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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 22

by Robin M Helm

  In heaven, the Creator of All heard the words of the abomination called Gregory and read the familiar thoughts in the mind of Lucifer. It would soon be time to put more of His own plan into action.


  Xander and Edward walked beside Elizabeth and Charlotte as they headed toward the dining hall at Converse. It was the first day of the fall semester, and Gregory and Elizabeth had seen each other in a class that morning. He had invited her and Charlotte to meet him for lunch, and he had promised them a special treat. As they hurried along the sidewalk, they encountered a group of students from India who were visiting the campus. One of the girls tapped Elizabeth’s shoulder and asked her directions. Elizabeth stopped to answer her, and they exchanged a few pleasantries before Elizabeth turned back to Charlotte so that they could continue to the dining hall.

  “Hold up,” said Charlotte.


  “When did you learn to understand Hindi?” asked Charlotte with great curiosity. She had done quite a bit of research on the history of India in the previous semester and recognized the major language of the country, though she could not speak it.

  “What are you babbling about, Char?” Elizabeth looked at her friend with a quizzical expression. “I don’t speak Hindi. You know that I speak Spanish, Portuguese, and French rather well, but no other languages except for English.”

  “I’m not crazy, El. That girl spoke to you in Hindi, you understood her and answered in English, and somehow the girl knew what you were saying and continued the conversation. She kept speaking Hindi, and you kept replying.” Charlotte was very emphatic about what she had witnessed.

  “Char, you seriously need a long rest or something.” Elizabeth laughed.

  “Wait here,” Charlotte said as she turned back to the foreign students.

  “Do you speak English?” Charlotte asked the girl who had been talking with Elizabeth.

  The girl looked at Charlotte, puzzled, then glanced at Elizabeth, who shrugged and repeated Charlotte’s question.

  The Indian girl smiled and shook her head. She replied to Elizabeth, “It is good that you speak my language.”

  Now thoroughly confused, Elizabeth said a word of farewell to the girl as she and Charlotte walked away.

  “Well?” queried Charlotte, eyebrows raised.

  “Well, what?” returned Elizabeth.

  “What is going on, Elizabeth?”

  “I haven’t got a clue, Char. If I knew, I would certainly tell you.” Exasperated, Elizabeth tugged on the straps of her backpack and kept walking. Charlotte sighed and caught up with her. She determined that she would solve the mystery, with or without Elizabeth’s help.

  Edward gave Xander a questioning look, and Xander replied aloud, I think that she has the gift of tongues as it was given on the Day of Pentecost. It appears that she understands all languages, and everyone hears her in his own tongue. She does not know this as of yet.

  Edward was astonished. Extraordinary.

  Nearly everything about Elizabeth is beyond the norm. She is exceptionally gifted in many ways. Xander’s statement was matter-of-fact. Edward had seen Elizabeth only when she was with Charlotte. He knew that she was a musical genius and extremely intelligent, but he had not observed her other gifts. He did not realize the depth of her intellect or spirituality.

  The group arrived at the dining hall to find a table laid with china and stemware. Gregory was elegant as usual, dressed immaculately in black slacks, a light blue button-down shirt, and a dark blue V-necked sleeveless pullover sweater, showing his athletic build to advantage. He smiled lazily at Charlotte and Elizabeth and stood to receive them as they entered the room. He was every inch the perfect gentleman.

  Both girls exclaimed over the lavish spread.

  “How did you know that Wasabi is my favorite restaurant?” asked Elizabeth with delight.

  “Oh, I have my ways,” he answered with a wink at her. “I make it my business to know what you like, El. My spies are everywhere.” He gave her a crooked smile and held her chair for her as she sat at the table.

  Who are these ‘spies’ that he commands? Do demons do his bidding in addition to guarding him? Xander looked at Gregory, trying to read his oddly silent mind. Why is his mind closed to me?

  “Char, I hope you like Japanese as well?”

  “Love it!” returned Charlotte, smiling as he pulled out her chair.

  Gregory’s guards no longer appeared in human form.

