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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 74

by Robin M Helm

  Matthew 24:3

  The Vancouver rally was successful beyond any expectations. Xander and Elizabeth had written new music expressly for the tour, and they sang and played those songs for the first time in Vancouver. The theme, The Globe for God, was woven like a thread throughout their music, tying it all together, and the urgency of the message was clearly expressed.

  Ethnic groups from throughout the city flocked to hear the gospel in their own languages through Elizabeth’s amazing gift as she sang and spoke of God’s love and forgiveness.

  Michael stood close to her at all times, scanning the audience constantly. He had stationed warriors throughout the arena, and their armor gleamed alongside the white tunics of the thousands of guardians present with their charges.

  Xander, Gabriel beside him, began a series of talks about spiritual warfare which would continue throughout the four days of meetings, punctuating his main points by speaking in the different languages of the people present while the screens behind him displayed his words in English. As he heard the people’s questions through their thoughts, he worked the answers into his presentation.

  Jonathan spoke last, Lexus behind him, beginning a fascinating four sermon series about the end times, showing from Scripture, particularly Matthew 24, the evidence that some of the prophecies had already been fulfilled and other prophetic events were in the process of happening, taking place in the present. Off stage, Elizabeth repeated his words into a microphone which fed into a system set up with ear buds available for those who did not speak English.

  As Jonathan bowed his head to pray, Thorncrown took the stage, playing “For You” softly. When Jonathan opened the altar, inviting people to come, more than a thousand counselors walked down the aisles to receive the crowd flooding the front of the arena, the mass of their guardians creating a gentle glow around them

  While the band sang, “He came for you. He died for you. He lives for you,” the counselors took groups of people seeking salvation into areas set aside for the purpose of prayer and counsel, and new guardians joined their charges.

  Finally, Xander, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Jonathan were left at the edge of the stage, waiting to see if any others needed counseling.

  Xander then saw a sight which chilled him – hundreds of demons swarmed the building, heading at them from all directions. He immediately issued a summons to all available guardians, and they flooded in behind the demons within a few seconds.

  Elizabeth’s breath quickened as she sensed the oppression of the evil ones. Xander instinctively stepped in front of her while Michael and Gabriel formed a shield before them.

  Jonathan and Charlotte clasped their hands together, feeling the very air change around them. They knelt to pray as Lexus and Edward joined Michael and Gabriel, forming a line between their charges and the shrieking denizens of hell.

  Thorncrown’s guardians closed ranks in front of them, and the people left in the audience moved toward the center, huddling together as their guardians whispered directions into their minds. Non-believers followed them, feeling the emptiness which had invaded the building. Guardians and warriors met in a circle of protection around the gathered mass of people.

  A huge demon settled in front of Michael, throwing back his raven hair and lifting his chin arrogantly. His troops landed around him, filling the front of the arena.

  Michael narrowed his eyes and spoke, “What do you want here, Abigor? Do you seek a battle today?”

  The demonic warrior, commander of sixty legions, laughed.

  Elizabeth shivered and stepped closer into her husband’s back, putting her arms about his waist and peeking around his arm. I can see something, but I don’t know what it is.

  What do you see? asked Xander.

  Many dark forms like large men with wings, she answered. The biggest one stands in front of Michael. I heard him laugh just now.

  Michael and Gabriel also heard her thoughts but made no reaction.

  Abigor spoke in a rough voice, “We have come for the child. We wish to know what Xander has spawned with the human woman. Give her to us, or let us take the child from her, and we will leave. If you refuse, we will fight to take her.”

  Elizabeth’s hold on her husband tightened, and she struggled to contain her fear, knowing that the evil ones would feed off her terror.

  “You fear the power of an infant?” Michael chuckled ominously. In his mind, the Captain of the Host called for fifty thousand warriors, and they were stationed around the demons before Abigor could speak again.

  “When did you become so weak, Abigor? The child is not yet born, and you quake before a babe which cannot yet survive outside the womb. Do you also fear the child’s mother? You are pathetic,” said Michael.

  Abigor roared. “I fear neither the child nor the mother! My master has need of the child, and I obey his commands.”

  Michael laughed aloud. “So Lucifer is frightened of the babe? How ashamed you must be to serve such a weakling.”

  Elizabeth felt the truth of Michael’s words, and his strength flowed into her. She released her hold on Xander and stood tall, stepping to his side and staring straight at Abigor.

  Xander immediately knew the difference in her mind, and the change was exhilarating to him. You are no longer afraid of them. You know that you are safe, and that our Father will not let them harm you or our child.

  She smiled, never releasing Abigor’s eyes. I do. I think I could drink poison now, and it would not affect me.

  Elizabeth began to quote II Chronicles 20:15, 17 aloud, the words ringing throughout the building as she spoke in a strong voice. “Thus said the Lord to you, ‘Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s. You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf… Do not fear or be dismayed…for the Lord is with you.’”

