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The Bonds of Eternity

Page 3

by Perry Rhodan

  Nothing could stop his plunge into the future.

  Suddenly the first embodiment took place. It was performed so abruptly and unexpectedly that he was thrown to the ground when he felt his own weight—or rather the weight of the creature in whose body he was cast.

  His mind after being hurled into the extreme future had found a new home but it was not the body of a human being that had admitted him. The creature had 4 legs and was endowed with very little intelligence, beside which Ellert's intellect easily found room.

  Ellert was able to carry on a conversation with the creature. It was called Gorx and it told him that the planet's name was also Gorx just like the name of its sun and universe. Everything was called Gorx because only one Gorx existed in its world.

  Ellert made an all-out attempt to concentrate and accomplished the incredible feat of getting rid of Gorx's body again. Underneath he saw the awkward fur-clad body of the animal crawl toward some nearby rocky caves.

  This was certainly not the place where he could find the answer to his questions.

  He concentrated once more and raced out into space, which was time as well. Swirling in the stream of infinity, he was drawn back in the opposite direction as he could infer from the passing galaxies. When he stopped he was suspended in a void.

  How was he to find his way? There was not a single reference point. He was a drop in the ocean of time. And at this moment Ellert began to realize that there was no return for him.

  He had become a prisoner of eternity!

  Not where he was constituted the decisive question but his ominous quandary was: when?

  There was no answer to this question and thus Ernst Ellert, the prisoner of eternity, commenced his search for the present time, which—for him—lasted millions of years...

  • • •

  The cover was closed behind them with a faint thud, giving Atlan an eerie sensation which he didn't want to betray to Rhodan since he was already prepared for what awaited them.

  The steps were small and narrow, appearing to continue endlessly. Rhodan led and seemed to know exactly where his goal was.

  He came to a seamless wall and waited until Atlan caught up with him. "The vault is just behind this wall, Admiral."

  "It's better secured than the richest treasure trove," Atlan said.

  "Ellert's body is a treasure even without his mind," Rhodan replied. "But if his mind has come back..."

  He didn't finish the sentence. Silently he put his hand against the lock concealed behind the metal. The warmth of his body and the inherent frequency of his brain activated the contact and the door swung open.

  There was a narrow corridor behind it which led to another door. He simply opened the door. Anybody who had succeeded in coming this far could not be stopped from going on.

  Rhodan entered the vault with Atlan close behind him. Ernst Ellert still reposed on his bench without any noticeable change. He looked as if he had just gone to sleep. His face seemed to be alive. It was a little pale but not drained of blood. His dark hair was as smooth as if it had just been combed. The eyes were closed and the lips pressed together.

  Ernst Ellert didn't breathe. The mirror in front of his mouth was clear and showed no trace of exhalation.

  Rhodan stood awhile before the mutant without moving. Atlan stood at his side and hardly dared to breathe. He was overwhelmed by the extraordinary experience. A dead man had called them and they had followed his request across 6,000 light-years.

  It wasn't long before the first probing thought-impulses stirred the mind of the two men. First they were weak and vacillating but soon they became stronger and clearer.

  Perry Rhodan! Did you come? I've waited a long time for you.

  Rhodan stood in awe as he recognized who spoke to him soundlessly via telepathy. His voice was hoarse and rough as he answered: "It's you, Ernst Ellert! I always knew that you'd return someday although I didn't think it would take so long. Were you in the body of Onot, the chief physicist of the Druufs?"

  I'm still there, Rhodan! I've only freed half of myself but soon I'll be completely free. Until then...

  "Yes?" Rhodan asked tensely as the impulses faltered.

  "I can't leave the Druufs alone, at least not as long as a passage to our time-plane exists. When the two systems have passed each other, my task will be fulfilled."

  Rhodan was stunned. The words had been spoken loudly behind him. He spun around and saw Atlan standing pale and shaken at the wall while he mouthed words.

