Doppelganger Dirge: A Musical Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Spellsinger Book 11)

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Doppelganger Dirge: A Musical Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Spellsinger Book 11) Page 25

by Amy Sumida

  I stumbled, and Darc caught me. The mineral, masculine scent of him washed over me. I breathed it in deeply and sighed into his embrace. His hand lifted to my cheek and stroked me tenderly.

  “My fire,” Darc whispered as his eyes went soft and liquid, “I was so afraid. I saw his hand on your throat, and I—” he shook his head. “I felt fear and fury as I never have before.”

  “Not my calm, steady Darkness,” I teased as I pressed his hand tighter to my cheek.

  “You have ever taken my calm and rendered me unsteady,” Darc murmured. “But I'm thankful for every wild moment.”

  Darcraxis kissed me then, the millennia of love we shared rising between us like a favorite song. The words were so familiar that I didn't have to concentrate on them, only open my mouth and let them come. But that love had grown and shifted into something new. Something larger than the two of us.

  Torin, Declan, and Banning closed in around us, and Darc gently released me to welcome them into our circle. I kissed my husbands and held them close, needing those moments to assure myself that they were okay before I went to check on Gage and Slate. But when I stepped free of my men, I found Lucifer waiting for me.

  “The Morning Star will shine his light upon the Wicked,” I murmured as I reached for him.

  “My vicious.” Lucifer took my hand gently, cradling it as if it were glass.

  “You saved my great-grandfather's life, Lucifer.”

  “I only cared about saving you.” Lucifer lifted my hand to his lips and kissed me chastely, but it felt like something far more intimate. “Are you hurt?”

  “Not in any lasting way. And that's because of you as well. I know it was your magic that tore me away from Gargo. Thank you, Luke; for my grandfather and myself.” I squeezed his hand as he drew away from me. “I don't know how I'll ever repay you.”

  “There is no balance to be found between us,” Lucifer said soberly. “That scale has been steadily tipping in your favor from the very beginning. No payment is ever required.”

  Before I could say anything to that, a groaning caught my attention. I glanced aside to see Slate rolling to his knees. To Slate's left, Gage had already made it to his feet and shook violently to free his feathers and fur of dust and debris.

  “Slate!” I started to go to him then stopped, staring back at Lucifer. “Luke, I...”

  “Go.” Luke pushed me toward Slate. “I said that I need no payment. Not of any kind. Your gratitude is more than enough.”

  I gave Lucifer one last grateful look then ran over to the groaning gargoyle. My husbands hurried after me.

  “El?” Slate rasped.

  A Griffin head angled in beside me and nudged Slate's shoulder.

  “I'm fine.” Slate shoved Gage away by the beak, but he smiled as he did. “Gargo?”

  “Gone,” Torin declared. “Lucifer exorcised him with Light while Darc restrained him with Darkness.”

  “And you and Declan held off Gargo's flying rocks,” I reminded Torin. Then to Slate, I said, “And you have Banning to thank for pulling you to safety.”

  “Thanks, Blooder.” Slate nodded to Banning.

  “Don't mention it,” Banning said with a grin.

  Slate stood up, helped me to my feet, then shook out his leathery wings. I stroked his throat, checking for any lingering damage. His Gargoyle skin was thick and resilient, but that didn't matter when a god was crushing it within his fist.

  “I'm fine, sweetheart,” Slate's voice sounded a little better already, less raspy and more rumbly. He took my hand carefully within his claws and kissed it. As he looked up at me, his eyes caught the light and shone like metal. “Are you all right?”

  “I thought I was going to die,” I whispered.

  Gage hooked his beak over my shoulder and nestled his feathered cheek against mine. I absently reached up to press him closer, and Slate leaned his forehead against mine. The other men leaned in as Slate's wings came forward to bring us together; a moment of shared relief and triumph.

  “So, it looks as if you lived, Zone Lord,” Declan lamented dramatically as we eased out of our huddle. “What a shame. I thought we were rid of you at last.”

  Slate chuckled as he retracted his wings. “You're going to regret my survival even more when I enlist your aid to help me fix all the damage Gargo did to my zone.”

  “Me?” Declan asked, aghast. “I haven't built anything in centuries. You'd be better off with the Griffin and the Blooder.”

  “You manifest things with your magic,” Slate pointed out.

  “And the Blooder just wants to hold his wife.” Banning reached a hand out to me. “Come here this instant or my heart will burst in my chest.”

  I took Banning's hand, and he pulled me into his arms. He hugged me tightly, tucking me in beneath his chin. The Blooder Prince was icy cold, and I shivered but didn't let go. I was the reason he was so chilled; RS had taken more power from my lovers than she ever had before and it had drained Banning of the scant heat he normally possessed. I pulled his face down into the curve of my neck.

  “No.” Banning started to pull away.

  “Drink, honey,” I said gently. “I took too much energy from you. Now, I'm giving it back.”

  “You don't have any to give back,” he insisted as he pulled away. “I can feel your exhaustion. I'm not feeding on you now, Elaria.”

