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Fever Pitch (Boston Beauties #1)

Page 18

by Dawn Edwards

  Drew was a flirt, but a fun easy guy to be around. Breton and he had been hanging out a lot, and when I wasn’t too busy, I sometimes tagged along. It was an escape I needed. I knew I was getting depressed, and Breton saw it also. He tried hard to assure me, but as each day went by, it was another day I had to hear Matt’s voice, or worse, as each Wednesday passed, I needed to see his ugly face across from me at dinner.

  I was doing some reading in bed when Breton came into my room later that evening. He had stayed for dinner as Dad had some project that he needed to go over with Breton. Meaning, there had been some PI work Breton did for him recently, and Dad wanted to hear all about it from Breton. ‘Hot tub?’ he asked, already wearing his swim trunks he kept here.

  ‘No,’ I said lifting my textbook. ‘Got to read.’

  ‘Come on, you have time for that later. Besides, we’re draining it tomorrow until we finish all the back decking.’

  I caved, tossing my book aside. ‘Meet you down there,’ I told him and changed into a one-piece, pulling on my large fluffy robe, then walked to the back deck—or what was left of it.

  Breton and Drew were already sitting in the hot tub, drinking a beer from the cooler on the side. I should have known Drew would be here, but it hadn’t crossed my mind as I’d never seen him ever use the hot tub. They were laughing and joking.

  I took my robe off, feeling just slightly self-conscious. Not because of Breton, I could care less, Breton was family, but Drew wasn’t. While Drew and I had made out, and his hands had been over me a few times, he’d never seen me like this, and I’d only imagined what he would look like based on the feeling of his hard body through his clothing. I’d seen his arms in t-shirts and saw the outlines of muscles from some of the fitted shirts he wore.

  ‘Beer?’ Drew asked as I immersed into the hot water, his eyes on me the entire time. I tried to get him to look away by giving him a stern look, but he just smirked, and I knew he wasn’t having any of that.

  ‘Sure, why not,’ I said settling into a corner, letting the jets do their work and the bubbles cover my curves. He stood up and scooped a beer out of the neighboring cooler for me, and opened it before passing it to me.

  When he turned towards me with the bottle outstretched, the vision in front of me made me take notice, so much so that I had to remember to keep breathing. Holy definition. I didn’t even pretend not to gawk at his bare chest. He was a whole package. He was even better than I had imagined. His shorts hanging off his hips, his toned stomach, defined pecs and firm arms I’d already had the pleasure of admiring him from afar with clothing on, but now I was considering asking my father to make it a requirement he work shirtless. His body glistened from the water and the hot tub lights. There was something to be said for working manual labor all day, every day.

  I should stop staring, I knew I should, but I didn’t care. I was enjoying the view far too much

  I reached out and accepted the beer. ‘Thanks,’ I whispered, trying not to stutter.

  He laid back. ‘I could get used to this.’

  I looked him over, sad that I no longer saw all of him. Yeah, I could get used to looking at him too.

  ‘Just wish it would get the top of my neck,’ Breton complained, turning to me and looking like he was in pain.

  ‘Oh, turn around, you baby,’ I scolded. He obeyed, and I gave the tops of his shoulder a massage.

  ‘I call next?’ Drew said, and I just laughed. Like I’d be able to handle that with an audience.

  ‘I’m no good,’ I protested, trying to get my message across that I wasn’t going to touch him with Breton here, as much as I wanted nothing more than to be all over him.

  ‘It’s better than nothing,’ Breton moaned. ‘Drew here is working me into the ground.’

  ‘An honest day’s work never killed anyone,’ Drew said. ‘You’ll get used to it in a few more days.’

  ‘Oh, stop whining,’ I teased. ‘Didn’t you say you weren’t the rich one and didn't mind getting your hands dirty?’

  ‘You try doing what I’m doing,’ he protested, and I just laughed.

  ‘That’s ok, I am rich,’ I said sarcastically. ‘I don’t get dirty.’

  ‘Getting dirty can be fun, you should come try it sometime,’ Drew said teasing, but I heard some seduction in it. I took a deep breath, oh my.

