The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 82

by Robin M Helm

  “What can we do?” she asked, looking back at her sleeping babies.

  “God’s timing is always perfect, Elizabeth. He changed you when He did for a reason. He said that you and I would fight side-by-side, and He also said that we would live for many more years.”

  She nodded. “Yes, He did. Do you think that means that you and I are supposed to stop Gregory ourselves? And that we will survive it?”

  “While we traveled the country over the past few months, I have had peace that we were doing what God wanted us to do. Now, I know that the time is right for doing more. We have taught the people, explaining the Scriptures to them, and when we give them the chance to reject the Mark, they will do so, but it is up to us to give them that chance. I am the Chief Guardian. This bill is a direct threat to every believer in the United States, and we will deal with it as such.”

  Xander’s anger evaporated quickly as a plan began to form in his mind. “To answer your questions, yes, I do think that we are supposed to put a halt to Gregory’s plans. However, we will not be alone – far from it, in fact. And, yes, my love, we will survive.”

  Finally! exclaimed Michael, who had been ready to fight Gregory for many years. The warriors who flew by their Captain actually smiled.

  Even I am eager for this confrontation, thought Gabriel.

  “So I guess it is unanimous?” asked Elizabeth, hearing the thoughts of her brothers. “Suddenly, I feel the need for an intense training session.”

  “You are more prepared than you know, Elizabeth,” said Xander. “Jehovah Himself said that you have done well, my guardian warrior wife.” His blue eyes twinkled in spite of his serious mien.

  “I suppose that you already have a plan in mind,” she stated. Then, listening to his mind, she began to smile. “Excellent!”


  Aborian stood fidgeting before Gregory, awaiting his instructions and avoiding his eyes.

  The President spoke. “It is time for us to use the information we glean from the woman who works with SoulFire. So far, we have only irritated them. That was well-played, Aborian, for they have no idea that we can intercept all of her messages. Now, we will use your work to destroy them. I want to know where they are at all times. Report directly to me and to no one else. Do you understand?”

  Aborian understood very well. “I will tell no one else but you, my Prince.”


  Xander and Elizabeth met the rest of the SoulFire team the next morning at Jonathan and Charlotte’s home in Columbia, South Carolina, to plan their next tour. Amy, Dave, and Mark sat on a couch in the living room, while Charlotte and Jonathan were on the loveseat.

  Both Jonathan and Charlotte noticed that Xander was uncharacteristically edgy.

  Unwilling to leave his children so far from him, he had brought them with him and Elizabeth. Anna watched their three children, along with Eli, in Eli’s nursery.

  Guardians remained close to their charges as warriors stood vigil throughout the house.

  Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “Xander, are you going to tell us what is wrong?”

  Xander had been sitting on the edge of the couch, so tense that he had not leaned back into the furniture. At Jonathan’s question, he rose and began to pace. He stopped at the mantel, turned, and faced the questioning expressions of his friends. Gabriel stood beside him.

  “Elizabeth and I feel that we must take drastic action to stop people from being forced to take the Mark,” he said quietly.

  Elizabeth left the couch and stepped to her husband’s side, reaching for his hand, as they listened to the others processing the information in their minds. Michael was at Elizabeth’s side.

  After a few moments, Jonathan asked, “What do you want us to do?”

  Xander shook his head. “There is no ‘us’ in this, Jonathan. God has chosen this task for Elizabeth and me. The rest of you must stay together and pray while we meet Gregory.”

  Charlotte’s face showed her fear for her closest friends. “You expect us to hide away while you meet Gregory and whatever army he brings with him? How can you ask that of us? And how do you even know Gregory himself will come?”

  Xander visibly relaxed. “I can ask it because I know your prayers will be powerful and used by God to strengthen us and ensure our success. I know that Gregory will come, because I know how his mind works. We have been convincing people not to take his Mark, and he wants to kill us. We will stop Gregory from carrying out his plans, and we will be safe. You should not worry, Charlotte.”

  “Are you sure about this?” asked Jonathan, his eyes full of concern.

  Xander and Elizabeth looked at each other. She smiled at him, and the confidence she displayed spoke to everyone else in the room.

  Without moving her eyes from those of her husband, she replied, “We are confident that this is God’s will.”

  He kissed her forehead, and then turned, looking at Amy.

  “Amy, it is time to spring the trap we have been laying for three years,” said Xander.

  “Good,” she said. “I’ve been ready for a new phone and laptop for at least a year now.”

  Her levity broke the somber mood of the room, and they chuckled in response.

  Xander smiled. “Send everyone in this room a text and an e-mail saying that you have set up the secret meeting I requested for tonight at eleven. There’s a big, open field well outside the city limits to the northwest with nothing for miles around.”

  He drew a paper from his pocket and handed it to Amy, saying, “I have written out the message for you, because you must be very specific about the location. While we meet Gregory and his followers there, all of you must gather a group of the strongest believers you know into the sanctuary of Northwoods Church and pray for us until we come to you after it is over. Tell them to bring their children with them, and do not let them out of your sight. I have already contacted Pastor Brooks, so he is expecting your call today, Jonathan. No one except for the people you contact can know of your meeting.”

