The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 81

by Robin M Helm

  Xander smiled and stroked his son’s hair. “Yes, you are. But you are not yet two years old. When you have your second birthday, we will go buy a bed for you that is your size.”“Okay,”

  John David answered and rolled over on his side. “Good night, Unca Mike and Unca Gabe.”

  “Good night, John David,” they answered aloud in unison.

  Elizabeth pulled the covers over him and rubbed his cheek. “He looks just like you, Xander, right down to the dimples,” she whispered.

  They held hands and walked quietly from the room. Xander stopped in the hallway and pulled Elizabeth to him, holding her face with one hand as he kissed her. When he moved back he replied, “I am happy that the twins have your beautiful eyes. Faith is my miniature Elizabeth.”

  He took her hand and led her into their bedroom. “Are you tired?” he asked.

  Michael and Gabriel took up their posts by the windows.

  “Well,” she answered with a playful smile, “it has been a long day, but I could probably be talked into a back rub.”

  His lips twitched. “Back rubs are relaxing, but they often lead to other things. So, how tired are you?”

  “Read my mind,” she invited.

  Xander smiled.

  Michael and Gabriel turned to look out of the windows.

  Hello, trees, thought Michael glumly.

  Be quiet, answered Gabriel.


  Shortly after they had fallen asleep, Xander awoke to a bright Light streaming through the windows. He sat up quickly, noticing that Gabriel and Michael had moved to stand on either side of the bed.

  Elizabeth, said a familiar Voice.

  Gabriel and Michael dropped to their knees and bowed their heads, and Xander bowed his head in submission, moving to kneel on the bed.

  She stirred and opened her eyes, squinting at the Light. Seeing that her husband was bowed, Elizabeth sat up. Did you call me, Xander? she thought. Did you turn the light on?

  I called you, Elizabeth, My daughter, answered the Voice.

  The Voice was all around her. There did not seem to be a point of origination. Elizabeth immediately left the bed and fell to her knees, her face on the floor. Father, here am I. How can I serve You?

  Xander quickly joined her on the floor, kneeling beside her, prostrating himself.

  The Voice was beautiful. You have pleased Me, Elizabeth. I will ask you what I asked your husband several years ago. If you could have anything that you desired, what would you ask of Me?

  Tears filled her eyes. I am happy that I have pleased You, Lord, but You have given me so much more than I ever thought I would have. I am complete. What more could I ask for?

  You do not desire power, fame, or wealth, Elizabeth? asked the Voice.

  No, Father. I desire only to serve You and love my family, she answered.

  If you could serve Me in a better way, would you want to do it? No matter the cost? The Voice was kind and loving.

  Her tears flowed freely and a lump stuck in her throat as she thought of her beloved husband and her children. Would God ask her to give them up? He had given them to her, and they were His to take away if He chose to do so.

  She struggled to control her mind. I do not deserve all the blessings that You have graciously given me, Father. If You require that I give them up, I will do so if it is Your desire. I want to bring You glory. ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord,’ she answered, paraphrasing from the book of Job.

  You have been taught well. Again you please Me, Elizabeth, replied the Voice. Will you ask for nothing?

  Her mind reached out to Him. I ask only that Xander and my children would be unharmed. I request that You keep them safe. Whatever must happen, let it happen to me, but not to them.

  Xander grasped her hand, but he did not speak.

  The Voice was filled with love. Elizabeth, I love you more than you could ever imagine. As it is now, eventually, you will die and come to heaven to live with Me for eternity, but that will not happen for many years. Your husband has a dual nature; he is both an angel and a human. He will not die, but will transform back to an angel when his time on Earth is complete. He is My Chief Guardian, and I will require his service when this time is passed. I ask you again, My daughter, if you could have anything you desired, what would you ask of Me?

  Elizabeth tried to control her tears, but they gushed from her eyes at the thought of being separated from her husband. As she sobbed, she could feel her husband’s hand jerk in hers, and she knew that he felt the same. She was in agony.

  Oh, God! I am selfish, and I do not want to be separated from my beloved. I would bear anything to know that I could be with him and serve You for eternity at his side. My soul is tormented when I think of his leaving me. Is there an answer for this pain? She stretched out on the floor and wept, and her tears mingled with those of her husband.

  Elizabeth, you are not selfish. I made you and Xander for each other, and I would not separate you. He would be grieved in My service without you, though he would try not to betray his unhappiness. He is both Xander and Darcy, both angel and human, and, if you desire it, you will be Elizabeth, both human and angel, living your full number of days on the Earth, as he will. Upon your deaths, which will occur together if you agree, both of you will transform to angelic form for eternity. However, there is a price for this, Elizabeth, so consider it carefully. The Voice was low and kind.

  Father, You are good, and You always work what is best for your children. I do not fear the price, for I know that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. What is the cost? she asked without looking up.

