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Inked (The Ink Keepers Book 1)

Page 8

by N. I. Rojas

  “Kyra’s big birthday party is tonight.” -Ash informed.

  “No, sorry. I wasn’t invited.” -The boy answered looking at the floor; A secret hidden in his faint smile.

  “Kyra? You didn’t invite Mack to your party? He’s been your only company this week and you have been so not considerate.” -Ash grounded Kyra as usual.

  “I’m sorry! I forgot. You know I don’t want this party.” -Kyra protested again. - “It’s not my fault I keep trying to forget it.”

  “Then come with me, Mack.” -Ash said, ignoring Kyra totally. - “My boyfriend isn’t coming because he has the night shift in his father’s store. You can accompany me, as a friend. We don’t have to dance or anything.”

  “I’m okay.” -Mackenzie looked at Kyra for short seconds. For Kyra, that brief instant seemed a year, but she didn’t understand why. - “I’ll see you later, girls.”

  Ash looked straight at Kyra shaking her head like telling Kyra what a bad girl she had been.

  “What?” -Kyra asked, offended.

  “Cruel. Very cruel. You didn’t invite the only handsome guy who’s been with you the whole week.” -Ash said in despair. She wasn’t questioning but giving a reprisal.

  “He’s been with me because he’s forced to. I’m his tutor, for goodness sake!”

  “So you think he’s with you like a shadow just because he feels forced? I think a boy as cute as him knows his way around, especially when it comes to jilt. You’ll never have a boyfriend if keep acting like this. Girls and boys are meant to be together, you know it, right? Cause you act like you don’t care about it.”

  “I do care about it, but this isn’t the right time for me.”

  “Then… when will it be Kyra? Handsome boy at six…” -Ash interrupted her own conversation. Kyra looked in the direction Ash’s eyes were fixed and saw Mackenzie talking for the first time with Penelope Bloom, the hottest chick of Middle School. Her hair was silky smooth and blond as rays of sun. Her cheeks were always pink, as if suffering eternal blushes. Her eyes were the bluest blue anyone had ever seen in life and her smile was a killer. - “Sorry to say, but there goes your chance of handsome boy Mack.”

  Kyra waved at Mackenzie but he didn’t look at her. Or at least he didn’t show her that he was looking. With silly smiles on their faces, other guys said goodbye in exchange. Many more than what she was accustomed to, but her father had made sure that almost half of Kyra’s schoolmates were invited to her big party. Thinking of what she must rush back home to play makeovers.

  Chapter 10: A party night that changes everything

  Saturday Evening

  She has come to the marked age. Her birthday was this very day. Only her father knew what needed to be done. He knew the kind of party he must give her. The exact dress she should wear was hidden in her father’s attic, and it had been there during her entire life. The size wasn’t a problem as it would fit her perfectly no matter her body shape. That’s the best thing of magic.

  But none of them knew what was going to be of her from the moment the clock gives the end of this day. He must confess all the truth to his daughter, the reason why she has to run away. But how? His fatherly love was something that grew fast in him since the first moment he held her into his arms. He loved this baby girl since he saw her, no matter her origins, no matter the secrets. Her father was the only one to know that the mysterious pen was awaiting for this day hidden so close and yet so far during all these years. Just a few more hours he had asked. He hadn’t fulfilled all the requirements yet. The birthday party was one of them. Even against Kyra’s wishes.

  Kyra was nervous. Her father has been talking about her fifteen birthday for so long Kyra felt like vomiting and convulsing every time she hears a single birthday song. Her father said this exact birthday must be especially done. A party he’d been planning during years. Yes, planning with fear -Kyra thought. Why the insistence in a party? She wasn’t the kind of girl who enjoyed fancy parties with people she barely knew and girls and guys that had never been her friends. In fact, she was the kind of girl who’ll choose the money, or a car, or a trip on a cruise if with it she could avoid having a party so ridiculously forced as this. Being grounded in her room sounded thousand times better than a pretentious society party.

