Doppelganger Dirge: A Musical Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Spellsinger Book 11)

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Doppelganger Dirge: A Musical Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Spellsinger Book 11) Page 24

by Amy Sumida


  Below me, the beneathers of the Zone poured out of their homes before Gargo could bury them inside. I thought perhaps they would flee, but I had underestimated them. The Zone was the one place on Earth where they could be themselves. It was precious to them, and they weren't about to let a bunch of invaders destroy it. Gorgons yanked their designer scarves away to release their snake-hair and set to petrifying people. Little Tengu barreled into soldiers headfirst, using their metal bowl-caps as battering rams. Rikshas shifted into bears and tore into the invaders, slicing open those integral suits. Even the Swans fought, flying out of windows with burning barrels of oil in their grip.

  I applauded their courage, but they didn't know that I wanted Poseidon's army unharmed, or that the invading army wasn't trying to kill us. They were forcing the undersea people to employ more deadly attacks. In minutes, this would become a true war. I had to incapacitate as many of my kin as quickly as possible before the Zone residents got to them.

  Ky, I need a lullaby, I said urgently in my mind.

  I'm with you, my love.

  The enchanting sound of “Sleepsong” by Roxane Genot and Karliene began to weave around us. I immediately started singing in a gentle, rolling lilt. The magic filled me and calmed me as it lifted from my throat. It spread over the battlefield like a blanket, covering the undersea soldiers and seeping into their skin. I lifted my voice, casting my spell of slumber over the people who unknowingly fought for a god who had stolen their king's body.

  The lulling lyrics echoed through the sound of warfare eerily and as they went, the clash of weapons and the streaking flash of magic subsided. I started to sweat as I pushed the music over more and more people. Without my permission, RS pulled power from my men and fueled my song, spreading it further than it could have gone otherwise. I grimaced, knowing what this would cost us. But she was right. This was too important to do halfway. To empower my song even more, I called upon my Light and Fire, uniting my magic as RS had united me with my men; into one unstoppable force.

  Sea soldiers fell as Gage and I passed over them, dropping to the street to crumple into sleeping heaps. Like a receding wave, Gargo's army tumbled harmlessly around him. Gage and I swept over the entire force as I sang on, circling back around when we reached the pit. Those who hadn't yet made it out onto dry land, slid back into the water, plugging the opening with their slumbering bodies.

  Gargo roared in fury as he was surrounded by our forces. The street began to quake then huge chunks of it lifted all around the god in a jagged ring, forming a crater around him. The oncoming army tumbled down the slope created by rising asphalt, cement, stone, and dirt.

  Slate flew by.

  “Slate!” I stopped singing to shout at him. “Don't! Slate!”

  Slate let out a deafening roar as he dove for Gargo. The god swung his head like a bull and started to grin maniacally. A shiver coasted down my spine. Slate, as powerful as he was, was no match for his god. It would be like throwing a pebble at a mountain and hoping for a landslide. And Slate knew better; he knew that we needed to get Gargo's soul out of Poseidon and save my grandfather. But rage had taken him, and the Zone Lord was bent on protecting his territory at any cost.

  Claws extended, Slate fell upon Gargo. A mere second later, my gargoyle went flying upward, knocking into a few beneathers who had made it to the rim of the crater. Slate shook off the hit and scrambled to his feet, silver eyes flashing like the edge of a blade. His shoulders bunched and his wings pulled in close, their taloned tips angling forward with menace. He dove at Gargo again as I continued to shout for him to stop.

  Gargo extended one arm and smoothly caught Slate by the throat. As Slate struggled—wings thrashing and feet kicking at Gargo's belly—Gargo lifted him and began to squeeze. The mad god shifted his stare up to me and winked. He was fulfilling his promise; killing those I loved as I watched. I knew Gargo intended to throttle Slate until his throat was nothing but bloody meat and then he'd rip my lover apart and toss me his head. I saw it play out in my mind in an instant; the blood spraying and Slate's body falling to the ground. Slate's grimacing head flying straight at me. My blood turned to deep seawater; cold and salty, burning my veins.