  The Voice spoke gently. Elizabeth, if I change you now, you will be able to assume angelic form just as your husband does, and you will be a guardian warrior as he is, but there will be no more children. You will fight beside him, for he has trained you well, but I cannot allow the two of you to reproduce angels. Angels are created beings, made only by Me, and I will close your womb. You will be barren. The three children that you have are extremely gifted, and half of their bloodline is pure. They will be powerful enough and will serve Me well. They are My legacy to the world. If you were to have children with Xander after I change you, they would be more angel than human. It would be an abomination. Are you willing to pay the price?

  Elizabeth did not answer immediately; she turned her head to look at her husband. Father, my decision will affect my husband. May I ask him what he wishes?

  The Voice chuckled, and the angelic realm turned in unison to hear the sound. You are a delight to Me, Elizabeth. Ask your husband, though I know what he will say.

  I know what I want, Xander, but what do you want? Will it sadden you to know that we can have no more children? You wanted a quiver full, and that is thirteen.

  As Xander looked at her, his expression was tender and full of love. My love, our children are blessings from our Father, but I would have been happy to have only you. To know that we would never be apart is more than I could ask or imagine. If you want this, know that I want it, too. Beloved, my quiver holds three by God’s design, and that is enough.

  Elizabeth? asked the Voice, and all of creation stopped to hear her answer.

  Her mind overflowed with joy. Yes, Father. You have blessed us beyond measure, and I am Your handmaiden. Do to me as it seems fit to You.

  Then it is done. The Light rapidly withdrew, and suddenly it was as dark as it had been before.

  Had she not still been on the floor, Elizabeth would have had difficulty in believing that the amazing events of the past half hour had ever happened.

  “Xander,” she whispered.

  “Yes, Elizabeth?” he answered.

  “Am I different now?” she asked.

  “Let us stand and see,” he replied, laughing quietly.

  She stood. “How do I do this? How do I change?”

  Xander looked at her quizzically. “Just
think about it.”

  Michael and Gabriel stood, and she pointed at them, and then looked backed at Xander in amazement. “I can see them clearly! In the dark! They aren’t hazy to me anymore. I really am different! I can hear all of your thoughts! Please, Xander, change forms now so that I can hear what your mind does.”

  Her husband transformed, and she allowed her mind to follow his.

  His mind reeled as Elizabeth stood before him, glorious in her armor and tunic, even more beautiful with her sword at her waist and her shield suspended from her belt. She glowed softly, just as he did.

  “Oh!” they said together as the holy angels looked on in amazement.

  Smiling, Xander reached for her hand. “Come outside with me. Quietly, through the back door.”

  Michael and Gabriel followed them down the steps as they padded on the carpet, careful to make no noise.

  When they came to the door, she stopped, waiting for Xander to open it for her, but he simply smiled at her and walked through it, gently pulling her hand so that she would follow him.

  Once they stood in the back yard, Xander unfurled his wings.

  Elizabeth smiled in understanding and spread her wings as well. She followed her husband into the sky, laughing and twirling, flying by his side, reading his thoughts to learn how to control her movements.

  The couple, along with Michael and Gabriel, stayed in the immediate area, careful to remain close to the treetops, aware that it was possible that they were being watched.

  After an hour or so, they returned to the trees behind their home. They settled to the ground, and Xander tucked his wings, drew her into his arms, and kissed her soundly. “Now I have also kissed an angel,” he proclaimed before he morphed back into human form.

  She changed as he did, her eyes sparkling. “Will I have to give up the use of contractions now and speak in formal English?”

  “Do not change anything about yourself, Elizabeth. You are perfect to me already,” he answered.

  As they walked back to their house, Elizabeth became serious.

  “Now we know why you felt compelled to train me,” she said.

  “I have already thought of that,” he answered in a whisper.

  “I know,” she answered in awestruck wonder. “Isn’t that amazing? I know because I heard you. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.”

  Her husband regarded her in profound reverence for their loving Father and said in a hushed and deliberate voice, “Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Amen and amen.”

  Chapter 20

  “Thus let all Thine enemies perish, O Lord; but let those who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its might.”

  Judges 5:31

  February 2012

  President Gregory Wickham was extremely agitated. He paced the carpets of the Oval Office, eyes flashing crimson, as Lucifer, dressed impeccably in a three-piece suit, lounged on a couch inspecting his fingernails. Demonic guards lined the room, hands clasped before them and heads bowed.

  “SoulFire is thwarting all of my plans,” Gregory spat angrily.

  “My son,” said Lucifer in a soothing voice, “why do you let them upset you? They can do nothing to prevent what has been set in motion.”

  Gregory turned and glared at his father. “They are running all over the country, speaking against me and instructing their followers not to accept the Mark when it becomes available. People are listening to them, and now there is a groundswell of opposition.”

  “You always knew that Christians would refuse the chip, Gregory. That is why we have built more prisons – to contain all those who fight against us,” said Lucifer reasonably, fixing calm eyes on his son.

  Gregory swore and replied acidly, “But they are convincing more and more people to become believers. Thousands are added to the enemy’s camp daily. Do you not see the danger, Father?”

