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Forbidden Love: Book 1 in the Mackenzie Series (Leave Me Breathless World)

Page 11

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Should I ask what happened with Rafael?” Bishop asks, shifting his gaze to all of us.

  At the same time, we answer, “No!”

  “You said your ex was there. I didn’t even know you had an ex or one that was worth mentioning,” I say, wondering what type of answer my husband is going to give me. I imagined he’d had women in his past and while he did mention he had a broken heart once before, I never pried into it.

  “She’s been dead to me since I left her two years ago,” he coldly replies.

  “What happened?”

  He sucks in a breath, clenches his jaw and grumbles his response. “She betrayed not only my trust but the families’. Fucked with us after I told her a business move we were making. Gaia beat me to the punch and in doing it, put the stake through my heart. There’s nothing more I love than my family, but when you show you can’t be trusted, I’m done. There are no second chances.”

  From the looks of it, I shouldn’t continue to pry and ask questions. Liam is turning bright red, showing how his anger builds within his body. “Just promise me you won’t leave me alone with the sharks.”

  “Fuck no. We’re in this together.”


  “Trusting another after having your heart broken is very hard. But you have to remember the relationship is nothing without trust. Don’t bring bricks from your old relationship, you’ll build the same house.”

  ~ Unknown


  We pull in through the front entrance of the property and park the SUV on the side of the house like we always do. Liam parks the car and turns back to look at me, worry drawn across his face. He’s not doing a damn thing to hide it right now, though I don’t know if he’s worried about me, or himself.

  “Bishop, take Alessandra inside to Luca and do not leave her alone,” Liam orders.

  Bishop seems a bit surprised. “Uh, you sure that’s a good idea? Luca will— ”

  “Luca will shut the fuck up when he hears you affirm I gave you a direct order. We have people in our home who are not to be trusted. I trust that you won’t harm a hair on her head, or allow her from your sights unless her husband is a foot away from you.”

  Bishop nods grabbing the bags from the store and exits the vehicle. “Sure thing, boss. C’mon missy, let’s get you inside.” Alessandra gives me an uneasy look and follows Bishop. I watch closely as they walk around the side of the house and disappear from our view.

  “You don’t like this one bit,” I state, realizing Liam might be as uncomfortable as me.

  “Nope, not really. I’m stuck in a house with my ex, my sisters’ uncle who I happen to not like, then add in the fact he fucking raped you and it infuriates me. On top of it all, your brother is here too and everyone says how chilling he is.”

  Liam isn’t wrong. Giovanni is an ice king, and that’s putting it nicely. He is very much like our father. Business is more important than anything else in his life. “I’m sure he’s come as a pawn for my father, to watch the way we interact.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt about it. If your father thinks our marriage is a scam, he could file a complaint with mine. I know we just had a conversation a few days ago about taking it slow, Caprice, but we need to play the part of a couple madly in love with each other. I’ll pack it on heavy while we have people watching us. No one will be able to tell it’s not all there yet.”

  “Okay,” I say, not sure how to respond. I don’t mind Liam’s presence, whether he’s sitting in a room with me, skimming his fingertips along my thigh, or we’re enjoying a meal, laughing over simple jokes. What I don’t want to feel like is some sort of whore, in a sense.

  “What’s the matter?” he inquires, furrowing his brows together.

  “It feels so . . . odd. You want them to see we’re happy, and while you and I are working on having an actual relationship . . . don’t you think it's overdoing it?”

  Liam chuckles. “No, love, I don’t. Mackenzie men make it apparent which women are theirs. Packing it on heavy will further prove you’re my wife and I’m madly in love with you.”

  I choke. “Huh?”

  Liam smirks, meanwhile the sparkle in his eye confirms he was screwing with me. “Relax, love. We’re not there yet, but no one else knows that. To them, you are the center of my entire world. I will admit though, the more I get to know about you, the happier I am I decided to marry your ass.”

