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Venom's Secret (Iron Vex MC Book 4)

Page 5

by Elizabeth Knox

  “I’m so sorry.” I don’t know how many times I’ve said it at this point but I really wasn’t trying to hurt him. The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt Ricochet.

  “It’s fine, Showoff.” He snickers as we reach the bottom of the stairs and holds the door open for me, allowing me to pass through.

  “Well, I’ll be . . . Venom did beat the shit outta you at Frank’s place,” Muffler cackles from his sapphire blue chair.

  “The fuck did you hear that?” Ricochet questions him, sounding a bit annoyed.

  “Frank’s goin’ around tellin’ everyone Venom gave you a bloody nose. Shit, you on the rag or what?”

  “Say that again and maybe you’ll find out why I gave him a bloody nose,” I snap, rolling my eyes at Muffler’s decades old humor. For a guy in his mid-thirties you’d think he wouldn’t act like a fucking teenager.

  “Damn, she must be,” Muffler snickers while I walk past him and go straight into the garage. For the most part, I don’t mind Muffler, but every now and again his personality becomes a bit too much. This is one of those times. Ricochet’s voice can be heard on the other side of the door, so I have no clue what the hell he’s saying, but I know it must be something to get Muffler to shut up a bit and stop acting like a damn idiot.

  I head over to the door that leads out of the club and wait for Ricochet. We can’t be on our way to Mamie’s soon enough. I’m craving French toast and I need a certain older lady to make me crack up. She’s a spitfire, and these days I need a good laugh.

  Going to Mamie’s this morning was pretty uneventful. Turns out Mams wasn’t in because she had a doctor’s appointment. I’ve never been one to pry, but I hope she’s okay. The woman makes my mornings better and she’s really become one of those key people I look forward to seeing every day.

  Now I’m standing outside a bar with Reno and Muffler, working outside security for an intimate show by Bellamy Mason. She hasn’t toured in years since the chick settled down and had some kids, so now she’s getting back into the swing of things. Little did I know her ol’ man is Butch from the Skulls Renegade MC, but it was a welcome surprise. Some of these security jobs can be grueling, but this time it hasn’t been at all.

  Sometimes the talent can be agonizingly annoying, but since the three of us are working the front entrance it hasn’t been too bad. The worst thing that’s happened so far has probably been the three women who got themselves in a fight over who was in line first. The line didn’t officially start until seven and we told those ladies that. In this venue they don’t have seats since it’s standing room only, so Reno told the ladies none of them were in line first, it was the woman behind them.

  I know he was trying to diffuse the issue but it only caused more problems, problems we didn’t fucking need either. Now it’s a bit past eleven and we’re making sure everyone gets out of the club safely. For six hours, we each are bringing home about six-hundred bucks, so I’m not complaining. My money will end up going straight to Beretta for the intel she gives me about the cult, but it’s money well spent. I’m sure I’ll be with Peyton soon. At least it’s the only thing keeping me going. Even at the beginning of it all, I always told myself we’d be together again, and we’re so close to it now.

  “You still in a mood or what?” Muffler asks, cocking a brow while we walk to the parking garage where he, Reno, and I parked our bikes.

  “I’m only in a mood because you’re a rude asshole most of the time,” I snap, causing Reno to let out a laugh. Muffler immediately looks over to him and gives Reno a glare.

  Reno shrugs his shoulders. “What do you expect me to say? You’re kind of a dick.”

  Muffler rolls his eyes as he pulls out the keys to his Sport Glide Harley and gets on. Meanwhile, Reno and I both ride standard Softtails. I put my keys into my bike and start it up, and while Reno and I are putting our helmets on Muffler leaves us in his dust.

  “God, he’s such a dick,” I holler over to Reno who simply shakes his head. At this point we’re all used to Muffler’s attitude, but some days it’s too much to fuckin’ deal with. I lead the way out of the garage and he follows suit. Within about thirty minutes we’re back at the clubhouse and we’re pulling our bikes into the garage bay. While it was nice to feel the wind on my face, I’m glad to be back here, back at home.

