Whaling City Vampires: Love Beyond Death
Page 39
Chapter 39
Ruthie rose from her coffin carefully so as not to disturb Michael who remained peacefully unconscious. Lighting the candle on the table she carried it back to her coffin holding it at the angle that gave her the best view of Michael's face without disturbing his rest. Tears ran down her cheeks as she sadly watached his peaceful expression which, she expected, would soon be altered to one of pain and betrayal when she explained to him the new life that was so violently forced upon him.
"Are you all right, Ruthie?" Amy was suddenly next to Ruthie.
"Amy!" Ruthie exclaimed in a whisper, "I didn't hear you come out."
"I didn't want to wake Robert," Amy answered, "he's been through such an ordeal. He needs his rest."
"Yes," Ruthie murmured, "quite the ordeal."
"Ruthie," Amy asked, "you don't blame Robert for Michael's situation, do you?"
"No, Amy," Ruthie clenched her jaw, "I blame Susie. Robert set Michael free after learning about his past. It was Susie who killed Michael's dreams forever."
"At least you won't have to face Michael alone," Amy began lighting the rest of the candles in the lair, "I will be right here with you helping to explain. I'm certain Robert will assist in any way that he can, as well."
Ruthie still gazed sadly at Michael's sleeping face when Amy exclaimed, "Ruthie! Susie is gone!" She quickly turned toward where Susie's coffin had stood and saw the empty space.
"Good Lord!" Ruthie exclaimed, "where is she?"
"Do you think she went off to be on her own?" Amy asked.
"She was mighty angry last night," Ruthie turned back toward Michael in her coffin, "maybe she decided she would be better off on her own. I'm glad she's gone."
"Well, I hope she doesn't bring attention to herself or us with her wild, vicious behavior," Amy said.
"Amy!" Robert's coffin opened as she called, "Are you here, my darling?"
"Yes," Amy rushed to him, "I'm here. I was talking with Ruthie and allowing you some much needed rest after your long trip."
"We won't ever be parted again," Robert held Amy in his arms. He kissed her and said, "Now that I've found you again, there is nothing that will pull us apart."
"I believe that with all my heart," Amy replied, "Even when we were apart, you were still with me. I knew you would find me. I could feel you in my heart."
"Where I will always be, my darling," Robert kissed Amy again, "forever."
"Michael is waking," Ruthie announced from across the room.
Robert and Amy rushed to Ruthie's side to help her guide Michael out of the coffin and lead him to a seat at the table.
"Where am I?" Michael asked in a groggy voice when he recognized Ruthie, "Ruthie? What happened? I remember we were talking and then my memory stops."
"So, you do remember talking to me last night?" Ruthie asked nervously.
"Yes," Michael replied, "and here's Amy, but do I know this gentleman? You seem familiar, Sir."
"He does?" Ruthie was surprised Michael would have any recollection of Robert. Robert had said Michael would forget everything about being a guard.
"He will remember now," Robert gently explained to Ruthie, "because of what Susie did," Robert glanced around the lair, "where is Susie?"
"She's gone, darling," Amy replied, "she must have gone away while we rested."
"This could be a problem," Robert worried, "she is very wild and careless. She could draw attention to us all."
"Yes," Amy agreed, "let us hope she doesn't."
"Who is Susie?" Michael asked, "and where am I?"
"Let us help Michael for now," Ruthie suggested, "and talk about Susie later."
"Michael," Robert sat facing Michael at the table, "you remember being my guard, don't you?"
"Yes," Michael answered, "I was forced to guard you. I was in St. Augustine and a woman enslaved me to your service."
"Yes, that was my mother," Robert explained, "I was being held prisoner by my brother, Raul, and my mother and sisters helped me to escape. My mother knew I would need guards to help me during the daylight hours when I'm unable to help myself."
"You're not human!" Michael's memory was quickly being restored, "you attack and murder people for their blood! You're a vampire!"
"Ruthie!" Michael looked into Ruthie's fearful face, "why are you in his company?"
"Michael," Ruthie whispered shamefully, "I'm the same as Robert."
"No!" Michael exclaimed, "not you! Not my sweet Ruthie!" He then looked at Amy, "you? You are also like him?"
Amy's expression as she looked lovingly at Robert answered Michael's question.
"Michael," Ruthie said softly and a bit reluctantly fearing his reaction, "now you are like us too."
"What?" Michael replied in disbelief, "that can't be."
"I'm sorry, Michael," Ruthie continued, "I tried to save you. Robert freed you from being his guard, but Susie attacked you and made you one of us before I could stop her."
"I'm confused," Michael puthis hands over his face, "who is Susie? How could this happen?"
"I'm sorry," Ruthie began to sob, "you hate me now and I deserve it. I betrayed you by not telling you what I was when we first met."
"You were a killer then, Ruthie?" Michael said in astonishment, "I never would have guessed. You hid it well. But your skin was very cold, now that I think about it."
"Please, Michael," Ruthie begged through her tears, "don't hate me. I love you. I only wanted you to live your dreams. I never wanted you to become like this."
After a few moments of silence except for Ruthie's sobs, Michael slowly removed his hands from his face. Amy and Robert moved across the room to give them some privacy as Michael looked into Ruthie's sorrowful face, "Ruthie," he said sincerely, "after I met you, my only dream was to return and be with you forever. If I have to be a murdering creature of the night to be with you, then I will." He stood and took her into his arms.
When Ruthie finally allowed Michael to let her out of his grasp, Amy and Robert explained to Michael everything he could expect from his new physical existence along with the basic rules they followed to ensure their survival. All the while Ruthie held tightly to Michael's arm as though he would hear something that would change his attitude and he would begin to resent or even hate her for being dishonest and then reject her completely, but he did not.
"We must now feed and aid Michael in his first feed," Robert said as they rose from the table, "then we must leave this city tonight."
Amy took Robert's arm while Ruthie still held Michael's and they exited the lair together.
About the author
Alison Fish was born and raised in Waterford, Connecticut, in New London County. She received an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts from Three Rivers Community College and a Bachelors Degree in English at Eastern Connecticut State University.