  I’m taken aback by what Liam just said, but before I can say a thing he’s exited the car and I follow suit. A slight breeze greets us as we stand outside and I catch a woman peering through the curtains, staring at us.

  If I’m right, this woman must be his ex. I plaster on the happiest smile I can, slip my hand through his, and say his name, “Liam.”

  He turns, catching my smile, and laughs. Before he can see what I’m doing, I stand up and plant my lips on his, kissing him softly, like two teenagers who haven’t ever kissed one another before. It’s slow, sensual, and sinful as all hell.

  I pull away, keeping my eyes on his. “I didn’t expect that from you,” he whispers, chuckling lowly.

  I turn so my back faces the window. “I wanted to kiss you anyway, but we already have a pair of eyes on us.”

  Liam looks back for a split second, bringing his eyes back to me. “I see. Gaia’s doing what she does best, spying on things which don’t concern her.” The way he talks about her is like he hates her so much, and it makes me feel good.

  “Are you ready for this?” I ask.

  “No. Then again, you aren’t either.” He chuckles, showing me the humor I happen to adore. Liam tugs me along with him as we approach the front door of the house, it comes flying open and Luca is standing there with Alessandra. Luca’s nostrils are flaring as he speaks in a hushed whisper, obviously displeased.

  “You sent her with Bishop? What the fuck? Are you trying to screw with my head?”

  “I was trying to get your gorgeous wife to you as soon as possible. You should really be thanking me, not taking things so personally,” Liam sneers, taking me into the foyer with him. I grab ahold of his arm, causing him to stop and look at me.

  “What was that about?”


  “It wasn’t nothing. Your voice sounded . . . nasty, mean-like.”

  “What do you want me to say? I’m pissed at him and my father for what they did.”

  “They had a reason. In no way were they malicious or wanted to hurt you. I believe that in my heart because they’re good people. Hell, you’re all good people. None of you are like that. Stop being mad and accept the blessing for what it is— your best friend is your family.” I want him to see the positive in this situation. Instead, he’s viewing it like an attack.

  “They betrayed me.”

  “No, Gaia betrayed you,” I retort, hissing back at him.

  “Did a little birdie say my name?” a woman’s voice asks, causing the two of us to turn.

  I wasn’t able to get a good view of her from the window, but being up close to her I see everything. She’s intimidating as hell, looking like someone who would win Miss Universe. Gaia has a very stern jawline, a long dainty nose with high cheekbones that make every one of her features more defined. Her hair is split down the side in long, flowing waves. I’m betting she doesn’t even have to style it. Everything else seems to be set for her, so her hairstyle must be as well. She’s wearing a long black lace dress that goes to the floor. The only complaint I have is her breasts are practically popping out.

  “Oh, let me introduce myself. I’m Mrs. Mackenzie.”


  “Be careful with how much you tolerate, you are teaching them how to treat you.”

  ~ Pretty Positivity


  The expression on Gaia’s face is priceless. Caprice completely caught her off guard, which is something that doesn’t happen often. Gaia quickly recovers. “Oh, I wasn’t aware Liam married. How shocking. Didn’t you swear off women after me?”

Only the horrible ones,” I retort, getting a smirk from Caprice.

  “Well, if anything, I hope he’s really improved in the sack. Liam was a little . . . lacking, if you know what I mean.”

  My wife draws her brows together and laughs like what Gaia has said is the funniest thing she’s ever heard. “Okay, you just used Liam, little, and lacking in the same sentence. If he’s anything, it’s large, bold, and a marathon-man, if you know what I mean.” Yet again, Caprice catches her off guard.

  Gaia tilts her head, staring intently at me. “It appears an old dog can learn new tricks.”

  “I didn’t need new tricks, Gaia, just a new woman.”

  “Ah, there’s my favorite daughter-in-law!” my father hollers from the other side of the dining room. Glancing up, I can tell he’s had a couple of drinks already. He isn’t shite faced, but he’s distressed, to say the least. He rushes over and throws an arm around Caprice’s shoulders. “Have you met this lovely creature? She’s a beautiful stunner, and far too good for my son! The fool!”

