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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 25

by Robin M Helm

  “I have gifted you in the same manner in which I have gifted Elizabeth. Use those gifts to draw her to yourself so that you can serve Me together. As a couple, you will be capable of such great and wonderful things that heaven and earth will rejoice in your success. You will bring glory and honor to My name.

  “Do you have any questions for Me, Xander?”

  Xander thought for a moment, and then asked, “How can I live as a human? I have no identity, no education, nowhere to live.”

  A deep, loving chuckle came from within the light, and the angelic realm knew the sound heralded something wondrous. The host rejoiced in the plans of their Creator and in His wisdom, and every angel listened in great awe and with avid curiosity. All of heaven was silent, and all light beings held their breath in anticipation of Elohim’s answer to the guardian.

  “Xander, those are the easiest things you will face as a human. When you leave My presence, go to Asim. All has been arranged. Your identity has been established with a few strokes on a computer, and there is a bank account that will always have whatever you need in the way of funds. After all, I own the cattle on a thousand hills, and I have servants everywhere. You may not have a college degree, but I think you will find that you are well-equipped to earn one very quickly. You do, after all, speak every known language as well as the ancient ones that are no longer used. Your mind is perfect, and you will remember everything that you have ever heard or seen. Asim will also provide you with the paperwork that you need to enroll at Converse so that you can get to know Elizabeth. Major in music. You will be amazed at what you have the ability to do. In addition, Liberty University will grant you a graduate degree in theology. You have only to take the required tests. As you have a complete and perfect knowledge of the Scriptures and the history of the church, there will be no difficulty. Asim will give you all the details.”

  There was a pause as Xander absorbed all that Jehovah-Eli had said.

  The Lord then spoke again, very tenderly. “There is one more point that must be discussed, Xander.”

  “Yes, my Adonai?”

  “As you said, you have sinned. Loving Elizabeth was not a sin, but anger and jealousy are. Sinless angels do not need a Redeemer, but sinful humans do.” The voice was loving and persuasive.

  Xander raised his head for the first time, hope alight in his clear blue eyes as they focused on the floor beneath the holy light. “I can be forgiven? I can be Your child?”

  “Do you wish to be My child?”

  “More than anything, Jehovah-Go’el. To receive salvation would be beyond anything I could ask, beyond any hope I could harbor. It is the greatest gift of all.”

  Jesus, the Son of God, stepped from the light and approached the dual being. He held out His hands to the kneeling Xander.

  “These scars in My hands, in My side, and on My feet were for you, Alexander Darcy. They are the marks of My love for you. Do you accept My sacrifice to cover your sin?”

  Xander took the hands of the Son and drew them to his lips, gently kissing them as his tears fell to the scars left by the Roman nails. He released the hands of his Savior and knelt farther to kiss His tortured feet. Then he looked up into the face of his Redeemer. “Please forgive me for wounding You with my sin. Please live in me and be the Lord of my life.”

  Jesus took Xander’s hands, drew him up from his kneeling position, and walked with him to the river of life that flowed from the throne of God. There, the Lamb of God, the Living Water, the Bread of Life baptized a new child into His family.

  “Xander, your armor is complete. You now have use of the helmet of salvation, and your feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Feed My sheep.”

  Xander was amazed as the sounds of great rejoicing rang through the halls of heaven. They are celebrating my salvation! Many times have I done this for the children of God, but I never thought there would be happiness on my account.

  The laughter and joyful shouts of the host echoed through the streets, and the Light of the World that was Elohim grew until astronomers on the earth were sure that they had discovered a new star. Jesus shielded Xander’s eyes with His own hands and led him from the room. He then turned, walked back to the Father and the Spirit, and disappeared into the light.

  Xander remembered that he was to meet with Asim before he could return to Elizabeth, and he hurried to their meeting where he found the heavenly scheduler ready to receive him. After listening carefully to his instructions and going through the procedures necessary to complete the paperwork for his human life, he flew the familiar route to the Bennet home, taking a moment every few seconds to flip and spiral in the air, as joyous as a child with a new toy at Christmas. He was nearly giddy with relief and excitement, and he could hardly contain himself; the exhilaration of his heart was almost too much to bear.

  Xander smiled widely in exuberance as he fully extended his wings and raced back to his love. His heart seemed to swell within his chest, nearly bursting with the lightness of being forgiven. He knew that many dangers lay before him and his charge, but he wanted to enjoy the happiness as long as he could. For now, he would not worry about how to win her love, he would not be anxious over all that would await him as a human, and he would not think of Gregory and the coming battles. He would instead bask in the joy of his salvation and in the wonder of the gift of love he had been given.

  He was free to admit to the world that he loved Elizabeth with his whole heart, mind, and body. He wanted to shout it to the masses and write it across the skies.

