” she screamed while scratching at my face.

  Grabbing her by the hair, I tossed her on the floor. I punched her hard in the face repeatedly until she went into a daze. “I can’t let yo’ ass have this baby. It’ll ruin every fuckin’ thing, and I’m not losing my family over yo’ ass,” I told her.

  “Trell, please, don’t,” she whimpered pleadingly. “Aah!” she screamed as I stomped on her stomach. “No!” she cried weakly and covered her belly as she rolled on her side.

  That didn’t stop me. I continued to kick and stomp on her stomach. I just couldn’t let her ass have that baby. I couldn’t lose my family.

  “Hey baby, what’s going on?” my momma asked as I flopped down on the couch.

  “Everything is fuckin’ bad, ma, real shit. Janessa’s ass is still on that bullshit. She ain’t been answering my calls, and she won’t let me see the kids. This shit is really fuckin’ with me. Did you call her?”

  My momma’s eyes rolled, and her lips pursed as she shook her head in disappointment. “Not since she went off on Jessica and me, I haven’t. I still can’t believe she’s gotten that damn disrespectful, especially when we haven’t done shit but loved and cared for her and those kids. I don’t know what done got into her, but she’s definitely changed. And the fact that she won’t let us see the kids is beyond messed up. Trell, that shit hurts to not be able to see them. I miss them.” She took a pull of her cigarette, inhaled, then released the smoke.

  Janessa was on some straight up bullshit. Shorty had definitely changed, and that shit wasn’t for the better. Ever since she got that damn job, shit had been different. That was exactly why I didn’t want her ass working; I didn’t need nobody getting in her fuckin’ head. On top of that, she’d been disrespectful to my momma. The shit was unacceptable.

  “I don’t know what the fuck to do about her ass. I love that fuckin’ woman and those kids. I just can’t lose them over a bullshit ass fight.” That’s what was fuckin’ me up. Janessa and I had gotten into a ton of fights, and never once had she just walked away. It had to be that fuckin’ nigga in her class that done got in her fuckin’ head.

  “Then get your woman back, Trell. Do whatever you got to do to get them back. Plus, yo’ ass has as much right to those damn kids as she does. You’ve been raising them for the past several years. You’re entitled to them. What she’s doing ain’t fuckin’ right. I really want to let Jessica loose on her mothafuckin’ ass. Then again, I’ll kick her ass myself if I have to. Fat bitch—”

  My hand waved, cutting off her insult. Regardless of Janessa’s size, I loved the fuck out of that woman. “Cool it with all that shit. Don’t get disrespectful. That’s still my heart—”

  She blew a cloud of smoke in my face as she glared hard at me. “And I’m your damn mother. What the fuck did you say to her ass when she went off on me, calling me all types of bitches and shit, huh? Matter fact, she went off on Jessica and me for nothing. All because we wanted to see the kids. So, don’t tell me not to get disrespectful. I’m pissed off and hurt because she’s acting like this.” She angrily flicked her square to the side before taking out another one and lighting it.

  My arm went around her shoulder, and I kissed the side of her head. “I know, Ma.”

  “I still want to have Jessica whoop her ass. Enough about that, though, how’s work? I’ve noticed you’ve been slacking these past few months,” she pointed out while dumping the cigarette ashes into the tray.

  My hand rubbed over my head as I leaned back on the couch. “I ain’t been slacking, I’ve just had a lot of shit on my fuckin’ mind with Janessa’s ass taking off. On top of that, the nigga, Ashaun, been fuckin’ busy. Every time I want to set up a meet, the nigga got some shit to do. It ain’t gonna be easy to get close to that mothafucka. He’s always on the move.” My shoulders shrugged, and I tried to seem stressed about the situation. I didn’t need her to know that I was half lying. Hell, I really was slacking.

  Janessa had my head all fucked up. I didn’t give a fuck about that Ashaun nigga no more. I wanted my girl back.

  Even though that was true, I left Que in charge of getting with Ashaun and working shit out. Although Que didn’t know, I didn’t give a fuck how shit turned out with Ashaun, but I wasn’t going to tell him that either.

