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The Guardian Trilogy

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by Robin M Helm

  The Guardian Trilogy


  Robin Helm

  The Guardian Trilogy


  Guardian, Book 1

  SoulFire, Book 2

  Legacy, Book 3


  The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1

  By Robin Helm

  Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®,

  Copyright© 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995

  by The Lockman Foundation

  Used by permission. (

  Guardian was previously published on fan fiction websites. However, multiple changes have been made.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author, Robin M. Helm.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.


  My heartfelt thanks is extended to my Gayle Mills and Stephanie Hamm, who edited Guardian; to Julianne Martin and Rosemarie Spitaleri, who gave suggestions, corrected errors, and encouraged me; to Brenda Webb, who created a friendly place for me to publish my first work in progress; to Katie Baxley, who helped me to develop my writing style and served as my cold reader; to my daughter Melanie, who corrected my teen speech, texting, behavior, and clothing; to my daughter Mandy, who aided me in choosing realistic details and inspired me by writing her first book; to Wendi Sotis, Larry Helm, and Barbara Anderson, who helped me with formatting and publishing; and to Grace, who gave me invaluable advice in staging fighting scenes correctly.


  “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was formless and void; and darkness was over the surface of the deep.”

  Genesis 1:1-2

  The Rebellion

  Just after the dawn of time, there was an unheard of disturbance in heaven. There was the feel of an approaching storm signaling something ominous on the horizon, as if heaven itself might be ripped asunder by the mighty rush of millions of wings beating at once in fierce battle.

  During the time between the first and second verses recorded in the book of Genesis, great and awful events took place that shook the foundations of the universes and forever altered the course of human history. Before humans were ever created, choices were made that would greatly influence them and all other created beings.

  The beautiful Archangel Lucifer, the light bearer, glorious in his appearance, strode confidently through the majestic halls. His white robe fluttered, trailing in his wake as he approached Michael and Gabriel, the two other Archangels, who stood with Xander, the highest ranking of all guardians.

  “My brothers,” he said to them in a silken voice, his amber eyes flashing his excitement. “Why should we be content to be servants? We are the highest and most powerful of the angels, yet we are expected to bow before God with the lowest of our kind. Let us join together. Even God Himself cannot stop us if we are united. Join me, and we will rule the universes.”

  Michael, the great warrior, the one who resembled his master, Jehovah God, faced Lucifer with a scowl marring his countenance. His green eyes flashed a warning as his jaw tensed. From his towering height of seven feet, the largest of all angels glared at the most beautiful.

  “Your pathetic sycophants have puffed you up with conceit, Lucifer. Do not let your followers lead you into rebellion. We are honored to serve our Master, Yahweh. There is no higher calling. What is the purpose of attaining more power than He has already granted to us?”

  Gabriel, God’s able-bodied one, the hero of God, turned his azure eyes to Lucifer and Michael with unconcealed concern. His gentle demeanor belied his great strength in battle. Though Gabriel desired to be a peacemaker and would not take up arms against another angel easily, he was assured of victory if he did so. The flowing sleeves of his white robe fell back from his strong arms as he laid his hands on the shoulders of Lucifer and Michael.

  Xander, Chief of All Guardians, spoke his carefully chosen words in a deliberately moderated tone, “Lucifer, you are already powerful beyond all angels except for those in this group. Must you rule us as well? Only Elohim has more authority than do we. Do not force His hand. Do not sever our bonds. Once you choose this path against our Master, you cannot untravel it. It is an irrevocable choice.”

  “Lucifer, Michael, Xander, let us not argue. Jehovah desires for us to live together in unity and harmony. We have but one purpose – to glorify the Almighty Creator,” Gabriel said reasonably.

  Lucifer sneered openly at them, his brawny arms crossed tightly over his broad chest. He shook his head in derision, and his glossy black hair fell across his shoulders.

  “I thought as much. You are too cowardly to confront the One who holds us captive to His will. I do not need you to accomplish my plans. You are correct in one thing, Michael. I do have many followers, and they will die for me if necessary.”

  Michael, the strongest of them all, quickly unsheathed his sword and brandished it with two strong hands above his golden head. “Then let it be so! I will slay those who oppose my Master! First I will smite you, and then your groveling hordes.”

  A deep, sonorous voice spoke silence and stilled all of heaven as a brilliant light appeared before the four. All of heaven except Lucifer bowed to one knee and lowered their heads in gestures of submission. As Michael saw Lucifer openly defy the Creator of All Things, he jumped to his feet and called the Host to battle. As suddenly as lightning strikes, the angelic forces from all of heaven met as the two sides engaged in war. Swords clashed with a thunderous roar, and heaven shook with the fierceness of it, until God spoke His judgment.