  Magic flared inside me with my fury, and I knew I was seconds away from losing control. As I fought to keep my magic in balance and my emotions calm, Gage landed and rammed us into Gargo. The impact sent me tumbling from his back. Fire coated my hands, the heat bathing my cheeks. As I stumbled to my feet, Gage's body went flying past me. A horrible crunch was followed by a whimper. I spun to see Gage stumble free of a pile of rocks only to sway then pass out across them.

  Our army was climbing the crater, but as soon as they reached the rim, the stone would shake them loose and send them crashing back down. Even the sea dragons couldn't keep their grip. The only dragons able to get close to Gargo were the Drachen, who circled above with other flying beneathers. They started to swoop in but a tornado of debris and water rose from the ring of stone and covered it in a rushing, howling dome. Closing me in with Gargo, a strangling Slate, and my passed-out griffin.

  Sing! RS screeched. I'm funneling all of their power to you. Now, sing, damn it!

  Once again, I couldn't protest. We were in desperate straits. I accepted the influx of energy and called to my magic.

  The light thudding of Judah & the Lion's “Let go.” began to play. Kyanite had started it just before the chorus, bringing me straight to what I needed to force Gargo to release Slate. I drew in my raging magic, condensing it into one weapon, and directed it at Gargo. Soft but insistent, I used those pointed lyrics to spear the god's mind. He flinched, his eyes widening, then growled and bared his teeth at me. My great-grandfather's face shifted with the Gargoyle God's rage so much that I barely recognized him.

  I thought for certain that Slate was dead, that Gargo would push past my magic and crush him. But I had the power of a goddess inside me. It might not be as strong as Gargo's, but it was there. Combined with the magic I was born with and the energy of my men, it was just enough to conquer another god.

  Gargo tensed, muscles fighting the impetus of my magic. Around us, the Beneather Army held its breath, every eye on our struggle. I sang on, sliding further into the song. Gaining power from the words. And they were perfect; a man fighting against something stronger than himself, something he can't possibly win against. He finally decides that it's time to give up. To let go. I shoved those words into Gargo's brain and saw the precise moment when they broke his resistance.

  Gargo's hand sprung open and in one last defiant act, he flung Slate away. My lover went sailing into the wall of jagged stone and fell in a rain of dirt to land in a comatose heap. My heart stuttered, but I couldn't let fear weaken me. Gage stirred nearby, but his eagle eyes remained closed. I was essentially alone in a pit with a crazy god who wanted my blood. I needed a new song but before I could switch into something a bit more defensive, Gargo was upon me.

  The stone and water shield above us disintegrated as Darc worked with the Gargoyles to clear it. Darcraxis stood on the rim, bathed in blue light and looking every inch the god he was. Beside him stood Torin, Banning, and Declan. To either side of my men, other beneathers were cresting the rim, and above them flew Gargoyles, Drachen, Bird-Shifters, and Angels. A lot of Angels. The Host had arrived. I would have rejoiced if Gargo hadn't had me at his mercy. The army hesitated; any shot they took could hit me.

  Before I could shout at them to fire anyway, one of Gargo's hands lifted to my throat and wrapped around it. Claws sprang from my great-grandfather's fingertips and pierced my skin. I tore at his hands as my breath was cut off. The pound of my heart grew louder and louder in my ears. Thudding like a drumbeat; my death song. The screech of a griffin pierced through it, and I caught the flash of golden fur in the corner of my eye. Gage was flung away before I could focus on him, his pitiful cry tearing at my heart. Weapons manifested around us, swinging and shooting toward Gargo with careful precision, but sla
bs of stone rose to knock them aside. The slabs began to circle us, ready for the next attack.

  Beneathers launched magic at the revolving barrier, some dragons even struck at it with their claws. The stone sparked and screeched but kept spinning. I saw the sea dragons join my husbands on the rim of the crater. Roars melded with shouting, several voices crying my name.

  “I'm not going to kill you just yet, Fire Goddess,” Gargo said smugly. “I promised to bring you the heads of your lovers so you could mourn them first, and I always keep my promises.”

