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My Cheating Wife

Page 20

by Jaime Thorne

  I turned to look at him, seeing him standing there with a smile on his face. He looked proud almost, happy that we had resolved our differences and that what we had wasn't coming to an end.

  “Go to him,” Jeremy whispered in my ear, and it didn't take much more convincing than that for me to go to the arms of my lover.

  I took his hand in mine and he pulled me into him. My other hand pressed against his chest and I felt his other hand caress my cheek with love before he kissed me.

  Bruce kissed me and his kiss reminded me so much of Jeremy. So much love and adoration behind it. So much potent and built up need and desire and want.

  This was right. This was where we belonged. This was what we needed to do.

  My hands found the buttons of his shirt and it felt right to do so. To unbutton and bare him and to have his hands on me doing the same. Our lips connected time and again as our hands traced familiar patterns, bringing to life one another's bodies as we had before but with no guilt now. With honesty and sincerity in our lives.

  “Take her upstairs,” Jeremy said gently, pushing us onwards. This was his place in our relationship, for now, our guide through the forests of our desire. Our host in his fantasy that was now our fantasy, shared equally.

  Bruce swept me up, cradling me like a bride and leaving me breathless. He carried me upstairs while I stared up at his handsome face. While I looked at Jeremy following behind us calm and attentive the whole way.

  Bruce carried me into our bedroom, the bedroom that would belong to all of us now not just to Jeremy and me. The bedroom that we would all share.

  None of us questioned that, it was known and understood. The new paradigm that we had accepted made it a certainty, made it undeniable.

  He carried me into our bedroom and he laid me down on the sheets. I stared up above me, at Bruce on one side and my Jeremy on the other. Both of them looking down on me, both of them staring at me with a mix of hunger and desire in their eyes.

  Jeremy looked at Bruce and Bruce at him. The first inclined their head in acknowledgment to the second, and the second nodded quickly affirmation as he slipped into bed with me and began to play.

  Bruce ran his hands down my body, his lips finding me as well. He kissed over the swell of my breasts and down the rise of my ribs. He kissed over and down my belly as his hands played at my thighs, spreading and teasing their way closer and closer to me.

  By the time he found his way inside them I was aching for him, breathing heavy and practically panting with need. My fingers were clenching the sheets as I lay my head back and closed my eyes tight. I concentrated on the touch of him, on the feel of him touching and tasting and pleasing me. I concentrated as his lips found my sex finally and began to pay off the buildup that he had been working so hard to develop.

  Oh god, the man was magic between my legs. His fingers dipping into me and pulling back slick with my juices to trace the folds and lines of me. His tongue sliding wide and fat across my slit and then hard and fast and pointy over my clit. His rhythm a complicated and near imperceptible pattern, free form jazz that solidified into a knowable beat as it layered in complexity after complexity until it was built to an undeniable rhythm I couldn't help but shudder and respond to.

  So focused was I on the pattern of it that it wasn't until I locked in on it that I realized what he was doing to me, what the physical response of my body was to the moment in front of me. How my body was trembling and throbbing with a pleasure that spawned deep inside of me, that radiated out like shockwaves until goosebumps stood out on my skin and I was panting and aching for him.

  The touch of a hand on my forehead, shifting up to stroke my hair, brought me back to the world. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Jeremy there above me, staring down at me while Bruce licked me. I looked up at him with my mouth a wide open O as the pleasure rocked through me, exploding in a thousand thousand fireworks that lit off and made my skin tingle.

  “OH FUCK!” I cried out, screaming out my pleasure as my body extended to its limit and then collapsed in on itself like a dying star.

  I clenched tight, nearly doubling over in a ball as my abdomen tensed and contracted and as I gripped everything I could to keep a hold on the world around me.

  All was light and pleasure. All was all that I could take, or so I thought.

  When I came back to the world Jeremy was gone and Bruce was sliding up my body. He slipped a kiss onto my lips, his eyes connecting with mine as his hands steadily and surely moved me into position, spreading me and pressing into me with his shuddering thickness.

  He speared me, filling me with all of him with a sigh. He pressed into me, filling me with the whole of him and making me feel fuller than I had in years. He filled me and I took him with a moan, feeling his thickness in me and feeling like I was home.

  Our fucking was slow and intense, thrusts that were full of intention and purpose and came with so many layered feelings. We'd had this before but it felt new now. It felt like it was more present and more acknowledged somehow. The barriers we'd broken down ad seen to that.

  I could feel him thrusting in me and through that, I could feel all of him. Every inch of his hard body and the weight of him above me telling me with steady thrusts just who he was and what he meant to me. He was telling me with certainty that there was no way that I could ignore this. There was no way that I could deny my truth and the truth of my purpose. The truth of being with him.

  I belonged with Bruce and I belonged with Jeremy.

  This was right.