  “How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, you who have weakened the nations!” The Father of All spoke a brief mourning for the loss of His brightest angel before consigning him to everlasting darkness. His voice invoked awe in the heavenly ranks as He continued, speaking the words recorded by His prophet, Isaiah, “But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of the assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ Nevertheless, you will be thrust down to Sheol, to the recesses of the pit. Those who see you will gaze at you.”

  At God’s word and through His power, with the rest of the host as witnesses, the pretender was cast out of heaven to the earth. Lucifer was no longer light. He was now the essence of darkness, and his very name mocked him. He became the god of this world, the ruler of the earth, for a season.

  When Lucifer, the most cunning of all angels, was expelled from the presence of the Master, the rest of the angels chose sides for eternity. Xander, along with millions of others, elected to stay with their Creator and serve Him. Lucifer managed to convince many hundreds of thousands of their kind to desert all good things and their places in the ranks in order to follow him. After humans were created, the sole reason for Lucifer’s existence became to prevent humans from believing in God; failing that, the dark ones hoped to rob believers of their joy and their usefulness to the Master. Lucifer was constantly watching for any opportunity to accuse believers and to point out their sins to God. He and those who chose to be with him sought to thwart the plans of Jehovah at every opportunity. The fallen were totally destructive and continuously evil. Whereas the light beings were pure souls,
the dark ones had given up their souls at the moment they had chosen their common destiny. Those of the light never sinned, and those of the darkness never stopped sinning. Salvation was not needed for the holy angels, and it was not possible for the fallen.

  Eventually, in God’s chosen time, the dark ones would be defeated once and for all and condemned to the abyss. Of course, Lucifer had convinced his forces that he would be ultimately victorious, and they believed his lie. He was the Father of Lies. Lucifer’s demonic forces were divided into hierarchies and ranks just as light beings were, but they held their positions through threats and abuse. There was no loyalty among them. They could achieve only a perverted sort of happiness through causing others misery.

  Chapter 1

  “For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well.”

  Psalm 139:13-14

  His ancient eyes impassively observed the birth of the tiny girl as he tried to discern what made her different from the thousands of other children born on that day. Her family seemed ordinary enough, and the guardians with her parents were of the middle ranks. He knew that there was a divine reason for his selection as the girl’s protector, and he did not question the decision that put him in that place on that day. But he was curious. He had been the guardian of hundreds of apostles, rulers, patriarchs, and pivotal humans in history for thousands of years. He had been with Noah as he built the ark; with Abraham as he had made his trek through the desert toward Ur; with Jacob as he had fathered the twelve tribes of Israel; with Moses as his mother had set his basket afloat in the Nile; with David as he had slain the giant Goliath; with Daniel as he had faced the lions; with G. F. Handel as he had composed beautiful music, including The Messiah, to the glory of The One; and with Dwight L. Moody, and other evangelists who had brought the Light to the world. He had guarded kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and military heroes. He was the principal guardian from the highest order; servant to Elohim, the Most High Master, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Almighty Creator of the universe. What made this tiny baby special enough for his assignment as her guardian?

  He thought back to the summons he had received in the previous year upon the completion of his assignment. There had been nothing unusual about the manner of Asim, the scheduler, when he had communicated the identity and location of Xander’s next charge. However, Xander had been surprised that he was being sent to guard the offspring of such an unremarkable family in an unimportant place. Normally, guardians of his rank and record were given to those who would change history, those who would hold positions of power, and those who would be extremely important in the work of his Master. But Xander asked no questions. He accepted the assignment immediately and without betraying any hint of his thoughts. He had confidence that there was a reason for this dispatch, and that he would be told what he needed to know when it was necessary. In the meantime, he would do his job from the moment of her conception. No one, nothing would harm this child until the appointed hour of her death.

  Elohim, in His omniscience, had heard Xander’s confusion concerning his charge and had summoned him to the throne room as he was leaving Asim. Xander had removed his sandals and bowed on his knees before the pure, holy light that was his Master, the King of the Ages.

  “Xander, Chief of all Guardians, do you wish to ask anything of me?” God asked his servant in a gentle voice.

  “No, my Lord. Whatever you command is good in my sight. I am pleased to obey,” Xander had answered quietly without lifting his head.

  “I know your heart, Xander, and I know that what you say is true; however, I will answer what you will not ask. Had my own Son needed a guardian, I would have chosen you. As He could command the legions Himself, I instead charged you with guarding His mother. Just as you kept her safe from the evil plans against her life and His while she carried Him, I need for you to guard this human girl who will be born. I have an important design for her life, Xander. She will be the means of turning the earth world back to Me, and she will also provide the way to defeat Lucifer’s champion for this age. Her influence will be felt for many generations. Of course, she will have free will in this. She could refuse Me, but she will not. Xander, I will ask more of you when the time is full, and what I will ask will not be easy for you. I know that you can protect her, and I know that you will do anything that I ask of you, but I wish for you to accept this willingly. You can decline this, if you wish, and continue as you have always been. Do you wish to have a different charge?”