  "Yes, Rhodan, I'm speaking through your friend Atlan. I want to emphasize that I'm free, if not completely so. Anyway I was able to take over Atlan's body, yet he can hear me too."

  Rhodan realized vaguely what had occurred. "Please tell us what has happened to you," he urged.

  And Ellert recounted the events, using Atlan's voice. "When I was caught in the stream of time and had lost my bearings, I wandered restlessly from universe to universe and from eons to eons. I was able to move freely but it was impossible for me to find what we call the present time. I had lost my way—so I believed—until I found the Druufs all of a sudden. They were the only people in the whole universe to my mind."

  He paused briefly and then continued. "I was wrong. There is not one but several time-planes which exist side by side in separate spheres. In our own time-plane I could have oriented myself and found my way back to our present time, But the electric shock catapulted me out of our time-sphere and across the void into the realm of the Druufs. There was no way of undoing what had happened to me and I felt cast out forever."

  Rhodan followed Ellert's vivid description with growing understanding. Nobody could have explained it better than the person who had experienced it in his own mind.

  "And when will you be able to take full possession of your own body again?" Rhodan inquired.

  "Very soon, you may be sure, Perry! Even if I could I wouldn't do it today. The Druufs are a much greater menace than you can imagine. I can exercise some influence on them because as Onot I belong to their ruling elite. If it hadn't been for me they would've conquered Terra and our Galaxy three months ago."

  "Three months ago?" Rhodan tried to remember.

  "Yes. They broke through a suddenly opened gap between the two worlds and attacked the nation of Arkon. Many planets were consumed in a holocaust and others lost many continents..."

  Atlan's voice suddenly broke down. He looked at Rhodan in amazement. Then Ellert continued but now by telepathy, again directly speaking to the brains of the two men. Now I remember that I already know Atlan through whose mouth I spoke. Three months ago he was the Commander of an Arkonide battle fleet that colonized a solar system.

  Rhodan quickly glanced at Atlan before he answered. "That solar system was our own, Ellert. And you didn't meet him three months but 10,000 years ago. That's how far you went back into the past to find the present."

  There was a long pause. My memory is still very sketchy and my sense of time has severely suffered. I don't believe I can still travel through the past and the future and if I don't want to lose Terra again I must return to you as soon as possible. However it would be much too dangerous to leave everything in the hands of the Druufs alone. The danger will pass only when the time-shrinking funnel has closed up again.

  Rhodan remembered an important matter which he had nearly forgotten. "You're working as Onot on a very interesting project. I believe it's called a time-freezer. What is it?"

  As Onot I could tell you all about it but as Ellert I need records. If I can obtain them I'll probably be able to construct the identical device on Earth.

  "One more question," Rhodan said. "The Druufs use a method of transition which avoids the shock effect we must go through. What do you know about it?"

  Ellert answered again through Atlan. "I'll be in a position to give you this information when I'm completely free again. As for now, I can tell you only that the ships of the Druufs indeed cross the border to hyperspace—which also exists in the other time-plane—
without any shock whatsoever. As soon as the light velocity is surpassed, an automatic compensator is activated which neutralizes time and prevents a change of mass. The ship accelerates within in a minimal span to about a million times the velocity of light. Although it flies through hyperspace the normal universe remains visible. This is an enormous advantage for orientation. The complicated computations which have to be prepared for each hyper-flight become superfluous. Furthermore, the pain caused by the rematerialization is eliminated. You can fly by sight and it's a unique experience."

  Rhodan was greatly excited by the idea but he remained cool and answered to the point. "What are your chances for securing the plans of this propulsion system?"

  "I'll certainly try to get them, Perry. I won't return to my body without those plans. By the way, I want to thank you for preserving it so well. I've had no trouble finding it."

  "What enabled you to overcome your restraint at least partially?"

  "Can't you guess? It was the field of the time-freezer which I was able to enter thanks to Pucky's curiosity."

  He paused for a second and then mused: "It's odd but I can remember things and names that I've never known before because they didn't exist at the time."

