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Be Your Savior: The Be Yours Trilogy #2

Page 5

by Fox, Lizzie

  “This is really happening, isn’t it?” I mused out loud in amazement as she gave me a ticket and whisked the dress away, assuring me that it’d be finished in seven days because she was going to rush it. It helped that I paid for the dress and the alterations in full and promised her a large tip if she was finished early.

  “Yes, it is. I’m so happy you two found each other. He was so alone for so long, it was just…depressing.” Shane said with a frown. “Now you really just need to make him dress better.”

  I chuckled. “I’m not making any promises.”

  “Just try for me. Please. I think he’d feel better about himself if he took a bit more pride in what he wore. But that’s just my opinion, for whatever its worth. And you know what they say about opinions…like assholes, everyone has one.” He rolled his eyes at himself.

  “You have a little extra knowledge about assholes, though, than the average person. Wouldn’t you say?” I kidded, with a snicker. He just grinned widely.

  “You know it!” He linked his arm with mine and nodded off toward the parking lot. “Now that this is over, let’s go have some fun and prove to the world we aren’t just a bunch of old farts.”

  I could just feel my face light up at the idea. I appreciated that Seth didn’t think I was old, but there were just certain things you couldn’t understand unless you were there. Like the biological clock ticking so loudly in your head that’s all you could hear. Knowing that unless you act soon, you might not have a chance.

  Seth, didn’t understand that. I’m not sure Shane could either. Victoria didn’t because she didn’t want kids, and never had. But men can go on for years, into their sixties, and not worry. It simply wasn’t fair.

  “Yes. Let’s go.”



  For dinner, Shane picked a place in Eau Claire where he was familiar with the owners and management; a bar and grill with a loud, expansive dance floor that the guys played at every couple of months. I started to understand why Shane was in charge of promotion: the man could “schmooze” with the best of them, as he would say.

  “This place makes the best cosmos. Right, Mikey?” Shane gave the bartender a flashy wink. Mike, who was a college-aged kid, I assumed, blushed under the praise. While we were waiting for our food, Shane insisted we order drinks.

  I swallowed nervously. “Oh, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  Shane scoffed, waving me off. “Are you worried about Seth getting pissed?”

  “No!” I said a little too quickly, with a squeaky voice, and Shane snorted. “No, I just don’t always get along the best with alcohol.”

  “I’d say you did pretty well that night in Menomonie. You had quite a bit and barely even slurred,” Shane said with a grin. “I was surprised you were even walking.”

  I shrugged nonchalantly. I didn’t want to tell him why that was… I had a high tolerance because I used to drink. A lot. But that was back when I was with Adam. I was sad and alone from dealing with him, depressed about the baby situation, still grieving over Blake… I had nothing to be sad about right now.

  I was getting married to the greatest man in the world. He was sexy, and gorgeous, extremely talented and…really good in bed.

  Okay so…I was a writer who hadn’t written anything in years. I was pushing my mid-thirties and still no prospects of kids in sight. My husband-to-be had some mental issues that required quite a bit of care from the both of us…

  …why was I not drinking again?

  “Hit me,” I finally said, and Shane grinned triumphantly.

  “You know the drill,” Mike said, holding out his hand.

  “Of course.” Shane pulled out his keys and handed them to the cute bartender, who stored them in a secret place under the bar somewhere. “Make sure you have my man’s number handy. My new best friend and I are here celebrating.”

  “Oh? What are you celebrating?” Mike asked, suddenly intrigued.

  “She’s getting married.” Shane nudged me playfully, and I felt my face flush.

  “Yeah? Oh wait…” He snapped his fingers. “I’ve seen you before—with Seth. You’re marrying Seth? Seth fucking Archer?”

  I bit my lip cautiously. “Um, yes?”

  “Jeez, my sister is going to be pissed.” Shane rolled his eyes and shook a finger at him. I just swallowed nervously.

  “Um better make that a double,” I replied. I could do this. I could drink and not get in trouble. I could have fun with it like normal people. Right?