  Xander thought, If he knows the demons are there, he probably wants to be less conspicuous and to lull Elizabeth into believing that they are alone. He may have sensed that the guards made her uncomfortable. What is his plan?

  Xander and Edward, however, were very much aware of the two fiends standing behind Gregory, looking at them with disdain, chins raised in hauteur. In whatever form, the foul odor is still the same, thought Xander. He and Edward assumed protective positions behind their charges, faces set in impassive stares. Xander waited for any sign of a challenge; he would welcome it. In the immortal words of Clint Eastwood, ‘Go ahead. Make my day.’ His thought was private, and Edward did not hear it, though Niall picked up on it from his place by Lynne in the tutoring lab. He shook his head and smiled.

  Both girls bowed their heads for silent prayers of thanks; Gregory permitted himself a small frown which immediately vanished as they looked up.

  “What’s the occasion, Gregory? This is bit extravagant for a school lunch,” said Elizabeth as she made her selections.

  “We never celebrated our birthdays this past summer. I thought we deserved a little party. Don’t you?” Gregory asked, taking a seat across from the girls. Sitting between them would have meant turning his back to Charlotte in order to talk to Elizabeth. Gregory was far too intelligent to make such an error.

  Everything that he does has an ulterior motive, said Xander to Edward.

  “Ah, yes! Sweet sixteen.” Elizabeth laughed.

  “And never been kissed?” queried Gregory. His amber eyes held hers until she looked back down at her plate.

  “Maybe a few times, but not in a while.” Elizabeth was somber, pain evident in her voice.

  “Anytime you wish to remedy that situation, just let me know,” Gregory said playfully.

  Over my dead body, thought Xander, clenching his fists. He placed his hands on Elizabeth’s shoulders.

  Elizabeth glanced at Charlotte with a silent plea.

  “Gregory, you haven’t visited us at Tabernacle yet. We have a terrific Life Group for people in college. It’s only about a half hour’s drive from here,” Charlotte interjected quickly.

  “Ah, yes. Your church. I’m of a different denomination, I think. My place of worship is in Charlotte, and I often return there for meetings.”

  “Well, just know that you’re always welcome,” continued Charlotte.

  But you would have to leave your pets outside, added Xander, looking at the dark ones behind Gregory.

  “I’m positive that I would be.” Gregory’s eyes glittered, and he almost succeeded in keeping the irony out of his voice.

  His guards smirked and snorted, their amusement obvious.

  “Where are your bodyguards, Gregory? I thought you didn’t go anywhere without them?” Charlotte asked.

  “Haven’t you noticed? I’m a big boy now,” Gregory replied with a wicked glint in his eyes. “My father has agreed that I’m perfectly capable of defending myself in this situation. I believe that I could handle both of you girls if you were to attack me.”

  So does he know that the demons are there, or not? Xander looked at the evil ones. Did he know that that they were demons when they were in human form?

  With practiced ease, Gregory changed the direction of the conversation to one which suited his tastes.

  “El, are you ready for Saturday?” he asked.

  Oh, yes. Saturday. I will certainly be ready for whatever you might have in mind. Xander crossed his arms over his chest.

th and he would be presenting a joint concert in the Twichell Auditorium to open the performance schedule for the semester. Having the two most exceptional young musicians in the country give a concert together was a stroke of genius. The event was highly anticipated and had been sold out for months. Gregory and Elizabeth had discussed the program by phone at the beginning of August and had been practicing separately since that time. They had agreed on a practice schedule, to begin rehearsals after classes ended for the day and to continue to meet daily until the concert. The two nine-foot Steinway grand pianos were already situated in Twichell, and the times for their rehearsals were blocked out through the music department. Though there would be a few solo numbers, most of the selections were duets, including Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 to end the program. They were using the two piano arrangement with Gregory playing the symphonic part.

  “Yes, I think so, though I’m looking forward to our rehearsals. I’m very curious about your solos. What have you selected?”

  “You like surprises don’t you? I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you by telling.” Gregory smiled impishly.

