The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 43

by Robin M Helm

  He took her hand as they walked to the elevator, followed by Michael and Gabriel.

  “Where are we going?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I asked the hotel manager if we could use an empty meeting room at night, and he agreed. We need plenty of open space.”

  Her curiosity was piqued. After they entered the elevator and he pushed the button for the ground floor, she looked up at him with a question in her eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this together? I’ll probably just slow you down in whatever it is you do.”

  Michael and Gabriel stepped back as Xander moved behind her and rubbed her shoulders. “I do not have any expectations at all, Elizabeth. I will be happy to work with you at whatever level or speed is comfortable for you. Do not worry so; I have heard that it will make you turn gray prematurely.”

  Michael snorted, and Xander smiled at the sound.

  By the time the doors of the elevator opened, Elizabeth was relaxed. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just continue the back rub for a few more hours instead?” she asked.

  Xander chuckled and took her hand, leading her into the hallway. “I thought your courage rose with every attempt to intimidate you. Come with me now; I will rub your back for you after the lesson if you need it.”

  He opened the door to the room, taking note of the locations of the chairs stacked against the walls and the tables folded on handcarts. The center of the room was empty and the carpet was an industrial grade, closely-cropped, nondescript brown. It will do, he thought.

  She remained in the doorway as he went to the middle of the room and held out his hand to her. “Come.”

  Michael and Gabriel took up positions near the wall to Xander’s left.

  “Remind me again,” she said uncertainly as she went to him. “Why are we doing this?”

  He leaned over and held her face between his hands. “Because I love you, Elizabeth, and I will not have you afraid. You must feel comfortable in the ability to protect yourself. I will be there to guard you nearly all the time, but I could tell that Bobby frightened you when the Legion within him said your name. You are strong in faith, but you need to develop confidence in your physical abilities. No one would ever expect you to fight demons, Elizabeth. That is one reason that God put me into your life; I will fight for you. However, you should not fear the evil ones. Your fear gives them too much control over you. They will use it against you.”

  Her surprise was evident. “You were thinking of me when all that was happening? How is that possible?”

  Xander laughed softly and kissed her forehead, drinking in her scent. He turned his head, resting his cheek on her hair as he spoke in a low voice. “Elizabeth, I am nearly always thinking of you. God has first place in my life, but you are a strong second. You complete me. If anything happened to you, I would not want to live. Can you not understand what I have been telling you for the past six months? Am I that inept at expressing myself?” He enveloped her in his arms.

  I must have done something right at some point in my life for God to give me this man. I do not deserve him, she thought. I will do whatever he wants me to do if it will help him to have peace of mind.

  He held her at arm’s length and sighed. “This would be a pleasant way to spend several hours, but we both need to rest, and I want to begin your training. Are you ready?”

  With only the slightest hesitation, she raised her chin and answered firmly. “Bring it on.”

  He rewarded her with a full-dimples smile. “Excellent.”

  Remember that you are not training with me now. Neither of us has ever taught a human. Michael was still unhappy with the idea, though he now understood Xander’s reasoning.

  Michael, Xander has shown many times that he is mindful of his own strength when he is with Elizabeth. Besides, she is a part of him. He would not cut off his own arm. Gabriel spoke gently.

  Xander focused on the task before him. Elizabeth watched with fascination as his expression changed from one of love to a look of total concentration.

  “Let us begin with defensive and offensive stances,” he said, illustrating the most basic one, a low crouch with fists up and elbows pulled against the body, used by warriors and guardians.

  “Are you teaching me martial arts?” Elizabeth asked.

  “My methods are similar to those used in the different schools of martial arts, but they are ancient and unique. I have learned from masters. Try to copy my body position.”

  Thank you for the compliment, thought Michael with a nod. I suppose that teaching her stances will not hurt her. I just do not want her to have false confidence that she can fight someone like Legion. She could be badly hurt if she ever tried such a thing.

