The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 42

by Robin M Helm

  Jonathan looked up, his earnest face shown on the giant screens across the top of the stage while the Bible verses were displayed on the two screens flanking the platform. He continued to speak, talking to the people as if he was having a conversation with them. “Atlanta, you have been tested by fire in the last twenty-four hours. You have been tested, and you have come through the fire. Now it is time for the results: the praise and honor that is to be given to Jesus Christ who has revealed Himself to you. Christians, we have a unique opportunity to share His love by helping those who have been left homeless. We can minister to a city that is still in shock. We can be His hands and His feet on this earth, in this city. This is a time for action; but first, you must examine yourself. Is He first in your life? Do you burn for Him?”

  He continued to speak, using Scripture after Scripture pointing out that Almighty God wanted first place in their lives, that He promised salvation and comfort to those who belonged to Him, and that the only protection from evil was to be found in Him.

  When he was finished, he bowed his head to pray, and Xander and Elizabeth came back onstage with their guardians. She seated herself at the piano while he stood surrounded by the keyboards. They looked at each other to coordinate their timing and began to play and sing softly.

  Jonathan raised his head and opened the altar for any who needed to talk or pray with a counselor. Several hundred trained men and women came forward and stood facing the audience at the foot of the stage in front of the platform. As people streamed down the aisles, each of them was directed to a counselor who took them aside to designated counseling areas.

  Suddenly the quiet was destroyed by a man, covered in blood and screeching as he ran down the middle aisle, fighting his way through the people in an attempt to reach Jonathan. He had escaped from the guards, leaving one severely wounded, and they ran behind him, trying futilely to catch him. He seemed to possess superhuman strength and stamina as he pushed people out of his path, climbing up onto the stage and finally standing before Jonathan. Lexus moved to stand between Jonathan and the man who was possessed by seven demons, but Jonathan was willing to face him. His guardian could not intervene because Jonathan’s mind showed that he had decided to confront the man. Lexus returned to Jonathan’s right side.

  Xander and the other angels could see the demons crawling in the man, gripping him inside and out. They could hear his tortured mind with its jumbled, incoherent thoughts, cursing and blaspheming God. Xander and Gabriel moved quickly to the front of the stage, and Xander grabbed the man from the back, pinning his arms to his sides with an iron grip. He continued to fight, kicking his feet and finally freeing one arm to reach for Jonathan with his hand, grasping for the preacher’s neck. Xander held him back, but the man struggled to be free. The hatred of the demons shone from his eyes which were red-rimmed and as wild as those of a rabid animal. The security guards had finally reached the stage, but Jonathan waved them away, facing the crazed man calmly. “Let him go, Xander.”

  One guard spoke up in agitation. “You don’t want to release that crazy lunatic, mister. It took seven of us to pull him off Frank after he stabbed him – and Frank’s nearly dead now. I don’t know how this man is holding him by himself, but I wouldn’t let him go if I were you.”

  Jonathan repeated firmly with no sign of doubt in his hazel eyes, “Let him go.”

  Xander looked at Jonathan as the man flailed in his arms. “Are you sure about this, Jonathan? He is very strong.”

  “‘Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world,’” quoted Jonathan. “Set him free. He cannot hurt me. I claim the name of Jesus.”

  At Jonathan’s words, Michael planted himself to Jonathan’s left.

  Xander released the man who then ran at Jonathan, his hands grasping like claws and the sinews of his arms straining as he tried to put his fingers around Jonathan’s neck to strangle him. The man’s face was contorted, and he shrieked with frustration, but he was unable to touch Jonathan. The veins in his neck stood out like cords, and his hands hovered inches from the young man’s throat, but he could go no closer. Michael held one of his wrists in a vise-like grip, and Lexus firmly held his other wrist.

  “Let me go!” the man growled at Michael in an unearthly screech. Then, in a high, sing-song voice, he said softly, “Where’s Elizabeth? Where’s Elizabeth?”

