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Hero series Box Set

Page 30

by M A Comley

  “My fault, my brain’s running ahead of my mouth, as usual. Well, I thought you might have a quiet word with your hubby for me?”

  “Frank? I’m still not with you, sir.”

  “He’s bound to have come across some dirt on this guy. Your hubby always has his ear pressed firmly to the ground. Would you mind asking him if he knows anything about Julian Wade’s reputation with the ladies, maybe? Let’s put it that way, shall we?”

  “Ahh… I’m with you. I can certainly try. I would do that now, only Frank’s been out undercover all night. When we passed on the doorstep this morning, he was on his way to crash into bed. He looked done in, to be honest, sir.”

  “There’s no rush. Not for a few hours at least. What time does he usually get up?”

  “Around two or three. I could ring him then, if you like?”

  “Thanks, Foxy, I’d like to get the ball well and truly rolling on this one as soon as possible. My sister’s whole career is on the line because of this sick tosser.”

  Foxy winked. “If there’s a way of dealing with this guy, I’m sure we can come up with something concrete between us, sir.”

  “That’s what I was hoping. Right, let’s get back to the other frustrating cases cluttering up our schedule, eh?”

  They walked into the incident room together, and Hero immediately looked over at his partner’s empty desk. Frowning, he asked Jason, “Julie not around yet?”

  “She’s rung in sick, sir. Apparently, her mother’s health went downhill during the night. Julie said she wanted to be there when she passed over.”

  “Christ, it’s that bad? Poor Julie. I’ll ring her this evening to find out how she’s dealing with things.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Hero stopped at Foxy’s desk on his way through to tackle his morning paperwork. “On second thoughts, pertaining to our discussion, do a quick background check on Wade this morning, if you would? Plus, I want you to be ready to go at a moment’s notice if we get called out. You’ll be standing in for Julie today, all right?”

  “Brilliant, I mean, thanks, sir. Poor Julie. I hope she’s coping okay. I’ll do the necessary checks now and get back to you ASAP.”

  “Good girl. I’ll be in my office.” He tapped her desktop as he walked away. “Lance, join me for a minute, will you?” Hero called out. He put a couple of coins in the vending machine and ordered a strong black coffee.

  DS Powell knocked on his door and walked into the small office a few seconds later. “Yes, boss?”

  “Don’t look so worried, man. Or should I say, what are you looking so worried about? You look as guilty as sin.”

  “Sorry, sir, didn’t mean to. Nope, I haven’t done anything wrong, not that I can put my finger on.”

  “Sit down.” Hero removed the lid from his paper cup and sipped his coffee, regretting not leaving the drink to cool down for a while before drinking it. “Crap, I expected that to be cooler!”

  Lance sat opposite him and folded his arms. “What’s up, boss?”

  “I’ve been thinking over the case. Foster is going to be the key to all this. I think we should set up a surveillance unit outside his flat.”

  “Good idea. Who did you have in mind for the job, sir?”

  Hero grinned. “Funny you should ask that. I thought you and Jason could do it.”

  Lance unfolded his arms and rose from his chair. “I don’t mind. You want us out there now?”

  “Why not? There’s nothing more we can do on the case until we find Foster. I’ll get in touch with uniform, make sure they’ve still got his vehicle on the priority list.”

  “Roger that. I’ll grab Jason and get out there. How long do you want us casing his joint for? All day?” Lance said, imitating a character from one of his favourite American cop shows.

  Hero smiled. “And into the evening, if you have to. I’ll drop by the super’s office and sanction some overtime. I guess I should have checked if that’s okay with you first. You haven’t got any pressing personal commitments booked for this evening, have you?”

  “Not me, I’m good to go. I’ll check with Jason. He’s an eager pup. I’m sure he’ll be willing to drop anything he has planned, sir.”

  “Good. Check in periodically, will you? We’ll see how the day progresses as to how long you guys stay out there. I don’t have to tell you to park discreetly, do I?”

  “No, sir. Right, we’ll be off, then, if there’s nothing else?”

