Book Read Free


Page 12

by Diana Scott

girls who have to tell me about some details.

  The two of them looked at each other with a surprised look. Susy continued.

  —For example, why was I at that party? Better so, why didn’t my dear friends let me know what was awaiting for me?

  —Oh come on. Yeah, sure. Tell you that a guy hotter than Clooney wanted to be with you?

  Trying to soften Yoli’s words, Mia continued:

  —Susy, if we had told you that a polite, sweet, handsome man had been stalking my husband just to meet you, would you have come to the party willingly? Would you have giving him a shot? Would you have given you a shot? I don’t think so.

  —You know I wouldn’t have. But you are my friends… you should’ve…

  —Come one, stop saying nonsense and tell us what happened. We lost you at the beginning of the party and then we couldn’t find you, we were so worried when we say you in the garden with that handsome man that we exchanged the fear for jealousy. —Sarcasm was dropping out of Yoli’s words.

  —Did you see me in the garden?

  —Not much —Mia was trying to help her friend.

  —No, not much. We just saw those strong arms holding you with such strength that you must have lost 4 pounds.


  —Oh please! We are grown up women. That man is so hot that we could just put it in a piece of bread and eat it. She is separated, a free woman and she deserves a man that makes her go crazy.

  The three of them started laughing hysterically.

  —Well, if you put it like that —Mia responded— start talking, don’t leave anything out.

  Susy told them about everything that had happened, including the thirty days proposal.

  —And? You told him yes —Mia was so nervous.

  —Yes. But now that I think about it… I’m not too sure

  —You are not too sure! The most handsome man, the smartest, the most educated man in Madrid and you are NOT TOO SURE! Hold me! I’m going to strangle her! —Mia didn’t trust Yoli’s rage so she held her arm for a second.

  —Yoli, understand it. It’s too soon.

  —Too soon for what!? Is too late to leave that pig that wash cheating on you with that whore, with Rurik’s cousin and with everything that wore a skirt.

  —Yoli! —Mia tried to shut her friend up, but the harm was done. Another truth came to light. Another lie. Another infidelity and more pain for Susy to deal with. It wasn’t fair.

  —What did you say? Rurik’s… That’s not true! Mia tell her that that’s not true! —The tears didn’t allow her to continue — Please… Mia… please… ple…—her voice started to get lost in desperation. Mia was crying too.

  —I’m sorry.

  —Why didn’t you tell me?! Why didn’t you say anything…

  —It happened a Pablo’s wedding. I found out, it was a coincidence. I didn’t want to make you any more sad. —Tears didn’t let her continue.

  —How could you? I will never forgive you!

  Mia felt so bad. She was more of a traitor than Judas. But het intentions weren’t bad. She just didn’t want to afflige more suffering in her poor friend.

  Susy felt defeated. The new lies that had come to light had made her feel tiny again. Her hopes and dreams that something better was about to happen were vanishing. She wanted to un away immediately but her legs would not answer to her commands.

  Yoli wasn’t very educated but she knew people too much to realize what was about to happen and she wasn’t going to allow it. Her friends were not going to grow apart, and much less because of that pig’s actions. No, never. “Over her dead body”

  —Susy —She tried to sound calm— I’m sorry to talk as much as I do. I’m a silly woman and I never know when to shut up, I could talk under water, but please don’t be angry at us. You know we love you. We are the sisters that life didn’t give you. Mia and I would go until the end of the world for you if that would make you happy. There is only one person to blame in this story. And it’s not me or Mia. —She hugged her and softly touched her head —We love you so much that we hate every tear that comes out of those eyes, because he made you suffer. But… the decision to be with him or not be with him is, and will always be, yours. The rest of us are only spectators in a movie that we can’t change, even if we’d like to.

  —I know.

  Mia was crying alone in a corner of the couch. She was frozen. She couldn’t move. Susy sighed and she reached her hand and held it

  —Don’t you ever hide anything from me again? It doesn’t matter how bad it is.

  Yoli ran to hug them both. She couldn’t feel more proud of her friends.

  —I promise

  —Well, not that we’ve gotten that out of the way. —Yoli cleaned her tears— You are going to tell us if everything in his body is as hard as it seems —The three of them laughed historically while they drank coffee.