  “Gregory, Gregory,” replied Lucifer, shaking his head and smiling. “You are very young. I have seen periodic ‘revivals’ for thousands of years. These things go in cycles, and this time will be no different. Calm yourself. New believers quickly fall away when their lives become difficult, and in today’s society, very few Christians will be willing to go to jail for their faith. Life has been too easy for them, and they have not the backbones of the martyrs.” He smirked, distorting his beautiful features. “They will not suffer for Jesus as the apostles did. Trust me, and you will see that I am right.”

  Folding his arms and turning his face away to look at one of the portraits on the wall, Gregory spoke softly, though his glowing eyes betrayed his true feelings. “So you do not agree that we need to take action? You think SoulFire should be allowed to continue to mock me?”

  “My son, let them do what they will. The people love you, and they will worship us when we put money in their pockets,” answered Lucifer with confidence.

  There was silence while Gregory appeared to be considering his father’s words.

  “I understand you perfectly. You always know what is best,” said Gregory, keeping his eyes averted.

  “There is nothing to be upset about, Gregory. All will be well,” replied Lucifer cheerfully as he stood with easy grace. He walked to his son and placed his hand on the younger man’s shoulder for a moment, and then exited the room with his guards.

  No one looked at Lucifer twice as he strode the halls of the White House. After all, he had been there many times before, and he had been a close friend of a few other Presidents as well. If anyone wondered why the tall, striking man never seemed to age, they kept their questions to themselves. Each administration employed their own people, so no one really knew how long the stranger had been welcome in that building as he took care never to be photographed.

  Gregory stood completely still, eyebrows drawn together, perfect lips pressed into a straight line, for fully five minutes before he suddenly wheeled around to face one of his trusted guards. “Bring Aborian to me immediately,” he barked, his eyes flaming once again.

  The demon instantly assumed his natural form and flew through the wall of the Oval Office, bent on completing his mission as quickly as possible.

  No one heard Gregory muttering under his breath, “This shall not stand.”


  The SoulFire team had been crisscrossing the country for months, rarely taking a break, knowing that March would soon be upon them, and with it, the implementation of the Mark Bill. All across the United States, centers dedicated solely to the implant procedure were ready to open on March 15. Court cases had been filed challenging the constitutionality of the law, but as yet, no judge had issued an injunction of any sort. Barring that, in less than a month’s time, entire families would start lining up to receive their microchips, tattoos, and government checks.

  Xander sat in his van in front of a grocery store in Bethel, watching his three children while Elizabeth ran in for a few items they needed. He looked at their innocent faces in the rearview mirror and thanked God for blessing his marriage in such a way.

  His sons and daughter had fallen asleep during their drive back from an evening rally nearby, and Elizabeth had not wanted to wake them so that they could all go into the store together. Even though Michael was with Elizabeth, Xander stayed in constant contact with her mind. Lately, he had felt the presence of such overpowering evil continually building that he rarely allowed his wife or his children out of his sight, and he was never so far from Elizabeth that he could not hear her thoughts. The presence of Gabriel, along with the other guardians and warriors surrounding his vehicle reminded him that they were well protected, but he was never easy when he could not see both his wife and his children.

  As he mused quietly over the seeming defeat that loomed before them, he saw a black truck whose doors were emblazoned with the Mark emblem pull up and park across from him. Three men in the familiar government-issued uniforms got out of the vehicle and headed for the store, laden with equipment. Xander had seen similar scenarios played out across the country, and he
knew that the men were there to install the Mark equipment. Soon, store employees would begin to scan people before they would be allowed to purchase food. Those without implants would go hungry or be taken to jail. Some farmers might try to avoid the situation for a while by eating the produce they grew themselves, but eventually, they would need to buy seed, fertilizer, or equipment. There would come a time when they would have to choose either to take the Mark or be arrested.

  Xander watched his beautiful wife come through the electronic doors carrying her bags with Michael close behind her. Elizabeth’s long dark hair was swinging as she walked, her eyes lighting with a smile as she saw him, and he suddenly found himself very angry.

  As Elizabeth got in the van, she felt his dark mood. She placed the bags at her feet and reached for her husband’s hand. “What’s wrong, my love?”

  “The same thing that has been wrong since the beginning of last summer,” he answered bitterly. “Did you not see those men who entered the store just before you left it? They are here to bring the grocery store up to government standards. Soon, we will not be able to buy food here, Elizabeth.”

  She tilted her head and saw the tension in his face. “We knew this was coming. Why are you suddenly upset?”

  He thought a moment. “We have spent almost nine months traveling the country warning people not to submit to this law, but we really have not accomplished anything. We have not done anything to stop it, and in a little more than two weeks, people whom we have failed to reach for Christ will be permanently marked with the symbol of Satan. They will belong to him, choosing to take the Mark without fully realizing the consequences. We must do something,” Xander said.

  “We have done important work. People are fighting against Gregory now. They will refuse to take the Mark,” Elizabeth replied earnestly.

  “And they will go to jail and lose their jobs,” he answered. “We have done what we were supposed to do, but now it is time for action. I feel strongly that we must do more; we must stop this lunacy.”

  He released her hand and turned the key in the ignition, beginning the short drive to their home.


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