  It was truly a night of miracles.

  The End of Guardian: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1.

  Keep reading for the second book and conclusion to The Guardian Trilogy

  SoulFire: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 2


  Legacy: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 3


  The Guardian Trilogy, Book 2

  By Robin Helm

  Copyright © 2011 Robin Helm

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®,

  Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995

  by The Lockman Foundation.

  Used by permission (


  To my sister and best friend,

  Gayle Griffin Mills,

  who has given me

  her unfailing support

  and the benefit of her knowledge,

  beginning with teaching me

  to read when I was

  four years old.

  To my father,

  Archie Melvin Mills,

  who fully believed

  that I could do anything

  I chose to do

  and passed that belief

  to me.


  Thank you to Gayle Mills and Stephanie Hamm for editing SoulFire and for contributing their ideas and expertise during the development of the story, to Julianne Martin for being a huge source of encouragement, and to Wendi Sotis, for serving as my cold reader and formatting expert. My gratitude is also expressed to Larry Helm, whose help and spiritual leadership has been a stabilizing influence in my life for the past thirty-eight years

  Chapter 1

  “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.”

  Hebrews 13:2

  January, 2008

  Xander, Niall, and Roark flew above Lynne’s Honda as David drove Elizabeth and his wife to the airport early Friday morning. Since the concert which unintentionally had become her worldwide debut a few months prior resulting in the creation of her reputation as a widely renowned pianist and vocalist, she had received numerous offers to
perform, and she had decided to accept an engagement in Toronto after making it clear that she wished to perform sacred as well as classical music. Lynne would be traveling with her; they planned to spend the weekend as there would be a rehearsal Friday evening and the performance on Saturday night.

  David had insisted on leaving well before the time that was necessary. It was an hour’s drive to the airport, and he hoped to miss the morning rush hour in Greenville. Any hope of avoiding traffic problems evaporated as a car sped off of a ramp in front of a semi-truck several cars ahead in the lane to the right of them. To their horror, the truck was unable to stop and could not pull into the adjoining lane without hitting other vehicles. The driver had nowhere to go. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as they watched the scene of the accident unfold. The driver of the car realized, too late, that the truck was going to hit her. She attempted to merge with the cars in the next lane, but the truck clipped her from the rear, sending her into a spin across three lanes of traffic. Her Toyota Camry was hit by four cars as the truck jackknifed and slid down the road sideways. The terrible screeching of tires skidding and metal impacting metal seemed to go on and on; then suddenly everything was eerily quiet for a moment. All traffic came to a complete standstill in the wake of the multiple wrecks.

  The Camry was crushed and twisted, and several other cars were also badly damaged. The truck driver opened his door and began to walk back down the road to survey the damage and await the police. He was already on his cell phone calling 911. Lynne and Elizabeth bowed their heads to pray for the people involved in the crash as David left the car to see if he could be of assistance to anyone. Roark walked beside him.

  Xander already knew that praying for the woman in the Camry was unnecessary. Seconds before the collision, he had seen her guardian flying over the car with a tall, slender angel dressed in flowing, shimmering robes of blinding white. The angel’s eyes were large and violet, and his long, white hair was held back with a silken cord. His blue-white wings were not created for speed, unlike those of a guardian or a warrior, but they were large and beautiful. Xander had seen death angels many times before when Jehovah-Shalom was ready to call one of His children home. The presence of such a light being signaled to the protector that the battle was over, and the reward for the saint was at hand. He was always filled with awe and reverence for his Master each time he witnessed the escorting of a child of God to heaven. It was never a time of sadness, for Jehovah-Rohi’s timing was always perfect. The believer simply closed his eyes in one world, and opened them in the arms of an angel. Xander watched in peace as the eternal spirit of the woman left her lifeless mortal shell and went to her escort. The death angel held her close in his embrace and spread his wings, lifting her into the air as he flew with her from one world to the next, followed by her guardian.

  David had gone directly to the Camry, and, seeing that the woman had not survived the accident, he had hurried to another car to comfort a crying infant whose mother was unconscious. A few other people had also approached the wrecked cars to stay with the injured until the ambulances had time to arrive. Before long, the wailing sirens were heard, signaling the arrival of the police, medical personnel, and wreckers. David returned to the car, but did not tell Elizabeth and Lynne that the woman had died. He saw no need to further upset his wife and daughter when there was nothing they could do. Roark and Niall knew that he would tell Lynne later, apart from Elizabeth.