  I will never encourage her to fight, Michael. I want her to learn the basic moves in case she is attacked and for some reason we are unable to help her quickly enough. I am trying to buy a few seconds – time that could make a difference. I feel led to do this, and you cannot dissuade me. I am positive that I am right. Xander was adamant. The Captain of the Host silently deferred to the Chief of the Guardians.

  While she did her best to imitate him, Xander walked around her, correcting her posture and giving her further instructions about the position of her feet, arms, and hips. He touched her lightly when necessary, careful to avoid taking liberties with his physical contact under the guise of showing her how to move her body.

  It is as I thought it would be. Elizabeth learns this as quickly as she does everything else, thought Xander, well-pleased with her rapid progress.

  Before it was over, Michael was speaking into her mind, reinforcing Xander’s verbal commands.

  By the end of an hour, Elizabeth was able to assume eight different stances as Xander called out the names of them.

  They are here, said Michael, hearing his subordinate’s telepathed thought. We should go to the lobby now.

  “You have done remarkably well. I think that will be enough for tonight,” said Xander proudly.

  “But I’m really getting into it now. I want to learn more,” Elizabeth said eagerly. “Please?”

  It was difficult for Xander to refuse her anything, but he knew that she needed to rest, and with the excitement that was awaiting her, she would probably be up for another hour at least.

  “We can practice every night, precious. By the end of the summer, you will be a formidable opponent,” he replied, pulling her ponytail playfully.

  He hardly ever tells me ‘no.’ Something’s up. Elizabeth looked at him sharply. Xander was smiling in anticipation. It must be good. His surprises always are.

  She is beginning to know me very well, thought Xander.

  “Come. I have something I want to show you.” He smiled at her, taking her hand in his.

  She peppered Xander with questions as they walked down the corridor to the lobby. He just kept smiling enigmatically and refused to say a word in response. Gabriel and Michael were amused by her persistence.

  As they came out of the hallway into the lobby area, Elizabeth saw her parents and Charlotte standing at the front desk. Her parents heard her squeal of delight and turned toward her.

  “Here she is now,” said David, catching her in a hug as she flung herself at him. Roark, Niall, and Edward stood to the side, nodding their greetings to Xander, Michael, and Gabriel. From beside the guardians, six strong warriors saluted the Captain of the Host. He acknowledged them, and they stood at ease.

  “Is everything okay? We saw the fires on television. Your text was a little short on details,” added Lynne as Elizabeth left her father’s arms and went to her mother’s.

  “It seems like we’ve been gone a month. I can’t believe it’s just Monday night. I have so much to tell you!” exclaimed Elizabeth.

  Looking over her mother’s shoulder, she saw Charlotte’s luggage and noted that there were several large pieces.

  “Char! Are you coming on tour with us?” asked Elizabeth, leaving her mother’s arms to hug her friend.

  “If you want me t
o. Xander called yesterday and said that he had cleared it with Jonathan. If you can put up with having me as a roomie this summer, I’ll try to make myself useful,” Charlotte replied, laughing.

  Elizabeth stepped back to look at her. “Are you kidding? I’d love to have you with me.” I wish for it, and it comes true. What are the odds?

  Xander had been at the front desk getting a room key card for Charlotte. David had already picked up the one that Xander had left for him there. There had been no rooms available on their floor, but Xander had been able to get the Bennets a room on the floor directly under theirs. Elizabeth walked over and surprised him by standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Xander. This is such a wonderful surprise. You really are the best!”

  “How long are you and Mom staying, Daddy?” she asked looking back at her father, knowing that he would not leave Tabernacle without a pastor for very long.

  “We’ve planned to stay the rest of the week for the SoulFire conference and head back on Saturday. What have you two been up to this evening? Do you normally walk around in pajamas?” asked David, looking at Xander. That’s one big boy. I’ll never have to worry about Elizabeth when he’s around.

  “Daddy, everybody wears pajama bottoms casually now. Anyway, we’ve been working out.” Elizabeth looked up at Xander with justifiable pride. “Xander has been teaching me some self-defense moves.”