  “Want a drink? I sure as hell need one,” Reno suggests and I give him a curt nod. The second he opens the door to where we have the bar, I realize what day it is. The one day every month where couples in the club change shit up. I know for a fact Chuckles and Gold bring in Devi certain nights of the week, but tonight Gold is hanging around Muffler and Chuckles is with Nikki.

  Reno glances at me for a split second and gazes toward the bar. “You still want that drink?” For some reason, I know he’s asking me for more than a drink right now. Call it a woman’s intuition, call it more than that . . . but, I swallow hard and nod, following closely behind him.

  Ricochet kissed me earlier today but fucking up the friendship between us isn’t something I want to do. I want to keep things where they are, good and dandy. I don’t want drama. I don’t want to lose him because he’s too important to me if shit goes sideways. Sure, it’s good for me to have a small crush on him, but I can’t act on it. I can’t move forward with him. There’s too much at risk.

  “Hey, guys, how was the event?” Faith asks. Her hair’s tied up in one of those styles that makes you think she’s walked out of the ‘50s. It looks good on her though, with her almost white-blonde hair and her thick eyeliner. She’s the classic type of southern belle, I think.

  “Not bad, a few stupid little fights but nothing we can’t handle,” I answer, taking a seat at the bar. Reno leans up beside me and I feel his stare on me. It’s heavy, intense, almost like if you’re walking alone in the woods and you know an animal’s out there watching you.

  “What’re you feelin’ tonight?” Faith asks the two of us.

  I look straight at her. “Tequila on the rocks for me.”

  Faith nods and directs her attention over to Reno, waiting for his response.

  “I’m lookin’ right at it,” he growls out in a husky voice.

  Faith fights back a smile and heat flushes into my cheeks. I inhale deeply through my nose as uncertainty floods through my chest. I don’t mind Reno flirting, staking his claim . . . then again, I do. I want to be flirted with, but I don’t know that I want him to be the man doing it.

  Faith clears her throat and proceeds to get a glass for me, tosses some ice in, and gives me a bit of tequila. Thank god she didn’t give it to me in a shot glass, but in one of the glasses some of the guys drink whiskey out of. She even gave Reno the same drink as me, since he obviously didn’t tell her what he wanted, besides . . . well, ya know.

  My stomach flops around in nervousness while Reno’s deep copper-colored eyes stare directly into mine. I take a swig back of my drink and let the liquor burn my stomach. In the background I hear Gold giggling and Muffler walks right past me with her hand in his, smiling like a man would who’s about to fuck a woman until she screams.

  I sit up a little straighter and look around the room, and my eyes land on Iris, who’s standing across from Ricochet, laughing like he’s said the funniest thing in the world. My breath gets caught in my throat at the way I didn’t expect this. Is he into her? If he is then why did he kiss me this morning? It doesn’t make sense, at least not right now.

  I finish off the rest of my drink and stand up, but Reno quickly snakes a hand around my waist and we both walk into the stairwell. Fuck, Reno’s handsome, but he’s not the guy I want to be touching me. It’s not his hand I want skirting against the curve of my ass. It’s not his lips I want on my skin.

  I know I shouldn’t take this any further with Ricochet, I know it could fuck things up . . . but seeing him with Iris. Even now I gnaw on my bottom lip and fight back the tears. Seeing him with her fuckin’ hurts.

  Reno puts a hand on the side of my face and looks
into my eyes. “I’ve never fucked you before, but I’ll make sure you won’t forget it.”

  The stairwell door shuts and I had no idea someone even walked in here. Ricochet stands at the doorway staring daggers into Reno. “Brother, I’m saying this once, and only once. Venom isn’t yours to fuck.”

  I find myself swallowing hard and Reno takes his hand from my face. Slowly, he walks over to Ricochet and sizes him up. Ricochet is about a foot shorter than Reno, and Reno’s got at least fifty pounds of solid muscle on him.

  Reno smirks and releases a laugh. “Didn’t know you had the hots for her, brother, my bad.”

  “I don’t appreciate anyone sniffing around what’s mine.”

  “What’s yours? Says the guy who was just flirting with Iris,” I can’t help but point this out. I mean, he kisses me this morning at the gym and then he’s all laughs with Iris a few minutes ago? Like, no, it doesn’t add up.