  “Que said dude didn’t seem like he wanted to do business from jump. Shid, that’s probably why he’s giving us the run around because we did ask that nigga to front us some shit.” It was apparent that Ashaun wasn’t a dummy ass nigga. The way he was handling our asses said that much. Then again, I hadn’t been pushing the issue because I was distracted with Janessa’s ass. “Trying to get in his circle ain’t gonna be easy, though, especially not with us asking for some free shit upfront. Our approach should’ve been different with him from jump. He ain’t shit like these niggas we done hit.”

  “No, your head just not in it, Trell. You need to put Janessa to the back of your mind for a minute and focus on this job. Have Que reach out to Ashaun again. Let him know you wanna buy some work from him, then ease your way into his circle. But you can’t do this shit with a clouded head. I’m not trying to lose my son behind some bitch, because if I do, I’ll kill her ass myself, Trell. I mean that shit.” Her threat held so much promise that I believed her.

  I didn’t feel like going back and forth with her ass, so I decided to laugh off what she said. “I’ight, Ma. I’ll hit dude up and see what’s up. I’m gone. I got to meet up with Que. We got another job to do. See, I’m working.” Standing up, I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

  My momma grabbed my face before I could pull back. “Trell, be careful out there. If your head is clouded, don’t be doing no jobs, baby. I’m not trying to lose you like I did your father—”

  Grabbing her hands, I kissed them. “You won’t, I promise you that. I know how to separate business from personal, and if I can’t, I know when to step back. Plus, our situations are different. Que don’t have a target on my head. We came from the ground up together. The shit is different, so don’t worry about me, alright?”

  My dad was killed when I was ten. The nigga he was hitting licks with turned on his ass and killed him. All over money.

  Freddy was his name, and the dude didn’t know how to manage his paper because he was a gambler. He owed some money to a bookie and couldn’t pay him. When my pops refused to front him the money, he killed him. They were on a job together when it happened, and he tried to make it seem like the niggas they robbed did it. That was the perfect cover, but we knew the truth because the dumb mothafucka tried to rob my pops’ spot, not knowing he had cameras set up around the place. Nor did he know that my dad had moved all the money and work from the house after he asked him for the cash.

  The nigga didn’t get away with the shit, though. Whe
n I turned sixteen, I found and killed his ass. He was my first kill, and I enjoyed blowing his fuckin’ head back.

  “Okay, be careful, baby. And I’ll try to reach out to Nessa’s ass again. I’mma try to keep my cool, but if that bitch snaps at me, I’mma find her and whoop her ass. I’m warning you now, Trell.”

  Laughing, I let her hands go. “Then don’t go snapping at her. I know Janessa, and she’s only going to go off if you’re coming hard at her. Otherwise, she really doesn’t say shit. She’ll let you talk all the shit you want unless you strike a nerve. Ma, yo’ fuckin’ mouth is reckless as hell. So, be cool with her.”

  Even though the shit was out of character for Nessa to disrespect my momma, and I was fucked up behind her calling my moms’ a bitch, I knew I didn’t get the whole story from my momma and Jessica. I knew they had to have gotten slick at the mouth with my girl, and she snapped.

  “Whatever. Gone get yo’ ass out of here.” She waved me off as she grabbed her phone.

  I knew she was calling Janessa. My momma really did love Kae and Keke like they were her blood. I knew she was hurt like hell that she wasn’t able to see them like she wanted to.

  “If she answers for you, tell her I said I love her, I’m sorry, and to call me,” I told her as I was walking out of the living room.

  I didn’t want to see the look she was giving me. My momma and Jessica wanted me to say fuck Nessa and move on, but I couldn’t do that shit. I loved that fuckin’ woman, and I couldn’t just let her go so easily. I mean, the shit was hard. Not a moment went by that shorty didn’t invade my thoughts.

  I walked into the warm night air and looked up at the full moon. It was high and bright out. I just couldn’t see myself without her. I couldn’t envision that shit, and that alone told me we were meant to work through our shit.

  Pulling out my phone, I found her number and called it. The voicemail picked up, and I groaned. “Baby, please call me, man, damn. Let me show you I’m sorry. Shit gonna be different this time, I promise you. I love you, Nessa.”


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