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Shameless Kisses: 3:AM Kisses 18

Page 2

by Moore, Addison

  I turn back to my sister. “Dad says I can use his company plane, so no TSA lines or time lost at the airport. I’ve already booked a room at our favorite hotel in Midtown, and I’ll take a cab to the interview.”

  “Sorry, sis. That’s a no-go.” Harper winces like I might spontaneously deck her, and, honest to God, I might. “If I’m not in the city, neither are you.”

  “What about my career?” I squawk so loud she blinks from the blowback.

  “You’ll pick it up after midterms.” She shakes her head as if I should already be on board with this idea. I’m about to protest when her boyfriend’s twin sister, Trixie, comes up and does her best to pull her away, citing something about a too good to miss impromptu wrestling match breaking out in the poolroom. A wrestling match? Heck—a shouting match is a sure-fire way to get the boot from this fine, rife with underage drinking establishment.

  I do my best to snatch up her hand as her boyfriend whisks her away. “Contrary to unpopular opinion”—I hitch my head toward Eli—“I’m a big girl!” I shout as the crowd swallows them whole.

  “Stay away from the app!” she shouts over the music and a riot of voices going off all at once.

  “I will!” I shout back. “When you stay out of my business,” I add sternly before turning around once again and bumping into the aforementioned obnoxious rock-hard chest. “Shoo!” I bark in his face. “I’ve got places to go and people to see, and none of the above involve you.”

  I try to take a step around him, and he takes a step right along with me as an inglorious grin blooms on his face.

  “Sounds like Harper’s not letting you run around the city alone.”

  I can’t help but avert my gaze at the ball-busting buffoon in front of me.

  “Don’t you have a cheerleader to bang right about now? Or on nights when we have a win, do you get to nail the entire squad?” I flash a manufactured smile his way, but his affect falls flat, and, dare I say, he looks downright pissed.

  “Look, she doesn’t want you going to Manhattan by yourself because she cares about you. And I’m guessing that’s why she doesn’t want you using the app.”

  “Wow, you are a genius. And by the way? I’m using the app.” I whip out my phone to prove a point. “See this?” I quickly orient him to my new friend Eleanor’s brainy quote. “I’m about to do something that scares me. It’s been my New Year’s resolution for the last nine months, and it’s about time I implemented it. In fact, tonight’s pet project just so happens to include just that. I plan on whittling down my dating options as I swipe left and right to my heart’s content. You might have the entire female population of Briggs at your sexual disposal but, on this fine night, I’ve got half the Western Hemisphere.”

  His cheek tugs to the side. His affect is still stone cold as if nothing I could say would ever amuse him, and I really don’t give a flying flip.

  “Date who you want. I don’t care.” He takes a deep breath like maybe he might, and his chest expands to the size of a door. “But if you really want to go to New York next weekend, I’ll spot you. I’m headed up to see my aunt.”

  My mouth squares out in all sorts of unflattering shapes that accurately depict my horror.

  “Oh my God, you’re hitting on me. Why in the hell would I want to head north with you, Gates? Are you down one out-of-state conquest this month? Too bad because I’m not helping you populate your fornication fantasy of screwing in every state in the country. If you want to score another touchdown this evening, I suggest you find a janky jersey chaser. This place is loaded with them.”

  Those marbled eyes of his narrow in on mine, icy and hard, as if this conversation were more of a burden than an attempt to run his balls to the nearest sexual goalpost.

  “You’ll go to New York with me if you want to work. If not, wait for your sister’s scholastic schedule to free up. I really don’t care.”

  He starts to walk away, and instinctively I snatch his sweatshirt by the elbow and pull him back.

  Eli steps in close, the warmth of his body heating me far more than should ever be allowed.

  I bite down over my lip hard as I take in his unfairly handsome face. I hate that my heart is racing and my blood pressure is spiking because of it, too. “Are you really going to visit your aunt this weekend?”

  “Yup. Just got off the phone with her this afternoon. She’s on the east side, but I’ll be staying in a hotel. I happen to like my freedom, too.”

  “Have you already booked a flight?” A twinge of desperation flutters through my voice, and I detest it.