  “The big day is today then!” -Her friend Ash said. It was great to have her back. A week without her craziness was like a forced stay in a booby hatch for ‘nuts’.

  “Don’t want to talk about it.” -Kyra protested on their way home. Truth was she would have loved to talk about it, but with someone with identical feeling about parties.

  “You’ll have to face it sooner or later. If it upsets you so much, why didn’t you try to convince your father to avoid the party?” -Ash asked but she knew the answer already.

  “You think I didn’t try? My father is as stubborn as a rock is solid.”

  “Not in Fantasy Land!” -Ash mocked. - “Rocks are fluffy as cotton candy. But your father is as stubborn as the daughter. Now we know where you come from!”

  Kyra looked at the floor. Speak of her origin remained a bruise that had never truly healed.

  “I’m sorry, Ky! Forgive me... I shouldn’t...” -Ash apologized.

  “It’s okay. Anyway...” - Kyra tried to change the subject. - “You know what I think about fairy tales. That’s just a fake attempt of history. I like real history better. A book with good real information is my kind of thing. Not those strawberry books you like to read.”

  “Show some respect! Fairy tales do come true every day. Look at you! The common girl with a princess’ birthday party!” -Ash said twirling around Kyra as a princess dancing in a ball, holding an imaginary dress. - “Don’t even dare to force your daddy to cancel the party today; my dress is a stunt!”

  Kyra just laughed at her friend. What else to do? Just thinking about her father and how nervous he was this morning when she left the house made Kyra wish for Sunday to come faster.

  The day passed by slower than other day, but Kyra was grateful of the time delay. When Kyra reached her house, she almost cried.

  “I’ll borrow your transportation from here. See ya’ tonight!” -Ash said before leaving in Kyra’s bike, pedaling in a hurry.

  “Where’s dad?” -Kyra asked her stepmother when entered the house. The woman was mesmerized, watching the hair style she got from the hairdresser.

  “At the club. The cake is on its way and your father needed to check everything for a zillion time. He left your clothes in your bed. Go shower and get yourself ready; the hairdresser will be with you soon after finishing with your sister.”

  “Stepsister.” -Muttered Kyra when she was out of hearing range. Zoe never liked Kyra, but the feeling was mutual. She was always calling her “strange” or “freak”, but Kyra herself felt as normal as a dinosaur in the 21st Century. Maybe Zoe was right about her. She was just an obsolete subject, as the history books she liked so much.


  The party started and Kyra was still hiding in the club’s dressing room. His father had asked her to stay there until he sent for her. Maybe he was waiting for the reception room to be full of guests. The bigger the audience, the greater the shame.

  Anxiety forced her to walk through the small room, considering if she should show up in the party and surprise everyone, ending the expectations, killjoy as usual. Kyra couldn’t help noticing a small box hidden in a corner. A white envelope was glued to the box. Her name scrawled in her father’s thin handwriting, almost invisible as he never used enough pressure when writing. Kyra held the box with curiosity. With delicacy she tried to open the small envelope, but it was very well sealed. She was going to break it; anyway, it was a gift for her.

  “Freak? Are you there?” -Zoe knocked impatiently on the door. -Open up, Kyra.”

  “One second!” -Kyra hid the box under the nightstand and hurried to open the door to Zoe, who kept banging the door as if Kyra hadn’t told her she was on the way.

  Zoe was d
azzling, which made Kyra feel like an ugly witch. Too much dress for such insignificant little thing! Zoe’s strapless dress was beautiful bright pink, matching perfectly with her thin pink lips. Kyra, on the other hand, was wearing the dress her father has said, an emerald gown that caressed her waist and hips. So tight she couldn’t breathe. Zoe stood there looking at Kyra for a long second. - “What?”

  “You look… presentable.” -Her stepsister said. A compliment would never leave her mouth, but this was the closest thing to one. - “Your father says you can come out of your hiding. The hall is full and your chamberlain is waiting.”

