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Be Your Savior: The Be Yours Trilogy #2

Page 10

by Fox, Lizzie

  And even though I should have been anxious that night about performing at the iconic First Avenue in Minneapolis tomorrow, I just… wasn’t. Because our beautiful, hopeful future together was all I could think about. As long as I had that—we had that—being at First Avenue, or even stadiums holding thousands would be nothing. Because this?

  This was everything. This is what it was all about.



  Surreal was the only word to describe walking down the streets of downtown Minneapolis and seeing my fiancé and his band’s faces plastered on the side of the iconic music venue, First Avenue.

  What’s even more—Seth literally didn’t give a shit. It didn’t faze him. To him, it was just another venue, another place to make music, and he didn’t care where it was. It didn’t matter if it was a dirty dive bar or a stadium of thousands, it was all the same to him. He was so humble about Night Addiction’s success; in fact, I think all the praise generally made him a bit uncomfortable. Music and singing were just like breathing to him; it was just something he did without thinking about it.

  During my choir days and when I dreamed of being a singer, encouraged by Blake, it was the dream to end up here, eventually. I never did, of course. After high school I never went beyond singing in the shower. But Seth deserved this, and more.

  It was a couple hours before the show would begin, and we were hanging out around 7th Street in Minneapolis just milling about, trying to take everything in. Seth was indifferent, but the other guys—especially Wes—were pretty floored. I couldn’t help but be just as impressed, standing outside the venue, looking at the black painted wall covered in band posters, including Night Addiction’s.

  I recognized the photo from their social media page. It was just the four of them standing in front of a wall, facing forward and looking into the camera except for Seth. He was turned around with his profile turned to the camera, his arms were stretched out and he clasped Quin’s shoulder, and Anthony stood on the other side. Quin held a pair of drumsticks, Anthony with his bass and Ian on the other side of him with his guitar.

  Perhaps I was biased but Seth was sexy as hell with his tight, dark colored jeans, silver-studded black belt, white tank top and black sleeves up his forearms that hid his ink—and scars. He wasn’t looking at the camera at all, rather off to the side and down, but you could see his black nail polish and lightly-lined eyes, even in the black and white photo. More than likely the photo was Shane’s doing, and Sabrina’s photoshop skills turning what probably came from a phone into an artistic masterpiece.

  “I did pretty good, huh?” Came Shane’s voice over my shoulder, and I turned to him and grinned.

  “You did. Looks like it could be on the cover of Rolling Stone or something,” I said, with a proud smile.

  “Seth was so crabby about having a photo taken. This was the only way I could get him to pose. I seriously don’t fucking get it. Clearly the camera loves him.” Shane shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Though the broody bullshit works for him.”

  “Yeah it does,” I said with a laugh. “When did you take this?”

  “Just after he joined the band. I wanted to update the Facegram page with a new cover photo. We had no budget for photography, so I took this before their first show,” Shane said. “I’m just glad Sabrina has skills or else it’d look really cheesy.”

  “It looks great, really. But I’m really biased, so…”

  “I think we all are, honey,” he said, with a laugh.

  “Shit. I cannot believe this. First Ave?” I shook my head in amazement. “He barely even mentioned anything to me about it!”

  “You know Seth. Modest to the end,” Shane said, rolling his eyes. “I’d be screaming from the rooftops if it were me.”

  “No shit.” Even though the air outside was pretty warm, the wind whisked through the tall buildings of the area and blew over my bare neck, making me shiver.

  “We should get inside, or are you guys not done gawking yet?” I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, and I turned to grin at Seth as his lips brushed over the side of my neck.

  “I’m always gawking, but I suppose we can go in,” I said, with a playful smirk.

  “I can give you the private showing later,” he said, with a chuckle, skirting a hand down my arm until he gripped mine.

  “Stop it before I get too many ideas,” Shane scolded, scowling at the both of us.

  “I don’t want to know,” Seth retorted, and Shane rolled his eyes as he wandered off after his husband who had just gone inside after everyone else.

  “Seriously though—this is a big deal. Why are you so like…blah about it?” I asked Seth in disbelief.