  “God you're amazing,” he confessed, “I've felt it since the moment I met you, since the connection we had that first night. I've wanted you since then, not just your body but who you are. All of you to have and to hold. To be with.”

  I kissed the man, because what do you say to words like that? What do you say to accept a statement like that? So I kissed him instead and let the truth of my body connect with the truth of him.

  “He's right,” said Jeremy from the side of the room, “Right to see you like that. Avril, you are a singular woman. There is no one in this world like you, and we are lucky that we get to share you.”

  I looked at Jeremy, sitting off to one side nude and stroking himself. He was watching us with steady interest, with love and adoration and need.

  I smiled at the sight of him, turning back to my lover and speaking with honesty and truth to both of them.

  “I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I know that I want this and that I need this. I know that I can't live without it anymore.”

  And then I pulled Bruce down to me, pressing my lips against his ear so that Jeremy couldn't see or hear me. In a voice that was heavy with mischievousness, I whispered to him, “Come on baby let's give my husband a real show.”



  “I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I know that I want this and that I need this. I know that I can't live without it anymore.”

  Those were the words she spoke and I knew there was truth in them. I could tell from the moment we crossed the threshold of the bedroom that it was different this time.

  It would never be the same again.

  Seeing the two of them together in this way made it clear that I hadn't underestimated their connection. I watched the way that they looked at each other, the way they touched and tasted and played with each other and it was a wonder that I never saw it before.

  They were in love.

  Bruce worshipped my wife and he valued her, and that alone made him worthy in my books. I realized, watching the two of them together, that I had picked the perfect partner in all of this. The perfect partner in both of them.

  In a lot of ways, it felt like we were only now coming into the fullness of our relationship. I know that sounds crazy to say and it's probably crazy to hear, twenty years together and we are only now coming into the fullness of our lives together but as crazy as it sounds it's absolutely true.

  Before now our lives had been good, possibly even great. Before now we had been happy and we had been content and we could have possibly been more than that but we could never be all of this.

  Not like this.

  This was new and exciting but it was more than that. It was a culmination of understanding.

  I had been hiding a part of myself for years, and I understood that now. From Avril and from everyone else and while it wasn't a part that people outside of the three of us necessarily needed to know about it was still a part of me, and one that my partner deserved to know.

  To open up to her and find acceptance in it. To help her on a journey of self-discovery through my own world of pleasures, I couldn't overstate how much that meant to me.

  Avril pulled up and whispered something to Bruce and I watched her do that and then pull back with a wicked smile on her face. Whatever was happening she had a plan, she had a purpose. She was going to see things through.

  Bruce pushed off of her and rolled off the bed to stand closer to me. I watched him move, his body forceful and heavy with defined muscle but there was a lightness there too, a nimbleness to his movements that I could read in him with ease.

  Avril distracted me from him, slipping off the bed quietly and taking a place on her knees before him she reached for him and took him in her hands. Stroking him slowly and deliberately, staring up at him and looking at him while she drew all of his attention in on her. She looked beautiful there, in a firm and easy command of things as she held the pleasure of both of her lovers in her capable hands.

  And when she was certain she had him she turned to me, locking her gaze with mine with a look that was layered with intention and understanding. It was a look that seemed to say to me that she knew what she wanted from me and she knew what she needed. That she would give it to me as a gift from her, because she understood my desires.

  Avril turned her attention forward, her lips joining her hands and tracing trails up and down the length of him. She took him deep within her, diving down and filling her mouth with him and then backing off and backing out. She took him in and tasted him, taking her fill of him and taking that understanding from him that she could have all of him if she wanted.

  I listened to them, to his harsh and husky breathing. To her groaning as she strained to accommodate him. I listened to the two of them coming together as one as she pleasured him, as she took him between her lips and took him into her and I felt my desire growing within me.

  My cock was aching, as I stroked myself. Watching the two of them while my wife pleasured her lover right in front of me. I watched as the tension ratcheted up in him until he couldn't take it anymore and took action right in front of me.

  This was all on purpose, this was all intentional. Avril was pressing him to his breaking point, leaving him trembling on the edge of his satisfaction until he couldn't help but need more from her and then and only then would he be forced into action.

  Only then would the animal within him be unleashed.

  He pulled back with a gruff and strangled roar and lifted her into his arms. He picked her up like she weighed nothing at all, his muscular body holding her secure as he lowered her onto his cock and speared himself up inside of her.

  Right there in the middle of the room he fucked her. Tossing her up and catching her, thrusting his hips to press his cock inside of her while she moaned and cried out for more. They were past words now. So far past words into a world of pure animalistic delight. This was the existence they had fallen into, the spell they had fallen under, the enchantment that led them to fall into each other again and again and again and again.

  Bruce moved and carried her over to the wall away from me. He slammed her up against it and she wrapped her legs around him. She cried out for more while he fucked her against it, giving her all of himself and more than she could possibly imagine until her fingers started to leave marks from where she was digging them into his shoulders.