  Jonathan looked unhappy. “What about your children?”

  Elizabeth’s face was serene. “We visited my parents last night. They, along with Chance, Janna, and Matthew, will be at Northwoods with our children and the rest of you.”

  Charlotte’s eyes bored into Elizabeth’s like laser beams. “You do not have to do this alone. Please, let Jonathan and me come with you and Xander.”

  Mark added, “You were there for me several years ago when the serpent came for me; please, let me be there with you now. Don’t try to take this on by yourselves.”

  Xander and Elizabeth spoke together. “We will not be alone.”

  Michael smiled with confidence and folded his arms, legs apart, while Gabriel’s expression became unusually steely. Gone was the peacemaker, and in his place stood the undefeated warrior.

  From his place behind Jonathan, Lexus looked at the archangels and spoke. I would fight alongside you. Can you not send warriors to take my place?

  Edward’s expression held a similar look of longing, and that expression was duplicated on every angelic face in the room.

  Xander, the Chief of Guardians, answered, You are needed to protect the rest of the team. I want the two of you, as well as the other guardians and warriors in this room, to be near my children, my friends, and the rest of my family while I fight. The warriors who are not assigned to be with you will be with us. When Gregory sees that Jonathan, Charlotte, and the other team members are not with us, he may send demonic warriors to look for them. He may even try to find our children, and you may have to battle for them tonight. Elizabeth and I will be more at peace knowing that you and the others are here, Lexus. It will be well.

  Xander spoke into the minds of the guardians and warriors in the room with them, as well as those whom God had selected for his children, and who protected them in the nursery even as they listened to him. Cahal, Kenward, Abner, Kenelm, Baron, and Reima will be with the rest of you – Elizabeth and I know that you, as well a
s the others, would battle for our children until you were unbodied.

  Every guardian and warrior in the room nodded solemnly at his statement. Through the might of Jehovah-Ganan, they would protect John David, Faith, and Alex. Such a mighty group had not been assembled in one place for two thousand years.

  Charlotte searched Elizabeth’s eyes, and then Xander’s. She was satisfied and nodded at Jonathan.

  Jonathan stood, and the four other members of the SoulFire team followed his example. Xander and Elizabeth stepped into the middle of their circle where five pairs of human hands were laid on them as Jonathan led the group in a prayer requesting protection for the Darcys. Guardians moved and reached to touch their charges as warriors hovered over them.

  As soon as Jonathan said, “Amen,” Amy sent her text messages and e-mails, and the rest of the group discussed what had to be done. They then said their goodbyes, hugged each other, and hurried to accomplish their tasks before the evening was upon them.


  By 10:30 that night, everyone was in place. Northwoods Church was filled with believers on their knees in intercessory prayer. Most of the children were asleep on the pews, and the few who were not, sensing the gravity of the situation, remained quietly by their parents. The only lights left shining in the building were those which were never turned off for security reasons. A storm threatened, but so far, the rain had not come. Distant lightning flashed occasionally, and the rumble of thunder could be heard from far away.

  Guardians and warriors stood thickly throughout the sanctuary, remaining on full alert, every sense heightened.

  David and Lynne bowed on their knees in a group with Jonathan and Charlotte at the front of the sanctuary. The twins and Eli slept in their baby seats while John David slumbered with his cousin Matthew on a blanket and pillows which had been placed on the floor for him by his grandmother. Charles and Janna knelt with Caroline and Anne Bingley behind the Bennets. The sanctuary was quiet except for the murmur of voices raised in intercessory prayer.

  Niall and Roark stood alongside David and Lynne Bennet, their hands resting on the shoulders of their charges.

  Niall looked at Roark, a question in his eyes. Sometimes it is God’s will that His people die. Do you think that Xander and Elizabeth will survive this?

  Roark lowered his head, hiding his expression. If Jehovah takes them, it will serve His greater glory. It would mean that their deaths will accomplish more than their lives.

  Niall sighed. That is true; however, I must admit that I will be glad when this night is over. I will rejoice to see my brother and my sister again, if it is His will.


  Xander and Elizabeth drove to the meeting place accompanied by Michael and Gabriel, as well as many other guardians and warriors. While they traveled, they listened to a radio news channel. None of them were surprised to hear the announcement that President Wickham, along with the governor of South Carolina, had declared martial law throughout the state. A curfew was in effect, and anyone who was outside of their homes after 11:00 would be arrested.

  By 10:30, they had arrived at the designated area and parked in an area off the dirt access road in which their vehicle would be hidden. The couple left the van and traveled the short remaining distance on foot.

  Michael had deployed scouts throughout the city and the outlying areas, and as they reported back periodically to him, he relayed information to all of the angelic beings both in Columbia and with him in the open area. Xander had summoned all un-assigned guardians, and Michael had called in many thousands of warriors. The Host stood at attention as they encircled the open field where they waited for the meeting.

  At 10:45, scouts reported the movement of a large military force, transported by jeeps and trucks, headed for the field. President Wickham, surrounded by his guards and the Secret Service, rode in a covered vehicle with the state governor. Led by Commander Abigor and Underprince Tala, demonic warriors flew overhead in swarms, numbering in the thousands.