  “Stay safe and out of sight. Check in around lunchtime, okay, Lance?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As Hero had anticipated first thing that morning, the day turned out to be exceptionally long. The rest of the team, namely Foxy, worked her butt off without achieving very much at all. She reported back to him just after lunch that her husband Frank would be making some subtle enquiries about Wade. Despite searching his background, Foxy hadn’t stumbled across anything worthwhile on record pointing to Wade’s questionable behaviour towards his pupils.

  After checking in with the surveillance team, Hero went home, in the hope that he would be able to spend some time with his family.

  Louie ran into his arms the second Hero stepped through the front door. “Daddy, welcome home. Come play Xbox with me?”

  “Give me a chance to get in the door, tiger. Have you been good for mummy today?”

  “Of course.” Louie wriggled out of his arms and ran back into the lounge. “Mummy, Daddy’s home.”

  Hero walked into the kitchen and gathered Fay in his arms. “How were the girls today?”

  “Zonked out most of the day. I hope we don’t suffer again tonight. You look exhausted, love.”

  “So do you. And there I was thinking people were just pulling my leg when they said double the trouble when referring to having twins. Did you manage to catch forty winks today?”

  “Not really. Did you?” Fay laughed.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Between you and me, I think I managed to drop off once or twice during my paperwork chores this morning. If it hadn’t been for the guys ringing to check in with me, I think I’d still be at the office, sound asleep.”

  “Checking in about what?” Fay twisted out of his clutches and stirred the bolognaise sauce bubbling and splattering on the hob.

  “I’ve posted a couple of guys outside a suspect’s house. They’re going to be there all evening. I’ve told them to call me before they finish their shift. I hope that’s all right?”

  “Of course it is. I know how important this case is and that you wouldn’t do that ordinarily. I’m about to serve up. Can you do your fatherly duties and ensure Louie has washed his hands properly before we eat?”

  Hero kissed her cheek and pinched her on the backside.

  “Oi, you! Do you want a sexual harassment charge landing on the doormat?”

  “Christ, don’t even joke about things like that. I’ve got Foxy’s husband on Cara’s case. He works in Vice. Frank comes across this type of shit all the time regarding dodgy officers. He’ll be reporting back in a few days.”

  “That’s great, hon. Don’t go raising your hopes, though, will you? We all know what kind of cover-ups go on in the Met. Now… son… hands… washing!”

  “All right, sorry.” He went through to the lounge and extracted the game console from Louie’s sweaty palms. “Time for dinner, son. We’re under orders to get cleaned up. I’ll race you to the bathroom.”

  Father and son ran upstairs amidst squeals, joyful laughter, and the sound of Sammy’s playful barking as he chased them.

  After enjoying a fulfilling bolognaise and pasta dinner followed by a scrummy, gooey chocolate fudge dessert, Hero cleared up the kitchen and dropped onto the couch alongside Fay for five minutes before he started the evening ritual of putting Louie to bed.

  “Yeah, it’s me again,” Stan Foster said when she picked up the phone.

  “What the hell do you want? I’m bloody regretting giving you my mobile number now. I’m at work, and I’m bloo
dy busy.”

  “I didn’t know who else to call. I’ve got no one else. Shit, don’t cut me off like this. You owe me. You hear me? The least you can do is be there for when I need someone to sound off to. You got me into this mess. I can’t cope out here on the streets. I’m going back to the flat, screw the consequences.”

  “Like I give a shit. Go back to the flat if you want. Just stop hassling me. Got it?”

  “Has anyone ever told you what a cold-hearted bitch you can be?”

  “Yep, all the time. You knew what you were getting into when you met me. Now’s not the time to be whining and bawling your eyes out. Get a life and man up.”

