Remain in Love
Page 41
the Mumps
Munnings, Ray
Munroe, Donald
Murphy, Matthew
Murphy, Robert
Murray, Bill
Murray, David
Muscle Shoals, Alabama
My Father’s Place, Long Island
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts (Byrne/Eno)
Mystic Bowie
Nakanishi, Toshi
Naked (Talking Heads). See also specific songs
The Name of This Band Is Talking Heads (live album)
N’Djock, Yves
Neill, A. S.
NEMS (North End Music Stores)
“New Feeling”
New Musical Express (NME)
New York Dolls
New York Post
New York Rocker
New York Rock Festival
The New York Times
Nite Court, Ithaca
Nixon, Richard
NME. See New Musical Express
“No Compassion”
Nocturnal Emissions (radio show)
No Pussyfooting (Fripp/Eno)
Northern Studios, Maynard
Oar Folkjokeopus, Minneapolis
the Oasis, Swindon, England
O’Brian, Rod
O Ceallaigh, Fachtna
Ocean, Humphrey
Odean Theatre, Canterbury, England
ODO Studios, New York City
Oedipus (DJ)
O’Henry Studio, Los Angeles
The Old Grey Whistle Test
Oldham, Spooner
Old Man Frantz Whiskey
The Old Waldorf, San Francisco
“Once in a Lifetime”
One Bright Day (Ziggy Marley)
Onkel Po’s, Hamburg, Germany
Ono, Yoko
Oppenheimer, Bill
Orbison, Barbara
Orbison, Roy
Orchestra Luna
Ork Records
Ork, Terry
Orpheum Theater, Boston
Osbourne, Ozzy
Osbourne, Sharon
Ossude, Bernard
Ostin, Mo
Outlook Club, Doncaster, England
“The Overload”
Padell, Bert
Paden, Billy
Le Palace in Paris
Palagy, Victoria Clamp
Palais des Sports, Orleans, France
Palasport Arena, Rome, Italy
Palermo, Talking Heads in
Palmer, Robert
Pang, May
Pantages Theatre, Los Angeles
“Papa Legba”
Pappalardi, Felix
Pappas, George
Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Parcher, Peter
Parker, Kippy
Parliament Funkadelic
Parsons, Tony
Partridge, Andy
Pei, I. M.
Pelletier, David
Penna, Ace
“People Like Us”
People magazine
“Perfect World”
Perry, Lee “Scratch”
Perry, Rupert
The Physicians’ Desk Reference
Pickett, Lenny
Pierson, Kate
Pigozzi, Johnny
Pink Floyd
Pitney, Gene
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Podell, Jonny
the Police
Pop, Iggy
Popwell, Earl “Pops”
Porter, Cole
Portobello Hotel, London
Posvar, Marina
Power Station, New York City
Presley, Elvis
the Pretenders
“Psycho Killer”
conception of
first performance of
recording of
at Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction
Tom Tom Club’s cover of
“Pulled Up”
Purcell, Herbie
“Puzzlin’ Evidence”
Queen’s Jubilee
The Quiet Knight, Chicago
Quinn, Lance
Radioactive Records
Radio Caroline
“Radio Head”
Radner, Gilda
Ramone, Dee Dee
death of
at Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction
Tom Tom Club performances with
on tour with Talking Heads
Ramone, Joey
death of
on tour with Talking Heads
Ramone, Johnny
death of
on tour with Talking Heads
the Ramones
label of
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction of
Talking Heads tour with
Tom Tom Club shows with
Ramone, Tommy. See Erdelyi, Tommy
The Rat, Boston
Rauschenberg, Robert
Record Plant Mobile
Record Plant, New York City
Redding, Otis
Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Colorado
Red Roof Design
Reed, Lou
Talking Heads support by
Tom Tom Club contributions of
Reichbart, Naomi
Reid, Jamie
Remain in Light (Talking Heads). See also specific songs
cover art for
production of
songwriting for
tour supporting
Rey Azúcar (Los Fabulosos Cadillacs)
Reynolds, Barry
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Tap Room at
Warhol visits to
Ricciardi, Fernando
Richards, Keith
Richman, Jonathan
RISD. See Rhode Island School of Design
Ritz magazine
Riviera, Jake
Rizzi, Jimmy
“Road to Nowhere”
Roberts, Hugh
Robertson, Robbie
Robinson, David
Rocket, Charlie
Rock & Folk magazine
Rock Garden, London
Rock in Rio Festival
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
the Ramones’ induction into
Talking Heads’ induction to
Rockwell, John
Rock Werchter Festival, Belgium
Rogan, Alan
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stones
Ronson, Mick
Rose, Michael
Rosenblatt, Eddie
Rossy, José
Rost, J. R.