  Xander took Elizabeth’s hand as they walked in human form to the middle of the field – two lone humans surrounded by an unseen force of unparalleled power. Michael stood by Elizabeth, tensed for battle, and Gabriel took his stance by Xander.

  Xander smiled as he smelled the foul odor of approaching evil. He took the bait.

  Elizabeth squeezed his hand. We have been heading for this battle from the moment I was born. We will do as instructed in James 4:7, ‘Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.’

  Xander answered, And since we have long ago submitted to God, we now take the first step in resisting the devil. We are standing fast and fighting. It will be interesting to see if Gregory comes without Lucifer. Gregory thinks he is smart, but Lucifer is the crafty one. He would flee in the face of the angelic Host. I doubt that Gregory will do so. He has deceived himself into believing that he can defeat us.

  Elizabeth answered with Psalm 144:1, ‘Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; my lovingkindness and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and He in whom I take refuge; who subdues my people under me.’

  ‘For Thou art my lamp, O Lord; and the Lord illumines my darkness. For by Thee I can run upon a troop; by my God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is blameless; the word of the Lord is tested; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him,’ replied Xander, quoting II Samuel 22:29.

  Elizabeth lifted her face to the moonless sky, raised her hands with her palms toward heaven, and quoted Psalm 16:8, I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

  Xander spoke aloud from I John 5:19-20. “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding, in order that we might know Him Who is true, and we are in Him Who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.”

  As the minutes passed, the couple continued to quote Scripture and pray, and their strength grew. They felt the prayers of the saints, and they were anointed with the power of God Himself.

  The air grew heavy with the smell of rain as the sounds of thunder grew louder, and eventually, the thunder mingled with the sounds of the approaching army.

  Gregory’s transport entered the huge clearing first and stopped at the edge of the woods. A guard opened his door, and President Wickham exited the vehicle and walked toward the couple, accompanied by troops of armed soldiers. A few guardians walked among the soldiers, whispering to their charges.

  The state governor, as well as a military officer, walked by Wickham’s side, and legions of dark ones fanned out around the Dark Prince, howling and shrieking as they danced and writhed. Demonic warriors formed a line to each side of President Wickham and stood in battle stances, Abigor and Tala taking their places on either side of him.

  Elizabeth carefully controlled her features, unwilling to betray any hint of her feelings upon seeing the dark ones for the first time. Xander heard her mind recoil in revulsion at the sight of their distorted, evil beauty. He knew she fought the bile rising in her throat, and he took her hand in his to give her comfort and support.

  Gregory stopped about five feet from Xander and Elizabeth, glancing around the clearing. “So, you two are here alone. I am not surprised. You are aware, I suppose, that the governor of South Carolina is the Commander-in-Chief of the state’s National Guard?”

  Xander smiled, releasing Elizabeth as he extended his hand to the unfortunate man. “Governor, I am Xander Darcy, and this is my wife, Elizabeth.”

  As the governor hesitated, and then reached out his hand toward Xander’s, Gregory swore an ugly oath. The governor blinked and withdrew his hand.

  “This is not a church picnic, Xander. We are here to arrest you and your wife,” Gregory spat.

  It was Elizabeth’s turn to smile, focusing her full attention on her former friend. “Arrest us, Gregory? Wh
atever for?”

  Gregory’s eyes glowed dangerously. “Haven’t you been going all over the country encouraging people to refuse the Mark? The Adjutant General, Major General Fields, is here as the head of the Military Department of this state. Under martial law, I could arrest you myself, but I am scrupulously observing all the correct protocols. The governor and the Major General will enforce the laws of South Carolina.”

  Xander raised an eyebrow. “What laws have we broken? We still have freedom of speech in this country, do we not?”

  Gregory’s eyes flashed. “You do not have freedom to preach against the laws of the land. You are an accessory before the fact and are accused of solicitation and incitement. It is illegal to encourage your followers to commit a crime by refusing to submit to the law. That is an inchoate offense, concerned with aiding, abetting, counseling, or procuring an offense to be committed. Counseling people to refuse the Mark is an active attempt to get them to commit an offending act. Your intent is clear.”

  Elizabeth smiled at him again. “It seems the law degree paid off, Gregory, but you are forgetting one tiny fact.”

  “And just what ‘fact’ have I forgotten, El?” Gregory asked with a sneer. “Enlighten me.”

  She laughed. “No one has yet refused the Mark.”

  The governor looked uncomfortable, and the Major General narrowed his eyes.

  Gregory’s temper was unleashed as he shouted at the two officials, “Arrest them! I order it!”

  Michael and Gabriel stepped closer to their charges in response to the threat.

  “Sir, with all respect, I cannot,” replied the officer. “Mrs. Darcy is correct. Once the law is implemented, if their followers refuse the Mark, we can arrest them. It was my understanding that this couple had already broken a law. If I had known this was not the case, we would not have come here.”

  The governor nodded in agreement. “Mr. President, I think the Major General is correct. I don’t think we have grounds for their arrest as yet.”

  Gregory looked at his watch. “They have broken the curfew. Arrest them.”


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