  Xander’s joy was boundless; he wanted to soar to the heavens with her. Instead he began to sing praises to God, just as Jehoshaphat and his men had done in the same chapter of Scripture Elizabeth had quoted. His strong, rich baritone rang out with the words of “The Battle Belongs to the Lord.” Elizabeth’s sweet soprano lifted in harmony with his song.

  Jonathan and Charlotte rose to their feet singing with Xander and Elizabeth, and when Thorncrown heard their voices, they began to play. Before long, everyone remaining in the arena was singing as loudly as they could.

  The demons put their hands over their ears and writhed in agony while Michael, Gabriel, and the other angels glowed more brightly and hummed in praise to the One who could inspire such fearlessness in His followers.

  When Xander finished singing the first song, he transitioned into “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone),” and the band as well as the other people followed. As the saints worshipped, a holy Light permeated the building, and the demons could not stay in Its blinding purity. Cursing, they fled, flying in all directions, scrambling into each other in their haste to leave.

  As the last strains of the song faded, the beams of Light withdrew from the arena, and an awed silence settled over the people. After a moment, the ones who were not yet believers ran down the aisles toward salvation. Xander, Elizabeth, Jonathan, and Charlotte divided them into four groups, took them to different parts of the arena, and ushered them into the family of God.

  Gabriel looked across the arena at Michael and thought, ‘And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.’

  Michael smiled and returned, Acts 2:47. It is almost as if we are living the days of the early church again.

  Chapter 15

  “For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man; for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake. Therefore, the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man
has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.”

  I Corinthians 11:8-12

  Late January 2010

  Xander watched Elizabeth as she moved slowly around their baby’s nursery in the late afternoon light, her right hand cradling her nine-months pregnant belly tenderly as she smoothed the blankets in the crib with her left. Her face was serene, and though she was unwieldy and a little awkward with the extra weight of their son, he thought she was the most beautiful sight he had ever beheld.

  Michael and Gabriel moved to either end of the crib as Xander quickly crossed the room to stand behind his wife, pulling her against his chest and placing his hands over hers as they rubbed her stomach together.

  “I will do whatever needs to be done, my love. Please sit in the rocking chair; you must be tired,” he said softly. “You have not rested today. Shall we take a nap together before dinner?”

  She laid her head back on his chest and drew his hands closer about her, hugging herself with his arms. “I am a little tired, but I don’t think I can sleep. I just keep seeing things that need to be done before the baby comes.”

  “Then tell me what to do, Elizabeth,” Xander said as he rocked her gently, swaying from side to side. “I am your obedient servant.”

  Elizabeth lifted his arm across her chest and turned the palm of his hand against her cheek. She looked around at the lovely room, painted a light yellow with white crown moulding. The curtains were hung at the bay windows, and the white furniture was in place. She and Xander had shopped for the furnishings as soon as they had returned from the tour in November, and her parents had been delighted to help with the painting. Elizabeth had actually had actually done very little.

  David and Lynne had joined the tour for the final month. Because of the overwhelming response in the rallies, they had been needed to help with counseling, and Lynne wanted to be with Elizabeth as she increased. She had helped her daughter shop for much-needed maternity clothes, and while they all traveled together, they had been able to plan the nursery.

  “Love, you are so good to me. You have already done everything, and it’s wonderful. There really isn’t anything left to do, but I am restless. I’m so heavy that I waddle everywhere, and I can’t get comfortable.” I feel so fat and ugly. She sighed.

  He lifted her into his arms and carefully made his way down the stairs, sitting on the couch with her in his lap, stroking her poor swollen feet with one hand as he held her with the other.

  Michael and Gabriel positioned themselves at the ends of the sofa. Elizabeth could see their outlines, glowing faintly, and she took comfort in knowing that her baby was so well protected.

  Xander gazed into her eyes and spoke firmly. “You have never been ugly for even one second of your life, and I have been with you for all of it, so I would know. Gaining twenty-five pounds hardly qualifies you as being fat, either. You grow more radiant every day, and you have never been more beautiful to me. You could never be anything but lovely in my eyes.” He then lowered his face to hers and kissed her in a way that proved how attractive she still was to him.

  Elizabeth turned her body into his and put her arms around his neck, nuzzling her face into the soft place under his jaw. He rubbed her back slowly, seeking out the sore spots and knots, listening to her thoughts directing him when to use more pressure.

  She kissed his neck. “You always know what to say to make me feel better. I love you so much,” she said, her words slow and sluggish.

  Xander replied gently, “I love you, too.” He continued to massage her back even after he felt her relax in sleep. As she cuddled against him, warm and soft, his hand slowed and his head rested on her shoulder as their eyes closed. Their dreams mingled, both envisioning a dark-haired child laughing and dancing.

  Michael looked at Gabriel with a smile, thinking, As Proverbs 30:18-19 says, ‘There are three things which are too wonderful for me, four which I do not understand; the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship in the middle of the sea, and the way of a man with a maid.’

  Gabriel mused, The writer, Agur, was wise to recognize that it was beyond him to understand those things which left no trails and had no recognizable mode of action that would determine their courses. Even twenty years ago, we could never have predicted the growth of love between our brother and our sister. I have to agree that it is wonderful.