Rotblat, Gerardo “Toto”
Rotman, Sergio
Rotten, Johnny
Roule, Mark “Suave”
Roundhouse, London
Rouse, James W.
Roxy Music
Rumors (Fleetwood Mac)
Rundgren, Todd
Ruskin, Mickey
Russell, Arthur
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Ryder, Paul
Ryder, Shaun
Sadkin, Alex
the Saints
Sakamoto, Ryuichi
Salasky, Franklin
Salle des Fêtes, Le Havre, France
Salle du Faubourg, Geneva, Switzerland
Sam and Dave
Sangiovanni, Fuzz
Sato, Chica
Saturday Night Live
Saxe, Phil
Scabies, Rat
Scales, Steve
Scherff, John
Schneider, Fred
Schult, Emil
Schwartz, Andy
Schwartz, Joan
Scialfa, Patti
Scovil, Gary
Seahorn, Marshall
Sea Saint Studio, New Orleans
the Selecter
Sensible, Captain
Seraphine, Danny
Serfati, Frederic
Sgt. Pepper’s Lon
ely Hearts Club Band (the Beatles)
Sex Pistols
Shaboo Inn, Willimantic
Shady Side Academy, Pittsburgh
Shakespeare, Robbie
Shapiro, Andrea “Andi”
Sharpton, Al
Shaw, Greg
Sheffield University, England
Sheridan, Jeff
Shiring, Fritz
the Shirts
Shoyer, Liz
Shulman, Alan
“Sick Boy” (Frantz/Byrne song)
Sigma Sound, New York City
Simonon, Paul
Simpson, Duckie
Sire Records
Ramones-Talking Heads tour and
Talking Head’s deal with
Slaughter and the Dogs
“Slippery People”
the Slits
Smile (Brian Wilson)
Smith, Fred
Smith, Patti
Sohl, Richard “DNV”
SoHo News
Sokolsky, Melvin
Solanas, Valerie
Sondheim, Alan
“Songs of Hiawatha” (Longfellow)
Son of Sam
Soul Train
Sounds magazine
Soundworks Studio, New York City
“Spasticus Autisticus”
Speaking in Tongues (Talking Heads). See also specific songs
artwork for
production of
Stop Making Sense film of
tour for
Spector, Mark
Spector, Ronnie
“Spin, Spin” (Frantz/Byrne song)
Springman, Mr. (band teacher)
Springsteen, Bruce
Sprouse, Stephen
Spungen, Nancy
Stahler, Hank
Stamy, Lloyd
Stanley, Steven
Starr, Ringo
Stasium, Ed
“Stay Hungry”
Stein, Chris
Stein, Linda
Stein, Seymour
Talking Heads signing by
Talking Heads solo albums and
Stevens, Geoff
Stewart, Mike “Mickey”
on Ramones-Talking Heads tour
on Talking Heads-XTC/Dire Straits tour
Stewart, Rod
the Stooges
Stop Making Sense (film)
making of
soundtrack for
Strickland, Keith
Strummer, Joe
Studio Davout, Paris
Su, Cong
Summerhill (Neill)
Sundragon Sound, New York City
Supporting Act (radio show)
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE)
Surfin’ USA (Beach Boys)
the Sweaty Tools
Tachibana, Hajime
“Take Me to the River”
recording of
Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy (Brian Eno)
Talking Heads. See also tours/shows, Talking Heads; specific albums; specific members
B-52s’ friendship with
band relations in
breakup of
CBGB shows by
debut show of
Eno disputes with
first album’s production
formation of
influences on
label interest in
legacy of
look/style of
Lou Reed’s support of
management of
name’s origin
photos of
the Ramone’s tour with
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction of
Sire Record’s signing of
songwriting/publishing credits in
Warhol’s interest in
Talking Heads: 77. See also specific songs
production of
release of
tour for
Talley, André Leon
Taylor, James
Taylor, “Peanuts”
“Television Man”
“Tentative Decisions”
“Thank You For Sending Me An Angel”
Tharp, Twyla
“This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)”
Thomas Chris
Thompson, Howard
Thompson, Uziah “Sticky”
Thorngren, Eric “ET”
Thunders, Johnny
Time magazine
Tomassi, Fran
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Tom Tom Club. See also tours/shows, Tom Tom Club
B-52s bills with
current lineup of
formation of
guest performers with
name origins
on Soul Train
Tom Tom Club. See also specific songs
cover art for
production of
reception of
tours for
videos for
“Tom Tom Theme”
Toots & the Maytals
Top Rank, Brighton, England
Top Rank, Plymouth, England
Tosh, Peter
tours/shows, Talking Heads. See also specific venues
1975–1977, U.S.