  “But you're freezing,” I protested. “You need blood.”

  “He can drink from me,” Lucifer offered.

  My men and I turned to gape at Lucifer in surprise. He stared back at us calmly.

  “I am hale and hearty,” Lucifer said when we continued to stare at him. “There's no reason for me not to donate a little blood.”

  “You've done enough, Luke,” I finally said. “We don't want to take more from you.”

  “Nonsense.” He strolled over, rolling up his sleeve as he came, then held his wrist out to Banning. “We are fellow soldiers and it's my honor to help you when you're in need. Please.”

  Banning looked at me, and I shrugged. I wouldn't compel him either way; it was his decision.

  “Thank you.” Banning took Lucifer's arm and lifted it to his lips.

  I watched Luke's face while Banning bit. Lucifer blinked. His gaze went distant and soft. His shoulders relaxed and his wings drooped to the ground. I knew exactly what Lucifer was feeling; euphoria. A Blooder's bite gives a high like no drug could and it was just as addictive. At least for humans. For Beneathers and Gods, it was merely a pleasant experience. As it was, of course, for the Blooder.

  Banning inhaled sharply and sucked harder on Lucifer's wrist. I frowned. The feeding was lasting longer than I'd expected. Although, Banning had lost a lot of energy. I touched Banning's temple to check his temperature. He felt warm—human-warm even—but that didn't worry me as much as his reaction to my touch. Banning's eyes snapped open and his gaze flicked up to meet mine. They glowed green.

  “Banning, stop,” I said firmly. “Banning!”

  “You don't have to protect me, my vicious,” Lucifer said with a lolling, drugged smile. He laid his hand on Banning's head. “That's all I'm willing to give, Prince Banning.”

  Light seeped from Lucifer's palm to coat Banning's head. Banning tensed then relaxed, releasing Lucifer's wrist and stepping away from him calmly. He licked his lips and blinked as if coming out of a daze.

  “Banning?” I asked hesitantly.

  Banning's gaze—back to a normal, if rather vivid, emerald—focused on me. As I watched, color leeched from sections of his hair, turning them into a sparkling platinum that shone against the rest of Banning's golden, Blooder-blond locks. The starlight color matched Lucifer's hair perfectly.

  My men and I gaped at Banning. We'd learned early on that Banning gained power when he drank from Beneathers. Because of Beneather blood donations, Banning and his gura could walk in the sunlight. So, I'd been expecting Lucifer's blood to do good things for my husband. Especially since Luke is a god with all of his divine powe
r intact. But I hadn't expected an immediately visible result.

  “Banning?” I asked again.

  Dread seeped through me as I realized what this could mean for our family. Would this make RS more powerful as well? Damn it all! Why hadn't I told my men? One of them would surely have stopped Banning when I'd been too tired to think of it.

  Relax, RS huffed. I united you, but you were all so drained that I didn't benefit from it. I had to give my power to revive our guys. Your precious balance hasn't been hurt.

  You gave up power to revive them? I asked in shock.

  We're in this together, El, she reminded me. Of course, I did.

  Thank you, RS, I said sincerely.

  You did well, Kyanite added.

  Really? RS asked brightly.

  Yes. Don't let it go to your head, Ky huffed.

  Not possible. I have no head. RS chortled.

  “I'm fine,” Banning assured us as his gaze shifted to Lucifer. “Better than fine.”

  “You're looking rather shiny,” Declan noted.

  “It looks good on you.” Lucifer waved at the starlight streaks with a loose hand.

  Banning grabbed a hank of hair and pulled it forward to see for himself. He blinked and then chuckled. “This is what I get for making fun of his sparkly hair.”

  “You made fun of my hair?” Lucifer asked as if he couldn't fathom why. Then he swayed.

  “Are you all right, Luke?” I transferred my concern to him.

  “Oh, yes. I'm perfectly well.” Lucifer waved his hand expansively and stumbled.

  Banning steadied Lucifer with a frown. “I hope I didn't take too much.”

  “I am a god; you could take all of it, and I'd still recover,” Lucifer declared pompously then laughed. “I am invisible!”

  I cocked my head at him.

  “No, that's not correct.” Lucifer frowned and tried again, “I am invincible!” He smiled proudly. “Yes, much better. Although, being invisible would be so much fun!”

  “I think we'd better get you to the palace.” Slate laid a hand on Lucifer's shoulder and started directing him toward Gage, doubtless intending for the griffin to carry the god out of the crater.

  Angels landed around us then, all of them watching Lucifer warily.

  “Lucifer?” Raphael asked as he stepped up to his boss. “Are you well?”

  “I think the blood donation is affecting him,” I explained. “We need to get him somewhere he can lie down.”

  “I'm fine,” Lucifer growled irritably, shaking off the concerned hands. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Light suffused his body then faded. When Luke opened his eyes again, they were clear and focused. “I was merely enjoying the high until all of you negative Nellys ruined it for me.”

  Darcraxis chuckled. “We've all been there. Nice, isn't it?”