  ‘We could actually use the help a bit tomorrow,’ Breton told me as I continued to rub his neck, shoulder, and back. ‘We will have everything laid down, but watering it, and walking over it to put it in place—is that right, Drew?’

  Drew nodded. ‘Yeah, Brett has a point. I’d just have you watering and simple work, but it would be a big help. Prove you’re not useless,’ he teased before saying seriously, ‘If you could spare the time, it’d be really helpful.’

  I gave a non-committal nod.

  The next day, I didn’t actually have anything going on, so after breakfast, I put on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt and walked out to the front yard.

  I couldn’t believe Drew got me out of my clean box and would have me doing manual labor. Breton was in the garage, and Drew was kneeling down on the ground, installing a watering line. ‘Is the offer to get dirty still on the table?’ I asked, walking up behind him.

  His head snapped around, taking in what I was wearing. He stood up slowly. ‘Cupcake, you never need permission to get dirty with me,’ he responded in a low sexy voice.

  I blushed as I smiled. I still wasn’t used to him and his sexy comments. ‘So, what can I do?’

  He let out a low moan. ‘Oh the things we could do…’ he chuckled. ‘But for now, we’ve got to get the yard finished.’

  I couldn't help but laugh at him. I playfully hit his chest. ‘Stop.’

  ‘Go hook up the hose and start spraying all the grass here.’ He pointed to the entire front yard that had been re-grassed yesterday. ‘Has to be soaking wet all day.’

  I ended up spending the entire day helping out. It wasn’t hard work, but I wasn’t used to being up and moving all day and knew I’d be paying for it with a sore body for the next few days. Breton and Drew were hilarious, making fun of me all afternoon. We all had some good laughs—at my expense, but it was a good stress reliever and kept my mind off other pressing issues that Breton and I were dealing with, but still had no new information about—or if he did, he didn't share with me yet. I was also happy to spend the entire day with Drew, seeing him working in his element.

  Drew was really such a great guy; it was hard not to like him. I knew my feelings for him were going beyond simply liking the guy, I was developing an emotional attachment to him, and I knew he was growing on the rest of my family also—which, given how my family hated Matt, it would be a nice change if we ever went public.

  Wow, look at me getting so ahead of myself.

  Drew was a simple guy who didn’t seem to care about your situation, he treated everyone the same, from Kathy the housekeeper to Breton. I respected that.

  ‘Well, well, well. Look at this,’ my dad commented when he arrived home from his golf game seeing me working.

  ‘Drew, remind me to give you a raise, never thought I’d see the day my little girl worked.’

  They all poked fun at me while I protested. ‘I work. In case you forgot, I do my fair share at the company.’

  ‘Yes, dear,’ my dad said kissing the top of my forehead, walking into the house. I was still daddy's little girl through and through.

  When he was out of earshot I moaned. ‘Does everyone think I’m useless?’

  ‘Yes,’ Drew and Breton said in unison. Flustered, I picked up the hose and squirted them.

  It was nearing twilight by the time we finally finished. Matt’s Mercedes rolled into the driveway as Breton, Drew and I were in the garage. Matt didn't smile when he stepped out of his car; not that he ever smiled recently.

  ‘And the fiancé is here,’ I heard Drew murmur, watching Matt take his bag out of his car and walking up to me. They edged up close behind me. I
knew Breton didn’t want Matt anywhere near me, and I sensed Drew felt the same way, but for completely different reasons.

  ‘Hey,’ I said to him giving him a kiss on the cheek, not missing a beat in how Breton had told me I should act. My stomach turned as I did it, and I knew that if I had the courage to look at Drew afterward, I’d see a murderous look in his eyes, which was why I had to ignore him. I was a good actress, and I knew Matt wouldn’t see though it, he wouldn’t register the hatred in my eyes. He didn’t care for me or know me like Breton did, or even how Drew was getting to.

  ‘Jessa,’ he recoiled from me, looking at my dirty hands and clothing. ‘This is Armani, go shower.’

  ‘Douche,’ I heard Drew from behind me, making me smile.

  I rolled my eyes. Matt saw it but likely assumed I rolled my eyes at Drew’s comment, but really, I was rolling them at him. ‘Then change,’ he instructed. ‘We will go into town for dinner, I made reservations.’

