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Hunt by Numbers

Page 4

by Kimberly A Rogers

  “And who is that?”

  My grip tightened on Lauren’s hand even as I offered a mocking smile. “My wife. Naturally. We thank you for your hospitality. Now, we shall be leaving. Don’t worry, we won’t stay in Venice past sunup.”

  I started backing away, Lauren in step with me, with the dragon prince studying us both far too closely. Her tone was contemplative when she opened her mouth and murmured, “To leave one’s loyalty to a single person is so . . . vulnerable, Myrmidon. Your kind should know better. For it was the Myrmidons who were the first to enforce loyalty by means of a mate, was it not?”

  I stopped still and met her gaze as I pulled Lauren directly behind me. “You can have Lauren when I’m dead. Not a moment before and if you try, you must trust that my rage will be unstoppable, and I won’t care whose side gets in my way. I won’t be able to care.”

  Lauren’s fingers wiggled within my grasp, and I eased my hold. Then she clung to my hand with more fervor, nails digging into the back of my hand. The pressure was enough for me to break my gaze with the dragon. Looking down, I met Lauren’s wide eyes. She gave the faintest shake of her head. I closed my eyes for a moment and offered a slight nod in return.

  When I turned back to the dragon prince, I managed to push more civility into my voice as I raised my free hand. “It seems we are now at an impasse. Have we leave to go?”

  “Provided you leave my city no later than sunup.” The dragon prince glanced at Lauren and added, “I hope for all our sakes that your trust in this abomination is not misplaced. And, that you will not hesitate to use that which is within you. It stirs now, but you will need to awaken it fully if you wish to have the power to withstand this coming storm.”

  * * *

  Chapter Four


  The dragon prince was generous enough to lend us an escort back to our safe house. If I hadn’t already been torn between anger and worry, I might have been just a little bit amused at the pinched expression Mathias wore when the two 8s politely gestured for us to enter the house. As soon as we were inside the house, however, Mathias turned the pinched expression on me. “We had a plan.”

  “Yes, one that was meant for when we were separated in a crowd due to evading Weard’s hunters. Not you being led off to the dragon prince.” I dug through my go bag to find the first aid kit as I added, “What were you thinking? Antagonizing her?”

  “I had everything under control,” came the smooth reply.

  I cast him a dirty look. “Did you?” Opening the kit with a bit more force than necessary, I pulled out the disinfectant and a clean cloth. Then, I pointed at him. “Sit, so I can reach.”

  Mathias let out a sigh, but didn’t resist as he perched on the edge of the bed. His blue-green eyes studied my face closely as I cleaned away the drying blood. “What on earth possessed you to come running into the lair of a royal dragon?”

  “They had taken you, and I have fought too hard to just stand by.” I frowned at him as I cleaned the last of the blood from his throat. “Antagonizing a royal dragon is a death wish. Even a 10 like you should know that. How could you call that ‘under control’?”

  “They weren’t 10s were they?”

  His tone was so light and casual I wanted to smack someone . . . like him. I glared at him. “Mathias, they were both 9s and for your information, two 9s make 18, which is always greater than a single 10.”

  The side of his mouth pulled up into the little half smile that normally warmed me from head to toe. He shrugged. “I don’t think the numbers work that way. Otherwise, 10s wouldn’t be quite so feared.”

  “If you had unleashed the Myrmidons’ cold fury on the dragon prince and her consort, you would have destroyed everything we fought for up to this point,” I stated quietly. My hands were trembling as I dabbed the disinfectant along either side of his chin. The memory of the dragon prince with her claws cutting into his skin brought back the terror of that moment. The thought of losing him had struck me harder than having to march into the room and call the attention of two 9s to myself. I didn’t even want to imagine what would have happened if I’d lost him.

  “Lauren, sweetheart,” he reached up to still my fingers, “I would never do anything like that. No matter how bothersome a dragon decides to be.” His eyes glowed with sincerity as he brought my palms close enough to kiss them. “Trust me?”

  “Yes.” I paused a deliberate beat then added, “I still think you were an idiot in there.”

