The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 68

by Robin M Helm

  Michael and Gabriel were so still and silent that Xander was almost able to forget that they were there. Almost.


  Just before dawn, while the room was still in darkness, Xander watched his wife sleep. He had never known such complete contentment in all of his long existence. She was everything he had ever dreamed she would be and more. Her eyelids fluttered open as if she felt his gaze upon her, and she awakened, feeling his warmth in the last hour of the night.

  Mmmm…I’m not at my best in the morning. It’s a good thing you can’t see me now, or you would take back all those complimentary things you said last night about how beautiful I am, she thought as she stretched.

  You are just as breathtaking on the wings of the dawn as you are at any other time. Your hair is tousled around your face, and your eyes are sleepy. You have never been more alluring to me than you are at this moment, Xander replied.

  You are saying that only because you can’t see what a mess I look, she answered.

  “I can see you perfectly, Elizabeth,” he said, lifting her hair with his hand and watching it slide through his fingers like curled silk.

  “What? You can see in the dark?” she asked, lifting her head to look in the direction of his voice.

  “Psalm 139:12 says, ‘Even the darkness is not dark to Thee, and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to Thee.’ God can see in the dark, and so can His angels,” he said, as if it were nothing to be surprised about.

  She was quiet a moment. “That does make perfect sense. How could you guard people at night if you couldn’t see them? I wonder if I’ll ever know all there is to know about you.”

  “We have at least two hours before we have to leave for the airport. You could spend part of that time getting to know me better.” He smiled at his wife through the darkness. “I am a little tired, but I am willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good, and we can sleep on the plane,” he answered her, pulling her into his arms again.

  She grinned a little. “That’s my angel. Always willing to put me first, never thinking of himself, wearing himself out in my pursuit of knowledge. I think I could get used to waking up this way.”

  “I keep hoping that as long as there are new things for you to know about me, I will never become boring to you,” he replied, laying her back on her pillow to kiss her more fully.

  Not possible, love, she thought.

  I may have my back turned for years at this rate, grumbled Michael.

  Be quiet, admonished Gabriel.

  Do something useful. Send some warriors to take the signs and shoes off my car while it is still dark and no one can see them, thought Xander.

  Done, answered Michael, glad to have some occupation to take his attention.


  Xander was amused to watch the excitement of his new wife as they boarded the plane. She continued to pepper him with questions regarding their destination, and he was enjoying giving her outlandish answers.

  He was unable to fly coach comfortably because of his size, so the couple had opted to fly first class. Michael and Gabriel stood beside them as they settled into their seats.

  Elizabeth knew from the flight arrival and departure screens in their gate that they were going to Fort Lauderdale, but beyond that, her guesses had been wide of the mark.

  “The Miami Seaquarium? A condo on the beach? A drive to Key West? Scuba diving lessons? Splitting our time between the beach and Disney World?” Her guesses ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous.

  About halfway to Florida, she hit closer to the answer. “A cruise? I know that cruise ships leave Port Everglades.”

  Xander made no answer, and that told her that she was on the right track.

  “Lucky for me that you cannot lie,” she laughed.

  “I wanted to surprise you,” he said, looking at her with puppy dog eyes which melted her heart.

  “Then I will stop guessing. That way, our destination will be a secret until we board the ship. I’m so excited, Xander. I’ve never been on a cruise before, and I’ve always wanted to go on one!” She then paused a moment, thinking. “But aren’t the rooms sort of small for you? Will you be comfortable?” she asked in genuine concern.

  He chuckled. “Elizabeth, we are cruising in the off-season. Deluxe suites are very reasonable at this time of year, and they are quite luxurious. The beds are queen-sized, not so big as mine, but I think I will be able to adjust and suffer through the ordeal.”

  “A suite! It probably has a balcony, too. Oh, I’ve planned my dream vacation online and looked at the ships!” She looked at him with sudden comprehension. “You knew that, didn’t you? You’re taking me on my winter cruise to someplace warm – the vacation I’ve always wanted!” Unheeding of the crowded plane, Elizabeth threw her arms around his neck and kissed him enthusiastically.

  He was glad for the relative privacy of first class. The flight attendant raised an eyebrow as she watched them from the front of the aisle, stopping beside them with the drink cart.

  “We are newlyweds,” said Xander quietly to her, blushing.

  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man blush – and so becomingly. I can’t say I blame his new wife for staking her claim publicly. He is absolutely gorgeous, she thought, smiling at the couple.

  “Would you like anything to drink?” she asked.

  “Water for me,” answered Elizabeth, settling back in her seat, returning the woman’s smile and holding his hand in her lap. She’s thinking I’ve caught myself a handsome husband, isn’t she? She’s right, but she can’t know that you’re even more amazing on the inside. I love you so much.

  He blushed again, though he knew the attendant could not hear Elizabeth’s thoughts. “Water for me, too,” he said politely. You are bold when we are in public, and I cannot do anything in response.

  I think you will find that I am over my embarrassment of last night, my love. Her expression was a little smug.