  After about two hours, a large cheese pizza, buffalo wings with dressing, and about four of Mike’s extremely tasty and potent cosmopolitans, the bar started spinning for me some, and the lights overhead started blurring.

  “What I don’t understand…” Shane’s words were obviously slurred as he set down his drink glass with a loud clink on the tabletop. “…Anthony knew this. He knew this from the berry veginning, and he’s still being a dirty rotten ass about it.”

  I snorted, tipping back my head and slamming down the last of drink number four. “You dick-scussed all of that and he’s still being all ‘oh, I don’t know if that’s a good idea?’ Pffft. Men.”

  “Girl, right? ‘Oh, but a surrogate is so much money’. Bitch, please. I’m sure we could find someone to do it for free!” Shane said. He caught the eye of the bartender and snapped his fingers, indicating we wanted more. For a weeknight, the bar was on the slower side, but fairly steady. Or else, that was how it looked with my beer goggles; for all I knew there was only about four people besides Shane, myself, and the bartender.

  “Shit. I’ll do it. Especially if Seth like…” I waved my hand and made unintelligible noises. I wasn’t quite sure what I was trying to say. If Seth doesn’t want to give it up… “You have a turkey baster, right?”

  Shane nearly choked, laughing uproariously. “Oh shit, girl! That’s nas-tay!”

  I shrugged awkwardly. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, don’t you think?”

  “Maybe. But I don’t think Seth would like that very much,” Shane said with a snicker that was really loud and reverberated in my head.

  “Ouch. Quit yelling.”

  “I’m not yelling!” Shane protested. Loudly. He was obviously yelling but trying to whisper.

  “Fine.” Sighing, I glanced around, looking for the booze-guy. Whoever he was. The guy that told me his sister would be pissed that Seth was getting married. Pfffft. Tough shit, bitch. My eyes landed on a spinning dance floor, and I grinned widely. “Hey, let’s have some fun!” I nodded to the dance floor with the jukebox on the wall—oh wait, there were two of them!—and grabbed Shane’s hand. “Let’s show everyone we’re not old, moldy people with gray pubic hair!”

  “I’m not showing anyone my pubic hair!” He protested looking mortified.

  I rolled my eyes, stumbling forward as I grabbed for him. “No one needs to know. Come on!” Somehow, even through the spinning merry-go-round of the room—how did they even do that?—we managed to make our way to the dance floor. Dance floors? Whatever. And we danced away our worries, proving to the world that we weren’t old and used up.

  Now if only the rest of my body would remember that tomorrow, that’d be great.



  “Dammit… pick up your phone,” I muttered, as I got Jessie’s voicemail again. Grumbling, I typed in another text to my fiancée that would probably go unanswered.

  The last one I sent her was thirty minutes ago, at about 10:30. I hadn’t heard from her since she texted me in the car on the way to dinner with Shane, telling me she found a dress. At first I was grinning ear to ear at the thought… but after hours of radio silence, I was starting to get worried.

  All right I was passed worried and was downright frantic now. She had never once not taken my calls. And, Shane hadn’t responded to me either.

  Jessie I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours now! Are you okay? What are you doing? I texted her.


  Sighing, I tossed the phone on the pillow next to me and flung myself backwards on the bed, glancing around. It was well after sunset, and the moon was pretty bright, making the waves sparkle and shine on the lake. It was a great bedroom, and even though I had originally taken the other one, I’d fully moved in here long ago. Well… four weeks long ago. All of my music stuff was in the other room, and this one had become ours and had a good mix of both of our things. Which only made me feel more anxious, remembering just how close we’d gotten in this short time, and if something happened—

  My disturbing thought was interrupted by my cell ringing, and I sat up quickly and answered it immediately. “Jessie?”

  “‘Fraid not, bro. But apparently my man got your woman drunk again. They’re currently laughing and whooping it up at Sal’s Tavern in Eau Claire. I just heard from the bartender. He cut them off, but they’re still pretty rowdy. I’m just about to leave to get Shane… you want me to get Jessie too?” Anthony said, sounding irritated.

  “Shit…” I scrubbed my hand over my face and grumbled. “No, I’m coming too. I’m not sure if I want to kick your husband’s ass, or the bartender for letting them get shitfaced.”