  Within what feels like a millisecond Ricochet has shoved me against a wall and wraps his hand around my throat. “I wasn’t fuckin’ flirting with Iris. I wouldn’t ever flirt with her, not when I have what I want in the palm of my damn hands. How long have you known me, Venom? Is that the type of shit you think I’d really do?” Ricochet gawks at me, seemingly pissed.

  Reno takes it upon himself to leave the stairwell exiting the way we just came in and now I’m alone with Ricochet, his hand around my neck and his breathing growing more rapid.

  I can feel what’s about to happen and I know it’s going to be intense.

  Chapter Nine


  I can do one of two things right now. I can tell her the truth, or I can fuckin’ lie. I don’t mind doin’ either, but the last thing I want to do is lie to this woman.

  Boring down into her light green eyes I tell her the damn truth. “The only woman I want in this club is you.”

  She blinks in what I believe is disbelief, but in all the years knowing her I’ve never seen her like this. Her mouth gawks open into a small ‘o’, and I dive in like a starved animal in the woods. I slam my lips against hers, needing to feel her body against mine once more.

  She tenses at first before her body finally gives into mine, and in the second she gives in I pull my lips away from hers and stare deep into her eyes, while brushing my thumb down the center of her throat. “You’re not an insecure woman, Venom. You’re anything but. God, I fuckin’ hate you sometimes.”

  “Then why kiss me?” The irritation in her voice is obvious, but I know she isn’t expecting what I’m about to say to her. I know her well enough to know this has never crossed her fuckin’ mind.

  “‘Cause I’m in fuckin’ love with you.” If I thought she was shocked a couple minutes ago, now she’s shown me what she really looks like when she’s surprised. “You hear me? I’m in fuckin’ love with you, Venom. I have been for a long fuckin’ time.” Longer than I can remember. Shit wasn’t like this at first between us, but slowly it began to build up . . . but how can I be in love with a woman whose first name I still don’t even know, even after years of knowing her?

  Her bottom lip begins to quiver before the unexpected happens. She brings her hands up against my cheeks and murmurs lowly, “Fuck it. I can’t keep . . . I can’t stop this.” Grazing her hand against my jawbone she snakes her hands around the back of my neck and pulls herself closer to me.

  I take this as an invitation, the best damn indication if I ever needed one. I collide our lips once more, growing closer to her sinfully sculpted mouth. She meets my mouth and I inhale as she moans into my mouth, finally giving in to this. I don’t know how long it’s been since I realized there was more between us, but I didn’t want to fuck our friendship up. After the kiss earlier today I couldn’t keep fighting it, the urge becoming much more intense than before.

  I take possession of her lips in a carnal yet passionate way, breathing her in like she’s my air. I’ve dreamed about this moment, had my hand wrapped around my cock while I pleasured myself to mental images of this, and now here we are.

  Brushing my finger against the nape of her neck I grind my hips against hers and know I won’t be able to hold myself back for long. With her soft mews and indications she wants more, I need to go further, I need to know what it feels like to be inside her, to feel her walls contracting around my cock.

  I push my tongue past her teeth and find hers. They come together like two meeting oceans, hungry and powerful, fast and desperate. Venom releases a moan yet again, digging her fake nails into the back of my neck, my cock grows harder under my jeans, begging for the opportunity to plummet deep inside her.

  Fuck, I need her. I need her so fuckin’ bad.

  Pulling my lips away from her I speak in a gravelly tone, “One day I’ll take my time with your body, that won’t be today.” I take my hands and bring them down to her black skinny jeans, unfasten her button and pull her zipper down, helping her out of the confining things. She kicks them off to the floor beside her and her hands paw at my jeans, pulling on and unbuckling my belt and pulling my pants down. They fall down to my knees and my hardened cock stands to attention, ready to plummet right into her pussy.

  Placing my left arm under her right leg, I hoist her up so her entrance is lined up with my cock. “If you don’t want this, you’d best tell me right now,” I grit, bringing my lips a mere inch away from hers.

  She looks me dead in the eyes. “Fuck me, Rico.” She calls me by my first name and I force my throbbing cock into her core in one swift movement. She leans her head against the wall and moans, her pussy tightening around my cock like a Chinese finger trap. God, she’s so fuckin’ tight.

