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Doppelganger Dirge: A Musical Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Spellsinger Book 11)

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by Amy Sumida

  He isn't your stone, my love, Kyanite said gently. It's a miracle that you can hear him at all.

  “A miracle,” I mused. “Lucifer said I would do miraculous things.”

  Yeah, yeah, RS griped. Pat yourself on the back later. Right now, you need to focus on the wicked thing coming our way.

  “Something wicked this way comes,” Torin announced as he stepped onto the balcony.

  I flinched, hearing Lucifer in his voice. “Onyx told you?”

  “You should have told me, little bird.” Torin pulled me into his arms and leaned down to press his forehead against mine. Somehow, he made the action feel like admonishment and affection.

  “You're right; I should have told you, but there's nothing to be done until we discover who this wicked person is.”

  “We can prepare.” He pulled back to look at me grimly. “We need to tell the others about this.”

  “Onyx and Kyanite are saying that Lucifer will lead this wicked person to me.”

  “So, we keep you away from Lucifer. That shouldn't be difficult.” Torin grinned; he wasn't a Luci fan; none of my men were. Not that I could blame them. Lucifer had been... persistent in his pursuit of me.

  No! Kyanite protested.

  At the same time, I saw Torin flinch.

  “Did Onyx just tell you that I shouldn't stay away from Lucifer?” I asked gently.

  “Yes,” Torin admitted. “Kyanite?”


  “Damn it all,” Torin muttered.

  “I guess we're going to Heaven.”

  Chapter Two

  There are quite a lot of wonderful, magical, Shining One creations but the two I find the most useful are their Contact Charms and Traveling Stones. The former functions as an intergalactic telephone, connecting the caller to anyone they wish to speak to so long as the other person also owned a charm. The latter transports a person through the Veil—the boundary between the Realms—to take them anywhere they've previously visited. The destination must be somewhere the traveler can picture in their mind and it must also be located in a realm other than the one they are traveling from.

  The whole purpose of a traveling stone is to pierce the Veil so it can't be used to jump around a single realm willy-nilly. That would defeat its purpose and Shining One talismans don't allow such nonsense. That being said, I've found a way around this limitation by simply adding an extra trip. For example, if I want to get to another kingdom in Tír na nÓg, I travel to Earth first then return to the Shining One Realm at my desired location. We didn't need to go through such measures this time, however, since planet Angelus is in the Eden Realm, and we were traveling from Tír na nÓg. And yes, Tír na nÓg is the name of the planet and the realm; Shining Ones can show a surprising lack of creativity when it comes to naming things.

  I contacted Lucifer before we left to make sure that it was all right for us to visit. After the recent trauma between us—when we had sex against our will, under the influence of a Beneather drug called Bliss—we had talked about things and settled our relationship firmly into the friend zone. Luke still has feelings for me—I know those don't just disappear because I cried “friends”—but I made my position clear—mainly, that I can't get into any non-friend positions with him—and he accepted that there is no future for us as lovers. Despite this, I was worried that my men and I wouldn't be well-received on Lucifer's home planet. Or perhaps I was worried that I would be received too well.

  Slate, my Gargoyle boyfriend, was busy in his zone. No, it wasn't the friend zone but rather an underground, Beneather community. When I say “Beneathers” I'm referring to the non-human residents of Earth. The term encapsulates hundreds of races who all hide their inhuman attributes from humans. Zones provide Beneathers with a place where they can congregate openly, without hiding their magic or alienness. They're found all over the world and aren't merely human-free hangouts, they're also safe places, made so by the Gargoyles who police the Zones. Each zone is run by a zone lord like Slate, and such lords have a lot to do to keep their zone running properly. In short, I wasn't bothered that Slate couldn't make it. In fact, he was likely more upset about it than I was.

  Banning, my Blooder (AKA vampire) husband was also busy with his businesses on Earth. He's the Gheara (leader) of a Blooder gura (clan), but he also runs a few businesses to bring in cash to support his people. In addition to Banning's country club, where his gura lives, he also owns a mall and a movie theater. Today, Bann was off meeting with a company that wanted to install a roller coaster in his mall. Yes, it's a big mall.

  Kings are generally rather busy as well, but all three of my Shining One husbands made time to escort me to Heaven, Lucifer's home city on Angelus. Gage, my Griffin mate, attended me as well. Ever since he left his tribe to be with me, he hasn't received any assignments from the Griffin elders so he's basically been unemployed. That doesn't mean that Gage is a slacker; far from it. He makes himself useful wherever we happen to be, and I kinda like having a man who I can always count on for an escort. Believe it or not, the other men like that as well. Especially since Griffins are known to be the best warriors in all the Realms. This means that I always have a qualified bodyguard with me. Not that I can't take care of myself but when you're a queen with six lovers, having a bodyguard is mandatory.

  The five of us traveled to a spot just before the gates of Heaven instead of within the palace. This was for a couple of reasons. First, we didn't want to be rude and just pop into Lucifer's home. Second, in a busy place like the Palace of Heaven, we'd be liable to impact with someone on arrival. So, we just played it safe and shot for the front gates.