  “Nope. I’m getting to it tomorrow.”

  “Well, don’t. You’ll fly with me. I’ll tell Harper. I just know she’ll be fine with it. No funny stuff”—I glance down to his crotch—“you got that?”

  A dark laugh rumbles from his chest as he looks me over, up and down. “I was just about to say the same to you. Harper is my friend, and I don’t dabble in little sisters. Consider this nothing more than a business arrangement.”

  “A business arrangement.” I glare over at him filled with suspicion. “I guess we’re heading to New York then.”

  “I guess we are.” He tips his head back and bears into me as if he were looking into my soul. My heart lets out an unnatural thud as if it were trying to warn me of a certain football player—a player in the most hypersexual sense. “We’ll touch base,” he says as he takes off.

  My adrenaline picks up to unsafe levels as I watch a swarm of sorority girls engulf him like vultures swooping in for the sexual kill.

  I’m heading to New York in a week with the golden boy of Whitney Briggs University.

  A part of me wonders if I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, but I know better. The only thing I’ll be taking a bite out of next weekend is the Big Apple.

  If that ball-tossing oaf thinks he’s just gotten an all-access pass to the mile-high club, he’s got another thing coming.

  The only thing happening next weekend is the beginning of my career.

  This is going to be the best autumn of my life. I can feel it.

  Eli glances back as if he heard me, and his lips curl at the tips as if he’s one-upped me somehow.

  And a part of me wonders if he has indeed.


  New York.

  I can’t help but scowl at the masses in the bar. The Black Bear Saloon is Hollow Brook’s premier watering hole for both beer and French fries alike. And as much as I thought I’d pound my fill of both, I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.

  What the hell was I thinking telling Harley I’d go to New York with her? I sure as heck didn’t have plans to go this weekend. Yes, I love my aunt and talk to her just about every week—she has a way of calling like clockwork right after a big game like this, so I half-expect my phone to go off on cue. She’s some big-time talent agent in New York and leads an amazing life. But despite our friendly chatty conversations, I have not been to New York in what feels like forever. She flies down my way for Christmas, and we usually head to a Chinese restaurant in the evening. It’s been our thing for a very long time. She’s my father’s sister. Divorced with one grown daughter who moved to Sweden.

  My own family, nuclear, that is—mother, father, and sister—died in a tragic car accident when I was a teenager. My mother had a few siblings, but we’ve never been close, and my Aunt Ashley is the one who stepped in and made sure I didn’t off myself in the aftermath in some impulsive need to join my family.

  But not even she knows what happened the night before the accident, the reason I wasn’t in the car or others weren’t in it for that matter. But nonetheless, I guess the horror of what happened the day before saved my ass, so I can’t complain too much. I’m still here, and as my aunt loves to remind me, God must have a purpose for it.

  A hand lands hard on my shoulder, and I turn to find Knox staring me down.

  He tips his head back. “Thanks, man. You saved me.”

  I glance around at the crowd of girls behind him
, all stealing glances our way. Each one looks as if she’s vying for that number one spot on my mattress tonight, and my lips can’t help but twitch at the hint of a devious smile. I can pretty much land a girl in my bed just about any night of the week, but after a win, it’s a treat I always partake in. A blonde with big dark eyes and a flirtatious smile catches my attention, and I’ve already pegged her as the winner.

  “What exactly did I save you from?” I’m only mildly curious. I know for a fact Knox and Harper are solid. There isn’t a girl on this planet who has the power to get in the way of what they’ve got. And I admire it. For some reason, I just can’t imagine that lifestyle for myself. I could have at one point, but that delusion died before my family did.

  Knox plucks at his flannel as if he were cooling himself off. He’s got dark hair, a dark affect, and has a rough edge to him, which makes me like him just a little bit more. He’s on the team right along with me, and we both put on a hell of a show tonight. I know for a fact I didn’t save him on the field tonight.