  Xander and Elizabeth walked back over to the group, and Xander handed Lynne and Charlotte their key cards. “Charlotte, you are welcomed to join us if you wish to do so. We plan to practice each evening to stay in shape this summer. I want Elizabeth to know how to protect herself.”

  Charlotte laughed aloud. “I’m not big on working out, especially at night. While you guys rehearse, I’ll probably just walk around the arena. I brought my Pilates DVD, too, so I can work out in the room. Don’t worry about keeping me busy. I have my laptop with me for online courses I’m taking this summer, and I brought a few really good books to read.” Though seeing you in your workout clothes just might make it all worth it, Xander.

  Michael, Gabriel, and Niall snickered upon hearing Charlotte’s thought, while Edward and Roark smiled. The warriors remained stoic, watching the scene.

  Elizabeth prodded Charlotte, teasing her. “Char, you definitely should join us. Xander really knows his stuff. It’s a sort of amalgamation of martial arts styles. You should see him move. I can’t wait for my next session.”

  Elizabeth’s parents smiled indulgently at her enthusiasm, but Charlotte arched an eyebrow at her friend. “I’m trying to be good. You should not tempt me to break the tenth commandment.”

  That comment elicited a snort from Michael and chuckles from the other guardians. Even the warriors fought smiles.

  Elizabeth understood immediately, thinking of the tenth commandment recorded in Exodus 20:17, ‘You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor.’

  Xander blushed and looked at the floor as David and Lynne tried unsuccessfully not to smile. I should have thought to take a shirt to our training session. I should not have come down here uncovered. He was mortified.

  Charlotte is joking, Xander, thought Gabriel. You have not caused her to sin.

  Seeing Xander’s expression, Elizabeth bit her lip to keep from laughing. “Char, we certainly don’t want to lead you into temptation, but I’m a little confused. I know Xander isn’t the house, so is he the wife, the servant, the ox, or the donkey?”

  Charlotte was not at all embarrassed to admit the obvious. “Now, Elizabeth, you know that he is none of those things, but it is quite plain to anyone who is around the two of you for more than ten minutes that he belongs to you.”

  David broke into the conversation to give Xander some relief. “If you folks don’t mind, I’m really tired and want to go to bed. It’s a long drive from Bethel to Atlanta.”

  “I agree. We have all week to talk. I’m just glad to see the two of you safe,” said Lynne, hugging Elizabeth again, and then reaching up to hug an astonished Xander. He did not know what to do at first, but after a moment, he gently returned her embrace.

  “I’m a hugger, Xander. You’ll just have to get used to it if you plan to stay around our family,” said Lynne, releasing him.

  “I confess that I am not accustomed to displays of affection, but I do not object to them. In fact, I find that I rather like it,” Xander said, smiling shyly at her.

  “That’s good,” said Elizabeth, her eyes merrily shining. “I think you might be considered by my mom to be one of the family at this point. We have you now, and there’s no getting away.” She gave an evil laugh and grabbed him around his waist. “And Char,” she said, looking at her friend, “wait until you meet his brothers. They aren’t as handsome as Xander, but they come very close.”

  Hah! thought Xander.

  She is obviously blinded by love, replied Michael.

  Of course it only stands to reason. Yours is a match made in heaven, added Gabriel.

  I like that, Gabriel. May I borrow it? queried Xander.

  Be my guest.

  “Really? Brothers, plural? If you tell me they play the piano, I may actually kill myself.” Charlotte hit her head with her palm dramatically.

  The expression on your face is priceless, Xander said to Michael, who looked truly stunned. Do not be anxious. I shall protect you from Charlotte.

  “Bed! Now!” said Lynne emphatically, pointing at the elevator.

  Xander grabbed Charlotte’s luggage while David carried his and Lynne’s. They crowded into the elevator talking and laughing until the doors parted once again and, after agreeing to meet with the rest of the SoulFire team at 9:30 in the morning, they went to their rooms for the night.