  He grinned. “That’s fair.”

  “And from now on, should we need to enter a dragon’s territory, I want you to carefully consider what happened here and not repeat it.” I pointed a finger at him as I added, “Because if you do, Mathias, so help me, I will find a way to sneak in again and throw something heavy at your head. I went to Greece for you!”

  He grabbed my hand again and placed a kiss against my extended finger. Then, he grinned as he pulled me into his lap. Wrapping his arms around me, he hugged me close. “Yes, you did. I promise no more Greece. Although, I rather thought you enjoyed your trip to Sparta.”

  Despite my efforts to remain annoyed with him, the blood rushing to my cheeks rather defeated me. I rolled my eyes at him. “You can’t behave at all, can you?”

  “Not particularly,” he murmured in agreement.

  He leaned in for a kiss and I touched a finger to his lips instead. “Don’t we have a deadline?”

  “Forget the deadline. And dragons,” he grumbled as he pushed my finger away. His gaze dropped to my lips. “I know exactly what I want to do next.”

  “Mathias, we have to figure out a destination.”

  “Naples is always nice. Or Verona. Unless you would prefer to go to Pisa?” He leaned in again, but this time angled his head down to trail kisses along my neck.

  “Mathias, I really need you to focus.” He was making it rather difficult to think at the moment.

  “I am focused,” he murmured between kisses.

  “Wrong kind of focused.”

  He pulled back slightly and offered a sly smile that nearly took my breath away. “I can think of other areas to focus on if you prefer.” He pressed a kiss to the corner of my jaw, then to the right of my mouth.

  My resolve weakened with every kiss. With more effort than usual, I pulled myself out of his arms and his lap. “Mathias, please behave.” Taking a steadying breath, I turned to face him and lowered my voice in case the so called escort still lingered. “The seer saw something. Aside from the fact he kept calling me the . . . Destroyer.” I swept my hair back out of my eyes as I recalled the seer’s exact words. “He said I would find the answers to my past or the path to finding them in the seven hills.”

  Mathias frowned, play forgotten, as he rose to his feet. “What did he say exactly?”

  The memory of the seer’s words had been imprinted on my mind with such force that they rose readily when summoned. My throat tightened as I forced the words out in a low whisper, “The Destroyer must travel to the seven hills. There she will find the one called Raz Yakov. He will set her path before her feet.”

  “Raz Yakov?” Mathias’ brow furrowed for several moments before he shook his head. “I don’t know the name, which could mean he hasn’t come to Weard’s attention or merely that I was never in a meeting about him.”

  I nodded, mind racing ahead to the next and most important piece. “But, the seven hills? You know where that must mean, yes?”

  “Roma,” Mathias muttered. He grabbed our go bags and slung them over his shoulder. “All right, I would have preferred Tuscany. More wine. However, Rome is a place where we will most definitely not run into any more dragon princes so let’s be off.”

  Not running into more dragon princes certainly sounded like a relief to me. I would prefer not having to worry about rescuing Mathias from himself. Or from any irate royals. And despite my misgivings about how he had handled himself tonight, I couldn’t help feeling that Mathias would definitely be safer if I could keep him out
of the company of dragons. Especially those who wanted to use him in a brewing dragon war.

  I prayed that God would show us a little mercy this time. Going to Rome was a risk. All I wanted was to get in, find this Raz Yakov, and then find my past. Without falling prey to hunters or being sought out by dragons again. One powerful and dangerous paranormal in my life was more than enough, thank you.

  * * *

  Chapter Five


  I tended to stay less than well versed about the powerful paranormals, outside of knowing what areas of the world to avoid. I knew to avoid Greece as the birthplace of so many paranormal species, and a place where the paranormal world did not attempt to blend as much into the background of the norm’s myths and legends. Not that I was very successful at staying out of Greece this year since the Trials of Achilles required me to trace the journey of Mathias’ people, the Myrmidons, from their exile in Thrace to Troy and then to their ancient home of Thessaly. However, Greece was not the only stronghold of the ancient paranormal community.