  “Don't stop!” came her strangled cry, “More.”

  My cock was aching while I watched this, while I watched their frantic lovemaking and stroked myself nearly to the point of aching pain. I watched this happen with eyes wild with need, watching as he masterfully worked the room until we were all dependent on him.

  Then and only then did he stop.

  And in doing so he left both Avril and me quivering on the edge of satisfaction. So close that I could feel it throbbing and pounding against the inside of my skull but just far enough off that I couldn't quite finish. It was intentional and it was cruel but it was a reminder about power and command.

  It was a reminder that he was in charge.

  Bruce took Avril then, leading her by the hand on wobbly legs until she was standing right in front of me. He pressed her back, bending her over so that her hands fell on the arms of the chair that I was sitting in. He bent her over and pressed into her from behind, filling her with his cock and making her moan right into my face.

  “He's so big baby,” she told me, “He's fucking me so fucking good Jeremy. I don't know how much more I can take from him. I don't know how much more I can stand.”

  Her words were punctuated by brutal pounding from her lover. Slow but forceful strokes of his cock inside of her as he filled her with his thickness with thundering claps of his hips on her ass.

  “Oh fuck Jeremy I'm close,” she told me, as I stroked myself to aching fulfillment in front of her, “I love it and I love you and I love him and I love all of this. Oh fuck Jeremy. Jeremy, I'm gonna CUM!”

  She shudderingly came in front of me, collapsing down and nearly falling into my lap only to be caught by Bruce. He continued to fuck himself into her, pounding her with stroke after stroke until with a groan he thrust forward and filled her.

  I wasn't touching them but I could feel it. I could feel the force of his climax and hers, building off of each other and building in each other. Building into something that did everything for me.

  With a groan I came too, wave after wave as I erupted on her face and her neck and her breasts. I covered her in my semen and he did the same. We coated her inside and out and when we were done she collapsed to the ground in a giggling pile, giddy with the excitement of satisfaction.

  “I don't think there is an inch of me that isn't positively filthy,” she said, “I need a shower.”

  “I think we all might,” I said with a grin, my breath finally coming back to me.

  “That's true,” she said, getting to her feet and kissing me lightly before taking Bruce's hand in hers, “I'll tell you what, Bruce and I will share round one in the master bathroom and you can watch.”

  She didn't wait for my assent, because she knew that she had it. She didn't need for me to put it into words because it was understood.

  This was the new normal. This was what we all accepted and what we all wanted.

  And I don't think I'd been this happy in years.



  “And to my beautiful wife, I say thank you. My life spent with you has been nothing short of amazing. Nothing short of a fantastic exploration that continues to surprise me on a daily basis. I treasure the life that we've spent together, and having you by my side over these last twenty years has made me feel truly blessed.

  “To the life we have lived, the life we continue to live, and our new explorations going forward. To growing old in each others company while continuing to find new adventures to have.”

  There was polite clapping, and no one in this company gave a second thought to the words that he spoke. No one here had any idea that layered beneath those words was a hidden meaning, a hidden intention.

  A hidden desire.

  I knew though. I knew it clear as day because I was a part of it and a party to it.

  At first, I'd felt a bit awkward about being invited to this celebration. I mean it was their twentieth wedding anniversary and while I was a part of both of their lives I had only been around for a fraction of it.
  Just the past few months.

  I took a sip of my champagne, staring out across a sea of faces that I didn't recognize. I was by far the youngest person in the room, but most certainly not the most successful.

  This was a who's who of people in such a wide variety of industries. All of them coming to bend the knee to the man who ran his company all on his own now. All of them coming to pay tribute to Jeremy and the legacy that he controlled.

  By my understanding Jacob had backed away and ceded control of things to Jeremy, retaining a financial stake in the company but stepping away from his day-to-day role. He had decided that his interests lay in other places, and last I heard he'd taken his money and gone on a sort of journey of self-exploration. I think it was much like the journey that I'd found myself on for all those years, seeking out the fullness of life.

  I wished him the best in that, passing off the torch even though all knowledge I had of the man was second-hand.

  That left a gap in the management structure, one that had been uniquely suited for my qualifications. I may not have been the most experienced of individuals, but I was a quick learner and I had a vested interest in impressing the boss.

  Don't want to piss off the man your partner is in love with after all. That could just cause all sorts of trouble.

  I wasn't in charge, I wasn't taking command. Jeremy was firmly ensconced as the leader and I wouldn't dream of taking that from him.

  Besides which I couldn't do what he did. I couldn't command the sort of implicit respect that Jeremy had over his people. I would need years of time and effort put into the office to get that level of control.

  I was the blunt instrument. I was the man at the top that you didn't want to talk to. The authority that ruled by fear and force more than anything else, not physical but emotional.


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