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Charmed by a Roughneck 2

Page 21

by J Peach

  “No, I’m about to get security and tell them what happened and make sure they don’t let him back into the building.” I jerked my arm in his grip, but he didn’t let go. Instead, his hold loosened.

  “Don’t go out there. He could still be in the building. I’ll go tell them what happened, and you stay in here. Okay?” he said firmly. He was really concerned that Robert would try to hurt me.

  I pulled my arm from his grip. That time, he let go. I hesitantly looked at the door. What if he was right, and Robert was still in the building? “I’ll call down and have Nick come around here,” I told him and went to my desk then did just as I said.

  “Yo, that mothafucka retarded,” Rayshawn said, shaking his head. “Janessa, you are irritating as fuck and was loud as hell this morning, but I would’ve helped whoop his ass for you.”

  I stared at him with furrowed brows before I broke out laughing. “Thank you, Rayshawn. I appreciate that,” I told him before getting serious. “On a serious note, though, I’m big on second, hell, third and fourth chances, but outbursts and threats like that, I won’t tolerate at all. I didn’t come up with this program, nor did I choose either of you to participate. You all signed waivers and agreements to do this, so y’all knew what you were getting into. It’s school. Now, if you don’t want to be here and better yourself, then don’t come. Whatever consequences follow is on you, not me, the judge, or your P.O. And yes, Ashley,” I said once his hand went up, “they will know if you show up or not because I do take attendance and log your behavior daily.”

  He laughed and sat back in his chair.

  “So, yo’ ass be telling on us, that’s real fucked up. How the fuck we supposed to trust you when yo’ ass is ops?” Terry claimed. He sounded so serious.

  I shrugged as I laughed. “I do my job, Terry. Now, if you don’t want me telling on you, then don’t do anything you don’t want reported. For what it’s worth, Terry, I’ve never said anything bad in your log. You’re undisruptive, stay to yourself, but work well with others and maintain a C average, which could be better. Ten on an adjustment scale. Yes, I exaggerated with the ten. It should’ve been a four, maybe five, but I see potential in you, Terry. So, don’t make me look bad because I’m trying to make you look good.”

  Terry looked like he wanted to say more, but I held up a hand, stopping him as I addressed the entire class.

  “Honestly, the judges and your parole officers don’t want this program to work. They don’t see y’all achieving anything. You literally have two strikes in this program, and you can only miss maybe ten days before they’re pulling you from the program. Don’t prove them right. See more for yourself, want more for yourself. And as long as y’all are willing to put in that work on yourselves and make the best out of this for a real future, then I’m helping. But if you don’t want better and don’t give a shit.” I shrugged once again. “There’s absolutely nothing I can do for you, so don’t be expecting that or get pissed when you see I’m not putting in any extra effort.”

  Everything I told them was the truth. It only took two simple mistakes, and they would be locked right back up. I believed a lot of them were just neglected by the system as well as their parents. Whereas some were just trying to survive the harsh world we lived in.

  “What you say about me?” Rayshawn asked, grinning.

  The knock on my door grabbed my attention. Nick stood there, waving me over. I nodded at him then turned my attention back to Rayshawn. I blew out a breath and shook my head. “I was honest about you. You’re irritating as fuck and always sleeping in my class. Now finish your work.” Smiling at him, I walked to the door.

  “Oh, you dirty as hell for that.” He laughed from behind me as I left the room. “You shouldn’t play like that!” he yelled from inside the class.

  Nick glanced at the door. “Everything okay in there?”

  My hand waved, and I laughed lightly. “Yeah, just messing around, trying to ease them after everything. Was Robert gone?”

  “Yeah, he’s gone. The cameras out front showed him leaving. I’ll sit in with your class while you go talk to Mr. Banks. I’ve already told him you were on your way to his office.”

  Mr. Banks was head of the program, so everything that happened in the building was reported directly to him, and he sent all the complaints to the higher-ups. “Okay, thanks, Nick.” I made my way to Mr. Banks' office, which was on the second floor.