  Michael thought a moment, and then answered in contemplation, She truly completes him. In the beginning, God did not create a woman and say that she needed a man; rather, he created a man and said that he needed a woman. In their case, it is literally true as well. Xander was created thousands of years before Elizabeth was born.

  Gabriel replied, And our brother acted in a manner toward his virgin as God would have him behave. In doing so, he won her love and devotion. It is sad that today, most young men do not realize that the responsibility for behavior before marriage lies with them. Their unions, based on a faulty premise, often do not survive.

  Michael watched Xander and Elizabeth sleep. It was not easy for him, but he pleased God with his actions. I have never thought much about marriage before, but our brother studied the Scriptures, obeyed Jehovah, and built a strong relationship with his beloved based on a pure love for each other and shared devotion to God rather than a purely physical attraction. His wise decisions will bring them both much joy, and a union that glorifies our Master. Xander is a good example for any young man. He is a wonderful husband and will be an excellent father.

  Gabriel nodded. I have recently thought that the Almighty knew exactly which angel to choose for this assignment. The Creator’s wisdom is beyond comprehension. Neither you nor I would have done as well as our brother has.

  Michael’s expression was serious. You are right, brother. You would have been too easy, and I would have been too harsh. Xander was the perfect choice for Elizabeth.

  The angels maintained their constant vigil while the twilight fell and the room darkened, and the lovers remained embraced in slumber.


  “Xander,” Elizabeth whispered. “Xander!” she said in a louder voice, wiggling against him.

  As Xander came to consciousness, he saw that the room was dark, and he was lying on his side, holding his wife in his arms to prevent her from falling off the couch. He slowly sat up, careful to cradle her as he did so.

  “Elizabeth? Are you hungry? We have slept through dinner time,” he said as his stomach growled.

  “I believe I’m in labor, but the pains are still about twenty minutes apart, I think. I want to walk. You should eat, but I can’t,” she answered, turning in his lap to put her feet on the floor.

  “I should eat? While you are in labor?” He reached to turn on the lamp by the couch so that she could see.

  As she clambered off his lap, he rose to his feet to help her stand.

  Elizabeth watched him as he helped her up. “You must be stiff from staying in one position, holding me for so long,” she said. “And yes, you must eat because I think we’ll have to go to the hospital in a few hours. I can’t eat because the doctor may need to use anesthesia.” Her tone was reasonable.

  He frowned, “Can you walk with me to the kitchen? I will not leave you alone.”

  Michael and Gabriel materialized, wearing jeans and Henleys.

  “She will not be alone,” said Michael.

  Gabriel added, “We will certainly be here, in human form, to make Elizabeth more comfortable.”

  Elizabeth smiled as she looked at Michael and Gabriel. “You know, I will be safe with Uncle Michael and Uncle Gabriel, I know, but why don’t we all go to the kitchen? I’m sure you won’t eat unless you can see me.”

  Michael and Gabriel looked a little stunned, but Xander’s lips twitched. “Good idea, love. Uncle Mike and Uncle Gabe can come with us. I will make myself an omelet if you insist that I must eat.”

  The little procession made its way into the adjoining kitchen, and Xander star
ted assembling what he needed to cook. Michael and Gabriel took their stances on either side of Elizabeth as she stood before the sink, looking out of the window over the moonlit back yard. She rubbed her stomach with both hands, making large circles. Xander turned from the stove just in time to see her face contort in discomfort. That was a strong one, she thought. Dear Lord, help me to bear it without crying out.

  He moved the pan to a cold burner and went to her.

  “How long have you been having pains, Elizabeth? Why did you not wake me?” he asked.

  “A couple of hours, and you needed to sleep. You’ll probably be awake the rest of the night. Please, eat your omelet. There’s nothing you can do right now, and I’m going to need you later,” she replied as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

  He frowned, but he realized that her reasoning was sound. He put the omelet on a plate and ate it quickly, watching her as she continued to stroke her stomach. Just as he finished, he saw her flinch again, and she leaned over the sink, grasping the edge of the counter. He practically threw the plate into the sink in his hurry to get to her.

  “Elizabeth, the pains are not twenty minutes apart. There were fewer than ten minutes between the last one and this one. We should go to the hospital now,” he said, pulling his brows together.

  “Calm down, please. I’ve never seen you so upset,” she soothed, turning her head to look at him. “Dr. Neal told me to call her when the pains are five minutes apart. My water hasn’t broken. I’m fine, really.”

  Xander stood behind her, his hands over hers as they rubbed her stomach together. He had just begun to relax when he felt the muscles contract beneath his fingers and heard his wife grunt.

  He could be inactive no longer. “Enough. I am calling Dr. Neal now. Gabriel, would you get her suitcase from upstairs? Her shoes are there by the bed, too.” Father, please help her. Please do not let her suffer.

  Gabriel was so quick that Xander had not finished punching the doctor’s pre-programmed number before he was back with her shoes and case. The archangel knelt before her, sliding her shoes on her feet as she lifted one foot and then the other.


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