The Guardian Trilogy

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The Guardian Trilogy Page 83

by Robin M Helm

  Xander calmly held up his hand. “We will leave immediately. Would that suit?”

  “No!” thundered Gregory, looking at the governor. “I order you to arrest them. Under martial law, you must obey me.”

  A rumble sounded in the heavens, as if in answer to the Dark Prince.

  “Mr. President, I don’t think this will play well in the press. We have a small army here to take two people into custody. They aren’t armed, and they aren’t causing any problems that I can see. Let’s wait until the Mark law goes into effect. We can take them to jail in two weeks just as well as we can tonight,” said the governor reasonably.

  “Then leave, cowards!” shouted Gregory, not even attempting to hide his flaming eyes and balled fists. “I’ll handle this myself, but I promise that you will regret this!”

  Seeing his loss of control and frightened by his erratic behavior, the governor and the Major General ordered the troops back to the transports, and then hurried to the nearest vehicle and got inside with the soldiers.

  Gregory held to his fragile self-control until the human troops were clear of the area. When the sounds of the trucks faded, he swiftly changed into demonic form, and his followers spread into a battle formation.

  Xander also morphed, fully arrayed in the battle gear provided to him by his Father, including his helmet and sandals. Gregory quickly drew his sword and, and the metallic shriek of thousands of weapons being unsheathed screamed through the night.

  The dark forces rapidly attacked Xander, separating him from Elizabeth, as other strong demons advanced on Michael and Gabriel, covering them in darkness. Consequently, Xander, Michael, and Gabriel were immediately engaged in the thick of the battle, surrounded by demonic warriors, unable to help Elizabeth as Gregory lunged at her.

  Seeing Gregory’s scheme, in the second before the Dark Prince could reach her, Elizabeth assumed her guardian warrior form, her armor a feminine version of Xander’s, lifting her shield to fend off Gregory’s expected blows.

  Gregory’s face registered his surprise, and he faltered for a moment before he was able to continue the fight. Elizabeth made full use of his hesitation and pressed her advantage, using her sword to drive him closer to her husband.

  Light faced darkness across the field as the two sides engaged in fierce combat. Xander, Gabriel, and Michael slashed through the demons, working their way ever closer to Elizabeth and Gregory. As soon as Elizabeth had maneuvered Gregory into position, swinging and slashing her sword against his in figure-eight patterns, Elizabeth allowed him to think he had the upper hand, and she began to move backwards, as if he were pushing her.

  Elizabeth’s strategy was successful, and when she had lured Gregory near enough to Xander, Michael, and Gabriel, she fitted her back against theirs in a formation they had practiced many times. Michael was the point of the square, while Xander and Gabriel took the attack positions to his right and his left. Michael rapidly turned the formation, putting Elizabeth in the rear, facing the opposite direction of the Captain of the Host, while he directed their movements. Their thoughts linked together, and they fought as one, twirling and slashing through the heart of the demonic army as Gregory stayed with them.

  The storm clouds moved in, obliterating the stars, and the battle raged in absolute darkness.

  Michael concentrated on Gregory. If we behead the snake, the body will be without direction, he thought.

  Gregory’s guards tried to protect him, but in his pride, the halfling ordered them away.

  Elizabeth held her own, using her sword skillfully, taking the heads of several fiends, breathing in their foul stench as they disintegrated before her.

  When too many threatened her at once, Michael turned their formation, sometimes spinning the four of them rapidly as they twirled their bodies and slashed back and forth with their weapons.

  Three things happened at once in the blackness of the night.

  At the edge of the clearing, Michael pinned Gregory against a tree with his sword at the halfling’s throat, and Lucifer’s roar resounded through the clearing, calling a halt to the battle.

  At the same time, every angelic being heard a deep Voice commanding, Put away your instruments of war.

  Their orders were instantly obeyed. Both sides disarmed, a hiss rippling through the ranks as weapons were put away, and then there was silence.

  Gregory, freed when Michael sheathed his sword, raised his own weapon to take advantage, but Michael blocked him with his shield.

  When Gregory moved to the side to position himself for another strike at Michael, Lucifer, in full battle gear, landed between them, holding up his hand to his son. Gabriel, Xander, and Elizabeth moved to stand beside Michael.

  You dare to defy me? I told you there was no need for action at this time, yet you engage Michael and the Host! Who do you think you are, infant? You worm! Your stupidity is destroying my army. I made you, and I will unmake you! the Prince of Demons screamed, drawing his sword and causing the ground to shake.

  Gregory sneered at him. You are old and useless. The only power you have kept has been through me! The people worship me, not you! You are a complete failure and an utter fool. Step aside and let the true Lord of Darkness reign. I will raise my throne above yours and God’s.