  Rome was one of the oldest mixed societies in the paranormal community outside of Greece. Here, there were no dragon princes to hold the territory. Norms held a few key roles of leadership while ancient species held sway over the rest. A careful rotation of power resisting all attempts to sway Rome’s official position of utter neutrality. And, a large number of powerful high numbers flocked to Roman streets to conduct their business, sometimes with the aid of a glamour and other times without.

  I held a small camera in one hand as I stared across the width of the Trevi Fountain. So many golden numbers glimmered above the crowds of tourists and locals alike. They blurred worse than they had in Venice. But, I could still make out enough of them to retain the sense of my skin crawling with nerves. So many 7s, so many 8s. Even a few 9s. How could a single city be so heavily tilted toward the high end numbers?

  A mix of species, some I knew were paranormal only because of their numbers, and languages. So many people chattering at the same time that it was almost impossible to pick out a single conversation without being obvious or a species blessed with enhanced hearing. Even standing in the corner near the back of the fountain wasn’t completely out of the way. Although, I took care to keep my gaze fixed on the fountain, occasionally snapping pictures, while desperately hoping no one with a connection to Weard would see me.

  The appearance of a 7 out of the corner of my eye sent my heart hammering against my ribs like a panicked bird. The woman’s coppery red hair was twisted and braided into an elaborate chignon, and her slightly pointed ears gave away her heritage as a High Elf. She was tall too, much closer to Mathias’ height than my five foot two. Then she gave me an odd look, hazel green eyes speculative and . . . lightening to gold.

  Oh no.

  I dropped my gaze to the camera, pretending to check it, as I took a single deep breath. I had to regulate my breathing, my heart rate. Anything to keep the shifter beside me from realizing that I was absolutely petrified or my identity. After messing with the camera and almost dropping it into the fountain, I raised it to take a picture of the statue of Oceanus. And another.

  A phone rang making me jump. I barely caught the camera before it fell into the water and quickly clutched it to my chest as the shifter beside me pulled out her phone. A bright grin that seemed too . . . normal for a high number to wear, despite my knowing a 10, appeared on her face when she answered with a purr, “Tigger, you got my message!”

  “What have I told you about rearranging my office, you little mouse?”

  The woman laughed low, her smile never wavering despite the growling voice that sent a chill up and down my spine. “And, I thought you were calling to declare your undying love for me in a rather dramatic fashion. Do you miss me?”

  “No,” came the deadpan retort.

  The elf-born shifter clicked her tongue then chided, “That’s a very mean thing to say to your mate, Tigger.”

  “Yet, you rearranged my office before going to the Old World.”

  She smiled wider. “I knew you would be lonely so I left a couple reminders of my endearing presence to ease your sorrow during our current separation.”

  “Woman, you are a lunatic.”

  I had to agree with him. Although, there was a hint of fondness beneath his growled exasperation. Looking through the camera lens, I caught a glimpse of Mathias. I almost didn’t recognize him at first without the benefit of seeing his number. Thank God, he was back and in one piece.

  I glanced at the redheaded shifter once more and carefully backed up so I could scoot around her. She glanced at me again though her attention seemed mostly focused on teasing her mate. A man whose growls confirmed he was also a shifter. Shifters tended to be a very emotional and volatile group of paranormals. I had always gone out of my way to avoid the ones who worked at Halliman’s simply because they brought a level of stress with their complicated politics and loyalties that always left me a quivering mess. I couldn’t imagine being stuck with one as a mate, especially one of the more powerful ones.

  Shifting my gaze to Mathias, I could certainly appreciate the irony of being married to a 10. It was . . . insane. Absolutely insane. If he wasn’t so very calm and rather sweet in his interactions toward me, if he had radiated the same aura of power most high numbers did, I never would have stopped running. Mathias’ crooked half smile soothed my nerves as we reached each other. Then he swept me into his arms and kissed me, bending me backwards, as people around us clapped and whistled.

  His lips left mine to trail kisses down to my ear and my muddled brain registered him whispering, “All right, love?”