  “This is what happens when everyone likes you; Shane can get anyone to do anything.” Anthony sighed. “I don’t really want to be mad, because I think they both needed it, but…”

  “Yeah. I know. I’m on my way.”

  I was still dressed—jeans, blue t-shirt—and all I had to do was throw on my canvas Vans slip-ons which made me smirk. Shane hated these. Good. I grabbed my keys and headed for the Challenger, figuring it’d be easier to get my pretty drunk fiancée in there than it would be to hoist her up into the truck.

  I met up with Anthony just outside of town, and we drove in tandem more or less into Eau Claire, making good time since it was late.

  Sal’s Tavern was located in the center of town, and I knew it well. The entire band was pretty close with the management, but I knew Shane was particularly chummy with everyone.

  When we entered, Jessie and Shane were dancing in the middle of the tavern to music on a digital jukebox, singing loudly. And badly.

  “Hey man. I’m sorry, I probably should have cut them off—” Mike, the bartender said as we approached the bar, but Anthony waved him off.

  “Nah, it’s all right.” He held out his hands, and Mike tossed a set of keys in them. Shane’s probably. “We’ll be back for this tomorrow.”

  “Sure, man. Don’t worry I’ll make sure he doesn’t get towed.”

  “Appreciate that.”

  Mike turned to me and inclined his head. “Seth, man. Good to see you again. Sorry about—ummm…”

  Jessie took that moment to let out a particularly loud shriek and fell into Shane who snorted loudly.

  “How much did she have?”

  Mike winced. “Six or seven. She holds it really good, though; I really didn’t think she was as bad off as she was until about thirty minutes ago.”

  I shrugged. “Eh, it’s all right. Thanks for calling us, though.”

  “Hey.” He called to me, when I turned to retrieve my fiancée. “Are you really getting married?”

  I arched a brow. “Yes?”

  “The rumors are true then. You’re going to break a lot of hearts, you realize that, right?” Mike said with a smirk. I just gave him a strange look.

  “Sure…” I didn’t really acknowledge his comment. Because… what the fuck? Who even cared if I was getting married? “Thanks, man. See you soon.” He nodded.

  Anthony was already busy persuading Shane to come with him, and despite everything I laughed at the situation. Jessie didn’t see me until I was practically on top of her. Her face was flushed, her hair was a bit unruly, and she’d be adorable if she didn’t smell like booze. Well she was adorable anyway…just didn’t smell the greatest.

  “Hi baby,” she greeted me a little too enthusiastically. She stumbled gently, and I caught her in my arms before she fell, which only sent her into peals of laughter.

  “So, Shane got you drunk again, huh?” I pretended to click my tongue like I was mad. She playfully swatted at my chest.

  “Oh stop. We’re just having fun. Before we’re too old and dried up to do it. Right?” She called back to him, but he wasn’t there. Shane had nearly passed out on Anthony’s shoulder. He and I exchanged irritated and amused looks. I was amused, of course, because I had to be the mature one. Usually… I wasn’t. The guys could attest to that.

  “You’re not old, now stop that,” I scolded. “Let’s go home, huh?” I attempted to support her by getting her to lean on my shoulder, but even though she wasn’t as out of it as Shane was, she was still pretty far gone. So instead I picked her up under her shoulders and legs and held her against me. Her head rested on my shoulder, and she let out a happy sigh.

  “You don’t understand though, baby. You really don’t. How can you? You’re still young and hot and people want to get in your pants,” she said, reaching up to pinch my cheek which made me snicker.

  I smiled to myself. “Stop it, Jess. You’re not old at all. People want to get in your pants too.” I grimaced as I said it, not wanting to think about it, actually. I did notice men ogling her in the audience at my gigs. She didn’t notice, but I was thankful to Shane for giving them the stink-eye since I couldn’t.

  She snorted ungracefully and shivered as soon as we entered the cooler, night air. “No one wants in my pants.”

  “I do.” I insisted. Jessie just scowled.

  “You have to say that because you’re marrying me.”