  Yoli and Mia looked at each other without understanding their friend.


  —Yes, I’m sure about giving him the thirty days and… yes everything is as hard as a rock.

  The three of them went from tears to euphoria in less then a second.

  —Then lets have a toast for our man —Yoli raised her cup— and for his hard parts!

  —Yes, yes!

  —You guys are too much! —Susy seemed to have hope, finally.

  The three of them kept talking and laughing until, suddenly, they heard a sound from WhatsApp. It was Susy’s phone.

  “Good morning, I just woke up and I’m dying to see you. A coffee?

  —Hum… can I know who sent you that text? —Mia didn’t need an answer for that, Susy’s eyes were shining so much that they were an open book.

  —What is he saying?

  —He wants to grab a coffee.

  Yoli grabbed all the coffees from her friends and dropped then in the garbage.

  —What are you doing?

  —Say yes. We are out of coffee —Then she grabbed Mia by the arm and dragged her to the door— We are leaving.

  —Girls! —They both stopped.

  —I love you.

  —And we love you, darling. —they screamed from outside— but go shower! Enjoy and don’t say “no” to anything because everything he wants to give you is only half of what you deserve. —Mia threw her a kiss.


  —Oh Yes!!!

  —Yoli! Why are you screaming and jumping like a crazy groupie?

  —I’m dying! Run! Oh God! He is on his way. Go shower. Now!

  Only you can see me

  “How can he be so handsome just wearing some jeans and a t-shirt?”

  It was humanly impossible that a simple pair of jeans could make a man look better. Nico wasn’t from this planet. At least he wasn’t from the part of the planet she usually walks around.

  She and the rest of the mothers, running around, trying to complete the list of chores they have to do, never came across men like this. She too another discrete look at him from top to bottom only to realize that he definitely wasn’t the kind of men one would encounter on their day-to-day life, for example at the supermarket or at school waiting for the kids to finish.

  Nico wasn’t from this particular world, no he wasn’t.

  He had a beautiful carefully messy hair. His waist wasn’t large or small, just wonderful.

  His legs looked at first skinny, bust as he moved for a little bit he showed muscles that would give envy to any human on earth. His white shirt was making his tanned skin even more noticeable. You could see that he invested hours and hours in practicing sports outdoors. But that wasn’t all. His sleeves were tucked up until the elbows, showing those strong arms, capable of consoling any broken heart.

  “Oh God. Susy close your mouth, you look like a retard! Stop drooling and thinking about… that wet hair and… that beautiful blonde rebel lock… that’s falling in his forehead, so warm, so unmanageable, and that scent that comes from it… what
could it be? Wood… herbs… leather?”

  “May God help me! It’s impossible to be facing him and not want to be hugged by those arms. Stop Susy! Stop now! You are an adult woman. You can handle it you can, repeat, you can…

  —Of course you can. But, do you need God to decide between a coffee and a tea? Su, are you ok? —Nico wasn’t understanding anything that was going on.

  —Yes —“I’m not only drooling but I’m also a fool that daydreams out loud— I’m great.

  —Do you feel like brunch from the menu? It’s a bit late for a breakfast and I’m starving.

  —Hm… yes, sure.

  —Are you sure you don’t have a fever. —He placed his hand on her forehead— You are warm and you seem... lost —Nico was starting to worry about her mind; she was all over the place.

  —I’m divine —“well, if you take into account that my legs are shaking and my heart goes 200 miles an hour and I could jump in your arms, I would…”— I’m perfectly fine.

  —Great! Cause I’m so glad to have you form me, you are all mine —He could hide his joy.

  “Oh God. Now that. That perfect Hollywood-smile. Where does this man come from? Handsome, thoughtful, joyful and knows how to eat.”

  —Are you going to eat all that? —She wanted to talk about unimportant things so that she didn’t have to think about his smile.

  —I’m afraid so. Last night I was at a party with a girl from a dream and I was so distracted that I didn’t grab a bite all night. Her eyes made me lose myself and forget about everything —he winked at her.

  —Oh… maybe that girl was trying to give you space but you wouldn’t let her? —Susy was quickly learning how to flirt back to Nico’s sentences.

  —Or… maybe… maybe… the little lady and I could feel how strong my

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