  I stall inside her for a moment, letting her pussy get used to my size. I’m not one to show off, but I’m thick as fuck with an eight-inch cock. I’ve had so many girls tell me it wouldn’t fit and walk out on me, but Venom, fuck, I don’t even think she got the chance to see my monster.

  She clamps down on my cock as I begin to ram in and out of her. I don’t go slow. I can’t fuckin’ do it right now. I’m too amped up, too focused on claimin’ her pussy. I want my seed oozing out of her. I want to fuckin’ smell myself on her.

  “God,” Venom moans out, digging her nails in even deeper into my skin.

  “No, I’m Ricochet.”

  “Smart-ass,” she chokes through another moan as I switch up my positioning, locating that lovely G-spot that’ll give me everything I want. A gush of her essence comes out and I know I’m already close to bringing her to release.

  The creaking of the stairwell door signals someone’s behind me, but I don’t give a fuck who it is. I’m busy and I’m not gonna stop. I bring my hand between us and locate her hardened nub, toying with her clit, knowing if her head gets distracted for a moment, she might not get a release and I want that for her. Hell, I want it for myself too. What can I say, I’m a selfish bastard?

  “Ricochet, Boss wants you in her office,” Cowboy’s voice comes from above and I keep thrusting into her, my balls slap against her wet pussy.

  “I’ll be up in a few,” I tell Cowboy, focusing on Venom as much as I can right now.

  Footsteps come down the stairwell and I see a black shadow in my peripheral. “She said now.”

  I glance over to Cowboy. “Give me a fuckin’ minute, man, will you?”

  Cowboy smirks once he realizes who it is I’m fuckin’ and walks back upstairs, not botherin’ hidin’ his amusement. The second I hear the door click shut I slam my lips against hers and fuck her like she’s a whore at the brothel, slamming into her pussy as hard as I can, flickin’ that clit of hers until she’s squirming against the wall.

  My balls tighten and she begins to meet my movements, wantin’ her release as much as I do. I grind my cock inside her until warmth starts shooting down my cock and fuck if I don’t try holding my seed in me until she’s done, wantin’ it to stay up inside her instead of bein’ shot out, but I can’t hold it back any longer. My seed comes shooting out, coating her walls, staini
ng her insides.

  “Fuck,” I groan, catchin’ my breath as I lower her to the floor. Sweat beads against her forehead and she tries to catch her breath too, probably takin’ in everything we just did. Little does she know the type of shit we’re about to do. I have a fuckin’ pair of handcuffs upstairs with her name on them.

  “I . . . I don’t want this to ruin our friendship,” Venom immediately tells me.

  I want to grab her by the back of the neck and tell her we’re not ruining everything, but I just fucked her in the stairwell and told her I was in fuckin’ love with her, so I might wanna give her some damn time to process. So, instead I stare into her eyes and tell her the God’s honest truth, “The only thing we’re doin’ here Showoff is startin’ what we should’ve a long damn time ago.” I pick up my jeans and pull them up, buckle my belt and start to head up the stairs, but I stop and turn, look right at her and make a promise I intend on following through, “And don’t think we’re done yet. We’re not.” Rushing up the stairs I head to Boss’ office and see what the hell she needs from me.

  Knocking on the door lightly she calls from the other side and tells me to come through, and I push the door open and walk inside. Boss is now smiling like a devil and I know she’s about to make some sly remark, she always has to say somethin’, and I know she will ‘cause she’s poked shit about Venom and me before.

  “Only took you two what, nine years to get this far?” she says, and Cowboy chuckles lightly to himself, sittin’ on the couch across from her desk.

  “I know for a fact you didn’t bring me in here to talk about Venom, so what is it?” I state, preferring to get back to Venom sooner rather than later.

  Boss releases a laugh and nods. “You know we do some work for the Irish?”

  I nod.

  “We’re going to be expanding some of the work we do for them, running drugs and dispensing it to dealers. We’re not going to be getting a cut of sales, but more of a delivery fee. I’m not getting the club deep into Irish business if we don’t have to. It’d only cause problems with the Italians, or the others.”


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