  “Now I am curious. Not even a hint?” Elizabeth asked teasingly.

  “Not even the smallest clue,” he replied smugly.

  “Aren’t you a devil! You’re such a tease, Gregory.” Elizabeth laughed aloud.

  Gregory smiled sardonically. “You have no idea, my innocent little angel.”

  Xander looked at him sharply. For the second time, he had the oddest feeling that Gregory could see him. He is far too smooth for a sixteen-year-old boy. His choice of words was no accident.

  Charlotte was following the exchange with interest, her brows knitted together. There is an undercurrent of something here. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there is definitely more to what he’s saying than the obvious meaning of the words. What game is Gregory playing?

  What game indeed! agreed Xander.

  Elizabeth was just getting over the heartbreak with Richard. She had prayed that God would take away her love for him, and He had answered her prayer, but her wound was still healing. She had confided in Charlotte throughout the ordeal, and Charlotte was fiercely defensive of her friend. She liked Gregory, but she would not allow him to hurt Elizabeth if she could help it.

  Charlotte is a wonderful young woman, Xander said to Edward, who replied, She is, my Chief.

  “El, it’s about time for us to go. Our next class is about to begin, and we don’t want to be late on the first day,” said Charlotte, glancing at her friend. Edward and Xander read her mind. There’s something about him I don’t like. He creeps me out.

  She has excellent instincts, said Xander. Edward nodded his agreement.

  Elizabeth knew what the look meant; she and Charlotte had been best friends for nearly two years now. She would think about the “why” later. Right now, Charlotte was signaling her that she was ready to leave, and Elizabeth responded to her cue. Both girls pushed back their chairs and stood.

  “Wow! Where has the time gone? Thanks so much for lunch, Gregory. It was spectacular. I’ll see you at rehearsal this afternoon?” Elizabeth smiled at him with a question in her eyes.

  “I’ll be the one at the piano waiting for you.” Gregory grinned in response.

  “Thanks, Gregory. I’ll see you later,” said Charlotte.

  “I’ll be looking forward to it, Char,” Gregory said as he watched her leave with Elizabeth.

  Xander and Edward walked closely behind their charges.

  Gregory’s smile had been replaced with a speculative expression. He sat for a moment, thinking, and then looked around. The dining hall was empty, and he and his guards were alone. Gregory focused on the leftover food and dishes on the table for a second. When he looked away, the table was completely cleared. He stood to his full height, now well over six and a half feet, quickly assumed demonic form, and flew through the roof of the building. Gregory wanted to clear his mind with the freedom and speed of flight. He and his guards headed in the opposite direction of the campus to avoid detection by Xander. Gregory had at least an hour to kill before his next class followed by his practice session with Elizabeth. He could scout the entire southeastern dominion in that amount of time.


  Xander stood behind Elizabeth as she performed Debussy’s “Reflets dans l’eau (Reflections in the Water)” to open the concert. Her music washed over him like a gentle wave; it was as soothing to him as the sweet balm of Gilead. She was dressed in a flowing dress of white chiffon, off one shoulder, cut in a classic Greek style. Her dark hair fell in curls to her shoulders from a knot caught up in the back with pearls which were threaded through the cascade. Her brilliance and beauty nearly distracted him, but thousands of years of discipline stood him in good stead. Thinking of Gregory and those that accompanied him soon focused him upon his duties. His guards had stationed themselves in the wings and were visible to Xander at all times.

  As the evening progressed, the pianists played original duets as well as those arranged for two pianos, interspersed with several solo pieces. When the curtains opened after the intermission, the audience, as well as Elizabeth, was surprised to see a portion of the stage curtained off. A microphone on a stand was set just offstage in the wing. Gregory strode onto the stage for a solo, magnificent in his Armani black tail tuxedo, with a Stradivarius in his hand. A stagehand moved the microphone to the center of the stage, and Gregory stepped up to speak.