  Lucifer, enraged beyond anything he had ever known before, leapt and slashed at his son, neatly severing him into two halves. As Gregory bled out on the ground, Lucifer kicked the upper half of his torso away from his legs. While the forces of light and evil watched, Gregory slowly melted away, and nothing was left except his hot blood, scorching the grass and soaking into the ground.

  Rain began to fall, pelting the ground, washing away all evidence that Gregory had ever existed.

  Lucifer stood over the fading remains of his son, eyes blazing while he muttered oaths. He looked up and saw Michael, standing a short distance away with his arms folded.

  Lucifer smirked at the Captain of the Hosts. You think this is over, old friend? Gregory was not the only way. I have another.

  Satan then fixed his flaming eyes on Xander and Elizabeth. You are feeble and pitiful before me. You have won nothing. My time will come, and I will destroy both of you and your children myself.

  Xander replied, The Lord rebuked you this time, and He will do so again by the Word of His mouth. It is written.

  Lucifer cursed and turned his back, facing his army. As if by silent command, the demonic ranks rose as one into the air, blocking the sky, making the night even darker as they scattered and flew off in different directions.

  Xander and Elizabeth looked up, watching the darkness flee the clearing.

  Elizabeth held her husband’s eyes with hers. It isn’t over, is it?

  He smiled grimly. For this moment it is; however, until the Almighty Himself decides that this age will end, we will continue to fight.


  Anne Wickham sat in a rocking chair in the White House, smiling a secret smile as she looked at the small, distinct bulge of her belly, caressing it with both hands, rocking slowly. She began to sing a lullaby softly, and her mother entered the room.

  “Ah, I used to sing that song to you when you were little.” She paused. “Anne, it is finished, but there is no body to be found. Your husband has simply vanished as far as the world is concerned,” she said, stroking her daughter’s hair.

  “I’m glad he’s dead, and I hope it was painful. I suffered enough at his hand.” She sighed. “I will live with you and Father until the baby is born, and then my father-in-law will have need of my son… and of me,” answered Anne.

  Her father stood in the open door, his Russian heritage plainly displayed by his accent. “He will have uses for all four of us, I would imagine.”

  Anne’s mother laughed. “Gregory never realized that while he did not fulfill the prophecies, his child would. I would have loved to have told him myself that my mother was of Middle Eastern descent. His expression would have been most amusing, I think.”

glanced up at her father. “It’s a good thing our Master told us to say you were dead, Papa. That accent would have given you away, and legally changing our last name years ago was brilliant, Mama. The Dark Lord had every detail planned from the beginning. When he presented me as a bride for his son, Gregory never suspected that he was merely a pawn, a way for this child to be conceived.”


  After searching for several days, the governmental powers could no longer keep the disappearance of the President a secret. A statement was released detailing the President’s sudden illness and consequent death. An unopened coffin stood in the rotunda of the Capitol Building while the Vice President, Hugh Dodge, was sworn in as President. His first official act was to lead the repeal of the controversial Mark bill. As the repeal wended its way through Congress, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case challenging the constitutionality of the law, and they issued an injunction stopping the implementation of it until the case was decided.

  Knowing that the bill would be struck down, Lucifer had decided that a retreat for the present was the wisest course of action.


  Xander and Elizabeth enjoyed time at home with their children, extended family, and friends for several months after the death of Gregory. SoulFire Ministries continued, but the pace was not as frantic as it had been. The couple continued to teach their children themselves, knowing that eventually, the three of them would need to be ready to live their unique destinies.

  One afternoon as Xander sat at the piano, playing a Chopin etude to keep his skills sharp, three-year-old John David came up beside him.

  “I can do that!” said the boy, confidently.

  Xander and Gabriel shared a smile. Xander well remembered those words coming from Elizabeth’s mouth when she was but five years old.

  Cahal and Kenward stood on either side of the instrument.

  “Elizabeth!” called Xander as he lifted his son to the bench and moved to stand behind him. “You may want to come in here and see this.”

  She hurried in, followed by Michael carrying a twin on each hip.

  Abner, Kenelm, Baron, and Reima were close behind Michael.

  There on the piano bench sat her eldest, John David, a small replica of his father, smiling at her brightly. He then turned to the piano, his short fingers flying over the keys as he played the etude perfectly.

  Elizabeth put her hand over her mouth, and in her mind she heard two childish voices.

  I play, too!

  She walked over to the piano, ruffled her son’s hair, and kissed her husband. “I think we may need to build another music room onto the house. It appears that we may need more than one piano.”

  “I think you are right, love,” he said as he turned to take his wife into his arms. “I have been debating the idea of building our own recording studio on the land in the back of the property.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his nose. “You would like to keep us all here together, wouldn’t you? You would be happy never to leave the house.”