  Seth shrugged. “Pays well,” he said with a wry smile, and I hip checked him gently.

  “Do the guys know about the stuff with Miles?” I inquired, and Seth shook his head. Over the last couple of days, Miles made true on his promise to send Seth his project ideas, and Seth liked both songs so much he contacted Miles and told him he really couldn’t choose, and Miles didn’t make him, agreeing to work with him on both projects. It was a huge deal. Of course Seth was modest about all of it. Working with a Grammy award winning artist? No big deal.

  “Anthony and Shane do, but no one else.” Seth nodded towards the entry. “You ready?”

  “Let’s go,” I replied, and hand in hand we walked into the club.

  “This is just crazy!”

  “Yeah, no kidding!” Shane said to me over the noise of the crowd surrounding us. We were up in front, corded off as special guests just a few feet away from the stage. It was a huge turnout, and the iconic venue was nearly full up to the balcony area. “I couldn’t be prouder of these assholes, I swear!” He linked his arm with mine, looking a bit teary eyed.

  “Aw, you’re such a sap. It’s adorable,” I said with a laugh, and he just smirked.

  “Here.” Sabrina joined us, weaving through the crowd carrying two drinks and handed one to Shane. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”

  I nodded vigorously. “I think I’ve reached my limit for being drunk for one week.” Or a lifetime, but we wouldn’t go there. And right now, with our earlier conversation in the week, and being here tonight, ready to watch my insanely hot, incredibly talented fiancé perform in this place? I was riding a high I certainly didn’t want to quell with the buzz of alcohol.

  The curtain parted and out walked a gentleman Shane said was one of the event organizers for the venue, and he turned on the mic.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to First Ave! Tonight, we have two extremely talented bands; one you’ve already heard of and another you should know and definitely will by the time the night is over!” He said, and everyone in the crowd immediately started cheering. “Our first band is called ‘Night Addiction’—” Shane promptly interrupted by letting out a loud whoop, and the emcee grinned down at him. “—from Wisconsin and we’re sure to hear great things from them in the future. The lead singer, Seth Archer is rumored to actually be working here soon on a project with Miles Madison from Oblivion Orange Zero!”

  My eyes widened, and I exchanged a look with Shane who shrugged, looking surprised. “I have no idea how he knows that. It wasn’t me!”

  “Maybe Seth mentioned it?” I suggested, but I doubted that. It was probably on social media somewhere.

  “Anyway, I know we all look forward to that, and now without further ado, First Avenue gives you the premiere performance of ‘Night Addiction’!”

  The crowd cheered loudly and clapped, and immediately I grinned when Seth and the guys entered the stage. The emcee shook hands briefly with Seth who just seemed to shrug before taking his spot at the mic, absentmindedly running his long fingers over the strings of his guitar that hung by a strap around his neck.

  “Well shit, I guess the secret’s out,” Seth said into the mic with a sheepish grin, and the crowd tittered gently. “Anyway, we’re Night Addiction, from Independence Point, Wisconsin. And
trust me it’s not as interesting as it sounds.”

  Shane nudged me, and we both grinned.

  “Behind me, these jerks are Wes Greenway on lead guitar, filling in for Quin Greenway. Ian Mitchell is on drums and Anthony Flannery is on bass. Before we start, we want to thank our families for being here—Shane Flannery and Sabrina Mitchell,” he said, nodding to both of them, “and my future wife, Jessie Reynolds.” I shivered gently at his proud words and grinned warmly as he gave me a little wave and there was a murmur of “aww” through the crowd that made me blush. “Wes is a bit of a jerk, so he’s here alone.”

  Wes feigned offense, pretending to give a “what the fuck” gesture, and everyone laughed as Seth gave him a taunting smile. “Anyway, we hope you enjoy the show. We’re super excited to be here opening for Jazz Davis, and we’re gonna start with one of my favorites. It’s called ‘Second Sunday’.” Seth began the opening chords to one of their most popular songs.

  “Why didn’t he tell us about that?” Sabrina shouted into my ear, and I shrugged.

  “I think he felt bad for being singled out,” I replied, and she frowned.