  A carriage was already there, waiting for us. The angels on guard duty bowed us through the open gates and straight to the carriage. It was an improvement on our last visit there when the gate guards had given us some attitude. I suspected that they'd been reprimanded by their god. Or perhaps he posted a notice to not fuck with his favorite spellsinger. Not that I blamed them for being standoffish; it wasn't too long ago that my men had laid siege to Heaven to free me from Lucifer's evil—at the time—clutches.

  Now, we rode through the glorious city as guests; rolling over streets paved with golden bricks and past shimmering storefronts. Yes, the shopping in Heaven was the best in all the Realms. To die for, if you'll excuse the pun. Then again... does that really qualify as a pun or is it just a funny reference to the Bible? Pun or not, it was true. Angels strode the sidewalks to either side of us, perusing the wares and each other with equal interest. Angels love beautiful things—nearly to the point of being assholes about it—and they expect their fellow Angels to be part of the beauty of Heaven. They paused to watch their god's personal carriage roll by but when they noted that Lucifer wasn't with us, they went back to shopping and judging each other.

  We arrived at the palace to find Lucifer waiting on the front steps, smiling beatifically. As usual, he looked every inch the angelic god. His star-sprinkled wings were relaxed behind him and his starlight hair nearly blended into the feathered backdrop. He had his arms folded across his broad chest and his chin lifted like a conqueror but his expression was welcoming and his glittering, indigo eyes were full of pleasure. He uncrossed his arms and stepped down to our carriage gracefully, sunlight warming his creamy-gold skin. I wouldn't have been surprised if the Sun suddenly created an extra bright beam to spotlight him; Lucifer Morningstar is simply that beautiful. Perhaps he was the reason his people had such high standards.

  “And so it begins,” Darcraxis, King of Kyanite and the God of Darkness and Water (a diminished god but still divine), muttered under his breath.

  I glanced at my husband with a grin. This was our second marriage to each other. We were married as Gods once and then separated by the race we created; the Shining Ones. It had taken centuries and several lifetimes for us to find our way back to each other, and we had to sacrifice huge chunks of our god magic along the way, but I wouldn't change anything. We became better people because of the hards
hips we endured and now, we were reunited with our children as well; ruling the Kyanite Kingdom together.

  Darc and Torin are similar in appearance with their midnight hair, cerulean eyes, and tall, muscular bodies. Although their facial features differ, the similarities are still startling. Darc once accused me of searching for him in my lovers and it was probably true. I likely did feel a subliminal attraction to Torin because he reminded me of my lost husband but I didn't fall in love with him because of his looks.

  Torin and I had a rocky start. First, the whole being hired to kill him thing then we became lovers during a war; never a good thing. After that, the RS had been cast on me, and she compelled me to do some things that Torin couldn't handle. Like Declan. And Banning. And then Gage. But Torin came around, and the RS united us so that the men grew to be more like brothers than rivals. Granted, brothers can act like rivals but it's not the same thing.

  “Come on; best to get it over with.” Gage grinned at us then opened the door and climbed out with that grin fixed firmly in place.

  Gage hadn't been too keen on sharing me either. Really, what alpha male would? But Gage, in particular, had been raised to expect a Griffin mate who would be his alone. He had been okay with my race, even excited about it, but not so much my relationship status. Once mated, Griffins don't stray; not ever. It's a far more permanent commitment than marriage, which is why he never saw the point of marrying me. Gage knew right away that I was his mate, but he fought it for a bit, even though leaving me would mean that he'd never be truly happy. But he got over his issues and now, Gage was my most easygoing lover. Which is surprising since he's the most controlling in the bedroom.

  Sunlight glinted in Gage's leonine locks as he greeted Lucifer with a strong handshake. He was slightly shorter than the God of Angels but more muscular, with his warrior physique straining his T-shirt. Gage glanced back at me, hazel eyes alight with contentment, and held out a hand to help me down from the carriage. Gage, like Darc, is one of those men who may not be slow to anger but are slow to show it. Gage is more carefree while Darc has this godly serenity thing going on—still waters run deep and all that—but both men tend to keep a cool head. I think with Gage it's a way of keeping his enemies guessing; he'll grin right up to the point where he guts them. With Darc, it's simple confidence; he doesn't get shaken easily. The only thing that can crack their cool is my safety. Threaten me and Gage will lose his grin while Darc loses his shit. Then you'd do best to just run.

  “Elaria.” Lucifer held a hand out to me as soon as I settled beside Gage.

  “Hey, Luke.” I slid my hand into his, and he used it to pull me into a hug.

  “I've missed you. Thank you for the visit,” he spoke into my hair since his face was pressed there, smelling it.

  “It's not a simple visit,” Declan, King of Alexandrite, announced as he climbed out of the carriage.

  Declan's bright auburn hair put the blond men to shame, catching the sunlight and turning into fire. I happen to adore fire—it's one of my goddess magics—so I couldn't help staring at the silky strands flowing around Declan's shoulders. He was the sleekest of my men, with a graceful Shining One physique, and he had a tendency of making the others look like a bunch of brutes by comparison. Especially in his royal raiments, Declan had the suave air of a man who could conquer with more than his sword. His amethyst eyes hinted at hedonism and his lips promised pleasure, but I knew that sexy mask hid one of the most powerful Shining Ones in existence; a man who could manifest nearly anything with a few waves of his hand.

