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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 58

by Robin M Helm

  “Mr. Bennet?” Xander was struggling to keep a ridiculous grin from his face. The man will think I am a lovestruck fool.

  David paused to recognize the younger man and his daughter.

  “Yes?” David looked at Xander’s face and noted that the young man looked much happier than he had when he and Elizabeth had left the Bennet home after lunch.

  Xander continued. “When you are finished talking to the church members, might Elizabeth and I have a word with you and Mrs. Bennet?”

  David nodded. “Certainly. Here in my office, or at the house?”

  Xander looked at Elizabeth, and she smiled up at him. Then he turned his face back to David. “Elizabeth and I will go to your home to wait there for both of you, if that is agreeable.”

  “I’ll see you there in a few minutes, then,” answered David, continuing down the aisle, shaking hands and speaking to members of his flock. Roark nodded to Xander as he followed David.

  Xander and Elizabeth spoke to a few people but managed to leave the building without revealing their engagement to anyone. They had talked in the car on the way back from Spartanburg and had agreed that Elizabeth’s parents should be advised before anyone else was told. The couple had also agreed that they wanted to talk to David and Lynne together.


  About half an hour later, Xander and Elizabeth were comfortably ensconced on the couch in the Bennets’ living room with her parents seated across from them on the loveseat. Michael and Gabriel faced Niall and Roark, forming a square with their charges. Four warriors stood at the corners of the room.

  Niall had immediately looked for a ring on Elizabeth’s hand, and he had not been disappointed. Grinning broadly, he had slapped Xander on the back when he entered the house.

  Now, having read Niall’s thoughts, Roark smiled as well, emitting a gentle glow along with the other three protectors. Happiness radiated throughout the room, though the warriors’ faces remained neutral.

  Xander held Elizabeth’s hand on his thigh, and the ring was plainly visible. Lynne’s eyes were drawn to it as Xander looked at her daughter’s hand. An expression of sheer delight crossed her face, but she kept her silence.

  “You wanted to talk with us?” asked David, maintaining a serious mien with difficulty. The ring was definitely the elephant in the room, and he had not missed it.

  “Yes, Rev. Bennet,” Xander paused to clear his throat. He glanced at Elizabeth and turned back to her father with a joyous smile. “I love your daughter with all my heart, and to my great happiness, she loves me, too. This afternoon I asked Elizabeth to be my wife, and she has accepted me. We wish to have your blessing, as well as Mrs. Bennet’s.”

  David smiled. “Elizabeth, is this true?”

  “Yes, Daddy. I love him, and he loves me. We want to be married before Christmas.”

  Lynne raised her eyebrows. “Before Christmas? That’s barely four months!”

  Xander nodded. “We know that it will be a relatively short engagement period, but both of us prefer a small, simple wedding at Tabernacle. Truly, I would not have you exhaust yourself planning a grand event, Mrs. Bennet, and we do not wish to burden you with an expensive affair. We would be happy to have a private ceremony, but we thought that you would want Elizabeth to have a wedding with a white dress, a few bridesmaids, and a couple of groomsmen.”

  Elizabeth spoke with conviction. “The only thing that is not negotiable is the date. We want to marry as soon as classes are out in December. That would make the date Saturday, December 13. Other than that, I’ll do whatever you want, Mom, though I do want to pick out the dresses for me and the bridesmaids.”

  Lynne knew that specific tone of Elizabeth’s voice, and she acceded to her daughter’s request. “Four months will be plenty of time if we start right away. We can go shopping this week. I’ll reserve the church and the fellowship hall tomorrow. The church will already be decorated for Christmas, and we can work out the details about the reception, flowers, musicians, invitations, a photographer, and a caterer this week. Christmas weddings are popular, so we need to line up those people right away.” Lynne’s mind was buzzing, making lists and organizing what had to be done.

  Elizabeth smiled. Mom will be in her element. She was made to plan things. She’s been planning my wedding since I was ten.

  I know, answered Xander.