  “I wish he wouldn’t,” Sabrina said. “I know the other guys are fine with just their humble roots.”

  “I think he is too, really. But…you know him. Too modest,” I said, with a roll of my eyes, but the idea was forgotten by me at least. He was sexy as always, in tight black jeans—with a belt—and a red t-shirt and boots, a black lip ring, and he ditched the nail polish and liner today. He didn’t need it as he smirked into the crowd and crooned his lyrics, standing on that stage like he owned it, looking more confident and at ease than I think I’d ever seen him.

  I was thoroughly enjoying the show, especially every time Seth’s sultry eyes hovered over towards me, when sometime during their third song I felt a hand on my shoulder. Startled, I turned around… and was instantly horrified.

  “Adam?” I felt my knees lock and my stomach swoop and churn upon seeing my ex, Adam Tremaine, standing behind me, smiling like nothing had ever happened between us.

  But I felt even more sick when I noticed the woman standing next to him: a pretty redhead, with a very obvious swollen, pregnant stomach. I swallowed tensely.

  “I heard the name and I was thinking, ‘No, it can’t be her.’ But here you are!” Adam exclaimed, with false exuberance.

  “Here I am,” I replied, forcing a smile.

  “It’s good to see you again. You look well,” Adam said, and I continued my fake smile, but didn’t return his compliment. With his white polo and khakis, clean shaven face, and immaculate sandy hair he appeared as stuffy as always, though I noticed he had attained a little bit of a beer belly over the past year since I’d seen him. My eyes, though, kept tracking over to his pregnant female companion.

  “Thanks,” I finally replied.

  “What’s going—” Shane swiveled around, but upon seeing my horrified expression, he glanced at Adam and knew immediately what was going on. “Who the fuck are you?” He asked with a snarl.

  Adam let out a chuckle. The redhead had been fairly expressionless so far but turned up her nose some when my ex pointed to her. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m Adam Tremaine. Jess and I were married before.”

  Shane, still glaring, held out his hand. Adam eyed him carefully, and his lips turned into an unimpressed sneer when his gaze landed on his made-up eyes and colorful attire. However, when he gripped Shane’s hand, his eyes widened when Shane reciprocated with a crushing grip. “How lovely. I’m Shane Flannery. Guy up there playing bass is my husband, and my best friend is Seth, her fiancé. You know, the hot lead singer up there?” He lifted one of his brows, his lips pursed full of attitude.

  “So it’s true. You are getting married again.” Adam pulled his hand away quickly when Shane released. “He’s a little young, isn’t he?”

  Now my eyes narrowed. “Not really, but that’s actually none of your business.”

  The redhead seemed to snicker, and she leaned in and whispered something to Adam, who laughed. “Right?” I sneered at her severely. Whatever she said, I was sure it wasn’t complimentary.

  “This is my fiancée, Rose Chambers. As you see,” Adam waved towards the vicinity of her huge stomach, “she’s six months pregnant. You know…my child. Turns out the problem was you all along.”

  “Why you—” Shane began but I gripped his arm. “You’re every bit the asshole Jessie said you were.”

  Adam chuckled. “Oh, poor, delusional Jessalie. Well, uh, we’ll let you get back to it. Tell your fiancé—or whatever he is—I said good luck with you. He’s going to need it.”

  “Fuck you, Adam,” I retorted, as he took his “fiancée’s” hand and led her back into the crowd.

  I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding, watching him walk away. Holy shit…

  “Jess?” Sabrina questioned. She hadn’t interjected in our conversation, but I know she saw everything. All my humiliation.

  I held up a hand indicating that I needed a moment. The band’s song ended, and the crowd erupted in a loud cheer. I glanced over my shoulder at Seth, and his joyed expression fell, clearly seeing my sullen face.

  “Darling, he’s full of shit…” Shane said, draping his arm over my shoulders and pulling me in to him. Several beats of silence went by. Seth was looking at me with grave concern. I waved at him gently and nodded, indicating we’d be okay and we’d talk later. He didn’t seem convinced, but he continued on with the next song, with less exuberance than before.

