The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 69

by Robin M Helm

  They streaked to an altitude just above the clouds, careful to remain low enough so that Elizabeth could breathe easily. She clung to her husband, turning her head to look beneath them, catching glimpses of ground through breaks in the clouds. Looking above them, she could see stars twinkling like diamonds in the blackness of the moonless night.

  Is that Spartanburg already? How fast are we flying? Elizabeth asked.

  I have no idea. Speed means very little to us. We can fly as fast as is required by any given circumstances. For instance, if we are summoned to heaven, we cover the distance in a few seconds. We are flying rather slowly now so that you can see. Your eyes would perceive only a blur if we increased our velocity much more than this, he answered.

  It would not be blurred to your eyes? she asked.

  No. We always see with minute detail, no matter how fast we fly. That is Charlotte, North Carolina, below us now, said Xander.

  Elizabeth looked at the city lights, recognizing the downtown area by the distinctive pattern of the intersecting freeways, and then she was distracted by the sight of her husband’s wings moving to a streamlined position behind him. They dove for a few seconds, and then he began to glide just beneath the clouds.

  The lights of the city keep anyone from seeing us, he thought to her.

  Do you see that black area? asked Gabriel.

  Demons. There must be hundreds of them to create an absence of light covering that much space, answered Michael.

  The darkness is spreading rapidly. We have stumbled upon a meeting in a new place, said Xander to his brothers. He banked quickly to fly in the opposite direction, hugging his wife more closely to him. The guardian pulled up short, hovering in the air when he saw a dark army advancing rapidly upon them. We are too late to avoid a confrontation, Michael.

  It would appear so, answered Michael curtly, positioning himself in front of Xander and Elizabeth.

  Gabriel remained behind them, facing away from them to see any demons approaching from the rear.

  Michael immediately summoned a phalanx of warriors. Within a second, the battle lines were drawn. The light faced the darkness.

  Why have we stopped, Xander? What is happening? asked Elizabeth, seeing the deep blackness, but not understanding it. Then suddenly, she felt the overpowering evil, one hundred times worse than what she had known in her room two years before. It crept around her, smothering her; she could not breathe. Her mind refused to function as the terror enveloped her.

  Xander heard her mind scream. He knew that she was senseless with fear, and he was horrified that he had exposed her to the evil. Elizabeth, there are demons, but you are safe. Michael has called out the warriors, and you are in no danger. Believe me, my love, and have no fear. They mean to frighten you; they feed on your feelings of helplessness. Trust in Jehovah, Elizabeth. There is no death angel here; it is not your time.

  She turned her face into his chest and began to pray. Lord, I believe. Please help my unbelief. Help me not to fear. She remembered Isaiah 35:4 and quoted it in her mind, ‘Say to those with palpitating heart, Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance; the recompense of God will come, but He will save you.’ More boldly she said to God, Father, Isaiah 43:1 says, ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!’ Heavenly Father, you know my name! I am yours! Thank you for restoring my joy and taking away my fear.

  Every holy angel heard her mind, and they smiled as they faced the enemy.

  Let us pass, commanded Michael, or we will unbody you.

  You are in our territory. We want the girl, spoke Ryu, underprince of the southeastern United States. His voice was harsh and guttural, and his eyes blazed with fury as his long red hair flowed down his back. Tala, his captain, sneered from beside the underprince.

  The air is claimed by no one, and you have changed your meeting place. We were not aware that you had taken any new part of the city. We are over the downtown area, not the lost neighborhoods, answered Michael, his green eyes piercing the demon while his hand moved to grasp the hilt of his sword. Every warrior replicated his action.

  Ryu laughed derisively, and his laughter was repeated throughout his ranks. We own all of Charlotte now, and the Dark Lord is the Prince of the Power of the Air. You will give us the girl and leave this area.

  Michael did not flinch. Lucifer is the god of this world, but the airspace has always been free for both light and dark beings. You do not set the rules. The Creator of the Universes decides what will be. You will not touch Elizabeth, for she belongs to Him. Move from our path, and we will leave. If you do not move, we will cut our way through you. Michael smiled as if the thought pleased him exceedingly.

  The Captain of the Host flew forward slightly, and his entire front line advanced with him. Ranks closed in around Xander and Elizabeth, and Gabriel was joined by a line in the rear.

  Think, Ryu, though I know that takes a great effort on your part. I have three times more warriors at my disposal than does Lucifer, and I can call all of them if necessary. You do not command all of Satan’s troops. I would think that every demon available to you is with you now.

  Michael issued a silent command and another phalanx appeared, doubling his army.

  Michael sighed. I grow weary of this. Draw your swords, or part your ranks and let us pass. I will give you five earth seconds to make a decision.

  Ryu glared at him with hatred burning from his eyes.

  Four… three… two, counted Michael slowly as the tension mounted.

  We will have the girl! shouted Ryu, shaking his fists.

  You will not! And that was a threat to my charge. I now have just cause to attack, replied Michael, drawing his sword. The hiss of angelic weapons being unsheathed filled the air. Elizabeth lifted her head at the sound, looking toward Michael, though she could not see him.