  “Chamberlain? What chamberlain?” -Kyra asked in disbelief. The mere mention of that word was like a face-fall in the mud. She had been very clear with her father about no dance partner. The party was something off limits and her father won over, but Kyra thought that a boy to be with all night was definitely non-negotiable. Obviously she had failed Bargain 101.

  Praying that the chamberlain wouldn’t result in someone called Irving, Kyra followed Zoe through the long hallway that lead to sumptuous stairs. From above, Kyra watched the crowded reception hall. There were too many people down there. Impatient, she hid behind a wall. Hopefully, nobody would notice her presence until she had reached her father’s side to argue about the chamberlain. Zoe dragger her out of hiding to the top of the stairs. A bright light shone at her direction and every present guest looked at her. Mackenzie made a sudden appearance, offering Kyra his hand. She asked herself if this pity party could get any worse.

  Kyra felt ashamed, and it wasn’t the first time that day. Early, in school, every boy or girl congratulated her for her birthday, even the teachers. Kyra tried to look calm, but it was hard with Mackenzie looking at her just like a hungry boy will look a basket of freshly baked croissants.

  “He’s… interesting. Handsome, but weird. There he is.” -Zoe looked at Kyra and breathed deep. - “Don’t ruin this… for my mother’s sake. Now, take the boy’s hand and go down the stairs, dance and smile… just as I should.”

  As soon as Zoe left, Mackenzie extended his hand at Kyra, grabbing the tip of her fingers. Everybody was looking at her, waiting for her reaction. Her father was at the bottom of the stairs accompanied by his wife and Zoe. His face showed a mix of emotion and melancholy. Kyra knew she must do as Zoe told her, for her father’s sake. Take Mackenzie’s hand and dance and smile, she repeated in her mind. That will make her father happy.

  “What are you doing here?” -Impossible to follow her own instructions, Kyra asked though gritted teeth, while descended the stairs holding Mackenzie’s hand. Her father’s eyes shone so hard that made her think it wasn’t a birthday but a wedding. With those eyes of desperate kitten, she didn’t dare to make a snub against his father.

  “I’m your companion.” -Mackenzie answered.

  “Yeah, I can see that. But how? You’ve been in school for like a week! We hardly know each other. Why did you offer yourself to be my chamberlain?” -She asked a little confused.

  “Oh, I didn’t offer myself. I won the raffle.” -He answered with a huge grin. Kyra hadn’t notice how white and pretty his teeth were.

  “What raffle?” -She asked still focused on his perfectly carved teeth.

  “The one your father made. I took a few tickets to help him. I was supposed to distribute them, but I think I forgot to do it.” -Suddenly, Kyra felt the urge to go to her father and yell at him. Maybe that would be a good idea. Maybe not. But good or bad, Kyra needed to know what was going on in his mind to have done that to her, embarrassing her like that. She let go off Mackenzie’s hands and walked away from him. Mackenzie rushed after her. - “But why are you upset with me after all? You were the one telling your father I’m your boyfriend!”

  Kyra pushed past him trying to ignore his comment, but she gave him a killing gaze. Mackenzie thought it was the sexiest gaze in the world.

  “I’m growing… that’s for sure.” -With a wolfish smile in his lips he watched Kyra walk straight to her father. He praised himself as a thought like that couldn’t have showed up if he was still a little boy.

  “You made a raffle to choose a chamberlain? Do you think I cannot find a decent date by myself?” -Kyra complained to her father.

  “It was Zoe’s idea.” -Confused by Kyra’s question, her father defended himself. - “I thought you’ll love the idea of Zoe involved in something related to you, apart from always been despicable.”

  “I really don’t love the idea, dad. You know she always wants to humiliate me. Now everybody will be mocking me.” -Kyra said.

  “Don’t worry about that, baby Ky. Your chamberlain took all the tickets and I can almost swear he didn’t give any away.” -He assured with a happy grin. - “He took the job very happy.”

  “You sure?” -Kyra wanted to know. Suddenly her mood changed.

  “Pretty sure. But why are you mad at me? Isn’t he your boyfriend?” -Her father teased while softly pinching her cheek.