  “Turns out the problem was you after all…”

  And suddenly all the euphoria I’d had over the past week had vanished, replaced by a sickening, burning bile feeling rising in my stomach and throat. My knees started to give out, and my mind felt woozy.

  “Whoa there, darling…” Shane said, his arm tensing around me. “Now I know you’re upset—and fuck you should be—but let’s take this somewhere else, because Seth looks like he’s starting to freak out, and I think we both want him to finish the set, right?”

  I nodded slowly. “Right.”

  Shane said something quickly to Sabrina who nodded, and he gripped my arms steadfastly and led me through the crowd out into the more open hallway.

  “Talk to me Jess. What the shit was that?” Shane demanded, finding us a bench along a wall, littered with posters and band schedules.

  “My ex.” I leaned forward, elbows on my thighs, and I cradled my head in my hands.

  “Yeah but what was the ‘turns out the problem was you’ crap?”

  I pressed my fingers to my eyes, hoping to prevent the stinging tears from opening the floodgates and falling. I took a deep breath as Shane kneaded my spine between my shoulders, waiting for me to speak. “Adam and I tried having kids for years. It didn’t work, obviously. I had…gone in to have surgery to remove cysts on my ovaries and was told I should be fine, and I assumed the problem was him after that. He refused to even try to check into it, saying it was always me. But… clearly that’s not the case,” I finally said bitterly.

  “Oh, fuck Jess. He’s full of shit. How do we know that’s even his fiancée? Or that it’s even his?” Shane asked, and I shrugged.

  “What’s worse? We had that talk…”


  “Seth and me. We figured out why he was so scared to have kids…stuff with his sister. He felt like he couldn’t protect her, so how could he protect a child?” My tone began to quiver as I spoke.

  “Shit. That’s… fuck.” Shane sighed, shaking his head. “Damn that man always carrying all that shit around.”

  I shrugged. “Yeah. Well…then you know we were talking, and he said he did actually want kids and well now…I might not be able to after all.” The floodgates broke, and that was it. The tears started streaming down, and I sobbed openly. “How am I going to tell him? After all that…”

  “Jessalie. There’s nothing to tell him. There could be a million reasons why you and that thundertwa
t weren’t able to have kids. Maybe he had some sort of procedure after you guys split. Maybe just the two of you were incompatible. That in no way means that you and Seth won’t be able to have pretty babies. I don’t fucking believe for a second that the gods or whoever would be so unkind as to deny the world your offspring together. They’ll be so cute!”

  I barely smiled, and he elbowed me. “There you go.” Sighing lengthily, he pulled me into him and gave me a brotherly hug. “Even if there are difficulties, you’ll figure it out. I promise. I know how much Seth loves you. I really think he’d do anything for you, Jessie. Just keep that in mind, and don’t jump to conclusions before you have all the facts. Okay?”

  I nodded, wiping away my tears with the back of my hand. “Yeah, you’re right.” Still I couldn’t help the desperate feeling, sinking deep within my soul.

  After our breakthrough, backtracking and going through something like this—infertility—was really going to hurt. Though Shane was right, we didn’t have all the facts, and Adam was an asshole, I still couldn’t help but freak out about it.

  Standing up suddenly, I grabbed Shane’s hand. “You know what? I need a fucking drink. This night is just…madness. Just one though.”

  “That a girl. You just need to loosen up and forget about that jerk.” He patted my shoulder in solidarity. “Let’s go get that drink and forget about him. Whoever that was, right?”

  “Absolutely,” I said, with a grin. I pulled him towards the bar and ordered myself a Long Island and proceeded back into the venue. I was determined to push aside my negative thoughts, my bad experience with my damned ex, and focus all my energy on Seth’s big night.



  When Jessie re-entered the audience with Shane, drink in hand, I breathed a sigh of relief in between songs. I watched as someone confronted her earlier—a rather pompous looking guy with a very pregnant woman with him—and she seemed very upset. If it wasn’t for Shane taking matters into his hands—quite literally—I was about ready to jump off the stage and handle it myself. Mainly, by laying the asshole out on the ground.


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