  “Now,” was the only thing I managed to squeeze past my own breathlessness. This man . . .

  He straightened us both and handed me a silver coin. He tilted his chin toward the fountain. “Make a wish, Lauren.”

  Running my thumb over the raised relief of a dragon, I turned my back to the fountain and closed my eyes. Then, I tossed the coin as hard as I could over my left shoulder. When I opened my eyes, Mathias smiled at me. “What did you wish for?”

  Leaning into his side as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, I smiled to myself. “You do not believe that sharing a wish negates it then?”

  “No, sharing a wish makes it easier to come true.” He glanced down at me as he added softly, “Because then I’ll know about it.”

  Unable to resist, I threw my arms around his middle and hugged him. “I’m so glad you are not a growly man.”

  Mathias let out a bemused chuckle. “I’m . . . flattered . . . I think.”

  “Trust me. You should be flattered because this never would have happened otherwise.” I glanced in one of the mirrors hanging from a street vendor’s cart and frowned at the glimpse of coppery red. Mathias’ grip on my shoulder tightened the barest amount, and I glanced up at him. He offered a reassuring smile, but I knew he realized the same thing. The woman from the fountain was following us.

  At his nod, I kept talking. “I was actually wishing we would have a safe . . . trip. All the dissension in the world can be unnerving.”

  “I’ll be by your side every step of the way,” he stated, sincerity shining in his eyes.

  And, I believed him. However, I also did not want to get caught by a shifter, elf-born or not, in the middle of Rome. I caught sight of a little café and nodded toward it. Mathias immediately angled us so we could duck into the shelter of the awning. It wasn’t enough to block the street’s view of us, however.

  The woman appeared again, a look of confusion crossing her face as she glanced around. I grabbed Mathias and rose on my toes to kiss him as her gaze turned toward us. Then, I spied her moving past the café. Dropping back to solid footing, I watched the woman meet with another 7, a man with the darker complexion of an Italian or even Grecian man. She said something to him and he looked around before shaking his head. Then, the two walked off. I didn’t care where they went as long as it was away from us.

  My he
artrate had slowed, and I glanced up to see Mathias studying me closely. His tone was quiet as he said, “Shifters don’t usually give up that easily.”

  I darted a quick wary peek at where the crowd had swallowed the two. They hadn’t reappeared. And strange or not, I was too relieved that they had moved on to really care. Letting out a slow breath, I raised my eyes back to Mathias. The question emerged in a low whisper. “Did you recognize either of them?”

  “Not the female. But, the male is a contact for Weard. He helped me a few times in the past when I needed to get into the Mediterranean, although he normally makes the arrangements without personal appearances. Likes to joke he carries the burden of Atlas.” Mathias’ gaze wandered from me to the café. “Are you hungry?”

  I blinked at the sudden shift in conversation. “We just had breakfast.”

  “Two hours ago,” he countered easily. His blue-green eyes shone with warmth that beckoned me ever closer. He dipped his head toward me and brushed a glancing kiss across the end of my nose, then he murmured in my ear, “Besides we could use a little snack before walking the rest of the way.”

  I smiled a little even as I shook my head at him. “Are you certain you’re not a shifter yourself? You eat as much as they do.”

  Mathias chuckled as he hugged me close to his chest. “Tracking down obscure people takes a lot of energy. Especially when one cannot use old contacts in one’s previous business.”

  “One must suffer so,” I murmured lightly, turning toward the café’s entrance.

  He grinned down at me. “I knew you would understand. Let’s see what they have, and then we shall discuss our next stop on the tour, yes?”

  The café was typical of Italy, cozy and crowded with strangers sitting with strangers chattering in Italian, French, and Latin for the most part. Mathias ordered for us before taking me by the hand and leading me through the crowded tables of the main room. I kept my attention fixed on the back of his shirt as it stretched across his broad shoulders. There were almost all 7s and 8s in this crowd. It was far easier to keep from panicking if I focused on the 10. Fortunately, he is the only one of his kind.


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