  I had one last trick up my sleeve; one talent that Gargo didn't know about. I had tried my best to save Poseidon, but now it was down to him or everyone on Earth, and no single person was worth that kind of sacrifice. I had to stop Gargo at any cost. So, I called on my magic and let it fill me then expand out, through the skin of my throat, carrying my voice with it. I didn't need my vocal cords or even my breath. The sliver of kyanite inside my neck formed the words for me.

  Daughter Jack's “Down in Flames” told a story of a woman torn apart by love who then tears apart her relationship to save herself. But she loses part of her soul in the process; a piece that will always belong to her lover. She burns with him, knowing that she'll never be able to fully recover yet unable to stop the flames. The lyrics encompassed the moment for me. My fire would kill someone I loved and that death would take a piece of me with it, but I had no choice. I'd do this even if it meant that I burned with him. I glanced up at my husbands on the rim and then my lovers in the crater with me. For them, I'd burn a thousand times.

  I bypassed the mournful beginning and went straight to the heart of the song.

  Kyanite brought the music to life, joining it to my projected voice, and together we created a sweet lament. So much emotion poured through my words; my regret for not being able to save Poseidon, a tribute to the man I had known and loved, and my fury toward this thief who had taken his body then forced me to destroy it.

  Fire rose around Gargo, gaining strength as I sang. The god's eyes widened and his grip went slack as he roared. His undersea armor sizzled and started to smoke. I fell to the ground, gasping and choking, but my song continued. Gargo narrowed his eyes on me as his skin turned gray and thickened. As soon as I was able, I took over for my magic, singing with my true voice.

  “Foolish woman,” Gargo hissed as he held out his arms triumphantly. “Stone doesn't burn.”

  No, but get it hot enough and it will melt, RS growled in my mind. Go nuclear on his ass, El!

  I focused on upping the heat, and the flames encasing the Gargoyle God turned white. He took a step toward me, one hand extended, but then shivered to a stop. His eyes narrowed. I sang on, the gentle music flowing around me as if taunting Gargo's fury. I pushed harder and backed up, knowing I had to kill him before he got close enough to silence me forever.

  Gargo began to steam. I stumbled to a stop. He grinned viciously at me as water condensed around him, battling back the flames. Beyond the wall of circling stones that encased us, my lovers and our army launched an endless attack of magic and weapons but nothing penetrated Gargo's barrier. I heard my men shouting for me, but I couldn't lose focus. My hands began to tremble as I sent more and more power into my song, draining all of us in the process.

  Gargo took a step forward, steam wafting out from him and enclosing us in mist. His eyes gleamed through the fog and my flames glinted off his fangs as he grinned wider. The watery haze around him thickened until it was a whirlpool, growing in size until I could only see a blurry form in its center.

  Sweat dripped down my forehead and stung my eyes, but I couldn't spare a second to wipe it away. I blinked through the salty sting and pushed more magic toward Gargo, my hands extended as if I could physically shove it into him. My body began to shake violently, and I could feel my men slipping away; passing out from the power drain. If I kept this up, I'd soon join them.

  Gargo's whirlpool exploded, blasting me onto my back. My fire went out, and I laid in a wet, pathetic pile on a heap of crumbled bedrock, gasping for breath. I'd broken something—a few somethings—in the fall but the pain was minor compared to the aching emptiness of my drained magic. I panted, fingers scratching for purchase, and tried to get up.

  The crunch of boots on gravel made my stomach clench. I knew I'd failed and Gargo was coming for me. His presence brushed against my skin like sandpaper; a jarring, grating aura of menacing power. His hatred of me was practically palpable, slicing the air between us. He loomed into my line of sight and grinned triumphantly.