  I moaned and scrunched up my face. ‘Matt, I’m so tired, I really just want to shower, put on sweats and eat in; Kathy's prepared dinner for us all. My cousin Abby should be here any time now too.’

  ‘Well, that’s because you’ve been out here working like a fool all day,’ he scolded. ‘You knew I was coming, that I would want to go out.

  ‘I was expecting you last night,’ I snapped.

  ‘Yes, well I have to work. I have a mortgage to pay,’ he lectured me. ‘Now, go get pretty if you can.’ He slapped me on the bum and went into the house.

  ‘You ok?’ Breton whispered to me, walking up behind me as I stood just outside the garage.

  ‘Sure,’ I said. ‘Please put an end to this soon.’

  ‘You guys can go,’ Drew offered walking into the garage. ‘I’ll finish up.’

  ‘Jessa can go. I’ll stay and help, then I have some things to do,’ Breton said aloud, assuring me he would find more tonight.

  ‘How long have they been together?’ I overheard Drew ask Breton as I walked out of the garage. Curious, I stopped at the edge of the garage to overhear their conversation. Drew hadn’t really ever brought up Matt to me, for which I was grateful. It was as if he didn’t want to recognize that I was engaged to another guy, that if he did, whatever it might be between us would disappear.

  ‘They met on vacation two years ago this past February,’ Breton explained, his voice trailing off a moment, something he did when he was thinking. ‘He’s from out west, went to university in Florida, where they met on spring break, moved to Boston for her in the fall of that year. He proposed this past New Year’s Eve.’ I could hear the anger in his voice.

  ‘You don’t like him much, I take it?’ Drew asked.

  ‘Am I that obvious?’ Breton spit out. ‘We all hate him.’

  ‘She deserves better,’ Drew commented in a voice that held conviction.

  ‘She can’t do any worse,’ Bretton added. ‘But you’re right.’

  ‘Is he after her for money?’

  ‘I have no clue. He’s got some old family money apparently, and I can’t see how he would want her only for money. My uncle will have an ironclad prenuptial agreement.’

  ‘Good, at least she’s somewhat protected.’

  I smiled at this, happy that he understood, that he wanted me protected. I didn't know for sure, but it seemed as though he truly cared for me. Trusting people’s intentions was always hard for me, but even more so now after all this shit I was going through with Matt.

  Chapter 16


  ‘EXCLUSIVITY IS REALLY LACKING around here this year,’ Matt commented when we took our seats a few hours later, looking directly across the table at where Drew was sitting next to Abby. Dad and I both shot a look to Matt, indicating to cut it out, but he had the audacity to have a smug look on his face. He was pissed at having to stay in and eat with everyone. It was true we hardly had any alone time anymore, but for me, that was all a part of the plan.

  As the wedding date approached, he became more brazen with this outward attitude towards me and my family. It was quite the switch from when he was pulling the wool over our eyes with his deceptions and manipulations. He used to be nothing but polite, helpful and caring. Now he expected to be waited on, to be spoken to with admiration and given respect. But I could also see that he felt Drew’s presence at the table was a threat to him and the attention he would be given, even if he pretended that he was indifferent to my family now. He was a narcist and wanted to brag and be praised. Sadly for him, his gig was almost up.

  It was going to be a long summer, and it was only Memorial weekend. Let the games begin. Hopefully, Matt could continue to stay away, knowing he wasn’t really welcomed or wanted here.

  ‘Great salad,’ Matt commented. ‘Your work?’ he asked looking towards Drew.

  ‘No, I can’t take credit for everything around here,’ he replied boasting himself with a straight face. ‘I think it might be the fine work of Stop and Shop,’ he replied to Matt deadpan, not allowing him to get under his skin, and making Matt look like the fool. I had to take a drink of my wine to hide my smile.

  ‘Whole Foods.’ Abby smirked at Matt; she too hated my fiancé.

  ‘So, Matthew,’ my mother broke the tension. ‘Tell us what’s new with you? We haven't seen you in so long.’

  * * *

  The weather had changed during dinner into a wet rainy night, so after dinner, we decided to stay in and stream some shows.