  Foster was left staring at the phone when she hung up on him. Furious, he crept along the shadows close to the shops and ran up the concrete stairs to his flat above, hoping none of the neighbours came outside before he was tucked safely away inside his flat. He felt sure the neighbours would be on the lookout for him, eager to ring the police with news of his reappearance, especially the old dear next door. He quietly let himself in and gently secured the door behind him, making sure that the old girl next door couldn’t hear a pin drop through the glass he suspected she kept affixed to the wall. All he needed was a change of clothes. He’d have to forget taking a shower since his bathroom was located next to the party wall. A quick strip-down wash would have to suffice. He left his clothes in a heap on the bedroom floor and lifted the mattress to retrieve the few hundred pounds he kept for emergencies.

  After taking one final look around the bedroom for anything he might have forgotten, he turned to go back in the lounge. His breath caught, and he froze in the doorway.

  “You? What are you doing here?” he asked, forgetting to lower his voice to avoid alerting his neighbour.

  “I felt guilty and thought I’d drop by to lend you a hand.”

  “But you said you were at work. You made your position perfectly clear. I get it—you’ve used me. There’s no need for us to see each other again, to extend this so-called ‘friendship.’ You shouldn’t have come here. We’re through.”

  She sauntered across the floor towards him, a sexy smile set firmly in place.

  “You can pack that in. That kind of behaviour might have worked on me in the beginning, but not anymore.” He reached out for her shoulders with the intention of turning her and pushing her towards the front door. However, he spotted the knife she was holding at the very last moment.

  Chapter 12

  Hero and Fay kissed and shared a rare cuddle on the couch, but Hero’s ringing phone disturbed them.

  He groaned an apology and untangled himself to answer it on the third ring. “Hello. DI Nelson.”

  “Hello, dear. This is Mrs. Taylor. You came to see me today. Do you remember? I live in the flats above the shops.”

  Hero sat forward in his seat, concerned by the fear emanating from the woman’s voice. “Of course I remember. Is everything all right, Mrs. Taylor?”

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, but you told me to ring you if I heard anything next door. Well, I’ve just heard voices and a large thud. Not sure what the heck that was.”

  “Okay, just sit tight. I’ll get someone there right away. Thanks for informing me. Keep your door shut and stay in your flat at all times, all right?”

  “Yes, dear. Oh, my, please hurry.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Hero hung up and raced around the room, searching for his jacket and shoes while he dialled another number. “Jason. Are you still at the location?”

  “Yes, boss. We were just about to call it a day and ring you, but you beat me to it.”

  “Have you seen anyone lurking around?”

  “No, boss. It’s been pretty dull here all day.”

  “Stay there. I’m on my way. I’ve just had a call from the next-door neighbour, saying she thought she’d heard a noise coming from inside the flat. Voices and then a thud. We’ll investigate the flat together. I’ll be ten minutes at the most. Wait at the bottom of the stairs for me. Make sure no one leaves the area, okay?”

  “Yes, boss. We’ll get into position now.”

  Hero kissed Fay. “I’m sorry, love. I’ve gotta run. Don’t wait up.”

  “Go. I understand. Ring me if you can. Drive carefully, sweetheart.”

  “I will,” he called out in a hushed voice from the front door.

  Hero jumped in the car and put his foot down. He arrived at the flats around eight minutes later to find Jason and Lance waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. “Has anyone left the area?”

  “No, boss.” Jason and Lance shook their heads.

  “Let’s get in there. Be prepared for a scrap, lads.”

  They crept up the stairs and along the corridor to Foster’s flat. The front door was ajar, and Hero eased it open. This looks ominous.

  He tilted his head, listening for any tell-tale signs of movement for a second or two before he motioned for his men to follow him into the depths of the flat. His pace picked up when Hero saw a man lying prostrate on the lounge floor, a large kitchen knife sticking out of his chest. “Quick, call an ambulance.”

  Lance stepped outside to make the call to avoid the reception fluctuating during the emergency.

  “Sir. Foster, can you hear me?” Hero searched around for a cushion or something soft he could use as a prop under the man’s head. “Look in the bathroom for some towels, Jason. We’ve got to stop the bleeding.”