  “Aw, thank you, Desmond,” Caprice replies while her face flushes with bits of red.

  “How am I a fool here?” I ask, really wanting to hear this answer.

  He chuckles, turning Caprice around to face me, inadvertently shoving Gaia further back. “Because you didn’t marry this woman earlier. Foolish of you, I say!”

  Caprice turns to give my father a hug, and I speak up. “Don’t we have to leave for the gala in an hour?”

  “Oh, shit. I need to drink some water and get changed. You two better get ready as well!”

  Caprice nods as she pulls away. “We will. Liam and I will meet you there.”

  My father backs away and looks to Gaia, “Nice to see you again, Greta.” He most definitely knows her name but loathes her as much as I do. When you fuck over one Mackenzie, you’re fucking over the entire family.

  She scoffs and heads back toward the living room. I scan around and see Bishop’s holding the bags and speaking to Rafael. If anything, I don’t want Caprice to be exposed to him more than is absolutely needed. “Will you stay here, love? I’ll have Bishop take you upstairs and stay with you while I handle something.”

  “Sure,” Caprice replies. As soon as she does I head into the dining room, approaching Rafael and Bishop. Tapping on Bishop’s shoulder, he turns toward me.

  “Hey, boss.”

  I lean in close to his ear and whisper, “Caprice is in the foyer. Please take her upstairs and stay with her until I get up to the room.”

  “Yes, sir, of course.” Bishop immediately exits the room and heads toward Caprice, leaving me alone with Rafael and one of our house staff members who’s behind the bar, prepping drinks for those who want them.

  “Liam, it’s been far too long. How have you been?” Rafael asks.

  If this were any normal situation I’d bite my fucking tongue and play nice with him. However, things have drastically changed in my life and playing nice is no longer an option. “Let’s cut the shite, shall we?”

  He looks appalled. “Why, I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You’re about to know, and you’ll know quite well. I’m not sure if my father told you I’m married.”

  “Yes, he did in fact,” Rafael smirks, giving me the vibe he knows more than he’s letting on.

  “My wife is Caprice Mackenzie. But, you, of course, knew her as a DiGiovanni and took advantage of her in such a way. Let me be very clear with you, Rafael. I know exactly what you did to her, and I know everything about you taking the child.”

  He does his best to feign being innocent as if he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. “I’m confused, Liam. What child?”

  “Don’t play coy, old man. You know everything I’ve said is true. You’re only trying to pretend it isn’t so your ass is safe. Let me make it clear for you. The only reason you’re still breathing right now is that I don’t know where the girl is. The second I do there will be blood and lots of it.”

  “Liam, now, why are you getting so offensive? You haven’t even asked me my side of the story, and you haven’t heard about how that promiscuous girl of yours came after me, watching me in her home, teased and taunted me from far away. She was begging for my dick. Although, I can’t help but think your hostility toward me has something to do with her not wanting yours. Do you need me to come upstairs and give it to her again? Maybe I’ll let her keep this one.”

  I pick the metal candleholder up from the décor table sitting against the wall and slam it into his head, knocking him back on the floor. The hit causes him to lose consciousness as his body lands with a thud.

  Placing the candleholder back on the table, I look to our employee who makes sure to shift their eyesight back down the bar. “It’s a shame Rafael got shitfaced. Isn’t it, Moira?” I ask her, who then looks back up to me.

  “Yes, sir. He had a bit too much tequila, fell and bumped his head. Hopefully, he’ll be alright after he sleeps it off.”

  “Fingers crossed nothing worse happens,” I say in a completely sarcastic tone. The snake better pray he isn’t here when I get back from the gala tonight. If he is, I may just kill him myself and hire men to search for the child. The hit should knock him out for a few hours and even then he’ll be too disoriented to do anything.