  Xander handed her the water bottle and plastic cup. I thought you were charming, Elizabeth, though I have no doubt that I will enjoy all of your changing moods when we are alone.


  Xander and Elizabeth did everything together that she had imagined doing on a cruise to the Bahamas. They swam in the ship’s heated pool, snorkeled among the tropical fish, relaxed in the hot tub, danced every night, ate at a secluded table each evening, explored the open markets, took a tour of the island, rented jet skis, and even tried their hands at playing steel drums with a local band. Elizabeth kept her curls under a floppy hat most of the time, and Xander dressed down in jeans and cotton shirts during the day. When they weren’t busy with some outdoor activity, they kept to themselves in their suite, enjoying their hours alone with each other.

  It was a carefree time, full of the joy of new love, which they would remember often in the years to come.

  Chapter 10

  “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”

  Ephesians 5:15-16

  February 2009

  Xander and Elizabeth watched a cable news channel one night as Gregory Wickham, junior Senator from Massachusetts, was being interviewed by Dirk Horne. Michael and Gabriel stood behind the couch where their charges sat, intensely interested in what their enemy had to say.

  Horne asked Senator Wickham what he saw as the most pressing problem in the United States, and the handsome Senator began his answer with a treatise on the abundance of poverty, hunger, and sickness throughout the country, quoting statistics, demographics, and individuals he had met while touring the heartland recently. Charts and pictures flashed on the right of the screen while the camera focused on his face, filling the other half. The subtle aging of his features had only improved his looks, making him seem more intelligent, mature, and thoughtful rather than youthful and impulsive. Though he represented Massachusetts in the Senate, Senator Wickham made it quite clear that he saw his r
ole as one who sought what was best for the entire country and ultimately, the world.

  As the cameras panned to capture both men seated comfortably in a living room setting, Senator Wickham continued to speak earnestly, his eyes full of compassion for the suffering of his countrymen.

  “Dirk, people are hurting. Gas prices are sky high, unemployment is at record numbers, and businesses are fleeing the country, going overseas to take advantage of cheap labor and low taxes. Something must be done quickly; people are losing hope.”

  Dirk Horne looked suitably concerned in his expensive suit, every hair in its proper place. “What do you propose, Senator?”

  Senator Wickham leaned forward, emphasizing his eagerness to solve the problems facing his nation. “I am introducing a bill that will virtually eliminate poverty, hunger, unemployment, and sickness in the United States. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and this bill will address a badly needed overhaul of the way our government operates. It is too complicated to explain in full during the short time that we have, Dirk, but people need to understand that help is on the way. We will provide jobs and healthcare for all of our citizens. Emergency measures will be put in place to distribute food and clothing to the needy; shelters will be provided for the homeless in every city; free clinics will be multiplied.”

  “What are the chances of actually passing this controversial bill, Senator?” asked Dirk, drawing his brows together.

  Gregory’s eyes narrowed just the tiniest bit. “The odds are excellent that the bill will pass on the first vote, Dirk. Some very powerful people have joined with me, and a twin bill is being introduced simultaneously by my colleagues in the House. Opposing this bill will mean political suicide for any who try to stand against it.”

  Xander grimaced and said tersely, “The suicide would be more than political, I would think.”

  Elizabeth’s responding laugh held no mirth. “I wonder if the opposition already understands that they have no chance of defeating Gregory. Could they possibly know how much power he has?”

  “If they do not know it now, they soon will. A few of the Senators and Congressmen have powerful guardians, and they will survive this, but most of our political leaders are non-believers. They turned their backs on the Almighty long ago, thinking that they could handle everything on their own. They will soon find how unwise a thing it was to reject the only source of help Who could defeat Lucifer,” replied Xander.

  Michael immediately dispatched extra warriors to protect the Senators and Representatives who were believers. The warriors would fight alongside the politicians’ guardians.

  Dirk directed another question to Gregory. “You mentioned providing jobs, Senator. Could you tell us a little about that part of your plan?”

  “Certainly, Dirk,” answered Gregory. “We intend to require two years of military or humanitarian service from every high school graduate who chooses not to attend college. College graduates who are unable to find work within six months of their graduation will submit to the same requirement. There will be no more gangs of unemployed young people causing havoc in our cities, stressing both our public safety net and our public defenders. So you see, the benefits both to them and to our country will be great – we will have the strongest military in the world, and these young Americans will have meaningful employment. Humanitarian service is an option for those who conscientiously oppose military service. Those young people can choose to serve in organizations such as the Peace Corps or the domestic equivalent, Peace U.S.A. By taking these young people out of the job market, we will greatly increase the availability of jobs for others seeking work. These are only the first steps in our push toward sustainable employment.”

  “That sounds wonderful, Senator. Thank you for being with us tonight and sharing this good news,” said Dirk as both men rose and shook hands. The camera zoomed in on Dirk Horne’s face as he announced the next segment of the program and went to a commercial.

  Xander pointed the remote toward the television and turned it off.

  “In other words,” he said, “the government plans to take more and more control of people’s lives under the guise of taking care of them. Citizens will give up the right to make their own decisions in exchange for a promise of security and happiness.”