  “With Harper—and by Harper, I mean Harley. Harper loves her little sister.” He winces as he turns back for a second, and I follow his gaze to the queen of mean herself. That long dark hair of hers seems to have a life of its own, and those glowing hazel eyes have the ability to cast a spell on whomever the hell they want, but that honey-colored skin, that outrageous body, Harley is the whole package as far as her looks go, but she’s also a pistol, and for whatever reason I’ve set myself up to be pistol-whipped on that short plane ride to the city. “Harper wanted me to step in and take Harley next weekend, but I’ve got ten thousand things I need to do myself, and babysitting the little princess wasn’t high on my list.”

  “No problem.” My adrenaline kicks in for no good reason as I watch Harley laugh it up with a couple of her friends. I recognize most of them. Serena, her roommate, is dating Shep, the guy who stepped in as an adjunct professor last summer. I happened to be his TA. And it just so happens that because Serena was in his entrepreneurial sciences class that the two of us developed that infamous app, Hollow Brook Honeys. It’s taken off, and we’ve since seen a nice chunk of change for our efforts.

  Serena was the brainchild behind the app, and I guess you can say I was the technical brawn. But we’ve decided to split everything fifty-fifty. And since I’m an owner in this new business endeavor, I fully take the responsibility to fix all the bugs—and there have been many, along with any other technical issues that might arise. But I don’t mind. I like putting myself to the test and accepting the challenge to make the wrong things right. I’ll admit, that after I lost my family, I’ve had an insatiable thirst for justice.

  Knox narrows in on me as if he suspects something. “So, what’s bringing you to New York? Harley mentioned something about an aunt you’re visiting? Dude, I’ve known you for a while now, and I can’t think of a single time you’ve taken off for the city.”

  I take a deep breath, unsure of how to answer this myself. “I don’t know. All I know is my aunt would appreciate it, and Harley offered me a ride.” I try to shrug it off, but deep down, I can’t shake the feeling there’s a little more to it.

  Knox nods apprehensively as if he’s not quite buying the bull I just shoved his way. “I get it.” He offers me a firm pat to my back. “She’s the only family you’ve got. I’d do the same if someone offered me a free trip to see her. You’re a good guy.” He tips his head, and that friendly demeanor of his suddenly turns stone cold. “But do not, and I mean do not, get any funny ideas about Harley. I realize what she looks like and so do you.”

  Harley just so happens to be the spitting image, more or less, of his girlfriend Harper. Suffice it to say, Harley is a knockout who could have any guy in this place.

  “Yes, she’s hot.” I frown as I acknowledge this. “And that’s part of the reason I wanted to go.”

  Knox pulls me in by my shirt. “Dude, do not make me slug you after a win.”

  “Relax.” I gently remove him from my person. “I had a little sister once, remember?” Knox knows all about my disastrous family history, the grisliest details anyhow. “She was beautiful, too.” My heart wrenches tightly as if a vise suddenly gripped it. I would be lying if I didn’t admit to thinking about Sarah every day, but at this moment, just knowing I couldn’t protect her that night nor will I ever again, it hurts to think about it. “I wouldn’t want her roaming around the city all by her lonesome, and I don’t want that for Harley either. I figure I can watch over her for a weekend and still get the chance to visit my aunt. It’s a win-win.” My stomach cinches as if I just shed a lie, and for the life of me, I can’t figure out why.

  “Good.” That stern look never leaves his face. “Because I don’t want this to come back and bite me. Harper will gut the both of us if you decide to act with your little head. And don’t think for a minute that you could get away with something like that. Harley just had her heart pounded on and she’s ripe for rebound, but trust me when I say nothing is easy with that girl—least of all her.”

  “I get it.” I lift my hands as if this were an emotional stick-up, and it is. “I’m not getting into her pants. That’s not my MO. She’s little sister material all the way.”

  “Good.” He groans as he looks deep into the tangle of bodies before us. “Speaking of sisters. I see Trixie getting a little out of hand and not a sign of Rush around to help tame her. I’d better head over.” He takes off, and I shift my focus over to the crowd of options for the night, but the blonde with dark eyes, the crowd of girls in general, has shifted to the dance floor and all I see is Harley.

  A wry smile comes and goes. And before I can make a run for a burger, she’s headed this way with a heated look on her face. I don’t need a road map to let me know I’ve somehow managed to piss her off without trying.