  Guard her, Gabriel! Xander’s mind shouted.

  Gabriel flashed from his place beside Xander to stand protectively in front of a wide-eyed, frightened Elizabeth. She had heard the implied threat.

  She is safe. They will not get through me, answered the Archangel. He spoke into Elizabeth’s mind, It will be well, Elizabeth. Do not fear.

  Jonathan looked the possessed man squarely in the eyes. “What is your name?”

  “My name is Legion, for we are many,” the man replied in a hoarse, flat voice, dropping his hands to his sides and starting to back away.

  “Legion!” exclaimed Jonathan with authority. The man stopped, dropping to his knees, covering his face, and cowering before the young preacher.

  “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of this man.”

  The man immediately fell to the floor, convulsing and jerking seven distinct times as each demon left him, flying through the air and out of the building, chased by warriors, as the demons sought another body to inhabit. As the last fiend left the man, he lay quiet, exhausted and limp. Security personnel immediately moved in to stand around him.

  The crowd was hushed. Everything that had happened had been caught by the cameras and witnessed by everyone in the arena. Stage mikes had picked up the sounds, and the scene had played out on the screens throughout the building.

  One of the security guards walked up to Jonathan and Xander, saying, “We’ve already called the police to come get that lunatic. He pulled a knife from his boot and attacked one of us while we were watching the monitors. He was able to get away and out of the room in the confusion, but he’ll pay dearly for this. An ambulance is on its way here to take the wounded man, Frank, to the hospital.”

  Elizabeth, followed by Gabriel, walked up beside Xander as he spoke to the security guard. “You do not need the police or an ambulance. The man is fine now; we will take care of him.” Xander heard the Holy Spirit speak into his mind, and he obeyed. “Where is the wounded guard? Bring him to me.”

  “There’s no choice about the police. He attacked Frank and nearly killed him. He will go to jail and stand trial for attempted murder, but I will tell them to bring Frank to you. After what I’ve seen here tonight, I think you may be the only ones who can save his life,” answered the security guard.

  The security guard then used his radio to call his co-worker who had stayed with the wounded guard. The ambulance had arrived, and the EMT’s had put the man on a gurney. They were on their way out of the room with him, but one of them was a Christian, and his guardian spoke into his mind. Take Frank to the young minister who is asking for him. When the EMT heard Xander’s request over the radio, he told the others that they should do as Xander asked. The rest of the team protested, but he said that he would take full responsibility. Because he was in charge of the group, the others did as he said.

  The crowd parted to let the men and the gurney through, and they rolled it all the way up to the stage. Xander jumped down from the stage and turned to catch Elizabeth as she followed him. Together they went to the gurney, looking at the bloody sheets covering the bandages around the man’s abdomen. His shredded shirt had been pulled away from the multiple stab wounds, his face was ashen, and his eyes were closed. Elizabeth began to pray quietly while she held the guard’s cold hand. Jonathan joined them, praying on the other side of the gurney, and their guardians formed a shield behind them.

  Xander lifted the sheet gently and began to pull away the bandages. One of the EMT’s tried to stop him. “His torso is badly injured, and he’s bleeding heavily. If you remove the bandages, he may bleed out before we can get him to
a hospital.”

  Jonathan put a hand on the EMT’s arm. He had long suspected that both Xander and Elizabeth had been especially gifted by God. “Do not interfere. He will be well.”

  Xander exposed the wound and placed his hands over it, bowing his head and praying to Jehovah-Rapha for healing. The blood ran through his fingers and down the guard’s sides for a moment, and then stopped. Xander reached for the sheet that had been covering the guard and wiped his hands on it. He took a clean cloth from another EMT and cleaned the blood from the injured man’s abdomen. As Xander gently rubbed the blood away, the man opened his eyes. He was confused to see a crowd around him, and he sat up. Xander, Elizabeth, and Jonathan stepped back as the rest of the EMT crew gathered closer to the gurney, their faces reflecting their shock.