  “Ms. Michaelson,” he greeted, shaking my hand. “Have a seat.” He motioned to the chair in front of his desk. I sat down, and we began to talk about what transpired with Robert.

  “Like I said, it was just out of the blue because he didn’t want to do any work. Had he not gone as far as to threaten me, I would’ve tried to talk him down. But he’s made it apparent that he doesn’t want to be here, no matter how much I try to encourage him.” I explained.

  Robert had been a problem since the beginning, and after three months in the program, he’d made no effort to try. All he ever did was come in the classroom and complain. If it wasn’t for the threat he made, I wouldn’t have even reported him at all, but I wasn’t going to take a chance with him, especially not after him saying he slit a woman’s throat. I wasn’t taking any chances with my life for him.

  “I’m going to call this in to the chief of police and issue a warrant for his arrest. In the meantime, I need you to write everything up on the report sheet for him, so I can send that off to the judge immediately,” Mr. Banks exclaimed while typing on his computer. “This isn’t his first incident with you either.” His head shook as he let out a tired breath. “Some of them are lost causes because they’re so stuck in their ways that they refuse to see change.”

  It was sad how true that statement was. “It is. I’ll complete the form on my break and get it back to you,” I told him as I stood up. “Oh, Mr. Banks, Robert said he slit a woman’s throat, but in his file, he was arrested for robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.” The assault charge was part of the robbery he had committed. Then again, who was to say, he didn’t commit a crime that he had gotten away with?

  He nodded at that. “That’s what he was arrested for. He was probably trying to scare you, but I’ll definitely bring that issue to the chief of police. Make sure it’s in your report.”

  “I definitely will.” I dismissed myself from his office and went back down to the first floor.

  “Nessa!” Rochelle called and rushed over to me. “What the hell happened?”

  “Girl, I guess he was pissed about doing the work and snapped. I’m not surprised he went off, though. He’s always in a funk about being here. I don’t get it, though. Why be pissed with me about something you agreed on to begin with? Now I have to write up this report about what happened since he made a threat.”

  Rochelle’s lips pursed, and she looked beyond irritated. “They don’t even realize how good they have it with this program. Even if they don’t want to be here, I’m sure it’s better than being confined behind prison walls and taking damn orders. But I guess you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. I’m pissed.”

  Chuckling, I linked my arm with hers. “Girl, don’t be mad. It’s just all crazy, but he made his choice. They all knew what their agreement was before they were released.”

  Rochelle laughed. “They stuck your ass with all the crazies, it seems, because no one else has this problem.” Groaning, my head fell back because she was right, but it was only the morning class that was hyped. “You’re driving us to lunch, by the way, and I’ll treat. Oh, I saw flowers?” A sneaky smile came to her lips. “Did you know who sent them?” She was full on grinning as we reached my room.

  I knew she was talking about Jerome; it was obvious from her smile. “I wish, but he’s not a flower type of guy. Believe it or not, but…” My teeth gripped my lower lip and tugged on it. “I have no idea who’s sending me these flowers. They’re beautiful, and so are the messages, but I have no clue who it is.”

  The smile Roch
elle was rocking moments ago faded as her features took on a confused expression. “You sure?”

  I nodded. “Positive.”

  She hummed thoughtfully. “You don’t think it’s Montrell? Maybe it’s his attempt to get you back.”

  My eyes slanted as my head shook. “No, it’s not him—hold on.” I slipped back into my room.

  Nick saw me and got up from my chair. “How’d everything go?”

  “Everything went okay. I just gave him a layout of what happened. Well, you know what happens now.” I explained, assuming he knew what the following action for Robert was going to be.

  “Yeah. I’m about to head up front. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.”

  Smiling at him, I nodded. “Thanks, Nick, and I will.” Once he left the room, I went to my desk, grabbed the card that came with the flowers, and took it out of the envelope. I turned and bumped into Jerome’s hard body, dropping the card.

  He grabbed my forearms. Stepping back, he held me at a distance. “Yo, slow the fuck down. Here.” He gave me the packet as well as the book work that they were supposed to do.