  Jason darted out of the room. Hero grabbed the holdall sitting on the sofa and pulled out several of the man’s jumpers, which he placed under the injured man’s head to stop him from potentially choking on his blood. The man moaned with each movement but said nothing.

  Hero tried again. “Foster, blink your eyes if you can hear me.”

  Foster’s eyes fluttered to a close then opened slightly again as he tried to blink in response.

  “Can you tell me who did this?”

  Foster let out another groan, but his parched lips failed to form any audible words.

  “Jesus, where the hell is that ambulance? Jason, put the towels around the wound. Don’t touch that knife, for God’s sake.”

  The young DC looked panic-stricken. “Which wound? There’s quite a few of them? Never mind, I’ll cover what I can.”

  “Good man. This was quite a frenzied attack. Look at the blood spatter on the walls. Keep stemming the blood flow. I’ll call the station and get SOCO out here.”

  Hero stood up and left the flat. He pulled in a large breath of fresh air before ringing the station. He knew the importance of getting the investigation into the crime scene rolling at the earliest opportunity in such a case.

  He returned to the flat when he heard the wailing siren and spotted the paramedics drawing into the car park below. “How’s he doing, Jason?”

  “Not good, sir.”

  “Get ready to stand aside when the paramedics arrive. We don’t want to hamper them in any way.”

  A uniformed man and woman entered the lounge, carrying a padded emergency bag and a stretcher.

  “He’s fading, guys. We need to get him out of here and en route to the hospital as quickly as possible,” Hero said, his heart pounding.

  “Let us do our job, sir. Stand back please?” the male paramedic instructed. He dropped to his knees to assess Foster’s injuries for himself. Then he ordered his partner to rig up the oxygen while he issued a pain-killing injection to the patient. “Let’s do what we can and get this man out of here within five minutes, June, all right?”

  The female paramedic nodded and searched in the bag for the items she needed. Then she stood up and quickly assembled the stretcher, snapping the catches into place to ensure it didn’t collapse under the patient’s weight.

  “Anything I can do?” Hero asked, feeling like a spare part at a wedding, his hands nervously darting in and out of his pockets.

  The male paramedic glanced up at him. “We might need a hand getting the stretcher down the stairs in a few moments. Ot
her than that, we’re good, thanks.”

  “No problem. Just shout when you need us.”

  Foster moaned when the female paramedic raised his head to attach the oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A short while later, the male paramedic announced that they were ready to move the casualty onto the stretcher.

  “As gently as we can, folks. One, two, and lift.”

  Hero, Jason, and the two paramedics lifted the injured man onto the metal stretcher. Foster’s moaning intensified but subsided a little once he was securely strapped in. The team moved swiftly. Hero ordered his two men to remain at the scene until the forensic team arrived and gave them permission to knock off once they handed the reins over, while Hero helped the paramedics down the stairs and into the ambulance. Then he followed the speeding ambulance in his own vehicle to the Salford Royal Hospital. On the way, Hero rang Fay to update her on what had taken place and told her not to expect him any time soon.

  The paramedics wheeled Foster through to the Accident and Emergency department. A doctor told Hero to wait outside the room while he and the nursing staff did their best to save the patient in their expert care. Hero paced up and down for the next ten minutes or so, until the doctor finally came to update him on Foster’s condition.

  “DI Nelson, I’m Dr. Jenkins. We’ve managed to stem the bleeding. He’ll be taken down to surgery to remove the knife once the emergency theatre team has been assembled. Did you want a word with him before he goes down to theatre? Because to be truthful, he only has a slim chance of pulling through.”

  “If I could. Has he said anything?”

  The doctor shook his head. “Not at all. He’s heavily sedated now, so I doubt you’re going to get much out of him.”

  “Thanks. I just want a name, that’s all. Can I go in?”

  “Let’s get him moved into a cubicle first.” The doctor walked back into the examination room and returned to the corridor a few seconds later, accompanied by an orderly, who was guiding Foster’s bed into a nearby cubicle. Holding back the curtain, the doctor beckoned Hero to step forward. “Try and be gentle with him.”


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