  “Dad! I told you already… Not. My. Boyfriend. Need me to spell it out so you can listen to me?” -Kyra tried to shout over the noise of the music, but it was useless, her father just looked at her and nodded with a complicity smile.

  “In that case I must go to the DJ to change the protocol…” -Her father said, but Kyra couldn’t distinguish the words with the rumble of the uproarious music.

  As Kyra walked back to Mackenzie’s side, resigned and praying for this night to end as fast as possible, she begged for something to force the guests to abandon the place, leaving their cameras behind.

  “Now, ladies and gentlemen, the gorgeous birthday girl… Kyra Sussanette Elizabeth Marin,” -The DJ yelled while spotlights of every color shone on her. - “accompanied with her lucky boyfriend, Mackenzie Kensington. Welcome this cute young couple!”

  The crowd exploded in cheers and whistles, while Kyra tried to dissimulate the best she could, but her face was a huge, bright billboard in the highway whose message said: WHAT?

  She did the shameful walk in the salon, Mackenzie showing his best smile. He was a cute, sweet thing, compared to her, an ordinary looking girl. The contrast was evident to Kyra’s eyes.

  Soon she managed to break free from Mackenzie. Walking straight to Ash, Kyra planned to blow off some steam, but since the beginning of the party Ash knew what was happening in Kyra’s crazy mind.

  “Don’t blame your father for looking for a dancing partner for you. He just wants to save you from being a spinster historian. I would have done the same for you, but I’m sad I didn’t come up with the idea first. our father is hilarious! Will he adopt me as a foster kid?” -Ash said flapping her lengthy lashes showered with silver glitters.

  “Oh, well, thanks for being the friend and support I need to be mad at my father.” -Kyra said sarcastically.

  “Anytime, baby, anytime! You’re much welcome to leave suggestions and comments in my blog, as you didn’t this week.” -ash hugged her hard, whispering “happy fifteen” in her ear. - “I don’t blame you. You had guy company, which is good! Now, go with him and don’t miss a second. Remember, there’s a Penelope Bloom in every sewer!”

  The party wasn’t as bad as she had thought. In fact, it was a nice change of scenery. Sharing time with Mackenzie while talking with the guests was making the time go faster than Kyra had thought. Her hands were full of greeting cards Kyra assumed contained money. She couldn’t deny that receiving a lot of money did excite her, on the contrary, she thought about all the things she could buy with a good amount of cash, like a cheap car. A very, very, very, extra cheap car.

  Sometimes, Ash and Mackenzie shared jokes Kyra couldn’t understand. This two fairy tale dreamers! Maybe living in a fairy tale should be evil. Fantasy should be a sin.

  The Waltz was announced much against Kyra’s wish, but she couldn’t decline to dance. Her father was so emotional, waiting for this instant to dance with his only baby. It was short the moment they shared dancing as the guests flooded the dance floor. Kyra f
elt sad looking at the glitter covering her father’s eyes. Tears of joy and pain entwined together while he told her sweet words of how proud he was of her, his strong and beautiful daughter.

  Soon she found herself in Mackenzie’s arms. Twirling together they spent more over an hour. Dancing with him, Kyra couldn’t stop noticing things she hasn’t taken time to see before. Mackenzie’s sharp nose, the strong line of his jaw, the soft lines drawn in his forehead. A shadow of a soft beard that had never grown in his baby face. His tousled hair. The color of his eyes was something Kyra had never seen before. Just like the night, they reflected the stars and the moon, but still they were empty. Looking at him was a blend of mixed feelings that collided, pushing, pulling, moving the universe around, creating a supernatural sensation of traveling in time. His eyes were a fountain of words that had never been uttered… A shelter, a cabin in an enchanted forest Kyra had never believed it could exist. At this moment, spinning, dancing around the ballroom, clinging into his arms Kyra could forget for the first time every one of her silly worries… her father’s fears… the reason why Mackenzie was dancing with her… and what was going to happen with them from now on, because she’ll never be the same ever again.


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