  “Yes, I do, but it’s true. All the time. Getting in your pants is pretty much all I ever think about. Now, stop this talk,” I admonished, shaking my head with a smirk she hopefully didn’t notice. How could she? She was three sheets to the wind.

  We reached the Challenger, parked just outside the bar, and I set her on her feet just long enough to open the door. I half expected her to scold me for taking her car, but she didn’t even notice.

  Just as I was getting into the driver’s side, Anthony came up to me, having parked a few spaces away. I looked back at his SUV; Shane was clearly passed out in the front seat. I snickered at the sight. “Man, I’m really sorry. I just figured if they get it out of their systems…” he shrugged, yawning and scrubbing his hand over his face. “Shit, maybe there’s something to this old people crap. I’m about to pass the fuck out and it’s only—what? Eleven?”

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s no big deal, really. When I talked to her earlier she said she they were having a lot of fun.”

  “Oh yeah? What did they do?”

  “Dress shopping, I think.” I shrugged, not understanding the big deal, but Anthony grinned widely.

  “Does that mean you’re doing Florida then?”

  My face heated lightly. This is really happening, isn’t it? “Yeah, I think so. Sounds like a good idea.” I couldn’t hide the grin from my face, even as I shied my face away.

  Anthony clasped my shoulder and brought me in for a quick hug. “Shit, I’m so happy for you guys. Really.”

  “Thanks. You don’t… think it’s too soon?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Is it too soon? Probably. Does it matter? Absofuckinglutely not. I know some people don’t know for years, or maybe they do but they’re too afraid to admit it, but I knew Shane was the one almost instantly. I can’t even explain it… it just felt like coming home, finally.” Anthony scoffed at himself. “Fuck that’s cheesy.”

  “Maybe,” I chuckled in agreement. “But it makes sense.”

  “So, when Shane is over his hangover, I should get him moving along on details?” He winked and nudged me.

  “Yeah. Fuck though… this stuff with Miles Madison. Did he really ask for us?”

  “Well that’s not entirely true, actually…” Anthony paused. Ha, I knew it… “He actually asked for you specifically.”

  My mouth dropped open and I swear all the air from my lungs wa
s gone. “You’re fucking shitting me?”

  “Nope. He said, and I quote, ‘That Archer guy has all the makings of a huge star, I want him on my tour.’” Anthony rose a brow at me expectantly.

  “Fuck. That’s… fuck.” I leaned back against the car, feeling my limbs heat and tense, the coolness of the glass window helping to keep me grounded before I began to panic.

  “It’s damned amazing. Just don’t forget us when you’re huge, Archer.” Anthony slapped the side of my arm and grinned.

  “Dude. I’m not doing anything without you guys. That’s just—no,” I insisted quickly, and I meant that.

  “Shit. Man, we’re just a garage band. Before you came along, we were just doing dives and crappy bars. After you, we’re the most successful we’ve ever been. It’s you that did it, not us. You have the potential to make it all the way, the rest of us are just meant to stay in the garage. It’s okay. Really.”

  “That’s not fucking true,” I replied irritably.

  “Look, we want to go all the way. With you—we probably can. But if there ever comes a time you get your shot, and you have to leave us behind? Do it. Don’t even think about it. We’ll always have your damn back—always. Just think of what it’d mean for—” he nodded inside the car to Jessie who was dozing quietly against the window.

  I started to speak, to insist he was crazy or say I’d never, ever abandon them. But, seeing Jessie there, knowing what a big music career could do for me—for us—I suddenly couldn’t protest. I could finally afford the very best therapy, and maybe once and for all get past my demons. I could afford something better for Lily, and maybe she’d come back to me.

  And kids? I wouldn’t even hesitate. Even if they did end up like me—I could get them the very best.

  “See?” Anthony smiled knowingly. “You know what I say is true.”

  “I…” I bit my lip, raking my tongue over the lip ring; a nervous habit of mine for sure.

  “Go home. Get your girl to bed. We’ll focus on Florida before worrying about anything else. Maybe Miles Madison is a raging dick, huh?” He yawned again. “Fuck. Getting old.”


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