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The Syndicate's Journey

Page 37

by Nicholas Bogucki

  Brigadier General Kyris Sikorski bowed forward and replied, “Hello General.” Brigadier General Sikorski's hair was bright green, and his bangs were down to his mouth. The sides of his head were shaved just like Brigadier General Maruo’s. Around his neck, he had a black peripheral that resembled a necklace, but it helped him with his job.

  “Thank you all for answering.” General Deschner spoke, “I realize that this is a little out of the ordinary, but I had to call each one of you and make sure you were on the same page as all of us up here.” General Deschner continued speaking, “We all have been working hard on something in secret, and we need your help on it. Lieutenant General Armitage and dee Veyra have been working on the ETD, which well, you Brigadier General Tomeoni know about actually. You see, the ETD or the Emergence Transport Device is something that transports objects from one place to another in one piece. In the past we tried but had failed due to the complexities of it...but enough rambling. We have now perfected the ETD.”

  The Brigadier Generals' faces were intent while they listened to General Deschner explained the situation.

  “Why am I telling you this, well, you see, we need your help.”

  “You need us?” Brigadier General Vorhaus asked.

  “Are you joking, General?” Brigadier General Josselson asked.

  General Deschner shook his head and smiled. “No, I’m serious. We need your help. In fact, all of you!” He raised his arms out with his palms upwards.

  “Really?” Brigadier General Milenkovic asked, “With what exactly?”

  “Well, I’m glad you asked. You see, I need all six of you to work together to create something. Now, usually I would tell one of the Lieutenants to tell one of the Major Generals to tell one of you, but there’s no time for that, and the Major Generals aren’t here.”

  “They aren’t there?” Brigadier General Sikorski asked.

  “Well… they’re on Varenok and Snakardekus, actually.” General Deschner admitted.

  “Wait, what?” Brigadier General Milenkovic asked.

  “That is wonderful news!” Brigadier General Josselson remarked.

  “Wow, that’s an incredible feat!” Brigadier General Maruo added.

  General Deschner moved his hands upwards to try and quiet them down, and when they stopped talking, he continued to speak. “This is exactly why I am contacting you all because, well, they can’t right now.”

  “Brigadier General Tomeoni, I am going to send you the blueprints for the ETD. I know you already have them, but these are the updated ones. The stats and logs are more recent than the one that you currently possess.” Brigadier General Tomeoni nodded. “...As for everyone else, all of you will be working together to create this, but on a much larger scale. I want it big enough to transport vehicles such as the Kradnak. I know most of you, if not all of you are familiar with the Kradnak from working on it in your division.” A few of the Brigadier Generals gasped at what General Deschner told them.

  “A Kradnak?” asked Brigadier General Sikorski.

  “Mhm.” General Deschner admitted, “Granted, we could just teleport transhumans, but we wouldn’t have anywhere to put the Azuard inside of while it is extracted.”

  “Azuard?” Brigadier General Tomeoni asked.

  “What is that, General?” Brigadier General Vorhaus asked.

  General Deschner exhaled and then began to speak, “Well, you see, it is this new material or mineral, well I’m not exactly sure what it is, but Major General Solbrig and Reingle found it, and we need something to extract it...” His eyes became really wide, and he moved his right hand upwards and extended his index finger up towards the ceiling. “That’s right! Brigadier General Maruo, would you kindly reconfigure the Antimatter weapons you sent to allow them to harvest resources instead?”

  Brigadier General Maruo asked, “General, that might take some time, and I might need help.”

  “No worries, Brigadier General Milenkovic can help you.” General Deschner smiled, “It shouldn’t take too long, right?”

  “Oh, no, General. I would just have to re-configure the rate of fire and change what kind of power source it would use...speaking of, what would you like it to use?” Brigadier General Maruo asked.

  “Well, what would be able to slice through rock or something as dense as that?” General Deschner asked.

  “I believe plasma could, General.” Brigadier General Sikorski responded.

  “No plasma can’t. These days plasma isn’t the thing to use.” Brigadier General Tomeoni explained, “What you need is a high-density material something such as Rhodamite or even Sardinium.”

  “Ah, thank you, Brigadier General Tomeoni. I knew you would think of something. I’d say you could help them, but I kind of need you to work on the ETD.”

  “No problem, General.”

  “If they ask for any advice, help them out.”

  “Yes, will do, General.” Brigadier General Tomeoni replied.

  General Deschner leaned back in his chair and looked at each Brigadier Generals before moving onto the next. “Well, I believe that is all that we need from you. Make sure you contact me directly on any status updates and progress...oh and I need this done as soon as possible. You see, we are on a bit of a time constraint right now.”

  Brigadier General Sikorski replied, “You got it, General.”

  “We’re on it!” Brigadier General Maruo answered.

  “You can count on us.” Brigadier General Tomeoni smiled.