  “I don’t see a gash anymore. Where was he hurt?” asked one.

  “How do you feel?” asked another, seeing that there was no longer any wound at all.

  Frank looked at them with surprise. “I feel fine.” He looked around. “Where did all this blood come from?”

  “It came from you.”

  They all looked at Xander with amazement.

  The Christian in the group smiled at Xander. “Thank you. Something told me that you could help this man.”

  “I did not heal him; God restored him through me. He told me what to do, and I obeyed.” Xander was firm. He would not take credit for that which his Master had done.

  The others wanted to know if they could come to the rallies on the nights they did not have to work. Jonathan assured them that he would find a place for them all.

  Frank, the security guard who had been healed, asked to talk to Xander, and they went to the side to talk privately, away from the crowd, while Jonathan returned to the stage to check on the man who had been delivered from demonic possession. He was sitting up and looking around in confusion. When he saw Jonathan, he smiled. As they talked, Jonathan realized that the man’s last memory was from at least five years prior. The police arrived as the man accepted Christ as his savior. They started to handcuff him, but turned to look at Xander as he walked up with Frank smiling beside him, a guardian close by his side.

  “Can you arrest him if this man has no wound?” Xander asked.

  “He’s covered in blood. Where did it all come from?”

  Frank, in his bloody, tattered shirt, said, “It came from me, but this man healed me. I no longer am hurt, so I don’t see how you can charge him with anything if I refuse to press charges for assault.”

  “You refuse to press charges after he attacked you?” asked one of the policemen as if he could not believe what he was hearing.

  “Yes, I do. Had he not attacked me, I would never have met this man of God or my Savior. He meant to hurt me, but he helped me instead.”

  The man who had been possessed turned to look at Frank and Xander. Xander noticed that he now had a guardian with him.

  “You forgive me?” he asked Frank.

  “If God can forgive me for the many years I lived for the Devil, I can certainly forgive you.” Frank reached out his hand with a smile. “What is your name?”

  “It’s been so long since anyone has used my name that I barely remember it. It was Bobby before I became a drunk and a drug addict, lost my home and family, and sank into darkness. This man,” he said, pointing to Jonathan, “has showed me the way to a new life. He’s going to help me get back on my feet and make something of myself. I guess I’m Bobby again.” He extended his hand to Frank, and the men shook hands, and then embraced.

  One of the policemen reached to shake Xander’s hand. “I guess our work here is finished. I hope there are still seats available here. I want to bring my family tomorrow night.”

  Xander and Elizabeth smiled at him. “I think something can be arranged,” she said, looking back up at Xander.

  After talking a few more minutes, the EMT’s and policemen left to finish their shifts. Many of them had received tickets from Jonathan to attend the conference on the nights they did not have to work.

  Jonathan had been told earlier that day that the seating arrangements could be changed to hold another thousand people, and he had told the arena managers to go with the new set-up for the rest of the week. An unnamed benefactor had wired the money needed into the SoulFire Ministries bank account to pay for adjusting the seating layout in order to allow more people to come. The anonymous donor had contributed large amounts several times since Xander had joined the ministry team, and Jonathan privately wondered if Xander himself was supplying the funds.

  Again, it was all caught on camera, and boom mikes on the floor in front of the stage had picked up the sound. The people had watched everything unfold. Some had prayed throughout the exorcism and healing. Others had watched in fascination. Still others had quietly praised God for the mighty works being done through His servants. A few people left, but most stayed, waiting to see what other miracles God had in store.

  And the angels raised their hands toward heaven, rejoicing that God had added more than five hundred believers to the fold.

  Chapter 13

  “Blessed be the Lord, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; my lovingkindness and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer; my shield and He in Whom I take refuge; Who subdues my people under me.”

  Psalm 144:1-2

  Xander, Elizabeth, Jonathan, and Dave were late getting back to the hotel. They had ridden together in Jonathan’s van, and the bus carrying the crew was close behind them. Most of them seemed to want nothing more than to go to their rooms and rest. Jonathan had extended their meeting time for the next morning until 9:30, thinking that everyone needed time to unwind and sleep in.

