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Shameless Kisses: 3:AM Kisses 18

Page 9

by Moore, Addison

  “Hey, you!” I wave to Eli. “Mom, Brad—Henry—this is Eli Gates. He’s the reason the Mustangs won tonight.” I wink over at Knox.

  “Watch it, girl.” Knox winks back as he sets my sister down.

  Eli jumps up and shakes my mother’s hand. “Nice to meet you. Harley’s a great girl.”

  Brad shakes his hand as well. “I didn’t know Harley was dating anyone. And the captain of the football team? Way to go, Har!”

  I shudder when he calls me that. Hardy har har. I have never been a fan of slicing my name in half for the sake of brevity.

  “We’re not dating,” Eli answers for me, and I’m crestfallen. Of course, I was about to say the same thing, but only because I was covering for us. For some reason, I think he means it.

  Or, hey? Maybe he’s covering for us, too? Suddenly, my adrenaline skyrockets, and I’m right back to being elated.

  Mom examines him with that frozen smile on her face that she gets when she’s in hyper-assessment mode. I can practically read her mind. Is this guy good enough for my baby girl? Is he trying to get into her pants? Am I okay with both of those scenarios?

  I know exactly how my mother’s wheels turn. I’m more than familiar with the inquisition because she just so happened to give it to Tyler early last summer.

  “Eli, it’s nice to meet you.” My mother finally makes her grand proclamation. “Please, join us for dinner. We’re headed to Minnie’s Diner near Jepson. It’s my favorite place to eat pancakes at ungodly hours. My treat.”

  Eli looks my way and flashes those pearly whites. “I’ve yet to turn down pancakes. I’ll shower up and be right back.”

  Knox and Eli take off, and my sister comes back to collect her things.

  Mom and Brad help Henry down the stairs, and Harper catches me by the arm, her wild eyes pinned to my own. Looking at my sister is like looking in a mirror. For a very long while, people were convinced we were twins.

  “You’re into him.” She shrugs it off as if it was nothing. “You can forget about going to New York this weekend. I saw that look he gave you. He’s into you, too.”

  She starts to take off, and I yank her back. “I’m going to New York, and Eli is coming with me. I’m nineteen, not nine. Sorry, sister, but your days of pulling rank are over.” I start to take off, then backtrack. Her mouth hangs open, and a plume of paper white fog blooms from it. “And you’re right. I’m into Eli, and he’s into me.” I hope. “And what we do when we’re alone is none of your business.”

  Her eyes enlarge with rage. “You had better not do anything with that boy unless you want to end up at the free clinic in need of ninety-two vaccinations. He’s been around the block, Harley. He’s no better than Tyler.”

  A breath hitches in my throat. “I’d slap you if I didn’t have to break pancakes with you in fifteen minutes. Look, I realize you love me or you wouldn’t care who I was hanging out with. But Eli is different. He really cares about me. And just so you can sleep at night, we haven’t done anything together other than a few silly kisses.” They were far from silly, but Harper doesn’t need to know that. “So just lay off. I’m not you. The guy I’m madly in love with isn’t exactly falling at my feet. Not all of us get the fairy-tale ending.”

  I take off and meet up with Mom and Brad in their car.

  As ugly as things got with Harper, it felt good to stand up for myself for once.

  I look up at the sky and chew on a smile.

  Hey, Eleanor? Looks like I can cross off another thing that scares me—standing up to my big sister.

  And who knows? Harper and I might be better for it.

  * * *

  Minnie’s is a cozy little diner on the wrong side of the tracks, complete with 1950s décor and enough sketchy characters to make you watch your back as you do your best to inhale the all-you-can-eat pancakes. We’re seated at an oblong table, and Eli ends up sitting across from me while I sit next to my mom. The pancake parade starts off quickly, and both Knox and Eli pound two platefuls without looking up.

  Brad laughs as the rest of us watch them in awe. “Oh, to be young and have the metabolism of an athlete. I’m afraid I’ll be working off this meal for the next six months.”