  Xander had never heard of any angel being given a choice. Humans had free will; angels did as they were commanded. However, he carefully considered what the Father of All had said to him before he answered, though his head remained bowed.

  “My Lord, You chose me for this, and I am humbled that I was selected. You know all things, and You seek only what is good for all that You have created. The only reason I exist is to serve You, and I would no longer wish to live if I did not do my best to please You in all things. Please allow me to protect this special child.”

  God spoke. “Your request is granted.”


  Xander was somewhat acquainted with the protectors assigned to his charge’s parents and older sister. If the other three were surprised at his presence with them, they were too well trained to betray it. As guardians of the same family, the team shared their own minds as well as knowing those of their charges and other people who were in close proximity. Within a few seconds of joining the team, he knew the entire history of the small group consisting of the humans and those assigned to guard them. All guardians and others of their ranks with different responsibilities could communicate with each other telepathically, but the complete knowledge of another’s mind was limited to those who shared guardianship of a family within the confines of a few miles of distance.

  Only the servants of his Master, along with children too young to have made a decision, had guardians. This human family had been guarded throughout their lifetimes. The mother of his charge, Lynne Bennet, had made her decision early in her life, as had her parents and grandparents. The father, David, though born into a non-servant family, had become a follower when he was sixteen and had first heard the story. Janna, the older sister, had been a believer from early childhood and was now nine and a half years old. They were faithful followers, but they were not unusual. Suddenly, a startling thought occurred to Xander. The Son had been born to an ordinary family in a humble place. Perhaps there was more to this family than he had seen thus far. The Master had a way of using the humble to confound the mighty.

  Xander was the largest of the four protectors, with a sharp intelligence and a massive strength. Though humans could not see them unless the light beings chose to be seen, Xander’s appearance and towering height were intimidating even to others of his own kind. He was known to be fierce in the execution of his duties, and he was one of the few guardians who had battled the dark forces with an unblemished record. Xander had never been defeated. He had never lost a battle. His charges were his first priority, and he had kept all of them safe until their appointed times.

  He had seen all the good and the bad of the human race, and felt some comfort that he would be with a family of believers who loved and respected each other. He and the others had been created for a purpose. He never had doubted that his purpose was a lofty one, and that he was perfectly suited to it. From the beginning of time, he had been a protector, a guardian, as had the others with whom he would share this assignment. They had been part of the host who had witnessed the creation of the first humans, their separation from the Master, and their willful disregard for His plans. The guardians had been present at every major event in human history. As Mary’s guardian, Xander had been present at the birth of the Lamb of God, and he had been by Mary in her grief at the crucifixion. Protectors had seen wars, violence, plagues, murders, and the e
ffects of humanity’s greed and lust for power. Though the human race had deserted the Master over and over, He had never turned His back on them. Xander was constantly amazed and awed by the One whom he served. The perfect love of the Master for human beings was an enigma for which he had no explanation.

  Guardians, and others of their kind, existed in a frequency of the light spectrum invisible to human eyes, but they saw each other, and they could assume a visible human form if they wished to do so. As ancient beings, they were not overly concerned with appearance. They knew that many things were more important than how a being looked. Even so, Xander was arresting. Among beings, all of whom were beautiful, his noble countenance was still remarkable. Whether he chose to appear in a human form or to remain in his natural state, he stood six feet nine inches tall with eyes the color of a cloudless summer sky. His gaze was intense and unwavering, never missing the smallest detail, sending fear through his enemies and a sense of safety to his charges. His dark brown, wavy hair meandered to his neck, falling carelessly in loose curls across his strong brow. Xander’s broad, well-muscled shoulders, bronzed arms, and powerful legs hinted at his unparalleled speed and strength. His chiseled jaw, aristocratic nose, and full lips were perfect, and his rare smile was breathtaking. He appeared to shimmer in the simple, sleeveless, short white tunic he wore which was the garb of all protectors, as was the razor sharp sword which hung from the belt on his hip. A single swift blow from that sword had sent uncounted dark ones screaming and spiraling into the abyss.

  His mind was incomparable. He was well-known for his ability to make difficult decisions quickly, and his good judgment ensured that his final choices were the correct ones. If he chose to speak, he was never ignored. His voice carried authority, yet it was never unkind. Though Xander’s appearance and mind were those of a warrior, he was surprisingly gentle when he was not engaged in battle.


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