  Ryu cursed, drew his weapon, and lunged forward. Michael immediately matched his move, blocking the demon’s sword with his shield as he sliced the underprince in two. As Ryu disintegrated, Tala held up both of his hands, and Michael halted, as did the Host.

  What is that putrid smell? It reminds me of the stench in Gregory’s house after he tried to attack me, thought Elizabeth, shivering.

  Michael just put some garbage out, my love. All is well, answered Xander, though he drew her closer to him. She is freezing, he thought impatiently to Michael. Let us finish this and get her home. We have been out far too long.

  Agreed, thought Gabriel.

  Michael stared at Ryu’s captain. Tala, it seems that you are now underprince of this dominion. Are you willing to leave this airspace and allow us to depart without a fight? Consider your next words well, or they may be your last in this world.

  Tala grimaced. We will save this battle for another day, Michael.

  With those words, the demons dipped to fly straight down into the city, leaving the path clear before Michael and his forces.

  As one, the entire light force flew quickly back to Xander’s and Elizabeth’s house, staying just above the cloud cover.

  Elizabeth’s teeth chattered as the wind blew in her face, and she tucked herself more tightly into her husband’s arms, reaching around him for warmth as the muscles of his torso pumped, shooting them through the air.

  His face was grim, and she could feel the tightness throughout him.

  When they reached the grove of trees, the warriors remained in the air while Michael and Gabriel joined Xander and Elizabeth on the ground. Michael dismissed the warriors, and they flew upwards, quickly disappearing into the night.

  As soon as he landed, Xander took human form and began to run toward the house with Elizabeth, Michael and Gabriel close behind them. Gabriel flew around in front of them and entered the house first, checking it rapidly.

  Slowing slightly, Xander threw open the door and carried her through the house, up the stairs to their rooms. He took her into the bathroom and set her on the floor while he turned on the water, testing it
with his hand to make certain that it would not burn her. As the tub filled, he undressed her, knowing that her hands were too cold to work the buttons, snaps, and zippers of the layers of clothing.

  Michael and Gabriel stood in the corners of the room, wearing twin expressions of displeasure.

  Mentally, Xander berated himself for his own idiocy. His face plainly displayed his disquiet.

  Knowing that her husband would be upset if he heard her teeth chattering while she tried to speak, Elizabeth thought instead, Husband, I am fine. Please do not be upset.

  His breath exploded from him. “You are not fine! You are frozen, and you were in danger. It was my fault, my arrogance, that did this.”

  He picked her up and gently placed her in the tub of water, reaching to turn up the thermostat, and then looking back at her, worry written on his features. “You are blue, Elizabeth. What if you get sick?”

  He started chaffing her legs to warm her.

  Xander, calm down. I am fine, really. I’m just cold. I’ll be warm soon enough, she thought.

  “If you are so fine, why are you thinking instead of speaking? You are unable to speak because you are so cold your teeth are chattering, and you know that I will hear it and feel worse. Please do not say that you are fine again, or I may lose my control.” He paused a moment in his ministrations and hung his head. “Tonight I have been neither a good husband nor a good guardian,” he said bitterly.

  The tears began to roll down Elizabeth’s face. Please don’t say that. Don’t ever say that. You were trying to please me. If you have any fault at all, it’s that you try to make me happy all of the time. I loved flying with you, and now you will never take me again. This is my fault. I should have listened when you said Michael thought it was too cold. Michael doesn’t love me like you do. He thinks very rationally of what is best, not always what I want.

  As Xander cupped her face with his hands and wiped her tears away with his thumbs, Michael folded his arms and turned to look out of the small window. The Captain’s voice was gruff when he spoke into Elizabeth’s mind. We will send scouts ahead the next time we take you flying, but you will fly again.

  Gabriel smiled.

  She looked at Xander in wonder. That was not you. She paused. That was Michael, wasn’t it?

  Xander’s smile was small. “Yes, that was Michael. He does care for you, you know, in the same way that he loves me. You are his sister, and he wants you to be happy, too, though perhaps his judgment where you are concerned is a little clearer than mine. Are you warmer now?”

  She smiled broadly. “I am in a perfect state of … warmness. If I get any warmer, I may go up in flames. You are the best husband and guardian in the world, and you’re my best friend. I love you with all my heart.”

  He reached in the cabinet under the sink to retrieve one of his extra-large towels, pulled her to her feet, and wrapped her snugly in the softness. And suddenly she was being lifted again as Xander headed toward their bedroom, Gabriel and Michael walking behind them.

  She chuckled. “I really can walk, though I must admit that I enjoy being carried.”

  He held her in one arm as he turned down the covers on their bed with his other hand. Gently tucking her between the sheets, he whispered, “Before I took you flying, I told you that I would change forms when we returned to our house if you wished. Do you want me to do so, Elizabeth?”

  “I love you in either form, as you well know, but I will never turn down the opportunity to be kissed by my angel,” she replied, looking lovingly into his summer sky eyes.