  Chapter 14

  “But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.”

  II Thessalonians 3:3

  Lucifer was absolutely livid; his eyes glowed a bright crimson. The only sounds in the deserted department store serving as a meeting place for him in Atlanta were his staccato footsteps as he stalked to and fro before his bowed, hushed assembly. He had limited his summons to the underprinces and captains of the United States, fully aware that the situation in Atlanta was spinning out of his control. He realized that the humiliation of his son’s failure to stop the SoulFire meetings must not be displayed for the rank and file of his forces, and that a strategy to prevent the loss of more territory must be devised immediately. Had his vanity not required an audience at all times, he would have refrained from calling even the higher ranked among his minions.

  He walked angrily back and forth on the dais, his black satin robes swishing quickly around his legs, for fully twenty minutes while Gregory sat at ease, legs crossed, on his throne to the right of the Dark Lord’s. Lucifer finally glanced at his son’s face, and the sardonic expression he saw there raised Beelzebub’s ire to new heights.

  The Anointed Cherub halted in front of the Dark Prince, barely concealing the depth of his wrath, and took a deliberate, deep breath before he spoke. “Why do you smile so, Gregory? I see nothing humorous in this situation. Yesterday, Atlanta was under our control, and tonight, our grasp slips more by the moment. Please share your joke with me, for I find nothing amusing in the events of the past twenty-four hours.”

  Dark Spirit raised his head from where it had rested upon his coiled body on the throne to Lucifer’s left and hissed his agreement with Lucifer’s statements. His eyes glowed as he turned his evil face toward Gregory and fixed his cold stare upon him.

  Gregory looked up at his father with calm, amber eyes. “Father, Atlanta is not lost. All we need is a damage control specialist, someone who has connections in the news media. The reporter, Mark Goodman, who broke the story about the Watts woman and the unburned churches and houses, would be an excellent choice. He has not yet become a believer, so h
e is available for our use. He already has the attention of the public. If he were to cast doubt on all that has occurred by accusing the SoulFire team of trickery, people would believe him.”

  Gregory stood to his feet, totally relaxed in the midst of all the tension, and walked gracefully past Satan to Dark Spirit’s throne, draping his arm across the back of the huge chair. Lucifer followed his progress across the dais with his flaming eyes, turning his head and his body in synchronization with the movements of his son.

  Gregory spoke softly. “I think it is time for us to fully utilize the power at our disposal. Jonathan Edwards may be able to cast out the lower demons, but he would have no success against Dark Spirit.”

  Lucifer rubbed his chin thoughtfully with his beautiful, tapered fingers as his eyes returned to the color of honey. “This Mark Goodman you speak of – is he addicted to drugs or alcohol? Has he given up control of himself so that we may use him? If he does not surrender himself, we cannot possess him without his permission to do so.”

  “He does not appear to use drugs or drink to excess, but can we not offer him money, success, fame, and fortune? Perhaps he lusts after a promotion – a TV network news anchor position or his own cable news show? A prestigious, lucrative job for him, more influence and favorable coverage for us. Those are in your power to give, Father. Who would turn those down?” Gregory’s eyes glittered with wickedness.

  Lucifer considered his words, and then began to smile an evil, twisted smirk. “I think you may be right, my son. What say you, Dark Spirit? Are you ready to inhabit a human body again?”

  As Lucifer reached out to stroke the huge animal, the snake looked steadily into the Dark Lord’s eyes and lifted the rattles at the end of its body, shaking them as if in warning of what was to come. Suddenly, the rattler slithered from the throne to the floor. The assembled demons silently crept back from the serpent’s path as it wound its way through the crowd toward a broken window in a back office. The reptile pushed itself from the window and slipped into the humid Southern night, headed for an apartment in the suburbs where a young man slept peacefully, unaware of the heinous beast stalking him in the thick darkness.


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