  It had been a long day, certainly, but Xander was energized by all the things that had happened at the rally; he knew that sleep would not find him for an hour or two at least. When Jonathan and Dave, followed by Lexus and Hector, told Elizabeth and him good night and headed for the elevator, Xander took Elizabeth’s hand in his and led her to the window at the end of the hall. In comparative privacy, he leaned down to whisper, “Would you like to indulge in a little adventure with me?”

  Michael and Gabriel stood on either side of them, arms folded. Elizabeth needs to rest, Xander, remonstrated Michael.

  Once her surprise arrives, we will not have as much time together, answered Xander.

  Elizabeth looked at him mischievously. “An adventure? I love adventures.”

  “Neither of us has had adequate exercise in several days. There is a gym in this complex, but I have another idea which will serve the purpose. It is rather unusual, but I think it would be useful and enjoyable for you. Would you like to work out with me?” Xander smiled in invitation.

  “What kind of a workout?” asked Elizabeth, her curiosity evident.

  Are you sure about this? queried Gabriel, hearing Xander’s thoughts.

  Absolutely, answered Xander.

  “You will like it, and I think you will be very surprised at how quickly you learn. I want to teach you how to defend yourself, Elizabeth.”

  Are you serious? Michael inquired. She could be hurt. You are a full foot taller than she is, and you must outweigh her by one hundred pounds.

  I would never hurt her. You are her guardian, not her mother. Xander was firm.

  Elizabeth had often wondered how Xander maintained his physique, and she was curious to learn more about his regimen.

  “Let’s go change, then. What should I wear? Shorts and a T shirt?” she asked, as they walked toward the elevator.

  He pressed the button. “After a few sessions, I recommend sweat pants or pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved T if you have them with you. As you learn more about what I am going to teach you, protective clothing may become necessary. At any rate, tonight will be introductory. You will not receive so much as a scratch.”

  The doors opened, and they entered the elevator. She bit her lip as she mentally catalogued the clothes she had with her.

  “Should I go for loose or fitted? I have no idea what we’ll be doing. Give me a clue.” Elizabeth looked up at him, suddenly thinking about how big and muscular he was. I’m going to look like an idiot next to this man. I’ve never seen him have to defend himself, but I have no doubt that he could take out a small army all alone. She thought about how he moved fluidly, with controlled strength and catlike grace. She remembered how he had showed no fear at all earlier in the evening, grabbing the possessed man and holding him by himself when it had taken five large security guards to subdue him and even more to pull him off of his victim. All I know how to do is run. I should have played sports or taken dance lessons, but I was always playing the piano.

  The doors opened, and he walked her to her room.

  “Do not worry about what clothing you wear now. We will adjust to whatever you have. Perhaps tomorrow we can stop by a mall and pick up something more suitable, provided you want to keep training with me after tonight. I will be back at your door in ten minutes.”

  “Okay,” she said, opening her door with her key card.

  Just as he had promised, he was waiting by her door, Gabriel behind him, when she opened it ten minutes later. She was wearing gray flannel pajama bottoms, a red SoulFire T shirt, and Adidas sneakers. Her hair was pulled up in a pony tail. Michael’s grim face was clearly visible behind her.

  Xander nodded with approval. “Are you ready?”

  “Uh…sure.” Elizabeth’s eyes were round, and she swallowed in a gulp. She had never seen so much of him before. I thought he looked good in his fitted sweaters and T shirts, but this is ridiculous.

  Xander was surprised at her reaction. He had dressed in what he usually wore to train without thinking about it – a white tank top and black pajama bottoms. There may be more benefits to this idea than I expected. I just wanted to spend time with her doing something we would both enjoy, and I wanted to teach her self-defense so that she would no longer be afraid the way she was tonight. If her opinion of me is raised in the process, that is even better.


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