  Taking the packet, I flipped through the pages and saw that he’d answer them all. I then looked at the two sheets, and they were finished as well. He had definitely been sleeping practically the entire time, so I didn’t see how the hell he’d managed to finish everything. My eyes slid to Jonell, and I glared at him. He had to have done his brother’s work.

  “Oh, that’s why you rushing? You tryna show yo’ friend yo’ little love note?” Jerome chuckled as he read the card.

  I snatched it out of his hand. “Don’t be an ass. But thanks for picking it up.” Jerome’s eyes dropped to my chest, and his tongue swiped over his lips. My teeth tugged on my bottom lip, trying to stop my smile. “You should go sit down.” Heat started to form in the pit of my stomach before it dropped to my core.

  He rubbed his bottom lip before his eyes met mine. His mouth pulled into a half-smirk. “If I don’t, do I get detention?”

  My mouth moved, but no words came out. Something smart was supposed to come out my mouth, but I was stuck from the heavy sexual innuendo dripping from his tone.

  Clearing my throat, I pointed to his desk. “Go sit down, Jerome.”

  I brushed by him, and he chuckled as I walked out of the room. My eyes rolled at his antics. He was such an asshole. Even with that, though, I couldn’t help my smile.

  “Sorry about that. Okay, now look, Trell isn’t poetic at all, that’s how I know it’s not him. But from the wordplay, I know it’s the same person who sent the other ones. And they speak on my smile like it’s displayed to them.”

  Rochelle’s lips pursed as she stared at me. She must have caught onto my stuck look before she rolled her eyes. “Nessa, baby, all you do is smile. You smile at anybody that looks at you. It’s just a gesture that you give. So, if it’s not Trell, or you know who… then who else could it be?’

  I shrugged. “I have no idea, Rochelle. It’s flattering, though,” I told her honestly. “And the flowers are simply beautiful. I just wish I knew who it was.”

  “It’ll be crazy if it turns out to be you know who.” She chuckled and handed me the note back.

  Reading over it again, I laughed. “It would be, but I highly doubt it.”

  “Why are you so sure it’s not him, Nessa?” Rochelle seemed a little put off because I didn’t think it was Jerome.

  I started laughing. “You’ve never had a real conversation with that man, Chelly, that’s why you can’t believe it’s not him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s so sweet and amazing, but…” I held up the card. “His wordplay wouldn’t be as close to this here.” I could only imagine Jerome writing something poetic.

  A thoughtful look came to her face then. “Hm… okay, maybe you’re right. After having small, passing conversations with him, yeah, I don’t see it.”

  “Right. Although it’s cute and flattering, it’s kind of creepy because I don’t know who the hell it is, and I don’t know where they’re seeing me or how often for that matter. This the second time they’ve sent me flowers here. Why here?”

  Rochelle grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hallway, away from our classrooms. “You think it could be someone here? Like one of your students?” The playful edge left her tone, and it took on a more serious one.

  My head shook, but I didn’t know. “I don’t know. None of them seem to be attracted to me romantically. And like you said, I literally smile at everyone.”

  “You have a secret admirer. There’s nothing wrong with that, Nessa. Who knows? Maybe the next step is asking you out on a date. And if it’s someone you know, hey, I say go for it. Although things may be good with you and dude, you don’t have to settle. I say leave that door open and have fun. You’ve been tied down long enough. Baby, it’s time you let loose.”

  I wasn’t at all surprised by her saying that because it was exactly what she had been doing. Rochelle wasn’t ready to settle down and be in a committed relationship, which I completely understood. However, I didn’t want to sleep around with different men just to have fun.

  I was a hopeless romantic. I loved love, and no matter what happened in my previous relationships, I wasn’t going to let it stop me from finding the love I craved.

  “I’m having fun now, Rochelle. Let’s get back. We still have all lunch break to talk—no, I don’t. I have to start on this damn report.” I groaned, letting my head fall back.

  Rochelle hugged me. “Thank God I have levelheaded adults instead of grown ass thugs.”