  “What?” I ask as she stomps her way in front of me. I’m usually not so curt with the girls, but this one has an annoying quality about her that I haven’t quite figured out what to do with. Most girls I’ve encountered here at WB, scratch that, all girls that I’ve encountered here at WB have been more than amicable to me. In fact, they’ve been downright friendly in an unchristian manner, and I’m not complaining one bit.

  “What?” she barks right back. “Is that any way to talk to a girl you’re about to share an entire weekend with?”

  My lips twist as I try to decode what she’s saying. Normally I’d think she were flirting with me, but something tells me she is in fact doing quite the opposite.

  “Speak English,” I grumble.

  She averts her eyes a moment, and I can’t help but notice how long her lashes are. They look natural, too. In fact, everything about Harley looks natural. Most of the girls I’m with have at least a half-pound of Spackle on their face, not that I care—but it does seem rare to see a fresh face, and a fresh face that can stand out as a natural beauty seems rarer still.

  She leans in, her sugary perfume intoxicating me momentarily. I have always fallen for a girl who holds the scent of a sweet treat, but with Harley that’s about the only sweet thing about her.

  “I told my sister and Knox that you’re coming along for the ride, and shockingly my sister approved.” She grunts as if it were a misnomer on her sister’s behalf. “Most likely because she doesn’t want me to miss an opportunity meet-up with my dream agent, Ashley Grayson. The woman has the power to make or break my career.”

  “Ashley Grayson?” I parrot back my aunt’s name, stunned for a moment, but now that all the pieces are falling into place, it makes sense. My aunt really is the best.

  “That’s right. She’s a very important person, and I don’t need you tagging along screwing it up for me by trying to sleep with her secretary or whatever other sexual malfeasance your mini leader is up to.” She glances down at my crotch again, second time tonight, and you can bet my ego is keeping score.

  “Listen, Kitten, trust me when I say there is not a mini thing about me.” I’m suddenly moved not to inform
her about my relational proximity to her dream agent in question. If she doesn’t want my mini help, I’ll happily step aside and let her go at it on her own.

  “Kitten?” she balks at the moniker. “Save your desperate flirtations for someone who cares. Anyway”—she’s quick to brush me off—“I may have spilled the beans regarding our out-of-state arrangement to my friends.” She grimaces a moment and manages to look adorable in the process, just the way my sister used to do. And, interestingly enough, she is the first girl who has made me think of Sarah twice, both in nature and in her mannerisms. How I miss all the little things Sarah used to do, like grimace just that way when she thought she was about to get into trouble. Which brings me to my next point.

  “All right, Harley, what did you really do?” It comes out with a dry laugh, brotherly in nature, and my stomach cinches once again as if it were trying to warn me of impending things to come.

  “I didn’t do anything, I swear. I just mentioned our play date to New York to my friends, and they all automatically assumed it was a real date. That’s not my fault. It’s yours for being such a darn playboy. Now they all think we’re going to screw.”

  A dull laugh bounces through me. “We’re not going to screw. You’re like a kid, a kitten. Besides, Harper is one of my good friends. I’m not ruining that. I can assure you there will be no screwing. You’re not doing anything shady. We’re just headed in the same direction, that’s all.”

  Her mouth drops with what looks like horror. “Did you just liken me to a child and a cat in the same sentence? And you trying to tell me what I will and won’t be able to do?” She gives an incredulous huff of a laugh. “Oh honey, you think you’re good, but let me assure you, I’m better.” She takes a step forward and pulls me in with a yank of my shirt. “If I wanted to have you, I would,” she says it point-blank like a fact she firmly believes to be true. “But I don’t, and those are my terms. Coincidentally, I only play by my own rules. So you don’t have to reprimand me. We are not going to screw, but it’s because I have determined that, not you.” She starts to walk away, then backtracks. She winces again and looking every bit adorable as the first time. “And since it’s not hurting anyone for the entire free world to think we’re doing that thing we’re definitely not doing this weekend, why don’t we just let the masses believe their own delusions? I’m sort of liking the naughty notoriety.” She gives a hearty wink before taking off to her friends, all of whom have their eyes peeled on us.


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