  Well more than an hour had passed before the road was cleared enough for a single line of cars to begin the painfully slow process of breaking up the traffic jam. Even though the Bennets were near the front of the congestion, by the time they reached the airport, checked their bags at the curb, and wended their way through security, Lynne and Elizabeth had missed boarding their plane. Followed closely by their guardians, they hurried to the ticket counter. Lynne explained what had happened, and they were put on another flight that would be departing in an hour, but, unfortunately, their luggage had already been loaded on their original flight and was on its way to Toronto via Pittsburg, while they had a layover in Philadelphia before changing to a different airline for the remainder of the trip. Since both flights were to arrive at Toronto International Airport, Lynne thought there would be no problem retrieving their bags. She had been assured by the customer service agent that their luggage would be kept safely for them during the one hour time difference between the flights. Lynne used her cell phone to call their contact in Toronto and apprise him of the problem. Because David had left them at the airport curb thinking that they had made it in time, she also called him to let him know about the delay.

  As they sat down to wait, Elizabeth, already upset after witnessing the pileup on the freeway, started to worry that she might miss her rehearsal. I need that time with the orchestra for my vocal pieces, and I want to be able to spend several hours becoming familiar with the piano I will be playing. We need to do sound checks with the technicians, too. Xander, behind her, stepped closer, rubbing her shoulders and whispering in her ear. Be anxious for nothing, my beloved. It will be well. Our Father will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. Xander’s blue eyes twinkled in merriment. I will fly you there myself if need be. Elizabeth pulled a book from her bag and began to read.

  Beside him, Niall rolled his eyes. Xander, being with you now is like enduring a lovesick human male. You have not yet introduced yourself to the lady, you know.

  Xander squirmed a little uncomfortably. Niall, I have been preparing myself for that by closely observing the ways of men with women, and there were other things I had to accomplish as well. You know that I am now registered at Converse and ready to start my classes when the term resumes. I had to take all those CLEP tests, and qualify for my degree at Liberty. Michael has been helping me by guarding Elizabeth when I have had to be gone and is now prepared to step in when needed. There has been much to arrange, and everything had to be done to my satisfaction. I cannot just appear and start talking to Elizabeth. She will ask questions, and I have had to think about the answers.

  Niall laughed at him. Admit it, Xander. You are afraid. You are as nervous as a moonstruck teenager asking for his first date.

  There was silence between the brothers for a few minutes. Xander, his hands resting on Elizabeth’s shoulders, turned his head to look at his brother.

  What if she does not ever love me, Niall? Xander’s voice was low and strained.

  Niall looked at his brother, and his expression was serious. Of course she will love you, Xander. Then he grinned. What woman could resist a tall, handsome fellow like you?

  Xander released his breath slowly in obvious frustration. I know that human women find my physical form to be attractive, Niall, but what if she does not like the way I am? I am not witty, and, even in the angelic realm, I do not converse easily with those whom I do not know well. I fear that I am boring, Niall. Elizabeth loved the human boy, Richard, and I am nothing like him. It is safer to love her from a distance than to reveal myself and risk her rejection. Xander looked at the floor morosely.

  ‘Faint heart never won fair lady,’ Xander. You said that our Master told you that you were formed for each other. As Shakespeare said, ‘Screw your courage to the sticking place.’ If you accidentally bump into Elizabeth when Lynne is there, I will be with you to whisper hints into your ear if you become tongue-tied. I am fluent in the Song of Solomon.

  But you have no more experience with human women than I do! Xander exclaimed aloud. A few guardians passing by with their charges glanced at him in wonder. He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

  Niall chuckled. I am witty and the essence of charm. He smiled roguishly. The material point is that I am not in love, and I will be able to think of interesting things to say. I guarded one of Solomon’s closest advisors, and you are well aware that Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. I know a few things about wooing a woman.

  I have always wondered about that. Solomon was the w
isest human who ever lived. Why did he have so many women? If it is difficult to keep one woman happy, why would he choose to multiply the effort by one thousand? It does not seem very wise to me, Xander interjected.

  That is exactly the sort of thing you should not say to a woman, Xander. You are definitely going to need me. Niall let out an exaggerated sigh.

  I will know when the time is right, insisted Xander, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

  Try to make it before her child-bearing years are past, returned Niall with just a hint of sarcasm.

  Do not quit your day job. Stand-up comedians have a short shelf life.

  Ouch. Niall placed a hand over his heart. Am I leaking light from that wound?

  Xander snorted, but resumed his usual stoic mien as several more guardians passed by with a group leaving on a mission trip. He was silent as he contemplated Niall’s words. As much as he hated to admit it, his brother was correct on two points: he needed to make Elizabeth’s acquaintance very soon, and he was gripped by fear at the very thought of it. Elizabeth had reached her full height of five feet nine inches – not short for a human woman, but much smaller than he was. How could such a little person cause such anxiety in him? He knew the answer; she held his heart in her small hands. Her rejection would crush him, and his failure to win her would have far-reaching consequences for the rest of humanity. Xander set his jaw with determination. He must win her love, and he must start that process as soon as possible. He would conquer his fear by facing it.


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