  Smarty pants, thought Elizabeth.

  The guardians smiled, enjoying the teasing exchange.

  “Xander, I think it’s time to stop calling us Rev. and Mrs. Bennet,” said David, smiling at his future son-in-law.

  He was confused. “Then what shall I call you?” he asked.

  Lynne laughed. “Mom and Dad? Would you be comfortable with that?”

  His delight showed in his display of dimples. “Mom and Dad? Really?”

  “Really,” answered David. “I always wanted sons in addition to my two beautiful daughters. Now I will have two whom I love and respect.” He stood and extended his hand to his future son-in-law.

  Xander got up and went to shake David’s hand. “Does this mean that we have your blessing?”

  “Do you need my blessing?” chuckled David.

  “Actually, no, but we would like to have it just the same.” Xander’s blue eyes twinkled.

  “Of course you have my blessing. Go to it.” David embraced first Xander and then Elizabeth.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she whispered. He murmured, “I love you, too, my El. I could not have given you to anyone less worthy.”

  After Elizabeth had hugged her father, she reached for her mother, who had left the loveseat and stood before her.

  Lynne clasped Elizabeth to her, hugging her fiercely. “I will always love you, El, my baby girl.”

  “I love you, too, Mom.”

  Lynne turned to Xander, and for the first time, he extended his arms to her before she did so to him. “I love you, Mom.”

  Though Lynne had controlled her emotions very well to that point, his declaration broke through her resolve, and her eyes filled with tears. “As I love you,” she choked out. “I’m so silly,” she said as everyone laughed with her.

  Lynne reached for her daughter’s hand to admire her ring.

  “He designed it himself,” Elizabeth said, looking up at her intended with justifiable pride. “He truly is the best man I have ever known.” She turned her head to wink at her father, “Except for you, of course, Daddy.”

  “That goes without saying,” replied David, trying to hide his pleasure at her declaration of his status. “Xander, we’ll have to call Chance and do some male bonding.”

  Elizabeth hit her forehead with the palm of her hand. “I should call Char and Janna. And, Mom, I need Bethany’s number. I want her to be a bridesmaid.”

  “And I will let my brothers and the ushers know. I already have a tuxedo, but they will need to be fitted. Dad, I do not think you have met my three brothers.”

  Three? asked Niall.

  You are my best man, answered Xander.

  Cool, replied Niall with a grin.

  “I look forward to it. Maybe we can meet for lunch soon,” said David.

  “Oh, yes. They would enjoy that,” Xander replied with a huge smile.

  Eat? Michael’s face reflected his shock.

  Get used to it, smirked Xander.

  Order something very plain, Michael. It will be well. We will practice eating ahead of time. Gabriel thought, stoically.

  Piece of cake, added Niall.

  Have you ever eaten? asked Michael, looking at Niall a little sternly.

  No, but how hard can it be? Xander does it all the time. Niall feigned nonchalance.

  True. I can do anything he can do. Well, almost, answered Michael, thinking of Xander kissing Elizabeth.

  Xander laughed and immediately coughed into his hand to cover it up. The sound was strangled.

  “Are you all right?” asked Lynne with concern.

  What’s up? thought Elizabeth. What are the other ange
ls saying?

  I will tell you later. He nodded at Lynne and kept coughing.

  “Let’s go to the kitchen, and I’ll fix us something to eat and drink,” said Lynne, leading the way.

  The others followed her as the light beings floated through the walls.

  Xander and David sat at the kitchen table as Lynne served them leftovers from Sunday dinner and Elizabeth got out glasses and poured their drinks.

  The conversation continued long after they had finished eating. Lynne and David told Xander stories from Elizabeth’s childhood, never realizing that he already knew all about her life. After all, he had been present for nearly every moment of it.

  Fitting into their family was as easy for him as flying. It was second nature to him. He was content.

  Chapter 3

  “And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

  Revelation 13:16-18

  August 2008

  On their first day back at Converse, Xander and Elizabeth arrived together and held hands as they walked to their first class, flanked by Michael and Gabriel.