  Mom chortles as if she agrees. “Knox, it’s always a pleasure to watch you in action both on the field and in the pancake house. And Eli, had I known I should have been keeping an eye on two young men, I certainly would have done so. Consider yourself watched at the very next game. So, how did you meet Harley?”

  Harper waves it off. “We’ve all known Eli forever. He and Knox are good friends.” She looks my way and crimps an apologetic smile. “In fact, we’re such good friends, Eli is the one who’s been going to New York with Harley these past few weekends while I finish up my group project.”

  Mom lands her fork down onto her plate, softly but noticeably. “Oh really?” Her demeanor is suddenly curt. Gone is the hippie artist, replaced with a very concerned mother.

  “My aunt lives there,” Eli is quick to volunteer. “I’ve been visiting her while Harley does her thing.”

  I nod frantically, even though it’s only mostly true. Eli’s been with me far more than with his aunt. In fact, has he ever even visited her? I can’t seem to remember.

  I clear my throat. “Eli’s aunt is his only remaining family member.”

  Eli’s eyes widen a notch as he looks my way as if he were shocked I threw his family under the proverbial bus, and, quite frankly, so am I.

  “I’m sorry,” I mouth.

  “It’s true,” he admits. “My aunt is like my mother, and I very much appreciate any moment I can with her.”

  “Oh, that’s lovely.” Mom clutches her chest as she warms right back up to Eli. “She must be very well off to live in the city. It’s so astronomically expensive! I should know. I’ve spent a million years and dollars there myself. Hey? What’s her name? Maybe I know her?”

  Eli’s mouth opens and makes all sorts of interesting shapes as if he couldn’t remember. “Anna.” He takes a deep breath. “Anna Janna.”

  “Anna Janna?” Mom asks the question for me.

  “Yeah.” Eli winces my way, and my heart thumps as if it’s trying to kickbox its way out of my chest because I have a sneaking suspicion he’s lying.

  Why would Eli lie about his aunt?

  Unless, of course, he’s lied about his aunt just to be closer to me. If that’s the case, I totally approve. Mostly.

  “Her married name.” He nods. “Or at least it was before she divorced. She was my father’s sister. My parents and my own little sister died in a crash several years ago. My aunt has been my rock ever since.” He swallows hard as he reaches for his water, and the mood at the table grows increasingly somber.

  Mom gives a long blink. “I’m so very sorry to hear it. But I am glad you’re able to visit with your aunt. I’m sure she appreciates that very much. And I appreciate you looking after Harley. I really wouldn’t want to have her stomping around the city by herself.”

  Brad lifts a forkful of pancakes three layers deep. “That goes for me, too. This world is filled with weirdos. We have to keep an eye on one another.”

  Eli and I exchange a look.

  We’re more than aware of the weirdos in this world. I disabled the Hollow Brook Honeys app from giving me notifications, and I did the same for my text messages since I foolishly gave him my number. As much as I felt resistance to divulge any real information in the beginning, my shiny new shark boyfriend managed to extract all of my hopes and dreams from me. And now I fear for each and every one of them.

  After dinner, or breakfast-for-dinner, we congregate out front, and I give Henry a hug goodbye.

  “He seems like a good guy,” Henry whispers into my ear before taking a puff from his oxygen machine. “Don’t worry about what Harper says. I sensed the tension. Sisters can be a pain sometimes.” He gives my side a tweak. “Come see one of my shows sometime. I’ll save you a seat.” He looks to Eli and Knox. “That goes for you
guys, too. Maybe a double date?”

  “Smooth,” I mutter under my breath.

  Mom pulls me to the side and offers a hearty embrace. “He is a hottie. I’ll give him that. But he lied about the aunt.” She pulls back and shrugs. “I have a feeling the only person he knows in New York is you. Can’t blame the guy for trying. You’re pretty hot yourself.” She gives a sly wink. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Oh wait, that’s everything. You do you, Harley. Don’t do me.” She lands a kiss to my forehead, and soon I find myself seated next to Eli in his truck. Harper is driving home with Knox, so it’s just the two of us. The air is chilled and thick with silence.

  “So where to next?” I ask as I take in his handsome profile. Eli Gates raised the bar for sex gods the world over.