  Drew went back to the guest house nearly as soon as he swallowed his last bit of food. I felt horrible for making him feel this way, but I didn't know what else to do. Breton had gone home to work, and I was so appreciative for that.

  I understood why Drew left so soon, I didn’t blame him for not wanting to hang around. If I had a choice, I’d have wanted to escape back to the guest house with him also. He hadn’t so much as looked at me, let alone spoke to me tonight. The few times I did catch him glancing my way, he looked angry. It was a look I’d never seen on him before. It made me uneasy, and a feeling of guilt ran through me all night. I still couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  Abby was sitting in the chair, reading through a contract for work, with her glasses on and a pen in her mouth, writing an occasional comment in the margins. Matt had one of the series he enjoyed on, and I was scrolling social media on my tablet, checking out the new posts Miley the Millennial had posted today. Zoe hooked me on this blog a few months ago soon after it launched, and every week it seemed it was getting bigger and bigger. Miley started out about posting issues millennials face, personally and professionally. Over the past few months, it had grown into a lifestyle blog, with fashion styles trending in multiple price points, entertainment, love, friends, food and most recently books reviews, a surprisingly popular new addition. She was super responsive to her followers and her blog and social media is reflective of it – no wonder it had taken off like fire. I, for one, was totally addicted to checking in at least once a day, if not more.

  My father stepped into our TV room, looking ready for bed. ‘Matthew, a golf buddy can’t make it in the morning. Fancy completing our four? Seven am tee time; finishing in plenty of time to change and return to the club.’

  Matt loved golf, and I would have loved to have him out of my hair in the morning. But I wasn’t too sure if he loved it enough to spend four hours with my father.

  ‘Yeah,’ he gushed, and I was a bit shocked that he seemed to be agreeing with it. But then again, it was an opportunity for him to network.

  ‘Excellent, I’ll let the guys know. It’ll be a good opportunity to test the course. I’m sure by the end of the day you’ll have your application into them for membership.’ He smirked at me and then back to Matt.

  ‘I’m sure Daddy will pull some strings for you,’ I added.

  ‘I’d wager he already has,’ Abby commented, not looking up from the legal documents she had been reading over.

  I’d wager that also, I thought silently to myself, shuddering. If only my pa
rents knew all the information Breton and I had on this scumbag. He wouldn’t be invited to golf; he wouldn’t even be invited into the house. I felt bad, as the deeper he got into our social circle, the worse it would look when everything came crashing down on us, on the family. But I needed to buy time to get to that point, it would all be worth it in the end. At least, that’s what I kept having to tell myself to make it through each day.

  ‘Oh, just one thing, Matthew.’ My father glanced at Matt with a stern look. ‘Andrew is working with me, he is a business partner and a guest of this house. Assumptions aside, he’s an educated professional, and Colleen was displeased with your rude remarks towards him this evening. We both want all of our guests treated with respect, as you always have been. Okay?’

  Matt nodded, but I could tell he was fuming mad by the look in his eyes. He didn’t even answer my father with words.

  ‘Good, now that that is understood, I will see you in the driveway at 6:30am. Dress code applies.’ He smiled and left the room.

  Matt didn’t take his focus off the TV. When he heard the sound of my parents’ bedroom door closing, Matt stood up and stormed out of the room without saying a word. He was staying in a guest room, while Abby was taking the room Josh and Breton used to share. It was the first time anyone would stay in there, but it felt right it was Abby. I didn’t think it could have been anyone else. Breton wasn’t ready for it yet; he’d hardly been able to come upstairs.

  ‘Matt,’ I rose from my seat and followed him down the hall to his guest room, but didn’t go in.

  ‘Jessa, leave me alone right now,’ he warned me in a low harsh tone.

  ‘Mom’s got a soft spot for him. Don’t let it upset you or ruin our weekend,’ I tried to console him, secretly hoping he’d be so upset that he’d go back to Boston tonight, if not in the morning. But I knew I wasn’t that lucky.

  ‘I’ve had a long busy week. Good night, Jessa.’ He turned and went into his room, closing the door behind him, no kiss, no contact; perhaps I was lucky. It was a little win, but I would take it.


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