  “And what is wrong with that?” he asked, smiling gently at her. “I love my family. We have to leave to tour and do a few other things, but otherwise, I would willingly stay right here with you and the children. Is that so terrible?” he asked, pulling her more tightly to him.

  “No,” she answered, putting her cheek to his chest and listening to his strong heart beat. “Nothing is wrong with that at all. It’s a lovely idea. I’ve had enough excitement to last at least one lifetime, and I’m looking forward to being with you for eternity.”

  Xander looked over his wife’s head at his brothers with his children, and his heart swelled with love. He was perfectly content. As he began to think of how much he had been blessed, Elizabeth’s thoughts joined with his as they quoted Ephesians 4:20 and 21 together, ‘Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.’

  “Amen!” sounded three little voices in unison.

  End of Book Three

  The Guardian Trilogy

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  Names of God

  Jehovah-Adonai -The Lord God - Exodus 6:2-3

  Jehovah-Bara - Lord Creator - Isaiah 40:28

  Jehovah-Chatsahi - Lord my Strength - Psalm 27:1

  Jehovah-Chereb - Lord the Sword - Deut. 33:29

  Jehovah-Eli - Lord my God - Psalm 18:2

  Jehovah-Elyon - Lord Most High - Psalm 38:2

  Jehovah-Gador Milchamah - Mighty in Battle - Ps 24:8

  Jehovah-Ganan - Lord Our Defense - Ps 89:18

  Jehovah-Go'el - Lord My Redeemer - Is. 49:26, 60:16

  Jehovah-Hashopet - Lord My Judge - Judges 11:27

  Jehovah-Helech 'Olam - Lord King Forever Ps10:16

  Jehovah-Hoshe'ah - Lord Saves - Psalm 20:9

  Jehovah-Jireh - Provider - Gen. 22:14, I John 4:9, Phil. 4:19

  Jehovah-Kabodhi - Lord my Glory - Psalm 3:3

  Jehovah-Keren-Yish'i - Horn of Salvation - Ps 18:2

  Jehovah-M'Kaddesh - Sanctifier - I Corinthians 1:30

  Jehovah-Machsi - Lord my Refuge - Psalm 91:9

  Jehovah-Magen - Lord my Shield - Deut. 33:29

  Jehovah-Ma'oz - Lord my Fortress - Jer. 16:19

  Jehovah-Mephalti - Lord my Deliverer - Psalm 18:2

  Jehovah-Metshodhathi - Lord my Fortress - Psalm 18:2

  Jehovah-Misqabbi - Lord my High Tower - Psalm 18:2

  Jehovah-M'gaddishcem - Lord my Sanctifier - Ex 31:13

  Jehovah-Naheh - Lord who Smites - Ezekiel 7:9

  Jehovah-Nissi - Banner - I Chronicles 29:11-13

  Jehovah-Rophe - Healer - Isaiah 53:4,5

  Jehovah-Sabaoth - Lord of Hosts - I Sam 1:3

  Jehovah-Sel'i - Lord my Rock - Psalm 18:2

  Jehovah-Shalom - Peace - Isaiah 9:6, Rom 8:31-35

  Jehovah-Shammah - Present - Hebrews 13:5

  Jehovah-Tsidkenu - Righteousness - I Cor 1:30

  Jehovah-Tsori - Lord my Strength - Psalm 19:14

  Jehovah-Yasha - Lord my Savior - Isaiah 49:26

  Jehovah-'Ez-Lami - Lord my Strength - Ps 28:7

  Jehovah-'Immeku - Lord Is With You - Judges 6:12

  Jehovah-'Izoa Hakaboth - Lord Strong -Mighty - Ps 24:8

  Jehovah-'Ori - Lord my Light - Psalm 27:1

  Jehovah-'Uzam - Lord Strength in Trouble - Is 49:26


  Robin Helm is the author of The Guardian Trilogy, a Christian fantasy fiction series which includes Guardian, SoulFire, and Legacy. She has also published The Yours by Design series (Accidentally Yours, Sincerely Yours, and Forever Yours), Understanding Elizabeth, and two anthologies – A Very Austen Christmas: Austen Anthologies, Book 1 and A Very Austen Valentine: Austen Anthologies, Book 2.

  Mrs. Helm is the owner of, a forum founded to bring together like-minded writers and readers of clean, flinch-free fiction.

  She and her husband live in South Carolina with their Yorkie-Poo, Toby, where Mrs. Helm teaches piano and serves as Associate in Music at her church.

  Mrs. Helm has one husband, two daughters, two sons-in-law, three grandchildren, four family dogs, three part-time jobs, and nine published books.

  She plans to release four more books in 2019.

  Keep up with her by following her Amazon Author page.

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