1977, Europe, as Ramones support
1977, Talking Heads: 77, U.S.
1978, Talking Heads: 77, Europe
1979, More Songs About Buildings and Food
1980, Remain in Light
1982 European tour
1982 Japanese tour
1982 U.S. tour
1983 Speaking in Tongues
tours/shows, Tom Tom Club
1982, Tom Tom Club, Europe
1982, Tom Tom Club, Japan
1988, Boom Boom Chi Boom Boom
1990, Escape from New York tour
Toussaint, Allen
Tripp, Bill
True Stories (film)
soundtrack for
True Stories (Talking Heads). See also specific songs
cover art for
production of
reception of
videos for
Turner, Jake
Turtletaub, Jeff
TV Guide
Udo, Mr. (promoter)
“Uh-oh, Love Comes to Town”
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
University of Virginia
Up, Ari
Urban Verbs
Valentine, Elmer
Valentine, Gary
Vasconcelos, Nana
Vedder, Eddie
Vega, Arturo
Veloso, Caetano
Velvet Underground
Verlaine, Tom
Vicious, Sid
Village Gate, New York City
Village Recorder, Los Angeles
Village Theater, New York City
The Village Voice
Virginia Commonwealth University
Visconti, Tony
the Volkshaus, Zurich, Switzerland
“Walk It Down”
Walrath, Martin
Ward, Ian
Warhol, Andy
RISD visit by
Talking Heads friendship with
Warner Records
“Warning Sign”
conception of
Waronker, Lenny
Was, Don
Wassy, Brice
Watanabe, Ken
Wayne/Jayne County
Weinberg, Max
Weintraub, Stu
Weir, Alex
Weissberg, Eric
Weller, Paul
Wembley Arena, London
Wendelbo, Elizabeth
Wesley, Fred
West, Leslie
Westwood, Vivienne
Wexler, Jerry
Wexler, Paul
Weymouth, Danielle
Weymouth, Lani
Talking Heads vocals by
Tom Tom Club vocals by
ymouth, Laura
Talking Heads vocals by
Tom Tom Club vocals by
Ziggy Marley vocals by
Weymouth, Laure
Weymouth, Letitia
Weymouth, Loric
Weymouth, Nanu
Weymouth, Ralph
Weymouth, Tina. See also Talking Heads; Tom Tom Club
B-52s’ friendship with
Bahamian home of
childhood/background of
children’s’ births
Connecticut relocation by
day jobs of
Los Fabulosos Cadillacs production by
Fowley’s interest in
Frantz’s dating of
Frantz’s marriage to
Happy Mondays production by
look/style of
New York City relocation by
pets of
at the Rock in Rio festival
in Shrunken Heads
Talking Heads formation by
Talking Heads relations and
Tom Tom Club’s formation by
visual art of
Ziggy Marley production by
Weymouth, Yann
architectural work of
Whelan, Gary “Gaz”
Whisky a Go Go, Los Angeles
Whitney, Roxy
“Who Is It?”
Who Put the Bomp zine
the Who
Wiener, Norbert
Wilder, Gene
Wild Planet (B-52s)
“Wild Wild Life”
Williams, Tony
Wilmouth, Jean
Wilson, Brian
Wilson, Cindy
Wilson, Ricky
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Tony
Winter Garden, Penzance, England
Winwood, Muff
Winwood, Steve
Withers, Pick
“With Our Love”
Wolcott, James
Wollman Skating Rink, New York City
Woods-Gerry Gallery, Providence
Woodstock Festival
“Wordy Rappinghood”
conception/recording of
reception of
Worrell, Bernie
Wynn, Dony
Xeno & Oaklander
as Talking Heads support band
Yahijian, Kurt
Yates, Paula
Yes Please! (Happy Mondays)
Young, Chip
Young, La Monte
Young, Neil
Yves (Weymouth cousin)
Zieve, Wayne
Zontal, Jorge
CHRIS FRANTZ is a musician, producer, songwriter, and founding member of Talking Heads and Tom Tom Club. He is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and hosts the radio show Chris Frantz the Talking Head on WPKN. He and his wife, Tina Weymouth, live in Connecticut. You can sign up for email updates here.
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