  Rhodan looked down at the motionless face of Ellert. It was as dead and rigid as before. But someday it would be alive again.

  "What advice can you give me?" Rhodan asked.

  Now Ellert resorted again to telepathy, possibly because he didn't want to burden Atlan too much. Keep fighting against the Druufs. Be sure to destroy the main computer center underneath the capital of Druufon without attracting suspicion yourself. Form an alliance with Arkon and let robots perform the destruction. You must take the risk that Onot might lose his life in the effort. He may die in any case when I leave him.

  "What shall I do if the Regent can't be persuaded?"

  Rhodan felt that Ellert's impulses became already weaker as he answered:

  Do as I tell you! There isn't much time... so long, Perry, Atlan. I must return to Druufon. Onot has fainted. I must...

  The impulses ceased abruptly. Ellert had withdrawn without being forced to. However some day soon...

  Rhodan took one last look at the lifeless face under the electronic surveillance instruments and turned around to Atlan. "Let's go. We know what we came to find out."

  Atlan followed him silently as they passed through the two doors and ascended the narrow steps of the shaft. They breathed easier again as soon as they reached the surface and saw the sun which had meanwhile risen high into the sky. Its warming rays were a symbol of life and assurance.

  The cover-plate which concealed the access snapped shut again.

  Pucky waited for them near the pyramid and advised Rhodan: "I've followed your conversation by telepathy, Perry."

  Rhodan nodded and looked at Mercant who walked toward him.

  "Well?" Mercant inquired tensely. He was much too weak a telepath to be able to listen in on the conversation that had taken place in the tomb. "What happened? Where's Ellert?"

  Rhodan looked up to the tip of the pyramid as he answered: "Ellert will return again when the time has come. He still has to complete a task—together with us. He spoke to us but his body has to rest awhile longer, Mercant. Order a continuous watch at the mausoleum. He'll be ready the next time the alarm signal lights up."

  Rhodan looked around and noticed Dr. Haggard. "It won't be long until you can examine Ellert's state of health. His physical state, I mean. As far as his mental health is concerned..."

  Rhodan suddenly became silent. He turned around and walked without saying another word to the glider where Pucky was already waiting for him.


  The flight back to Myrtha 7 took place the same day since Rhodan was driven by an inner restlessness which he couldn't explain. Perhaps it was brought on by Ellert's words, which made it really clear to him what horrendous menace the Druufs presented. It was high time to deal a crushing blow to these monsters.

  Even before they reached the necessary velocity for the transition Harno showed them a picture of the Siamed system. The sphere had increased its size to twice that of a bowling ball. First the Regent's ships blockading the transference funnel became visible on the curved surface, as they lay in wait to intercept the units sallying forth from the exit.

  Rhodan took a deep breath when he saw the gleaming cloud of vessels. He glanced at Atlan. "What's your estimate of the number of warships?"

  The immortal Arkonide shrugged his shoulders. "At least 30,000 big and small units. There are also Springer ships among them. It's a tremendous armada."

  "But the Druufs will be able to handle it unless we do something else to stop them," Rhodan replied. "I think I'll now respond to the Regent's call for help." He shook his head in astonishment. "30,000 warships! It's enough to conquer a universe. I wouldn't have believed Arkon could muster such reserves."

  There was pride in Atlan's voice as he replied. "Think what a formidable partner Arkon can be when it'll be ruled again by an Imperator instead of a machine!"

  Harno changed the picture. Druufon came into view, surrounded by long circling cruisers which were ready to defend their harassed planet against further attacks. It would be extremely difficult—if not impossible—to break that ring of defense.

  Rhodan warily observed the superior might of the enemy and contemplated with concern the sacrifices an attack would cost him.

  Harno switched the picture again and showed a view of the subterranean base on Hades where already 12 transmitter stations had been set up with a range up to two light-years. This meant that men and materiel could be transferred to the universe of the Druufs from the outside without running the perilous gauntlet of the funnel.