  “Well,” he said, finally allowing himself to smile, “I will kiss you as an angel, and then love you as a man.” He grinned. “Otherwise, my wings would get in the way.”

  “It doesn’t matter to me which form you take, for you are always an angel and always a man,” Elizabeth replied, reaching up to draw him down to her lips.

  He kissed her deeply, then drew back and smiled again. "You are correct, my love. No matter which form I assume, I am fully human yet fully angel. I am glad you understand that. I would not have you to think my natures are separate, or to prefer one form to the other."

  She laughed lightly. "Choices, choices. Do I wish to see my magnificent, beautiful human husband, or my gloriously radiant, angelic husband? There is no bad option where you are concerned, my love."

  He took her into his arms and showed her his appreciation by his actions.

  Michael and Gabriel dutifully turned to look out the windows.

  I think I know the trees by name, thought Michael, sighing.

  Be quiet, answered Gabriel, chuckling.

  Chapter 11

  “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”

  Isaiah 6:8


  Throughout the spring months, the SoulFire team traveled every other weekend, flying to some of the more distant locations. On those occasions, the trucks and tech crew would leave earlier in the week in order to arrive and set up before the team flew in on Friday nights. Ten three-day meetings were held during those months, beginning on Friday nights and ending on Sunday afternoons, focusing on areas of the United States which were not reached during the previous summer. Xander, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Jonathan would return on Sunday nights, tired but rejoicing in the harvest of thousands of souls for the kingdom. Jonathan continued to preach in churches in the southeastern United States throughout the weeks while the others finished their graduate and undergraduate degrees.

  In mid-April, Xander and Elizabeth had performed a final concert together on twin grand pianos in Twichell Auditorium, presenting a program of classical and sacred music in appreciation for the scholarships extended to them during their years at the college. The couple had agreed to allow Converse to record the concert and sell the CDs in order to continue to fund the scholarship program.

  The seats had been sold out for nearly a year in advance, and the stellar performance of the gifted pair did not disappoint. All proceeds were placed into scholarship funds for the musically gifted who had chosen to attend Converse.

  Michael and Gabriel stood beside them as they took their final bows before their professors, state dignitaries, and friends, and, as she looked over the audience, Elizabeth reflected on all that had happened to her in the past four years. She clasped her husband’s hand and looked up into his eyes as she smiled at him. You are so handsome in your tux, my love, and you are even more beautiful on the inside. Apart from my salvation, you are the best gift that has ever been given to me. I thank God for you every day.

  Xander returned his wife’s smile as he admired her and squeezed her hand gently. Elizabeth was resplendent in a brilliant white chiffon gown, rhinestones glittering at her waist and throughout her dark brown curls which flowed from a loose knot on the back of her head. You take my breath away, Elizabeth. You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love you with all of my heart. I never wish to be parted from you for all of eternity.

  From their seats on the front row, Jonathan and Charlotte held hands and smiled brightly at their co-workers, recognizing the small signs of mental telepathy. Jonathan watched his beloved Charlotte as she looked at her left hand, admiring the ring which he had placed there a few hours earlier as they had dined together in a small, romantic restaurant before the concert. They had not yet talked to her parents or Xander and Elizabeth, but she was unable to bear the thought of removing the ring until they could do so later in the evening.

  Auburn-haired Edward, standing beside the immense, regal Lexus, smiled at Charlotte’s thoughts. The dark-skinned Lexus, his bald head gleaming as brightly as Michael’s golden hair, displayed an expression in his brown eyes that betrayed his pleasure at his charge’s betrothal.

  Michael and Gabriel observed the interaction from the stage.

  Jonathan has chosen well, said Michael to Lexus and Edward. Charlotte will be an asset to him in his ministry, as well as a wonder
ful wife and mother.

  Gabriel added, Our Father brought them together in His wisdom. There will be rejoicing in heaven over this match.

  Lexus and Edward nodded in response.


  David, conscious of the expanded role which his son-in-law would be assuming in the ministry, suggested to his son-in-law that he be ordained, and Xander had submitted to David, Jonathan, and the committee of deacons at Tabernacle Church for questioning the week after the concert in April. After meeting with the men, he had been approved and was to be duly ordained as a minister of the gospel at Tabernacle Church the following Sunday.

  At the ordination service, during his charge before the church, David spoke about the qualifications of a minister, quoting I Timothy 3:2-7, “An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, uncontentious, free from the love of money. He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?); and not a new convert, lest he become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil. And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he may not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

  David, with Roark behind him, stood before his daughter and son-in-law, who were seated on the front row along with Jonathan and Charlotte, and smiled at them, saying, “Xander fulfills all of these qualifications, except for one, and I am certain that he will make an exemplary father when the time is right.”

  Michael, Gabriel, Lexus, and Edward smiled at David’s comment. They all knew that Xander and Elizabeth hoped to be parents within the next year.

  Xander squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. Maybe we can have some happy news for them before the summer is out, he thought into her mind.


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