  “Good, I’m glad to hear it.” General Deschner waved his hand to open his INH and then on “Contacts” then tapped on “Brigadier General Tomeoni, Aishir” and tapped “Send File” and then tapped on “ETD Files” and then he tapped “Send.” “I sent the file to you, Brigadier General Tomeoni. Now you can work on it. If at all possible, I want it done by tomorrow.”

  A few of the Brigadier Generals looked stunned and worried.

  “Tomorrow?” Brigadier General Tomeoni asked.

  “If not sooner.” General Deschner replied, “As I said, we need this done as soon as possible.”

  “Can we get help from Lieutenant General Armitage? What about Lieutenant General dee Veyra?” Brigadier General Josselson asked.

  General Deschner shook his head and spoke, “No, they cannot. They’re undergoing training right now, and I asked them to turn off their INH until further notice. They need to be one-hundred percent focused on their training.”

  “Oh? What sort of training?” Brigadier General Sikorski asked.

  General Deschner’s eyes darted to his screen, and he glared at him. “Special training that involves Lieutenant Generals. There are some new things I am implementing into the Syndicate.”

  “Oh? Will we be in this new training, too?” Brigadier General Vorhaus asked.

  “No, you won’t be. At least not for a little while.” General Deschner replied and moved his hair back with his left hand. “That’s why I told you to contact me directly because I am the only one available right now.”

  “Understood, General.” Brigadier General Vorhaus replied.

  “Now, please work together on your mission. Brigadier Generals Maruo and Milenkovic I expect those weapons to be done. I don’t care what material it uses, as long as it can extract minerals. The rest of you work on the ETD, it better be ready tomorrow. I’ll be checking up on you tomorrow until then work hard. Goodbye, Brigadier Generals!”

  “Goodbye, General.” Brigadier General Milenkovic replied

  “See you tomorrow, General!” Brigadier General Tomeoni added.

  Brigadier General Vorhaus answered, “Goodbye!”

  As the Brigadier Generals were saying their goodbyes, General Deschner swiped his hand in the air, opening his INH and tapped on “End Call.” All of the six screens turned black then faded away.

  I can’t let them know what is happening. So far, everything is coming to plan, and I must keep it that way. I do wonder though how Major Generals Brentari and Lokhorst are doing...but then agai
n, I don’t care to know.


  Major Generals Brentari and Lokhorst were walking up the marble pathway towards the Frochen guards that were guarding the Royal Throne Room. Out of the corner of their eyes, they witnessed Frochen had stopped swimming and watched them.

  “What did I tell you about us standing out?”

  “I’m not scared of the Frochen, are you?” Major General Lokhorst asked.

  “Not at all! I’m more anxious and nervous than anything. I really want to know what King Byollywhog and Queen Mompawhog look like.” Major General Brentari admitted.

  “Well, your wish might be granted soon.”

  The Major Generals stopped a few feet away when they got closer to the Frochen guards. There were seven guards, three on each side of the door, and one standing in front of the door. The door was a dark crimson color and had small bronze circles all around the door frame. The Frochen guard standing in the back walked forward so that it was standing slightly in front of the first two guards. The guard extended its spear towards the Major Generals, and the first two guards copied it.

  “What is your business here?” the Frochen guard requested.

  “Oh, uh, we came here to see if we could meet King Byollywhog and Queen Mompawhog, ” Major General Brentari admitted.

  “Who are you? How did you get here?”

  “We already answered the questions from the guards back there.” Major General Lokhorst motioned with her hand, “Do we have to answer them again?”

  The Frochen guard made a noise and shook his head slightly back and forth, his external gills dangled in the water as its head moved. The guard then held up its spear and hit the bottom of it on the marble pathway. The guards behind it copied and did the exact same thing while repeating what the guard had done.

  “Whoa… we didn’t mean to cause any trouble here!” Major General Brentari moved her arms out towards the guards.

  The guards saw her hands, and they moved their spears from the air and then towards them and took a few steps forward.

  “Good job, Brentari.”

  “Hey, no, we don’t mean to cause any harm!” Major General Brentari explained, “We’re here because of our leader.”

  “Leader?” the Frochen guard who was in charge asked, “What leader?”

  Major General Brentari looked over and Major General Lokhorst and responded. “Our leader, General Koba Deschner, sent us here so we could make contact with you.”

  The guard pulled his spear back and held it in its original place, the other guards followed suit.

  “Where is your leader?”

  “General Deschner is on Nuwurth.”

  “Why isn’t your leader here with you two?”

  “Well, that is a good question, but he wanted to send us here first.”

  “You say you are from Nuwurth? That is not close?”

  “Oh no, it isn’t!” Major General Lokhorst chuckled. “We flew here from millions of miles away.”

  “We’re from a different planet, even.” Major General Brentari chimed in.

  “Yes, we know that. We know all species of life here on Varenok.”

  “You do? That’s incredible.” Major General Brentari replied.