  “I don't understand why Beneathers scorn Blooders,” Lucifer declared. “That was one of the most pleasant experiences of my life.”

  Banning cleared his throat and took a step away from Lucifer.

  “Blissful but not sexual,” Lucifer added when he noticed Banning's movement. “Just to be perfectly clear.”

  Banning smiled in relief. “Good, the last thing I need is you panting over my wife and me.”

  “Come now.” Luke drew himself up in affront. “I do not pant.”

  “What in all the oceans is going on?”

  We all spun around to see Poseidon sitting up and staring around himself in confusion. Precious Persephone! I had forgotten about my grandfather! What a horrid person I was.

  “Are those Angels?” Poseidon asked in horror. “Someone please tell me that I'm not in Heaven. Anything but that.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  “Poseidon?” I hurried over to my great-grandfather.

  No one had celebrated yet, not even one whoop, and I realized it was because they didn't know for certain that Gargo was truly gone. Our forces lined the rim of the crater, along with Uncle Triton and the survivors of the Sea Army, patiently waiting for us to finish getting settled and give the all's clear. The soldiers from both sides stared anxiously at Poseidon as he staggered to his feet, readying their weapons and magic just in case Lucifer's light trick hadn't worked.

  “Elaria?” Poseidon rasped as he reached for me.

  “Grandpa!” I exclaimed in relief and hugged him. “You're okay.”

  Our armies shouted in victory and it echoed through the Zone.

  “I heard you, Ellie-Bell.” Poseidon pulled back to hold my face in his hands. “I heard you sing, and I held on as you urged me. You kept me strong.”

  A few tears slipped down my cheeks. “I'm glad. I love you, Grandpa.”

  “I love you too, and I'm so sorry,” he whispered as he brushed my tears away. “I didn't know what he was. I didn't know what he could do. I was a fool.”

  “It's okay.” I stepped out of his hug. “Lucifer cast Gargo out. We're lucky that we had another god with the magic to help you.”

  “Lucifer?” Poseidon followed my gaze to Luke.

  Lucifer and my men joined us while the Host gathered behind their god.

  “It's a pleasure to meet the real you, King Poseidon,” Lucifer said formally.

  “You're the one who rid me of that thing?” Poseidon asked.

  “I am.”

  “Then you have my eternal gratitude.” Poseidon held out his hand, and Lucifer shook it.

  “I did it for your granddaughter,” Lucifer glanced at my men and lifted his chin. “She is precious to me.”

  Poseidon's eyes—back to their normal blue—widened as he stared from Lucifer to me. “Is he one of your new husbands your mother told me about?”

  “No.” I cleared my throat. “Um... he's—”

  “It's fine, El,” Slate cut me off. “I think everyone will agree with me when I say that Lucifer's actions today have earned him a little leeway.”

  The other men nodded, all except for Darc, who stepped up to Lucifer with a stoic expression on his face. Lucifer straightened, and I watched on anxiously. Darcraxis pulled Lucifer into a hug; a solid, manly one with back-patting that had to be done around Luke's wings. It looked awkward but heartfelt.

  When Darc stepped back, he declared, “You helped us save Elaria again and you saved someone important to her when I could not. There are no words to thank you for that, but you are welcome in our kingdom and our castle as family.”

  “I didn't expect quite so much leeway,” Slate muttered.

  “Grandpa, this is my husband, Darcraxis.” I waved a hand at Darc. “And my husbands; Torin, Declan, and Banning.” I motioned to each man. “This is my mate, Gage, and my boyfriend, Slate. They all fought to free you as well. Everyone around us did.” I waved up toward the watching beneathers. “Guys, this is my great-grandfather, Poseidon.”

  Poseidon nodded politely to my men. “I was aware through most of it. I saw you fighting beside my granddaughter, and I know you were as integral to my freedom as Lucifer was. Thank you for that.” He looked up to the armies around the rim and called out, “Thank you all for what you've done.”

  The armies cheered again.

  “We were fighting for Elaria and the Beneath,” Torin said when the cheering died down. “Honestly, if it had come down to you or us, we would have chosen us. We nearly did.”

  “As you should have,” Poseidon said approvingly. “I was quite the tyrant. Everything that I never want to be.”

  “You destroyed part of the Eastern seaboard,” I corrected with a smirk. “I think that goes beyond tyrant-status, Grandpa.”

  “You've always been a sassy one, even when you were a little girl,” Poseidon chided me then chuckled. “I blame that damn Witch blood.”

  “You're lucky my father isn't here to hear that,” I chided him back. “Since he's not, I'll speak on his behalf; Shove it up your waterproof ass, old man.”

  Poseidon started laughing uproariously.

  “Father.” Triton stepped up behind Poseidon. />
  Poseidon spun around and pulled his son into a hug. “Triton. My boy, I'm so sorry for what I've done to you. Triteia... is she safe?”

  “Yes, she's fine,” Triton said with a relieved grin. “And so is mother and Ligeia. I wish I could say that there were no losses at all, but I cannot.”


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