The Penguin Book of Mermaids
Page 32
“A Mermaid in Mabini,” 221–22
Ilokano volumes, Beyer Ethnographic Series, 213–14
“The Litao and Serena,” 214, 217–18
“The Mermaid,” 223–24
“The Mermaid Queen,” 214, 215–16
U.S. occupation of, 213, 219
water spirits of, 213–14
“Pincoya, The” (Chile), 269–70
Pitrè, Giuseppe, 306
Pliny the Elder, Natural History, xvi
Pōldmäe, Rudolf, 59
Pontoppidan, Natural History of Norway, 243
Pope, Alexander, 10
Poseidon, 3
Pratt, Mary Louise, xvii
pre-Columbian source, 290
“prodigies,” use of word, 21
Psalm 42, King James Bible, 152
Pseudo-Callisthenes, 305
Pukui, Mary Kawena, 245
Puna‘aikoa‘e (Makea), 251–54, 256, 258–61, 260
puri (Khasi water spirit), 189, 190, 194, 195
Pygmalion, 106
Qanavāti, Mohammad Ja‘fari, 186
Quintana Mansilla, Bernando, 269
Rāma, 6, 7
Raymond/Raymondin (in Melusina), 85, 87–88
“River Claiming Its Due” (migratory legend), 58
Robertson, Ronald Macdonald, 28, 301
Roepstorff, Frederik Adolph de, 197
Roth, Walter E., 316
“Sailor and the Mermaid of the Sea, The” (Italy), 74, 81
St. Germaine, France, mermaid exhibited at a fair in, 243
Salih the Merman, 176, 181–83
Scheherazade/Shahrazâd, 171, 174, 177, 179, 181, 183
Schhneier, Johannes, 60
Schönwerth, Franz Xaver von, 47, 303
Sciadeichthys (imiri; small catfish) (origin of), 265
Scottish Highlands, 27–34
“The Grey Selchie of Sule Skerrie,” 27, 31–32
“The Mermaid of Kessock,” 27, 29–30, 35, 197
“The Mermaid’s Grave,” 27–28, 33
Scylla and Charybdis, 5
“Sea Fairy, The” (Persia), 187–88
selkie/selchie (seal human), xviii, 27, 31–32
Seneca tales, North America, 282–86, 318
Chilean tale about, 271–72
Philippine mermaid, 213–14, 217–18, 219–20
Pincoya compared to, 270
attributes of, 5–6
as demonic symbols of evil, xix, 289
horned, 281, 285, 286
water spirits in forms of, xii, 5–8, 273–74, 276, 277, 279, 281, 287–88
worship of, 5
Servius, xxii–xxiii
sexual betrayal, stories of, xix
Shahrazâd / Scheherazade, 171, 174, 177, 179, 181, 183
Shahriman, king of Ajam, 173–83
Shango (thunder god), 165
shape-shifting, xiii–xiv, xv, xxi, xxii
Shaw, Duncan, 33
“Shoān, a Nicobar Tale” (India), 197–200
Siegfroid, 86
sightings of mermaids
Cherbourg, France, mermaid in, 243
Cupido, Daniel, 167
Edam, Holland, mermaid in, 242
Martinico, merman seen near coast of, 243
Salau, Ramota, 166
Sigismond, king of Poland, 242
Silurus (low-low; large catfish) (origin of), 265
Sindbad, 171
“Sirena” (Guam), 233–37
sirena (Italian), 306
sirena / Serena, see also Serena
definitions of, xii–xiii
differences between Pincoya-Pincoy water spirits and, 269
earliest use of word, 300
emphasis on song, 306
Greek stories of, 271, 272
knowledge of, xiv
and the Little Mermaid, 107
as nymphs, 299
Odysseus’s encounter with, xiii, 3, 5, 9–12, 73, 85, 89
seductiveness of, xx, 9–10, 131
Smith, Herbert H., 267
Naga, 5
niwesq, 291
as phallic symbols, 5
see also serpents
Sociedad del Folklore Chileno, 271
South America, 263–72
folklore of Amazonian tribes, 263
Chile, 269
“The Fisherman’s Water-Jug and Potato,” 265–66
Guyana, 263, 265
“The Mermaids,” 271–72
“Oiára, the Water-Maidens,” 267–68
Oriyu (water spirits), 263–64, 265–66, 278
“The Pincoya,” 269–70
Spanish tales about las sirenas (mermaids), 233
of appropriation, xviii–xix
of belief, x, xvi, 227, 246
Christianized content in, xix
common plots in, xvii
crosscurrents of, xv
cultural relevance of, xv, xx
folk and fairy tales, xvi–xvii
of humans held captive underwater, xix
of interspecies encounters, xvii–xviii
passed on or collected, xv–xvi
patriarchal frameworks of, xix, 13
Straparola, Giovan Francesco:
“Fortunio and the Siren,” 89–100
The Pleasant Nights, 89
“supernatural” sphere, xviii
Superstitions, Prejudices and Traditions from the Land of Otranto (Italy), 73
swan maiden (tale), 35
Tahbi and Tabhi-yiri (marine deities), 165
Taino, 263–64
Tatar, Maria, 303
Te-Roro (Brain), 14
Thousand and One Nights, The (Arabian Nights), 171–72
“‘Abdallâh the Fisherman and ‘Abdallâh the Merman,” 172
“Julnar the Mermaid and Her Son Badar Basim of Persia,” 172, 173–83
Thunder, Grandfather, 282
Thunderer (sky being), 282–86
“Ti Jeanne” (Trinidad), 274, 275–77
“Tom Moore and the Seal Woman” (Ireland), 37–39
Trakosas, Athanassios K., 66
Trinidad and Tobago:
“Maman Dlo’s Gift,” 274, 278–80
“Ti Jeanne,” 274, 275–77
tritons, xvi
“Tuna (Eel) of Lake Vaihiria, The,” 13–18
Twain, Mark, “The Lorelei” (transl.), ix
Uauyará (Oiára), 267–68
Ulysses, 11
Undine (Fouqué), 101–6, 107
Valentine, Genevieve, “Abyssus Abyssum Invocat,” 152–61
Valentino (in Straparola), 90–91, 100
Valk, Ülo, 58
Varua (Spirit), 14
Venus, 3
Vicuña Cifuentes, Julio, 271
Villanueva, Regie Barcelona, 221–22
Walinu‘u, 259–60
Walt Disney Studios, xxi, 107, 108
attributes of, xx
biform creatures of, xi–xiv
as element of human-snake hybrid, xii
life-giving and death-dealing properties of, xx
as shape-shifter, xv, xxi
symbolic role of, xv
“Water Nixie, The” (Grimm), 49
water spirits:
attributes of, xx–xxi, 13
humans becoming, xx
as omens, 57
as shape-shifters, xxi
Wavehill, Ronnie, 225, 231
Wilde, Oscar:
“The Fisherman and His Soul,” 131–35
A House of Pomegranates, 131
Wilson, Herbert Earl, 319
“Woman Who Married the Merman, The” (Coos), xx, 294–97
wonder tales, xvii
Yannakis, 66–72
“Yao Bikuni” (Japan), 205, 210–11
Yara (“beautiful river”), 279
Yas´odā, 7
Yemọja / Yemaja (Mother of Fish), 165, 166, 169
yijarni (true stories of Australia), 225
Yoruba river spirits, 165, 166, 169
Zipes, Jack, 306
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