  “You are not one of them, so we know you are not from here.” The Frochen guard spoke, “If we allow you to speak to King Byollywhog, what will you do?”

  Major General Brentari turned and looked at Major General Lokhorst and recalled that Frochen knows when someone is lying to them. Major General Brentari decided to be honest. “We just want to meet King Byollywhog and Queen Mompawhog. We wanted to meet them and talk to them.”

  The Frochen guards' slowly slouched as they heard Major General Brentari explained her reasoning. “It is not I who will give you the ultimate answer, but King Byollywog himself. Come follow me.” The Frochen guard turned around and walked towards the door. The Major Generals followed him as the other Frochen guards surrounded the Major Generals as they walked. The Frochen guard moved both of his hands while holding the spear and pushed the door open.

  The doors slowly opened outwards, revealing the marble pathway leading to King Byollywhog and Queen Mompawhog sitting on the Royal Thrones. In the Royal Throne Room, the walls adorned with the color of scarlet. Each side of the Royal Throne Room stood fifteen Imperial Frochen First Guards lined up on the pathway facing one another on the opposite side. They were adorned with a red sash that hung around their left shoulder, and they held spears in their hands. On their other hand, they held a shield of the insignia of King Byollywhog, which looked like it was a Frochen hand beneath two spears that pointed in opposite directions. The Imperial Frochen First Guards all looked identical to one another.

  The Frochen guards walked inside with the Major Generals and continued until they were standing a few feet away from King Byollywhog and Queen Mompawhog. King Byollywhogs’ body was dark blue. He had long gills that hung from the side of his face over his mouth. He has on a red garment that resembled a cape that hangs from his left shoulder and drapes down over his torso. He wears the Royal Crown, which is made out of coral and seaweed from past generations of Frochen royalty.

  Queen Mompawhog’s body was a dark purple, her external gills weren’t quite as long as King Byollywhog’s though they still hung over her mouth. Her nails on her hands and feet were long and black. She wasn’t nearly as big or as tall as King Byollywhog, but her stature was bigger than the other Frochen. Queen Mompawhog is adorned with a red sash that drapes around her shoulders and over her body.

  The Frochen guard stood at attention in front of King Byollywhog and Queen Mompawhog and started to speak in their native language. The Frochen guard moved his head back and forth and make noises and grunts that somehow were translated into their language. As he spoke to King Byollywhog, he looked down at the Major Generals as the Frochen Guard was talking to him. Then King Byollywhog turned to his left and looked at Queen Mompawhog, then looked back at the Major Generals, and he nodded. King Byollywhog shook his head and made kind of similar noises that the Frochen guard made. The seven Frochen guards that the Major Generals walked in with all turned around and walked back and closed the doors behind them. The OBA’s that the Major Generals were wearing could not decipher what was being spoken.

  King Byollywhog looked at Major General Brentari, then he looked at Major General Lokhorst. “I heard about the two of you.” He spoke with a deep voice that sounded as if he had something in his mouth. “The Frochen guard told me everything about you two, so no need to ask you questions for the third time. We don’t get many visitors; in fact, we never do. Here on Varenok, there is not even one intelligent race like us, Frochen. Outside of Varenok, you two are the first to ever contact the Frochen race.”

  King Byollywhog turned to look at Queen Mompawhog then back at the Major Generals. “Where are my manners? I am King Byollywhog, and this is Queen Mompawhog...and well that Frochen guard that you talked to just now, that is Prince Hyollywhog. He wanted to enlist in the Imperial Frochen First Guard, but I thought that guarding the Royal Throne Room was better suited for him…”

  Queen Mompawhog reached over to his arm that was resting closest to her, and she slapped it, notifying him that he was rambling on.

  “Ow, what was that…oh! Right! Sorry, we haven’t had visitors in... how long?” King Byollywhog asked, “I cannot remember.”

  “I can’t remember either.” Queen Mompawhog agreed with him. Her voice sounded similar to his, but somewhat higher pitched.

  “Oh, well back to the pleasantries. Who are you? King Byollywhog asked.

  “Well, I am Major General Kasra Brentari. But you can call me Brentari.”

  “I am Major General Zaiyah Lokhorst, and you can call me Lokhorst.

  “Hello, Brentari and Lokhorst.” King Byollywhog asked, “What have you come down to the Frochen Kingdom for?”

  “Our leader, back on Nuwurth, sent us here to try to contact you.” Major General Brentari explained.
/>   “We do not leave the Frochen Kingdom, we are not familiar with the outside world. How did you swim down here and survive the creatures?”

  “Well, you see, we kind of had help...” Major General Lokhorst mumbled.

  “Help? From what?”

  “The Froach.” Major General Brentari blurted out, “We met them above the water.”

  “Stop right there! You said what?” King Byollywhog slammed his hand on the Throne’s armrest. “I might be two hundred and ninety-three years old, and my hearing is going, but did you say the Froach?”

  “Yes, I did.”


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