  I pushed her off me. “You’re an asshole, Rochelle.” Looking at my watch, I groaned. “Damn, this morning is going by slow as hell. We have forty-five minutes left—”

  “That’s a lot of time. Get your ass in that room and do that damn report. I’m not trying to rush my lunch, not with what I have to tell you. Now, get yo’ ass to it,” she urged, giving me a shove toward my classroom door.

  “I’m going, I’m going.” Laughing, I walked into the room. Going to my desk, I sat down and signed into my laptop. Once I pulled up the student logs, I went to Robert’s name and clicked on the report file next to it.

  “What’s going to happen to Robert?” Dion asked. “They’re not letting him back in here, right? Especially not after he threatened you,” he questioned, sounding concerned.

  Smiling at him, my head shook. “No, he’s not coming back. That was his second strike, and with the threat, he violated the agreement terms, so he’ll go back to jail to finish off his original sentence,” I explained, and someone in the room whistled.

  “Damn, that’s fucked up,” someone else said.

  “Fuck him. That’s what his dumb ass gets, especially for threatening her,” Dion responded.

  “Nigga, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out her gotdamn ass,” Cassidy snapped at Dion. “Fuckin’ teacher’s bitch.”

  “Ha!” Jerome barked out before laughing.

  I shot him a hard glare before turning the look on Cassidy. “Showing concern for someone doesn’t make you a bitch. It’s called being human. Some of y’all should try doing it. If you can’t or don’t wanna, cool, but don’t bitch at the next person who does. You can simply sit there, shut up, and do your work because it doesn’t concern you. Simple.” Cassidy’s mouth opened, and I held up my hand, stopping his words. “Look, if it’s something rude and disrespectful as hell, swallow it. I don’t care to hear it. If it’s toward Dion, do the same or wait until you’re outside of this room to say it. Conversation over. Good?” I said but didn’t wait for his reply. “Great.” My attention went back to my laptop, and I started on the report.

  “You still with that one dude who came up here?” Rayshawn asked.

  My eyes slanted, brows scrunched together, and I looked away from my screen to him. “What?” I heard what he said, but I wanted to believe my ears heard wrong. What the hell did that have to do with anything I said.

  “It’s just a question, Janessa.” He grin

  I hummed and nodded. “And it’s one that’s none of your business. Get back to work.” He, as well as several others, chuckled, but he didn’t say anything else. I went back to my report.

  “Wait, like swingers, swingers?” My mouth was on the table as I cut Rochelle off.

  “Girl!” She shook her head before she broke out laughing. “Yes. My sister didn’t tell me what type of party it was. She just said it was a party. Listen… I’ve never in my life seen no shit like that. But! It was so entertaining, Nessa. They were all so cool too. I talked to a few of the couples there, and they were just like us, regular. But… it was so different.”

  There was a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke. She was definitely excited about the party. “I’ve never thought about swingers being… a real thing, I guess. I figured it was just a porn thing because I don’t know any swingers—Okay, okay.” I tapped the table, smiling at her. The excitement that showed on her face told me she had more to spill. “Rochelle, get to it. What happened? Did you join in on the action or just watched?”

  Rochelle’s teeth dug into her bottom lip. “I watched… at first. Then I was with my sister’s best friend, Rose, while her husband watched. It was so damn crazy, Nessa. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around everything that happened. I keep trying to convince myself that I was drunk as hell, which was why I went along with it. To be honest, though, I had a couple glasses of wine and stuck to water for the rest of the night. The experience was just different and exciting, just watching them. Oh, and they have masks you can wear, so no one knows it’s you. I felt different with the mask on. I wasn’t myself, but an entirely new person.” A dreamy sigh left her mouth.

  “Wow…” I didn’t know what else to say other than that. I wasn’t expecting her to tell me that she actually joined in on the party thing.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Janessa. What are you thinking? I can’t read you right now. You’re freaking me out. What are you thinking?” She rapidly shot questions out, her eyes widening with each one she asked. Her hand started a nervous tap on the table as she waited for me to respond.


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