  Matter-transmitter...? A plan began to form in Rhodan's brain which was so bold and fantastic that he didn't think it through. Yet...

  It might have seemed strange that Atlan conceived the same idea at the same time. However considering the similarity of both men's character it could hardly be regarded as a mere coincidence.

  "Aren't the Druufs also familiar with the matter-transmitter?" Atlan asked Rhodan during the lull in the conversation.

  Rhodan looked up and into Atlan's questioning eyes. "They've got at least one of them," he confirmed. "Why?"

  The mouse-beaver on his couch became curious. Harno floated up to the ceiling, assuming that he had done his part.

  Atlan countered with a grin. "I bet you barbarian know why I ask. You've seen the cordon they've thrown up around Druufon as well as I did and you also have wondered how we can get to the computer center without losing half our fleet in the attempt. There are a number of ways to try it. We can seek a new agreement with the Druufs, giving us permission to land, or we can attack openly. And then there's a third possibility!"

  "Of which I've thought too," Rhodan admitted with a smile. "Any agreement of the previous type must be ruled out since we want to come to an understanding with the Regent of Arkon. This leaves the possibility of an open attack which I wouldn't recommend for obvious reasons. Then we come to the third alternative—the transmitter. Isn't that what you've in mind?"

  "Exactly, Perry! But how?"

  Rhodan only said: "Ellert—Onot!"

  Both men fell silent again as they watched Lt.-Col. Baldur Sikerman going into the transition which would take them to Myrtha 7, also called Grautier.

  • • •

  On the evening of the same day—Terranian time—the Drusus lifted off again and performed a short transition across 22 light-years, which was the distance between Grautier and the access funnel. It was purely by accident that the distance varied only slightly although the field of the time-overlap moved along the edge of the Galaxy nearly at half the velocity of light. However the Myrtha system also moved with almost the same speed in the same direction.

  When the Drusus materialized again it was thrust in the middle of a light cruiser formation of the Arkonide Imperium. By the comp
aratively hesitant reaction Rhodan recognized that the Arkonide units were manned by crews and not by robots. Undoubtedly the vessels belonged to the fleet of the Springers—allies of the Regent—and before they could make a decision on measures they had to take against the Drusus, Rhodan called them by radio.

  The Springers were quite surprised to meet the daredevil from Terra again and they were flabbergasted when Rhodan expressed the wish to talk to the Regent. They gave him the assurance that he could get in touch with Arkon without being molested by their powerful war fleet.

  Moreover Rhodan knew that the Springers could tune in on his negotiations with the Regent and this was one of the major reasons he chose this approach.

  Rhodan, Atlan, Reginald Bell and Pucky went to the radio room of the Drusus where the hyperradio transmitter was located. The transceiver was ready. The oval picture screen showed the familiar symbol of the Robot Brain on Arkon, a huge metallic hemisphere resting on a pedestal, while repeating the call they had been receiving for several weeks:


  The impersonal metallic voice kept repeating the same message endlessly but so far Rhodan had not responded to the call for help.

  "I would've given up long ago," Bell muttered, studying the hemisphere with the eyes of an expert.

  "That's because you don't have the brains of a robot, thank goodness!" Pucky expostulated, slouching comfortably in a corner to observe the dealings closely.

  Rhodan paid no attention to them as he flipped the switch of the transmitter and spoke into the mike. "This is Rhodan calling the Regent of Arkon! I wish to hear your proposition."

  Then they waited. Not because the radio waves required much time to span the enormous distance; they were transmitted through hyperspace and reached Arkon in the very same second. The message was picked up immediately and referred to the Regent without delay. The robot brain was versatile enough to conduct hundreds of conversations simultaneously. It had kept a channel open for communications from Rhodan at all times. However the Regent needed some time to study the matter and to explore all possible combinations and eventualities before giving his answer to Rhodan, who must have caught him by surprise.


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