  I head back upstairs to the bedroom I share with Caprice and walk in on her in the gold dress, holding it on in the front. She’s staring in the mirror I have in one corner of my room, moving her hair in various ways.

  “What on Earth are you doing?” I chuckle, shutting the door behind me as I venture toward her.

  “I’m trying to decide what I want to do with my hair. But I can’t zip myself up. Who doesn’t have a hanger in their closet?”

  “What do you need a hanger for?”

  “Ugh,” she huffs out. “You wouldn’t understand because you aren’t a woman. You take the hook of the hanger and put it through the hole in the zipper, pulling the hanger up. It’s how we ladies zip up dresses like this if we don’t have anyone helping us get ready.”

  “Ah,” I nod, looking around. “Where’s Bishop?”

  “I told him to stand outside the room. You likely passed him. I didn’t feel comfortable changing clothes with him in here. Plus, I doubt you want anyone else seeing what belongs to you.”

  “True,” I confirm. Taking a couple of steps closer, I extend my hand, place it on the zipper, and slowly secure her dress for her.

  “Thank you,” she says, still staring at herself in the mirror. “I’m going to keep it simple and curl my hair a bit. Not in a tight, ‘I’m hot-stuff’, sort of way. I’m thinking loose and free.”

  “Sounds beautiful,” I respond as she walks off into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. With my luck, I’ll be sitting on the couch waiting for her. Caprice and I haven’t had moments like this, although I’m betting she’s just like every other woman when it comes to hair and makeup.


  “It doesn’t get easier. You just get stronger.”

  ~ Unknown


  “You’re being awfully quiet. Is everything okay?” I ask Liam, who’s driving the SUV to the event venue in downtown Dublin. He hasn’t said anything to me since I started putting my makeup on and curling my hair. I hope he isn’t angry I took a bit longer than I intended getting ready.

  “Yes, I’m only thinking about the chat I had with Rafael before I left.” At hearing his name it feels like I just received a punch to the gut.

  “You spoke to h-him?” I ask, afraid of the answer.

  “Yes. More like I told him what was what. I made sure he understands as soon as we find your child, his blood will be spilled. He’s gotten away with too much for far too long. He isn’t someone we need. In all honesty, he’s disposable and is of no value to our family. The only reason he’s been alive this long even with his transgressions is because of his relation to my sisters. Now, the only reason he’s alive is that he knows where the child is and w
hen we tell my father, he’ll fully support the decision I’ve made in going after Rafael after the baby is with us.”

  “I . . . I don’t think it’s necessary to tell your father,” I say, hoping he won’t take offense to what I’ve said.

  “It is. He’s the head of our family and the Irish mob. Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of keeping this from him, love. We’ll have to tell him at some point.”

  “Wow. I never thought I’d have to . . . ”

  “I’m not saying we’re going to tell him today, but we will very soon. We have to get his support before I act. If I don’t . . . I could be hunted for going after him. While he doesn’t have many supporters, he does have a few.”

  “The few who need their own heads examined,” I retort in frustration. Anyone who supports Rafael is just as insane as he is.

  “I’d have to agree with you. I wanted to give you this under more romantic circumstances, however, I don’t want anyone seeing you without it. If Gaia or Giovanni makes a remark, tell them we picked it back up from the jewelers on our way to the gala.” Liam pulls a small black box from his suit jacket pocket and hands it over to me. I open the box, and another box is inside. So, I open that one and a beautiful rose gold ring with diamonds and emeralds is revealed to me.

  “Oh my God,” I breathlessly whisper, never seeing a ring with this much beauty.

  “I hope that’s a good reaction. I can’t look at you right now, so you’ll have to tell me what you think.”

  I try to put my thoughts into words, to tell him how gorgeous this ring is and then I remember I’ve seen this ring before. In the photo at Father O’Sullivan’s house. This is the same exact ring Sofia was wearing. Jesus Christ, it’s a family heirloom. “It’s amazing. Thank you so much.” I leave it at that, not wanting to embarrass myself by rambling on.


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