  Elizabeth’s mouth was set in a grim line. “I really am not looking forward to seeing Gregory. The idea actually turns my stomach.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Do not worry, love. I doubt that he will acknowledge either of us. I am certain that Gregory dreads this meeting as much as you do.”

  She turned her head quickly and looked up at him. “You do not seem apprehensive about seeing him again.”

  He smiled at her. “Why should I be? Gregory knows who won that fight and which of us flew away, running like a frightened child. He was humiliated in front of all the dark forces.” He paused, and then continued to hold her eyes with no trace of his smile remaining.

  His voice was low and terse as he spoke again. “He will not wish to engage me again so soon, and he will never be allowed to touch you or harm you in any way while I exist. Believe this – the next time I have just cause as well as an opportunity, I will unbody him, and he knows it. I will chase him to the very gates of hell.”

  Elizabeth felt a distinct chill at the words coming from her fiancé; she knew that he meant every syllable he spoke. His pronouncement seemed prophetic to her, and as much as she knew that Gregory deserved his sentence, she could not be happy about Xander having to be the one to mete out justice to their enemy.

  As they approached the door to their first class of the morning, Xander stepped slightly in front of her. She thought it was odd for him to behave in such a way until she observed him pausing in the entry, scanning the room. You are looking for Gregory, she thought. Are Michael and Gabriel with us?

  Always, was his short reply.

  He is not here, Xander said into Elizabeth’s mind as he stepped aside and allowed her to precede him into the room, following her and taking a seat beside her. Michael and Gabriel, unsmiling, remained within an arm’s length of them at all times.

  As the day continued, they were somewhat surprised that Gregory was absent from all of their classes, though as Xander thought at length about it, he realized that he should have expected it.

  During the last class of the day, he spoke with Gabriel and Michael about Gregory’s absence. What is your opinion of this business with Gregory? he asked.

  Michael observed, For one thing, the halfling is probably still recuperating from the beating he suffered at your hands scarcely a week ago, brother.

  Gabriel nodded and commented further, Now that we know Lucifer’s ultimate plans for Gregory, it is obvious that the only reason Gregory has been at Converse was to destroy Elizabeth. Since he failed in his attempts, both on her life and her virtue, it seems reasonable to assume that he will regroup and approach his goals from another direction.

  He knew that his brothers were likely right, yet it bothered him not to know where Gregory was or what he was doing. As unpleasant as Gregory’s company had been, as long as he had been attending classes, Xander had known of his whereabouts and movements.

  During the day, Michael had sent out angelic scouts who had reported back to him that Gregory had put his house in Spartanburg up for sale and departed from the area. Beyond that, there was no information available. The Captain of the Host put the entire angelic realm on alert, though he felt that it was only a matter of time until Gregory would be located.

  Xander agreed, for he knew that Gregory would not hide, licking his wounds, indefinitely. His enormous ego would demand retribution.


  The SoulFire rallies of the past June and July had sparked revivals across the country as the team had traveled to eight major cities spread from coast to coast. More than fifty thousand souls had joined the kingdom during the series of week-long meetings, and God had revealed Himself in ways rivaling the days of the early church. The gifts which He had bestowed on the SoulFire team members had been used mightily: Jonathan had preached the Word and cast out demons, Elizabeth had spoken to diverse multitudes through her gift of tongues, Xander had healed hundreds of sicknesses and injuries, and Charlotte had used her discernment to unite the team and help to direct the ministry. He and Elizabeth had also developed their musical gifts even further, taking the crowds to new heights of worship, showing the people God as they saw Him in all His glory, displaying His love and forgiveness to a world which thirsted for Him.