  “We have New York in the morning. But if you don’t mind, we can swing by my new place. Maybe catch a quick movie?”

  “Netflix and chill?” I bite down on a devious smile.

  “You wish, Kitten.” A devilish grin rides up his cheeks as if those were his intentions all along.

  “Yeah, well, my wishes have a way of coming true.” Right before they morph into a nightmare.

  Eli glances my way, his eyes glossed over as if he were suddenly having an uncontrollable craving.

  “What the hell. Let’s make all of your wishes come true.”

  We head straight to his new place.

  Get ready, Eli.

  I’m about to make both of our wishes come true.


  Harley Shelton.

  A grin begs to ride high on my face, but I refuse myself the pleasure. Hell, I don’t even know why I’m so damn giddy.

  The house is cold, so I start a fire. Harley runs around the place whooping and giggling before finally coming back to the living room and kicking off her shoes.

  “I love it. Much bigger than the room at the Howard. And, swear to God, my dorm room is about as big as the bathroom in your bedroom. Are you sure you don’t need a roommate?”

  A dark laugh rumbles through me. “You signing up, sweetie?”

  “Only if you beg.” She flops onto the sofa and pulls out her phone. “And you’d have to beg a lot. I didn’t want to say anything, but you snore like a freight train.”

  I land next to her and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “That would be you, Kitten. I was just too polite to point it out first.” I nod to the phone. “Have you checked?”

  “Nope. Are you kidding? I like my sanity. Besides, I wanted to wait until I had you next to me.” She tucks the phone to her chest a moment. “I think I should block him and delete my Hot Honeys account.”

  “I don’t think that’s wise. If he doesn’t think he can get to you this way, he might try to get creative. And I think we can both agree he’s creative enough. That’s exactly why I think we should go to the police, but not quite yet.” I don’t tell her that I’ve given myself a week to hunt down this monster. I need to talk my aunt tomorrow. I need to get the information out of her so I can track down the very idiot who’s behind this. I don’t dare tell Harley, though. She would want to know who it is, why they’re doing this, and I don’t want to go back there.

  “Police?” Harley drops her head into her hands. “No way.” She peers up just enough for me to see her crimson-laced eyes.

  “We have to. But like I said, we have a little time.”

  I need to hunt him down.

  This is personal. This has always been personal.

  “Fine.” She fiddles with her phone and hands it to me.

  I scroll through the recent text messages from our warped friend the Shark, and my heart stops all but beating.

  “Crap,” I mutter under my breath.

  “What is it?” She winces as she leans over to get a better look.

  There must be at least five new pictures since the last one was taken at the Howard Hotel. But it’s the last three—the game, Minnie’s Diner, the house—my house, that have me particularly alarmed.

  “Eli,” Harley gasps.

  I drop the phone, bolt to pick up the baseball bat sitting next to the front door, and jet out of the house.

  A lone man is standing across the street to the left of a party where people are congregating on the front lawn, and I head straight for him. He’s facing the other direction, but that dark hair, that familiar frame. Holy hell, I think it’s him.

  I spin him around without warning, and he jumps back as I raise the bat.

  “Crap!” He holds his arm out as if ready to face a blow, and it’s then I recognize who it is despite the murky lighting from the streetlamp down the road.

  “Lawson? What the hell are you doing out here?”

  “I’m on the freaking phone. Are you going to crack my skull open over that?”

  My adrenaline is still charging ahead without my permission as I take another quick look around. I spot a small group headed this way, his girlfriend Lucky, Harper, and Knox. Just great.

  I glance back to the house with its door swung wide open and shoot up a silent prayer that Harley doesn’t decide to come out. I’m sure Harper would love that.

  Harper hugs herself in an attempt to stay warm. It’s cold enough to frost tonight. “What’s going on?” In this low lighting, she looks exactly like Harley. Knox wraps an arm around her, and a twinge of jealousy spears through me.

  “Nothing. I thought I saw someone bolting from around my car. I just thought maybe they were breaking in.” And I’m officially a liar now. But then, I’ve been one all along, haven’t I?