  “And anyone who stands in Gregory’s way will be eliminated or rendered powerless,” added Elizabeth.

  “Exactly. And this is only the beginning,” replied Xander.

  “How much time do you think we have?” asked Elizabeth.

  “As much as God chooses to grant us. He said that He would not allow Lucifer to force His hand before the time is full. Gregory is still building his power base. It is obvious that he plans to run for President in 2012, unless he can aim even higher than that. If he can manage to convince the nations to come together in a global government with him at the head of it, he will. I expect that we have four or five years until we will have to act,” answered Xander, taking Elizabeth into his arms.

  “Why do we have to wait? Why can we not stop him now?” she asked, snuggling onto his lap.

  “Because it is not God’s plan for us to intervene at this time. For whatever reason, He is choosing to let this play out, and we must trust Him,” he replied.

  “What should we do?” Elizabeth turned her face up to her husband’s, looking into his eyes.

  “We shall do what He has told us to do. We will continue with the rallies as planned while we still have religious freedom. We must bring all the souls to our Father that we can. Even if Gregory’s bills are passed, it will take a couple of years for the changes to be fully implemented. The machinery of government moves slowly. I suspect that he will not suspend the Bill of Rights completely until he sets up a world government. We must continue in God’s work as long as we can do so freely. We must work even harder. In a few years, we may have to meet secretly, or we may even face persecution.” Xander drew Elizabeth to his chest, resting his chin on her head.

  She was very quiet. I want to have children before we die or are raptured. Am I selfish?

  He gently turned her face up to his with his fingers. “You are not selfish, my love. God wants us to have a child. Our child will be very special, and I suspect that he or she will be quite important in His plan.” He kissed her lips gently. “We are very serious tonight, and the sky is too beautiful for us to brood. You should dress in warm clothes; I have an idea.” He kissed her again, and then stood with her cradled in his arms. She put her arms around his neck as he carried her to their bedroom.

  Michael and Gabriel followed closely behind them.

  He placed her on her feet before her dresser, and she looked up at him with a question in her eyes. “What is your idea? How should I dress?”

  “You told me before we married that there was something you wanted us to do. There is almost no moon tonight, and because of the cloud cover, it is very dark. I think it is a good time to fulfill your wish, so wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Put on your Under Armor ColdGear first, because it is very cold outside,” he answered, smiling.

  “Are you taking me flying?” she asked, excited.

  “Would you like to fly tonight? It really is cold,” he answered.

  Is this a good plan, Xander? What if she sickens? You have a rally this coming weekend, thought Michael.

  “Yes, yes, yes! I’ll get my warmest things and dress in layers,” Elizabeth said, starting to rummage through her drawers.

  “Good, because your guardian thinks that it is too cold, and that I should not risk your health. He is a mother hen,” laughed Xander.

  I am not. It is my job to watch over my charge. Michael looked very stern.

  We will fly with them, Michael, thought Gabriel. You will know if she is cold, and we can quickly return.

  That is true, Michael answered.

  “Michael, I will be fine. I’ll put on so many layers that Xander will have trouble finding me under all the clothing,” Elizabeth said, pulling on her sweats as she
spoke. “Besides, all three of you will be with me. I will have the most powerful protection imaginable, and if I so much as shiver, I’m sure you will all make certain that we return immediately.”

  She understands the situation, Michael, thought Gabriel. She will agree to come back here without any argument if the need arises.

  I still think it would be a good idea to wait until the weather is warmer, Michael answered. However, I see that I am the only one who thinks so.

  Xander chuckled, and Elizabeth turned to look at him.

  “Do I look funny, love?” she asked, making a face. “I think I have on four or five layers.”

  “No, you are always beautiful. I am laughing at Michael. He worries more than Mom, and that is saying a great deal,” he answered.

  He took her hand and led her down the stairs and out the back door, Michael and Gabriel following them. Xander became concerned when Elizabeth exhaled and he could see her breath.

  “Perhaps Michael has a point,” he said. “We could wait a few months until it is warmer. We will have to fly above the clouds to avoid being seen, and the temperatures are even lower at that altitude.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t. I’m warm to the point of a meltdown. I want to fly. I promise not to block my thoughts – no ‘Amazing Grace’ concert. You’ll know if I’m cold,” she answered adamantly.

  You will never deny her anything she wants as long as it is in your power to grant it, thought Michael.

  I would if it was best for her, answered Xander. She is being reasonable. We will all be able to read her thoughts.

  Holding hands, they walked further from the house into a grove of trees. Xander released Elizabeth’s hand, took a step back from her, and transformed.

  “I will never get used to seeing you as an angel,” she whispered, reaching out to touch his radiant face. “You are so beautiful that my heart aches.”

  “I can change forms inside where it is warm if you wish when we return. However, if we are to fly tonight, we should leave now. I will not keep you out long in this weather.” Xander quickly unfurled his wings and gathered her into his arms, taking flight with Michael and Gabriel on either side of them.


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