  “I expected there would be more to this than pleasure,” Lucifer said with just a hint of irritation.

  The dream burst into my mind, and I swung my gaze to Luke's, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. “What does that mean?” For one irrational moment, I thought he was expecting sex from me. Then I realized that Luke was merely talking about the pleasure of my visit. “Oh. Right. Sorry. Can we go inside and speak privately?”

  “Of course.” Lucifer frowned at me in bafflement as he took my hand and wove it around his arm. “I'm at your disposal, my vicious.”

  My husbands and mate followed us, their footsteps falling heavily with annoyance. I glanced back at them, but Lucifer had lifted his wings, effectively putting a barrier between us. When I looked up at Luke, I found him smirking. I rolled my eyes but also let out a relieved breath. He was just having some fun, nothing nefarious.

  “You're incorrigible,” I whispered to him.

  Lucifer chuckled and shrugged. “You must permit me what few amusements I can take with you.”

  Luke led us through the gleaming corridors of his palace then into a sitting room with a surprisingly dark décor. Most of Heaven's Palace was done in pale, bright tones. This room, however, had dark, hardwood floors and furniture upholstered in sage green. The walls were hung with ancient tapestries and several bookcases stood between them, every shelf full of leather-bound tomes. It wasn't a library or a study, but it had that sort of ambiance; scholarly and comfortable. I felt instantly at ease. We Spellsingers love lyrics and stories are merely lyrics without music.

  “I thought you'd like this room,” Lucifer said with a knowing look my way.

  An image of him below me, his arms folded behind his head, flashed through my mind and shook my smile.

  “Elaria?” Lucifer's tone immediately went concerned. He led me to a plush loveseat and helped me down.

  “I'm fine,” I assured him as I sat. “Just remembering something unsettling.”

  “Not...” he cleared his throat. “You're not still troubled by what we—”

  “No,” I interrupted him before he stumbled over a description for something I never wanted to hear him describe. “It's not that.”

  “We've been given a prophecy.” Torin took the seat beside me on the loveseat, his body crowding mine. “Both Kyanite and Onyx have warned us of something wicked rising to hunt Elaria.”

  “Dear Heaven,” Lucifer murmured—making a church-lady exclamation sound virile—as he took the chair across from us. “Are you allowed no peace?”

  “It does seem elusive.” Gage dropped into an armchair beside one that Declan had chosen.

  “The prophecy mentions you.” Darc stared down at Lucifer for a long moment before he took a seat.

  “Me?” Lucifer asked in surprise. “In what capacity?”

  “As a path to lead this wicked person to me,” I said.

  “Forgive me, but if that's the case, why are you here?” Lucifer asked. “Wouldn't it be wiser to stay away from me?” He grimaced and added, “It's not as if you have trouble with that.”

  “Both Kyanite and Onyx oppose that plan,” Torin said. “Pathway or not, you must be integral to Elaria's safety because neither jewel would lead us wrong.”

  He is integral, Kyanite said to me. Without him, the Wicked will destroy you.

  “Ky says that without Lucifer, I'll be destroyed,” I repeated in a careful monotone.

  “So, you need me again.” Lucifer began to grin. “I'm honored.”

  “Perhaps,” I admitted while my men made annoyed faces. “We just don't know how yet. We were hoping that you might have some insight.”

  “Into what?” Lucifer spread his hands helplessly. “I have no idea what this wicked thing could be.”

  “The Host keeps an eye on Earth,” Darc pointed out. “Perhaps they've seen something unusual?”

  “Nothing has been brought to my attention just yet, but I could ask—”

  Before Luke could finish his statement, a knock came at the door. The door opened immediately, without a prompt, and Raphael strode in. Raph is an ex-boyfriend of mine and also Lucifer's right-hand man. He's your classic tall, dark, and handsome. A reformed bad boy. Reformed, but he still rocked the wardrobe. Instead of something similar to the flowing tunic and loose pants that Lucifer wore, Raph was dressed in jeans, a Game of Thrones T-shirt, and a worn leather jacket. He also had a worried expression on his face.

  “Hey, I
was told I could find you in here—” Raphael cut himself off when he spotted the rest of us. “What are all of you doing here?”

  “Prophecy,” Gage said simply. “You?”

  “Death,” Raphael shot back.

  “Whose death?” Lucifer asked with more curiosity than concern.

  Raphael glanced at me then back at Luke. “Delilah's.”

  “Delilah?” Lucifer asked.

  “You know; one of the women you—”

  “Yes, I know who Delilah is,” Luke cut him off irritably. “Was. What have you. I was asking for clarity. Specificity. Who killed Delilah and why, Raphael?”

  “That's just it; we don't know.” Raphael grimaced and looked over at me again. “And she's not the only one. Jessica and Anastasia are dead as well.”

  “What?” Lucifer scowled. “All three of them?”

  “Who are Jessica and Anastasia?” I asked.


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