  Harper shudders. “Well, I like you hyper vigilant. Keep that up when you’re in the city with my sister tomorrow.”

  “Will do,” I say goodnight and take off across the street as Lawson jogs alongside me.

  “You thought it was the dude, didn’t you?”

  “I did.” I glance around before looking Lawson in the eyes. “It’s not you, is it? You’re not screwing with Harley and me for the hell of it, are you?”

  “Are you insane?”

  I spot Harper glaring this way as if she has a personal vendetta against me, and suddenly she’s on the suspect list, too.

  Lawson follows my gaze. “No way, man. Don’t even go there. Knox will drill your head through a wall for even thinking about it.”

  “Fine. I’m not saying a word. Have a good weekend,” I say as I head back into the house and bolt the door shut behind me.

  “What’d you find?” Harley pokes her head out from behind a throw pillow.

  “Just a bunch of people at a party. He could have been a guest. He could have been anything.”

  “He’s following me, Eli.” Tears swell in her eyes, and I swoop down next to her and pull her onto my lap.

  “He’s not going to hurt you. I can promise you that.” In fact, if my aunt doesn’t give me the information I want, I’m moving the date up on getting the authorities involved.

  “I need you to stay with me all weekend.” She takes in a quick breath.

  “I will. At some point, though, I need to see my aunt.”

  “Then I’ll see her with you.” She runs her fingers through my hair as a quiet laugh bounces through her. “You don’t have to pretend anymore. I’m onto you. Your aunt is a figment of your imagination.” She shrugs. “You can admit it. You just wanted to come to New York with me.”

  A sharp laugh howls from my throat. “My aunt is real. I can promise you that.”

  “Anna Janna Banana?” She shakes her head at my lunacy.

  “Fine. So the name wasn’t real, but she is.” I take a breath as I quickly try to figure out how to remedy this. “I was afraid your mother might know her—and not like her. My aunt can be a very polarizing individual.” True as God. As much as those she accepts love her—those she rejects detest her. They blame her for their lackluster careers, and they’re most likely right.

  Harley readjusts herself until she’s straddling me and seated directly over my lap, her heavy chest brushing softly against mine

  “I didn’t think of that, but knowing my mother, it would most likely be true. As much as I love her, she can be a tad judgmental to those who aren’t as enlightened as she thinks she is. I think that’s why she and Brad work so well. He pretty much agrees with whatever she tells him.”

  “I suddenly find Brad wise beyond measure.” My hands float up her sides, and it elicits a naughty smile to curl on her lips.

  She wrinkles her nose a moment. “Before I reward you with a kiss that you will never forget, I have a confession to make.”

  “You snore on purpose just to destroy my REM sleep patterns?”

  She makes a face. “I wish I was that good. No, I’m actually not leaving tonight.” She gives a little shrug. “While you were gone, I texted Serena and let her know. She said she was fine with it. I also told her not to worry because nothing was going to happen.” Her hand glides down the front of my shirt. “Now it’s entirely up to you to keep me from being a liar.”

  I arch a brow at her. “I don’t think I should be in charge of anyone’s moral compass.”

  “Oh, I know.” She bows down and lands a heated kiss to my lips. “I guess you can say I’m counting on you to do the wrong thing.”

  “The wrong thing,” I parrot as I pull her close and kiss the hell out of her.

  I want Harley, and that’s the truth. I want all of her. I want to love every inch of that beautiful flesh, but not because I can or because she’s a warm body—the very reasons I’ve slept with so many girls before her—but because I care deeply about her. I appreciate her on an intimate level.

  My God, I think I love her.

  A soft moan escapes her throat, and I feel it down to my bones. Harley is in this to win it, to win me as the prize for the night.

  Her silky hair falls over my face. It feels amazing and smells like a vanilla-scented heaven. I have never been with a girl that I have wanted as bad as I want Harley. I have never felt the intense urge to have anyone with so much fervor.

  As much as my hands demand to slip underneath her sweater, I won’t let them. For once I need to do the right thing, and that means making Harley wait for it until we’re both positive this is what we want.


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