  “Good evening. I hope you have enjoyed yourselves. As you can see by the program, I am supposed to be playing Beethoven’s Sonata No. 23, more commonly known as the ‘Appassionata.’ However, before I perform that tempestuous piece for your pleasure, I have planned a small diversion, a little surprise for you. Are you willing to be amused by something not quite so . . . formal?” Gregory asked with a blinding smile.

  The applause was deafening. They were happy to be entertained by anything the amazingly handsome young man proposed.

  He turned to several stage hands in the wing to his left and nodded. The curtain was removed to reveal several types of guitars on stands, amplifiers, a drum set, three microphones, and a double bass. Musicians and backup singers came to the stage from the audience.

  As soon as his band was in place, Gregory stepped up to the mike and launched into a spirited rendition of “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” a song made popular by The Charlie Daniels Band. He played the fiddle parts and sang the lead while dueling with a professional electric guitar player.

  After he had finished to a standing ovation, Gregory called Elizabeth to the stage. She was reluctant to answer his summons, but she had little choice. He asked the audience to help him, and they called her name until she appeared, Xander by her side.

  “You’ve heard Elizabeth play better than anyone else on the planet, but did you know that she sings as well? In fact, I’ve heard her sing a song that I’d like for her to do for you tonight. Elizabeth, you can accompany yourself, and I’ll join you on the violin. Can you guess which song I want you to do?”

  “Gregory, I’m not sure about this.” She looked at the audience uncomfortably.

  He turned to them and smiled. They would do anything for him.

  “Do you want to hear her sing?”

  Thunderous applause was her answer.

  Sighing, she went graciously to the piano and settled herself. Xander towered over her. A microphone on a piano stand had been placed there for her while she and Gregory were in front of the audience.

  She began to play the quiet, simple opening bars, and the crowd stilled. When she started to sing “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan, every heart was touched by the sweetness of her voice. As the melody soared, Gregory added a plaintive violin obliggato that pierced the souls of those who listened.

  From his place behind her, Xander placed his hand on her back between her delicate shoulder blades. He had heard Elizabeth sing the song before, but he wondered at Gregory’s selection of it. “The Devil Went Down to Georgia
” was obviously some little private joke of Gregory’s, but why would he choose a song featuring an angel for Elizabeth? Does he see me? Does he see all of us? Who is he? What is he?

  The final notes faded away, and Xander was pulled from his reverie.

  The audience remained silent, unwilling to break the spell she and Gregory had woven. After a moment, Gregory smiled and gestured for Elizabeth to join him. Her white flowing dress made a stark contrast against his black tux. They were beautiful together, a study in dark and light.

  “Isn’t she marvelous?” he asked a bit possessively, his arm around her shoulders. The audience roared its approval, and Elizabeth bowed before she left the stage.

  Xander growled his disapproval and stepped closer to Elizabeth. Would you like to keep that arm? Niall and Roark smiled from their places in the audience.

  Standing on the opposite side of Elizabeth from Gregory, Xander looked over her head at him in surprise. He is nearly as tall as I am now. The guardian warrior scrutinized the boy. It is not normal for a boy so young to be so large. He looks strong and fit as well. He would be a formidable opponent if he were a dark being.

  The program continued as planned, with Gregory’s virtuoso performance of the Beethoven sonata followed by their concerto. After the final performance, Elizabeth and Gregory bowed before another standing ovation. There were cries for an encore, but Gregory begged off for them, citing the lateness of the hour and their two unscheduled musical offerings. The evening was hailed as a great success; everyone raved about the extraordinary talents of the two young performers.

  After the Bennets had traveled home with the guardians flying low overhead, and a weary Elizabeth was safely in bed, Xander started to wonder why he was so on edge. He began to pace in her room, his head down and his fingers raking his dark hair back from his forehead. The guardian could not quite isolate what was bothering him. He should be profoundly relieved. All had been quiet since May, and Elizabeth was nearly always happy again. So what is bothering me? Why do I feel so unsettled? Then, it hit him, and he stopped dead still. The words in his head were ominous. All has been quiet since May, and there has been no attempt on Elizabeth’s life since well before that. Things are so normal that it is abnormal. What are they planning now, and what part will that boy play in the plan?


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