  Jonathan and Dave Branard, the manager of SoulFire Ministries, had arranged Saturday night rallies in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Jacksonville, Florida, for September and October. After Xander and Elizabeth’s wedding in December, they planned to tour with SoulFire two weekends per month from January through April, complete their graduate degrees from Converse and Liberty in early May, and embark on a global ministry tour with the team in June. The couple, along with Jonathan, had decided to do their doctoral work online in order to accommodate their tour schedules. Charlotte would complete her bachelor’s degree from Converse in May and begin her studies for her graduate degree in theology using Liberty University’s online program so that she could travel as well. Jonathan’s plans were to use Xander, Elizabeth, and Charlotte more in speaking capacities on the global tour. He wanted to break the extended meetings into smaller groups led by the four of them during the afternoons and continue the nightly rallies. Elizabeth and Xander would continue to lead the music during the evening meetings.

  On a September Saturday, Xander and Elizabeth arrived at the arena in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the early afternoon. They met Jonathan, Charlotte, Thorncrown band members, and the rest of their crew there. It was the first time the entire crew had been back together since the end of July. Everyone was already in a flurry of activity, preparing for the night’s rally, efficiently going through the motions of setting up, as they had done all summer. The arena had been fully booked for a capacity crowd of twenty thousand people for months, and the SoulFire team wanted to be certain that everything went smoothly.

  Thorncrown took the stage to rehearse and do a sound check as soon as the setup was complete, and technicians scurried to make last-minute adjustments to the lighting and sound as well as the timing of the video feed and the cameras.

  As the band and the crew worked, Xander, Elizabeth, Jonathan, and Charlotte met to go over details for the night and to pray as their guardians surrounded them. They were comfortable together, like a family. By the time they were finished, the crew was ready for Elizabeth and Xander to rehearse and do their sound and lighting check.

  Catching Elizabeth completely by surprise, he smiled at her and put a finger to his lips as he held a microphone and cleared his throat. The normally reserved Xander had rare
ly called attention to himself in such a way; consequently, everyone stopped and turned toward him to listen.

  His smile was fully dimpled as he reached out to take Elizabeth’s left hand, lifting it with his so that everyone could see her fingers.

  “Many of you probably already know this, but I wanted to be sure that all of you, our very good friends, were aware that last Sunday this beautiful, unbelievably wonderful woman agreed to make me the happiest of men and become my wife in December.” As he kissed her hand and she blushed, the SoulFire crew and team erupted in applause and cheers.

  Elizabeth impulsively took her own wireless mike from the stand in front of her. “Our church is too small to hold everyone we want to invite to the wedding, but there will be no restrictions on the number we can invite for the reception. We hope that all of you will be able to join our celebration. It’s not every day that you get to see a woman marry an absolute angel.” It was Xander’s turn to blush as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. More applause followed, accompanied by loud whoops and whistles. Losing all of his shyness, he embraced a squealing Elizabeth, lifting her from the floor and twirling her with joy as everyone joined in their laughter. As he set her back on her feet, she noticed a man in what appeared to be a military uniform standing just beyond the edge of the stage lights. He waved at her tentatively, and Elizabeth shaded her eyes, trying to see his face.

  It is Richard, said Xander quietly into her mind. Garnet, standing beside Richard, saluted his Chief and the archangels, and Xander nodded very slightly in return. Michael and Gabriel acknowledged Garnet openly.

  Elizabeth’s mind rapidly scrolled through memories of her time with Richard – going on the summer youth trip, watching movies with his family, running through the house with him following her dad’s scavenger hunt clues, dancing at the prom, kissing for the first time in her driveway, being embarrassed in front of him because of Caroline’s comments and subsequently punching her in the nose at church, reacting the first time he told her that he loved her, breaking up at the end of that awful weekend when he had slept with Caroline, and living in the terrible darkness that followed for months afterward. They had loved each other as innocents. Though she had never felt for Richard the deep, abiding love that she had for Xander, he had been her first and only boyfriend until she had met her fiancé. He had been the center of her life, her hopes, and her dreams during the dullness of her young teen years. He had rescued her from being relegated to the oblivion of the exclusion of the girls at her school, and then he had shattered her heart.


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