  “It's time to reclaim my world,” Gargo announced. “And you will witness my glory, Spellsinger.” He grabbed my wrist and yanked me to my feet. “You will watch the Beneath bend to my will and the human race go extinct.” His grip transferred to my throat, and he pulled me closer. “You will kneel beside my throne and bare your neck to me whenever I wish it. Only when the Earth is mine again and my lust for your blood has been sated will I kill you.” He leaned his head down to mine to whisper sweetly, “Slowly.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  A blast of light separated us. I flew backward, away from Gargo, but strong arms caught me before I landed. Body limp with exhaustion, all I could do was lay my head on a wide expanse of muscled chest and stare up at my savior.

  “Darc?” I whispered in surprise.

  How had Darcraxis made it through the barrier? How had he recovered from the drain? And who had saved me from Gargo? Darc controls Water and Darkness, not Light.

  “I'm with you, my fire.” Darc kissed me tenderly then lifted his head to glare at Gargo. “We will finish him together.”

  Darc's eyes filled with magic. Darkness rose around us like grasping fingers. It gathered into a deadly mass then shot forward to encapsulate Gargo. The god roared and flailed, but the shadows clung to him like oil. As he floundered, Banning, Torin, and Declan dropped to the ground behind Darcraxis. I thought I had drained them, but it looked as if I had underestimated the resilience of my men.

  And me, RS said in a cocky tone. They just needed a quick breather. I told you that being stronger is always better.

  You also had a little help from the God of Angels, Kyanite added.

  I glanced up and saw Lucifer hovering above us, skin shining with power. Well, that explained the Light.

  My love, if you want to save your grandfather, you must stop your men from attacking Gargo.

  It's too late.

  No, it's not. Trust me.

  Gargo screeched in his cage of Darkness. Rocks lifted into the air and surged wildly around us. Torin and Declan batted them away with waves of their magic while Banning pulled Slate and Gage out of the crossfire. Water collected around the black film coating Gargo but it couldn't stop the Darkness from creeping upward, over Gargo's head.

  I slid out of Darc's embrace, down to my feet. He glanced at me and grinned as he lifted both of his hands to control his magic. One directed the Darkness and the other dispersed Gargo's water. After all, Gargo had stolen the water magic from Poseidon, it wasn't truly his and he didn't have the mastery over it that Darc did.

  “Add your light to my darkness,” Darc urged me. “He cannot stand against both of us united.”

  Tell them to stand down! Kyanite shouted at me. Hurry!

  “Don't kill him,” I said.

  “What?” Darc gaped at me.

  “He's fighting it!” Torin shouted. “We need to combine our attacks now!”

  “No!” I reached a hand up to the god above me, suddenly knowing what Kyanite meant. It was as I'd suspected; Lucifer's light could save Poseidon. I was certain of it. “Lucifer!”

  My men stared at me with shocked hurt, but I didn't have time to explain. Lucifer came immediately to my call, swooping down to land beside me.

  “Your light!” I pointed at the roiling mass of black that held Gargo. “Quickly, please! Evict that bastard from Poseidon!”

  Lucifer blinked at me then nodded. He lifted his hands and filled them with Light

  “Darc, let him through,” I begged.

  Comprehension lit Darc's features. He twisted his fingers and the Darkness drew apart. A twisting, rage-filled face that had once been Poseidon's was revealed along with a section of his chest.

  Lucifer's sapphire eyes glowed, the sparkling striations in them alight with power. That illuminated stare narrowed as his shimmering wings lifted and extended, magic arcing across the feathers. Blinding white streams surged from Lucifer's fingers and hit Gargo's chest. The Gargoyle God thrashed and struggled against Darc's hold. Within the inky shell, Lucifer's light shot through Gargo then reflected off the Darkness to surge back into him again; a magical ricochet. Within its glow, I saw Gargo's face shift back into my grandfather's. As it did, a snarling, monstrous form with fangs and horns lifted out of Poseidon like a specter, growing larger as it emerged and pushing the inky shadows out with it

  The breath stuttered in my throat. Gargo's soul hovered over Poseidon, pulsing with divine power, then exploded with a vibrating roar and blasted through the Darkness. Shadows disintegrated with the passing of the God soul and the Light winked out. My great-grandfather fell to his knees on the broken ground, gasped once, and collapsed.


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